It's gonna be competing with the news that Obama smokes dick and Big Mike has one. I could see the melding of the stunning and brave stories though. They'll call it the "year of the woman" or some shit, conflating Harris and Big Mike as stunning and brave "women".
Kamala as President should be very easy for her. The same folks that are pulling Biden's strings and whispering in his earpiece will do the same for her.
So let's game out Biden falls ill and is incapacitated. Harris assumes presidency. Truth continues to come out on all the things (Election fraud, covid origin story, Jan6, FBI CIA DOJ involvement in all the scandals and in trying to take down Trump both now and while he was sitting President, her actual inelligability to be a sitting president, and more).
How competent will Harris be at responding to these significant problems all of which threaten the legitimacy of Biden and therefore her presidency. Often a VP who becomes president doesn't get along great with the former presidents cabinet. Could cause a lot of problems with consistent messaging and unified response. If Biden's cabinet gets really hostile, it could make the Harris ineligible thing go mainstream and then we get a the rhino McCarthy.
Not sure where things go from there, but from election standpoint, Biden would be out and it would be Trump v Kennedy. Neither of which, I think, would be cheating. 2024 is thus a real election.
Thank you Madam VP.... We actually anticipated this a year ago, but better late than never, right? it is SUCH a comfort to know that you will step in to replace incompetence and right the ship. And of course this would be a fabulous first step in your campaign.
She’s not eligible! She and her parents were “...subject to jurisdiction of...” a nation not the USA when she was spawned. This means she’s not legally eligible to be president.
Just when you thought our country couldn't stoop to a lower level...this anchor baby gets put front and center...
Prepare for all the "stunning and brave historical first hoe in the WH" rhetoric plastered all over everything.
Nobody cares about your gender...We already had a gay & tranny couple in there.
Maybe this is the Friday 9/8 LARP?
Could this be the "Scare Event" ???
It's gonna be competing with the news that Obama smokes dick and Big Mike has one. I could see the melding of the stunning and brave stories though. They'll call it the "year of the woman" or some shit, conflating Harris and Big Mike as stunning and brave "women".
Brandon is the rotting dead chicken hanging around the bad dog's neck. Let the Dims wear him. Perfect prep for 2024.
I bet you are you stupid BITCH
"We'll have to see what happens."
-- Dave
"Very interesting."
The narrative is rolling.
Yeah. NO!
Came here to post that. 🤢🤮🙈👎
I really don't want to look at her at all but it that really her in that picture... I need more covfefe.
Here we go……!!!!!
God forfend!!!!
🤢🤮 she isn't qualified to be president. She should never have been VP.
Kamala as President should be very easy for her. The same folks that are pulling Biden's strings and whispering in his earpiece will do the same for her.
So let's game out Biden falls ill and is incapacitated. Harris assumes presidency. Truth continues to come out on all the things (Election fraud, covid origin story, Jan6, FBI CIA DOJ involvement in all the scandals and in trying to take down Trump both now and while he was sitting President, her actual inelligability to be a sitting president, and more).
How competent will Harris be at responding to these significant problems all of which threaten the legitimacy of Biden and therefore her presidency. Often a VP who becomes president doesn't get along great with the former presidents cabinet. Could cause a lot of problems with consistent messaging and unified response. If Biden's cabinet gets really hostile, it could make the Harris ineligible thing go mainstream and then we get a the rhino McCarthy.
Not sure where things go from there, but from election standpoint, Biden would be out and it would be Trump v Kennedy. Neither of which, I think, would be cheating. 2024 is thus a real election.
Only problem with my musing here is I don't know if this generates the mass pop awakening in the way intended or not.
Thank you Madam VP.... We actually anticipated this a year ago, but better late than never, right? it is SUCH a comfort to know that you will step in to replace incompetence and right the ship. And of course this would be a fabulous first step in your campaign.
I bet her "Presidential Duties" still require her to wear knee pads.
she's not natural born
didn't stop Obama
Kameltoe can't even step into her high heels. 🙄
Great. Going from a senile racist douchebag to a brainless racist ho. This is the Democrat party.
Here we go, this should be amazing.
Here we go
Change of batter.
there goes the neighborhood...........
Very scary thought.
No shit that’s kinda in the description of being vice president. God save us if it does come to that
She’s not eligible! She and her parents were “...subject to jurisdiction of...” a nation not the USA when she was spawned. This means she’s not legally eligible to be president.
Dint stop barry
To be fair Barry's mother made him eligibile.
He's still a traitorous POS, his brother agrees.
Natural born citizen
Didn't I see somewhere that such a happening would bring the military in at last?
Obvious Body Double
same master, different puppet
all expendable to the Lodge
How can we even say if Biden is unwell without laughing?
Dear LORD, have mercy on us!