That's what I started pondering after reading THIS article.
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I started this thread before watching THIS video originally posted by DCGRITS in his thread HERE.
It all makes perfect sense now. JFK created the special forces before he was killed. He knew there had to be a section that wasn't controlled by the Deep State. I now believe there is a section of our military that is still part of the Republic. The rest of the military is owned by the corporation.
The republic. Devolution is in play. Trump is Commander in chief . Not everyone knows President and commander in chief can be 2 different people.
President of the corporation of the US is Biden
President of the people is Trump
Bidet is the installed pResident of the corporation. He didn't even legitimately win that election. Trump did.
I believe the republic has been restored with DJT as president so there are actually two presidents right now. The white hat controlled "Biden" destroying the corproration and DJT going to resurrect the republic. If DJT becomes president of the corporation again, it will only be to strike the finishing blows.
Why do I think that? Remember the "very big announcement" Nov. 15 2022 from Mar A Lago? It was a raucous celebration on the 245th anniversary of the signing of the articles of confederation. It's worth rewatching if you're on the fence about what's going on with the corporation and the republic
Agree. This also what Kim Clement predicted, that there would be two Presidents, before he died several years ago.
I had forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder.
And that there would be two Trumps in the WH. I think it means two terms of DT not two different people from the Trump family.
I dont recall Clement's prophecy saying there would be two Trumps as President at the same time, just two Presidents...which is what we have, whether or not people want to see it.
That's when the MSM was about to blame Russia for a middle attack but they retracted it?
I always believed that the SOF was the only branch that belongs to republic after hearing about its history, how JFK set up the foundations for it, and JFK's EO that Trump enacted as one of the last things he did after 2020 elections. That, added with the general wokeness and degeneracy in the military makes me thing that the rest of the military works for the corporation.
I find this to be much more factual and succinct take on the CORP US topic:
It is not a counter argument to OP's article, in fact it backs up most of what it says. But it stays out of the theory side of it, such as "you own nothing, born in debt, essentially a slave, etc.).
One key difference is, this take (the one I posted) posits that it was all legal and essentially loop holes (my words) that allowed US CORP to be formed and take so much control. It also seems to conclude that our original federal government is still legally intact (nothing was dissolved), just compromised by layers of contracts and laws.
I also think it is a better source of material if you are going to attempt to engage a normie on this topic.
military belongs to US now as the federated government for the united states again. Saying it belongs though is a Misnomer as it has always been it's own Seperate Part of the govt by design and to support the citizens of Our Nation. The Military of the Corporation is no more and that is extremely evident. As stated SOF are trainerrs and when and if necessary, we x-military will be ready in body and spirit for battle once more.
who pays the bills
I would assume the US Treasury which Trump rolled the republic assets into upon dissolving the Fed with his executive order proprietary to Biden. This is what caused the fence around DC to be erected, because it became an enemy foreign occupying power as per the law of war.
He then retained the command and control of the US army through space force which sits above it all. This is also how he removes the executive branch, by promoting them to space force, and then dealing with their traitorous asses.
He is still commander in chief. X22 last saturday(end of July) w Derek Johnson laid it out nicely.
But why are they still able to charge him with crimes if he is really still Commander in Chief? Can't that be stopped?
If I’m not mistaken, the Marines take orders directly from the president. They do not have to go through the pentagon. u/#q22 Someone school me here.
The Navy is the only constitutional military in this country. We are supposed to be protected and defended by our own militias. Standing armies are always used to invade other countries.
i remember swearing to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. didn't say anything about DC.
Kinda think that's why Space Force was created...
Our republic. The US Military response to the Ukraine vs. Russia conflict is proof of this. The China vs. Taiwan will be as well.
President Donald Trump introduced and signed a 2nd Declaration of Independance on July 4, 2020 that does not have all caps in the United States of America therefore declaring our Independance from the entities that usurped control of U.S. in 1871. The corporation of the United States is bankrupt and has been wrestled back from our overlords The City of London , The British Crown and The Vatican and their OPERATIVES in the media , government and society...its just a matter of time before all the people know the truth of what has transpired over our history and the TRUTH of what this means for OUR REPUBLIC
Will my dollars be accepted in the republic or are we getting a sound form of currency? What will happen with the existing dollars? Is that why they're giving them away like there's no tomorrow?
It's not that they belong to "the republic" or "the corporation", it's that some factions of the military report directly to the President. If the President is fighting the Deep State, they can too
The military existed before the Republic or the corporation.
Kim: and there shall be 2 presidents
So you're buying into the Non-Law side of the story....
Be careful, these peope don't know what it is they're reading, and have the entire story fully wrong, they have maybe 1/5th of this whole thing correct, things like The Republic isn't what is currently in Charge....
But the Republic cannot be Killed, nor Destroyed, it still exists, whether these Idiots like it or not, it may have been INFESTED with parasites, and is being run by those same Parasites, but it still exists....
Yes, there WAS at one time a U.S. Corporation, created in 1871, but was Destroyed in 1874, a simple 3 years later for ""reasons""....
Yes, the Masons do Run a huge part of the Country, but not all of it....
It's amazing I can still find this on Wiki, since the Stupids keep trying to remove the truth so their ""Truth"" can be pushed forward in support of the DS::
""In 1873, President Ulysses S. Grant appointed the board's most influential member, Alexander Robey Shepherd, to the new post of governor. Shepherd authorized large-scale projects to modernize the District of Columbia but spent three times the approved budget, bankrupting the district. In 1874, Congress abolished the District's local government in favor of direct rule.[20]""
Reference 20:: Wilcox, Delos Franklin (1910). Great cities in America: their problems and their government. The Macmillan Company. pp. 27–30.
District of Columbia home rule
""1973 Home Rule Act
On December 24, 1973, Congress enacted the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, providing for a popularly elected mayor and 13-member Council.[27] Each of the district's eight wards elects a single member of the council and five members, including the chairman, are elected at large.[28] ""
Same website....
Point is, D.C. is its own Corporation, and is NOT part of the U.S. Government in any way, shape or form as your links claim....
The Federal Corporation they reference is NON-Existent, it is still the Republic as it always was, but is INFECTED with Parasites from the Deep State, who have been around for at least 600 Years, that I know of....
My point on this is that these CLOWNS, 🤡🤡s, have NEVER studied Law, Maxims of Law, Axioms of Law, Legalese, and do NOT speak from a point of any truth, just a bunch of made up Fantasy....
Most of what we see them espousing is coming directly from Secret societies, the Misinterpretation of Legalese into Common Speak, and purely made up assumptions, not saying that these Secret societies don't exist, they do, and their Top People are the ones who are Running the DS....
But the Effects, do not come from where these people are saying they come from, matter of Fact, much of it comes directly from the 14th Amendment, and Greed, but mainly the Current 13th, 14th, 15th, Amendments while purposely occluding the Original Titles of Nobility Amendment, the Original 13th Amendment::
PDF Link::
Another Link::
It's a Huge mess, and those whom you have presented as having god info, honestly do not, they have a very good Fiction Story and Few Facts, if any at all....
A VERY powerful set of lectures / talks here from David Straight. Explaining about law and legal, about jurisdiction of the Land, the Air and the Water (LAW). aka asset law, trust law, commercial law.
This sort of content is critical in getting a handle on the concept of how there are TWO entities: the USA and the US. The Republic and the Corporation.
I cannot confirm how much he says is factual, but it has the ring of truth in it, and it intersects with what I know about law vs legal. His claims about him and DJT, etc, are impressive, but again, unverified.
On a positive note, I looked up his name and he is described by the Anti-Defamation League (aka Marxist) website as:
I'm still listening. At this point, I'd say his content is a must-listen for patriots in the United States of America. Even to just hear the ideas. It should help shed light on the Republic vs Corporation paradigm.
Five Part Seminar - David Straight (You can see all five sections at the channel below.)
MORE FANTASY with ZERO Basis in Law or Legalese....
Just a bunch of Clowns speaking in Common Daily Slango....
So you don't find any significance in Trump re-truthing the Jan Halper-Hayes video talking about the US Corporation being dissolved for a transition back to the Republic?
Oh I'm not saying that at all, there IS somewhat of a Corporation built up inside of the Republic, but it isn't at all what the Fantasy Story Tellers are saying it is....
It's like a Mirror Image of the Republic, except that all of the Rules of the Republic still apply, and so do all of the Imaginative Rules of the Image also apply, but it all depends upon the context of the situation as to which specific Rules can be applied....
It's a Dual System, but the Corporation that SHE is speaking about, is all the Unconstitutional Agencies created Inside of the Republic, and there are many more than the PUBLIC knows of....
David Straight is a mixed bag. I've listened to quite a bit of his stuff and also heard many criticisms from his former students.
Let's just say the guy is quite likely a pathological liar, especially when it comes to his own achievements and accomplishments in particular.
I don't trust him, even though he is sharing many truths about the legal-lawful clusterfork he's learned over the years.
One guy I know has been researching all these gurus for the past 4 years and brings forth a fairly objective look at who is on the up-and-up, versus those that are questionable. I'm not particularly impressed with him in general, but he's interacted with the vast majority of people out there in this space --- more than anybody else I'm aware of. It's worth considering his position. Here are some recent videos where he covers this. You'll have to fast-forward through all the opening BS to get to the meat of both of these videos. They're long and winding but the analysis is in there.
I've arrived at similar conclusions. David Straight and Anna Von Reitz are two of the more popular figures in the US. They have a lot of valuable information to share, but ultimately they have also failed many of their followers. This idea of "status correction" isn't what it's cracked up to be. And in many cases, gets people into more trouble than they were originally in.
Good to have your input. I'll need to listen more to make any serious assessment, and until then, its parked in the (taking in the information) section.
Some of his personalized claims did sound a bit over-the-top.
I agree with the assessment of u/Morpheus11. Having listened to about 20 hours of Straight nonsense from David, I'm convinced he's perhaps the most dangerous kind of liar - the kind that believes their own lies. Sure, there are some sound principles in what he is teaching. How does one differentiate between the accurate vs the B.S.? It was as you mentioned, his personalized claims that really did it for me. So many claims of a close connection with Trump. Trump this, Trump that.
Just to name a few I recall: Trump has entrusted DAVID with waking up the people. He was on a helicopter with Trump and JFK Jr. and they landed on top of Mt. Rushmore. He knows exactly who Q is. He has Trumps new declaration of independence (never before shared) and read it on a video. (text I found elsewhere on the web, an intelligent person wrote but I'm sure it was a civilian) He is on the inside track with Trump for EVERYTHING that's going on.
If any of this insider stuff were true, he would NOT be talking about it. He would not be sharing any of THE PLAN on his videos and leaking information as he is about THE PLAN. He would not be bragging about his connection to Trump. Trump would never in a million years entrust someone like David with any of this information.
THEREFORE David is a Straight up liar and conman. I wouldn't dare follow any of his information.
An interesting and wild concept he talked about was Cestui Que Vie Trust. We're all trust fund babies. We're rich. We can pay bills and even purchase assets with our trust funds. Amazing!
Wow. You listened to 20 hours? That's marathon.
You make some interesting comments. Obviously a longer listen is necessary, but assuming your are right, the sad thing is that much of what he talks about is at least partially factual. THe issues of the law, the constitution, innate rights, commercial and statue law, etc - these are very real, as far as I can see.
But as Morpheus points out, folks like DS become gurus to certain people and folks can get into trouble when they act on incorrect information or limited understandings.
I obviously need to listen more; it seems I jumped the gun in recommending this fellow because some of the things he spoke about resonate and ARE factual, as far as I can see.
But narcissists, conmen, deceivers, etc, always mix truth with lies. The respect for truth only exists as a matter on convenience, when it serves. Elsewise, it is abandoned.
Thanks for the comment.
Some where I had read President Trump had a executive order pertaining to this subject due to the fact that he KNEW cheating was underway
Define military?
It doesn't work like that. If you are in the military you report to whomever is directly above you. You follow the chain of command, and it's very publicly listed who your chain of command is. You are supposed to memorize it. And publicly the military's commander and chief is "Joe Biden". What you are really asking is if "Joe Biden" is really "Joe Biden". Or is he a White Hat actor. You will have to make up your own mind about that. I firmly believe he's sometimes an actor in a mask and sometimes CGI. Therefore, our Military are the good guys. If you believe that's actually "Joe Biden". Then the Military reports to the bad guys.
*Commander IN Chief