Oh wow. He’s telling us that he is waiting for a certain indictment. This tells me that there is a plan and he is waiting for the green light. One certain indictment that triggers the military to act? This is the biggest proof and should be stickied. Sorry I am not the best at simplifying and commenting on this stuff. If I could put my thoughts to paper you would see exactly what I am talking about. This is yuge!
Oh wow. He’s telling us that he is waiting for a certain indictment. This tells me that there is a plan and he is waiting for the green light. One certain indictment that triggers the military to act? This is the biggest proof and should be stickied. Sorry I am not the best at simplifying and commenting on this stuff. If I could put my thoughts to paper you would see exactly what I am talking about. This is yuge!
Georgia up next.
Maybe it's not an indictment of him? Joe? Barry? Hillary? Just spitballing. It could be a certain indictment of Trump himself.
Yep, one setting precedent to go after the Kenyan!!
Seditious conspiracy charges
Stop being Woke would be a great start. This directed to the leadership.
Are you the military? Just wondering as you seem to speak for them.
I included +++ comment as well.
He may not be talking about himself.
Came here to say that maybe we are missing something here...
Maybe another indictment (on Trump) triggers something?
Or maybe he is referring to another persons indictment?
It's good to think on these things.
Come on atlanta, dont disappoint
As soom as they charge him with seditious conspiracy then the boomerang hits imo
ah, good thought. Been thinking about what the next indictment could be.
Maybe he just knows that every indictment improves his polls results and he is missing 1 more to achieve the assumed target.
The man is fearless.
Another reason to believe in Q and NCSWIC
I’ll give you another one. He’s alive.
I NEED ONE MORE INDICTMENT TO ENSURE MY ELECTION! https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/110826446585045013
Shitposter In Chief!!!
Are the 3 plusses at the bottom of his page always there or is that a comm? Or someone following him? I’m a dummy.
That’s not from Trump. That is someone (named +++) replying to him.
I like the reply @01010001 LoL = Q
Pepe and Q are quite close.
I love Trump PEPE!!!!
It only it could be by my name
I'm sure the cunts in Atlanta are ready to serve.
What will the last indictment be?
Election? Not re-election? Does that mean the military actually installed him the first time?
The current Resident is Biden. If he becomes president, he is "elected".
Re-elected means twice in a row.
I didn't realize it had to be consecutive to be considered 're'. 👍
Shit, Biden's proved you don't even need to make it a full term to be considered 're....
4621Q-Post 4621 (I don’t know how to add a pic). #2. Trump 4/4/23 #3. Trump 6/8/23 #4. Trump 7/27/23 addendum #5. Trump 8/1/23 #6. ??????????
*seen this on another app and I believe it fits also.