Because they ARE cheap and are not as profitable for Big Pharma as their prescription-only meds... which will probably turn out to have Benadryl too, but also a lot of other contaminants that no sane person would ingest.
The same thing happened many decades ago with Lithium Carbonate. LC is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and it was found to treat bipolar conditions quite well. But no pharmaceutical company would touch it and do the required clinical trials to bring the substance into use, because there was no profit to be made.
It was the Veteran's Administration (back when government actually worked for We The People) who did the clinical trials and got LC approved for use with bipolar patients. Since Big Pharma did not invest anything in clinical trials, they were then free to market their own versions of Lithium Carbonate profitably.
phenylephrine, the drug being targeted, is a shit replacement for Pseudoephedrine which is still available behind the counter. It really doesnt work that well. Pseudoephedrine was put behind the counter due to meth cooks using it en masse as a key ingredient.
Ephedrine is found in ECA-stack(ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin) which has been a legal weight/bodylifting supplement for decades as it is a thermogenic(increases boy-temp and therefor aiding metabolism of fat).
Might be worth considering for anyone that may need something that actually works on occasion, all ECA-stack ingredients are ingredients that people have been using on a constant basis for decades so they are known quantities unlike various 'amazeodrine' alternatives....
these are not the original sudafed, the original is not being trashed. the original is behind the counter b/c it is used to help create meth.
The new one is not used for meth and likely doesn't work, but they use the trusted name like sudafed to sell it.
the FDA is a piece of shit, but I think on this one they may be right. If they force out the new form, the old form that works will still be available, just behind the counter as it has been for a decade plus.
This is critical thinking right here folks. Instead of blindly trusting the FDA, ask questions, research, and come to your own conclusion.
There may be other motives here ($$), but I too found current OTC decongestants to be lacking. Maybe these drugs work against COVID and they're doing to it what they did to Ranitidine.
They don't "ban" things because they "dont work". The way I see it, they are either effective at something they dont want them used for (like a new covid strain or a whole new bug) OR its a $ thing.
Like when they tried to ban NAC back when that was very good at battling covid
Benadryl, if actually included (first I heard, so now I'll need to look again) is also a very effective drug and is really good at what it does, it's just that first generation antihistamines are not great for your brain over time.
They never take these things off the shelf for "not working".
Remember that they were trying to get you to stop buying vitamin C as well.
they aren't talking about banning benadryl antihistamine, so other benadryl with the new type of decongestant.
I am not debating that fda doesn't have alterior motives, but the new version of the decongestants don't work as well as the old, and the old is now behind the counter making it more difficult to get.
It sounds like the new and the old have confused a lot of people as to what they are getting.
Government should no more be forcibly deciding what drugs you can buy than it should be forcibly deciding what you have for breakfast.
Tyranny never works out well, and government "regulation" is nothing but control, initiated by clueless and corrupt politicians and carried out by unelected bureaucrats who are easily bought by big business or other special interests (regulatory capture) at which point the "regulation" works AGAINST the people and FOR the business or special interests.
"A little bit of government" is like being "a little pregnant." Small government doesn't stay small for long. Small government BECOMES big-government tyranny; see American history for solid proof.
No. Banning the lobbyist won't do a thing in the world other than force industry and special interests to work slightly harder to disguise their bribes and other control methods.
Consider how the freaking BILL OF RIGHTS and the rest of the U.S. CONSTITUTION are blatantly ignored today. The erosion in fidelity to those documents began as the ink was drying on the pages.
Any group "granted" the right to INITIATE coercion will become evil. That was the core of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings -- that POWER, by NAME, is hellishly addictive and impossible to use (even with good intentions) without creating evil. That is because initiating coercion against other human beings is a crime, and calling it "government" does not change that.
America became great in large part because we came the closest, of all large nations, to being free. We "tied government down with the chains of the Constitution." And the result was spectacular, but the method -- i.e., only enslaving the people a LITTLE bit -- was unsound. A little bit of evil is not GOOD, it is just better than a LOT of evil -- but evil always works to expand . . . and here we are, living in an honest-go-God tyranny that grew from our small, highly-restrained government.
LOTR is fiction, but Tolkien's point is real: until we have an actual civil society, we will be unable to prevent the growth and entrenchment of corruption and evil.
They should legalize selling everything without a prescription(short of top-tier antibiotics, because people are stupid..) and simply have people show ID and sign a waiver when they buy certain things without a prescription.
As a would force the pharma industry into becoming a market ruled industry as it would quickly show in sales what worked and what people didn't buy, would likely just as quick show some alternative uses for certain drugs that only people trying would reveal....
Pseudoephedrine is the original decongestant in Sudafed. It’s a sympathetic nervous system stimulant that induces “fight or flight” response, which raises your heart rate and blood pressure. Part of the effect is to constrict blood vessels, which is how it works as a decongestant. Constricting the capillaries in your sinuses and nasal passages reduces the swelling, which opens up the breathing passages.
Wow, interesting, thank you. I try not to take a lot of meds, but for a while there I was getting serious side effects from spring pollen. I was trying to avoid taking an antibiotic and instead went for OTC meds. Benadryl and wasn’t cutting it, so I tried Sudafed. Wow- that was intense. After I took it and had that reaction, I remember why I hadn’t bought it in a good 15 years. I remember it having the same effect on me a long time ago.
This is to paint the idea that they care whether things work or not. They are happy to approve vaccines with zero placebo trials - so they do this as a countersignal to prevent people saying "hey look they never ban anything, they are a rubber stamp shop"
Pretty sure it’s just medicines containing phenylephrine and not those containing pseudoephedrine. The former never worked for me while the latter works far too well.
You are the correct one, but no one is listening. As a lifelong sufferer of allergies, the PE bullshit has never worked for me. I only use meds with pseudoephedrine which DOES work for me. I don't think this is any kind of conspiracy. They are just wanting to remove the OTC PE stuff, not the behind-the-counter stuff. I don't really care about this development because in this case, the govt is right. shhh, don't tell anyone i said that :)
not sure why they are removing it though. the shelves are full of shit that doesn't work.
All, they are not banning the original sudafed, the original was pulled behind the counter a long time ago. The old stuff works for sure. Many don't know that there was even a change since the boxes look the same. So they sell the new stuff as if it were the old stuff. I never buy the new stuff b/c it doesn't work, either get the behind the counter stuff or pay a ton for mucinex dm.
Any way, yes the fda sucks, but that doesn't mean 100% of their decisions are wrong. Probably more like 95% are wrong.
You have to read the story to find the truth about this - it's NOT Sudafed or Benadryl they're pulling but the crap they put on the shelves when they put real Sudafed - pseudoephedrine - behind the counter. That stuff is Sudafed PE and other useless allergy meds containing phenylephrine and anyone with allergies could have told you years ago it does NOTHING. For years, in order to buy real Sudafed, you have had to go to the pharmacy counter and show an ID to buy it. So dumping the useless garbage is a good thing, not a bad one. It should have been done years ago. The FDA is yet another federal agency that should be dumped.
I tried them all back in the day and they didn’t seem to work for me. Since I started a daily morning sinus rinse(squeeze bottle) about fifteen years ago, I haven’t used any of them. If I am super congested, a hot pepper to loosen things up followed by sinus rinse.
Sinus rinse is the best thing I have ever done for my health.
Benadryl is not a decongestant, it is an anti histamine, and works for severe allergic reactions. they put it in "cold medicine" to dry up nasal secretions, the other ingredient they added to Sudafed does not work that well, they replaced the real Sudafed with another, because people were making meth with the "real" drug, epinephrine. Benadryl dries up secretions so well, it should not be taken all the time, it can dry out the brain fluid! There are better anti histamines on the market, but, for poison ivy rash, severe allergic reaction diphynhydramine (Benadryl) is the go to. I personally think Benadryl can be abused, especially for children, trailer trash people use it to sedate their children when they don't want to be bothered with being a parent.
Benadryl was found to work with coof in eliminating the inflammation in the sinus and lungs. Many studies on this. One more reason they want it gone I’m sure.
Histamine causes inflammation, and when the immune cells are fighting the infection, they react to all histamine , even when you are not allergic to anything in the environment or food. Histamine is produced to break down foods, but it also makes inflammation happen. My doc does not care for it, she prefers Claritin or Allegra, as an immediate response to "covid", because of the drying effect. Benadryl does act a lot faster, but as a preventative to over reactive immune response, which causes a cytokine storm, which is what kills people with a virus, she advises daily doses of allegra or claritin, and pepcid ac, which destroys the histamines in our gut. So Benadryl is old school, with some unwanted side effects. I do use the gel if I get rashy while out in the garden, from contact with certain plants, nettle, comfrey, (invasive as heck so I am always chopping away at it).
This natural alternative works better than Sudafed guaffinex and nasal sprays.. it's easy to make and cheap. Friends with emphysema and copd swear by it. It dries everything up!
Thank you, this was a new one to me. Found this nih published study that details the compounds in this plant (Bidens pilosa) and when alcohol extract (tincture) or water extract (tea) works best for different problems. It's great for a wide range of issues, and I'm going to hunt patches this weekend.
I am glad someone on here appreciates the info. Seems like everyone on here is still debating why they will take away a drug, instead of researching the alternatives and acting upon it! Happy hunting, it truly works. :-)
This site is about asking all the questions, the why, who and wherefore as well as the how. I do the how more often, but I learn a lot from the why and the who etc.
Phenylephrine has had its useful purposes in my own husband suffers aphasia from all the strokes....involves random coughing/choking fits which often lead to absence seizures. The phenylephrine does a heck of a good job controlling his cough. Less than ideal, but much preferable to a seizure.
Anecdotal, but Sudafed seems to have literally cured my allergies. I used to have bad allergies and was allergic to dogs/cats and Sudafed was the only thing that would clear my sinuses and allow me to breathe. I would take at least one every day. After a year I no longer needed to take it and I could breathe freely even around cats, dogs!
I don't know how/why it worked that way, but it did. Tell me Sudafed doesn't work and I'll laugh really hard in your face for a long time.
The next active ingredient will probably be named something "sillsioctvanimab" but will actually be just glucose.
All those guys in the early 20th century that were called "quacks" and "snake oil salesmen" - how does anyone not understand that they just shifted and took over the pharmaceutical companies?? With all the things we are learning now, it's so much easier to see how scientists, corporations and govt "watchdogs" could be bribed or blackmailed into looking the other way.
People are more and more paranoid about their health than ever (hey covid!). Standards in research/testing etc are collapsing. It's a "perfect storm" for just shoving out placebos (like glucose or chalk) for big BIG $$$ because it can play on peoples' fears.
All these types of OVC counter drugs do is offer relief and don't fix anything just like pain med's, so I'm not sure by "they don't work means", all they ever offered was too relive symptoms, which they do so they work.
There was a time when Sudafed was my best friend. It worked wonders for me. I don’t need it all the time anymore. There was one time when my allergist suggested I try Flonase; this was years ago. I ended up with a bleeder in my retina and went to the eye doctor. His first question was, “do you use Flonase?” Apparently bleeds in the retina are a side effect. I stopped and my eye healed. Nothing but saline mist goes up my nose now!
They do work, and they're cheap.
Hmmm... I'm baffled as to why they would discontinue these.
Because they ARE cheap and are not as profitable for Big Pharma as their prescription-only meds... which will probably turn out to have Benadryl too, but also a lot of other contaminants that no sane person would ingest.
The same thing happened many decades ago with Lithium Carbonate. LC is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and it was found to treat bipolar conditions quite well. But no pharmaceutical company would touch it and do the required clinical trials to bring the substance into use, because there was no profit to be made.
It was the Veteran's Administration (back when government actually worked for We The People) who did the clinical trials and got LC approved for use with bipolar patients. Since Big Pharma did not invest anything in clinical trials, they were then free to market their own versions of Lithium Carbonate profitably.
How our world works in one easy lesson.
Yeah I know.
I was being facetious
Heh, I know, I was just making a point about Big Pharma and the profit motive.
phenylephrine, the drug being targeted, is a shit replacement for Pseudoephedrine which is still available behind the counter. It really doesnt work that well. Pseudoephedrine was put behind the counter due to meth cooks using it en masse as a key ingredient.
Ephedrine is found in ECA-stack(ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin) which has been a legal weight/bodylifting supplement for decades as it is a thermogenic(increases boy-temp and therefor aiding metabolism of fat).
Might be worth considering for anyone that may need something that actually works on occasion, all ECA-stack ingredients are ingredients that people have been using on a constant basis for decades so they are known quantities unlike various 'amazeodrine' alternatives....
Sudafed is not ephedrine.
these are not the original sudafed, the original is not being trashed. the original is behind the counter b/c it is used to help create meth.
The new one is not used for meth and likely doesn't work, but they use the trusted name like sudafed to sell it.
the FDA is a piece of shit, but I think on this one they may be right. If they force out the new form, the old form that works will still be available, just behind the counter as it has been for a decade plus.
This is critical thinking right here folks. Instead of blindly trusting the FDA, ask questions, research, and come to your own conclusion.
There may be other motives here ($$), but I too found current OTC decongestants to be lacking. Maybe these drugs work against COVID and they're doing to it what they did to Ranitidine.
They don't "ban" things because they "dont work". The way I see it, they are either effective at something they dont want them used for (like a new covid strain or a whole new bug) OR its a $ thing.
Like when they tried to ban NAC back when that was very good at battling covid
I have had no problem with OTCs working.
Benadryl, if actually included (first I heard, so now I'll need to look again) is also a very effective drug and is really good at what it does, it's just that first generation antihistamines are not great for your brain over time.
They never take these things off the shelf for "not working".
Remember that they were trying to get you to stop buying vitamin C as well.
they aren't talking about banning benadryl antihistamine, so other benadryl with the new type of decongestant.
I am not debating that fda doesn't have alterior motives, but the new version of the decongestants don't work as well as the old, and the old is now behind the counter making it more difficult to get.
It sounds like the new and the old have confused a lot of people as to what they are getting.
This needs to be higher!
Jab the nose.
Baffled? You have something in common with the doctors.
Yes... tis the reason I used that word
"Baffled"= ignoring the obvious
Government should no more be forcibly deciding what drugs you can buy than it should be forcibly deciding what you have for breakfast.
Tyranny never works out well, and government "regulation" is nothing but control, initiated by clueless and corrupt politicians and carried out by unelected bureaucrats who are easily bought by big business or other special interests (regulatory capture) at which point the "regulation" works AGAINST the people and FOR the business or special interests.
"A little bit of government" is like being "a little pregnant." Small government doesn't stay small for long. Small government BECOMES big-government tyranny; see American history for solid proof.
I think what you are saying is, "ban the lobbyist."
No. Banning the lobbyist won't do a thing in the world other than force industry and special interests to work slightly harder to disguise their bribes and other control methods.
Consider how the freaking BILL OF RIGHTS and the rest of the U.S. CONSTITUTION are blatantly ignored today. The erosion in fidelity to those documents began as the ink was drying on the pages.
Any group "granted" the right to INITIATE coercion will become evil. That was the core of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings -- that POWER, by NAME, is hellishly addictive and impossible to use (even with good intentions) without creating evil. That is because initiating coercion against other human beings is a crime, and calling it "government" does not change that.
America became great in large part because we came the closest, of all large nations, to being free. We "tied government down with the chains of the Constitution." And the result was spectacular, but the method -- i.e., only enslaving the people a LITTLE bit -- was unsound. A little bit of evil is not GOOD, it is just better than a LOT of evil -- but evil always works to expand . . . and here we are, living in an honest-go-God tyranny that grew from our small, highly-restrained government.
LOTR is fiction, but Tolkien's point is real: until we have an actual civil society, we will be unable to prevent the growth and entrenchment of corruption and evil.
Not a popular opinion here, I know . . .
My favorite story is LOTR. It just read like history book. It's true.
I know this feel more like communist regime right now.
They should legalize selling everything without a prescription(short of top-tier antibiotics, because people are stupid..) and simply have people show ID and sign a waiver when they buy certain things without a prescription.
As a would force the pharma industry into becoming a market ruled industry as it would quickly show in sales what worked and what people didn't buy, would likely just as quick show some alternative uses for certain drugs that only people trying would reveal....
My guess is the active ingredient in Benadryl and Sudafed will be able to cure the "virus" of the next scamdemic.
That is what the doctor said to give the kids when they got it, worked great, I tried it to and was amazed how it cleared out my lungs.
They got natural immunity now. They won't need it.
I can’t take Sudafed- there’s something in it that makes my heart race real bad. Not sure if that’s a common side effect?
Yes, that's why if you have high blood pressure you can't take any of the effective decongestants.
Hmm. I’ve always had good blood pressure.
Pseudoephedrine is the original decongestant in Sudafed. It’s a sympathetic nervous system stimulant that induces “fight or flight” response, which raises your heart rate and blood pressure. Part of the effect is to constrict blood vessels, which is how it works as a decongestant. Constricting the capillaries in your sinuses and nasal passages reduces the swelling, which opens up the breathing passages.
Wow, interesting, thank you. I try not to take a lot of meds, but for a while there I was getting serious side effects from spring pollen. I was trying to avoid taking an antibiotic and instead went for OTC meds. Benadryl and wasn’t cutting it, so I tried Sudafed. Wow- that was intense. After I took it and had that reaction, I remember why I hadn’t bought it in a good 15 years. I remember it having the same effect on me a long time ago.
This is to paint the idea that they care whether things work or not. They are happy to approve vaccines with zero placebo trials - so they do this as a countersignal to prevent people saying "hey look they never ban anything, they are a rubber stamp shop"
Whatever happened, I don't trust them. Make sure you know how to take care of flu and cold. This is what I do.
Pretty sure it’s just medicines containing phenylephrine and not those containing pseudoephedrine. The former never worked for me while the latter works far too well.
You are the correct one, but no one is listening. As a lifelong sufferer of allergies, the PE bullshit has never worked for me. I only use meds with pseudoephedrine which DOES work for me. I don't think this is any kind of conspiracy. They are just wanting to remove the OTC PE stuff, not the behind-the-counter stuff. I don't really care about this development because in this case, the govt is right. shhh, don't tell anyone i said that :)
not sure why they are removing it though. the shelves are full of shit that doesn't work.
I just use natural substances. It works well for me.
That’s what I do now. I find a steam with tea tree oil and peppermint, as well as some mother’s helper hot brewed tea are lifesavers for congestion.
Wasn’t it Sudafed you had to show your ID for because people were making meth out of it??
"Well, Olly, you certainly have gotten us into a meth this time" 😎
They arent targeting Sudafed. they are going after the over the counter replacement - phenylephrine
I remember that. Yes.
All, they are not banning the original sudafed, the original was pulled behind the counter a long time ago. The old stuff works for sure. Many don't know that there was even a change since the boxes look the same. So they sell the new stuff as if it were the old stuff. I never buy the new stuff b/c it doesn't work, either get the behind the counter stuff or pay a ton for mucinex dm.
Any way, yes the fda sucks, but that doesn't mean 100% of their decisions are wrong. Probably more like 95% are wrong.
Mucinex brand actually sells both drugs - pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine. the former is behind the counter.
good to know, moral of the story is always read the label and know what you are buying.
they may work for some people, but never did for me. Afrin/oxymetazolin, now that is a different story. Stuff works great.
Good to know thank you
Don’t use it for more than 3 days at a time or you risk “rebound congestion” that makes it difficult to stop using it.
I'm getting very tired of FDA Cancel Culture.
You have to read the story to find the truth about this - it's NOT Sudafed or Benadryl they're pulling but the crap they put on the shelves when they put real Sudafed - pseudoephedrine - behind the counter. That stuff is Sudafed PE and other useless allergy meds containing phenylephrine and anyone with allergies could have told you years ago it does NOTHING. For years, in order to buy real Sudafed, you have had to go to the pharmacy counter and show an ID to buy it. So dumping the useless garbage is a good thing, not a bad one. It should have been done years ago. The FDA is yet another federal agency that should be dumped.
I cannot agree more that FDA needs to go.
Since when does the FDA care whether something works or not?
Since when does the FDA care whether something works or not?
You got it.
I tried them all back in the day and they didn’t seem to work for me. Since I started a daily morning sinus rinse(squeeze bottle) about fifteen years ago, I haven’t used any of them. If I am super congested, a hot pepper to loosen things up followed by sinus rinse.
Sinus rinse is the best thing I have ever done for my health.
Benadryl is not a decongestant, it is an anti histamine, and works for severe allergic reactions. they put it in "cold medicine" to dry up nasal secretions, the other ingredient they added to Sudafed does not work that well, they replaced the real Sudafed with another, because people were making meth with the "real" drug, epinephrine. Benadryl dries up secretions so well, it should not be taken all the time, it can dry out the brain fluid! There are better anti histamines on the market, but, for poison ivy rash, severe allergic reaction diphynhydramine (Benadryl) is the go to. I personally think Benadryl can be abused, especially for children, trailer trash people use it to sedate their children when they don't want to be bothered with being a parent.
Benadryl was found to work with coof in eliminating the inflammation in the sinus and lungs. Many studies on this. One more reason they want it gone I’m sure.
Histamine causes inflammation, and when the immune cells are fighting the infection, they react to all histamine , even when you are not allergic to anything in the environment or food. Histamine is produced to break down foods, but it also makes inflammation happen. My doc does not care for it, she prefers Claritin or Allegra, as an immediate response to "covid", because of the drying effect. Benadryl does act a lot faster, but as a preventative to over reactive immune response, which causes a cytokine storm, which is what kills people with a virus, she advises daily doses of allegra or claritin, and pepcid ac, which destroys the histamines in our gut. So Benadryl is old school, with some unwanted side effects. I do use the gel if I get rashy while out in the garden, from contact with certain plants, nettle, comfrey, (invasive as heck so I am always chopping away at it).
This natural alternative works better than Sudafed guaffinex and nasal sprays.. it's easy to make and cheap. Friends with emphysema and copd swear by it. It dries everything up!
Thank you, this was a new one to me. Found this nih published study that details the compounds in this plant (Bidens pilosa) and when alcohol extract (tincture) or water extract (tea) works best for different problems. It's great for a wide range of issues, and I'm going to hunt patches this weekend.
I am glad someone on here appreciates the info. Seems like everyone on here is still debating why they will take away a drug, instead of researching the alternatives and acting upon it! Happy hunting, it truly works. :-)
This site is about asking all the questions, the why, who and wherefore as well as the how. I do the how more often, but I learn a lot from the why and the who etc.
Anons next time you get covid cold flu whatever try taking antihistamines. They work!
Phenylephrine has had its useful purposes in my own husband suffers aphasia from all the strokes....involves random coughing/choking fits which often lead to absence seizures. The phenylephrine does a heck of a good job controlling his cough. Less than ideal, but much preferable to a seizure.
Looks like I will be going to Mexico for my OTC meds.
"The Covid 19 Vaccine works just as well these promise."
-Big Pharma
Anecdotal, but Sudafed seems to have literally cured my allergies. I used to have bad allergies and was allergic to dogs/cats and Sudafed was the only thing that would clear my sinuses and allow me to breathe. I would take at least one every day. After a year I no longer needed to take it and I could breathe freely even around cats, dogs!
I don't know how/why it worked that way, but it did. Tell me Sudafed doesn't work and I'll laugh really hard in your face for a long time.
The next active ingredient will probably be named something "sillsioctvanimab" but will actually be just glucose.
All those guys in the early 20th century that were called "quacks" and "snake oil salesmen" - how does anyone not understand that they just shifted and took over the pharmaceutical companies?? With all the things we are learning now, it's so much easier to see how scientists, corporations and govt "watchdogs" could be bribed or blackmailed into looking the other way.
People are more and more paranoid about their health than ever (hey covid!). Standards in research/testing etc are collapsing. It's a "perfect storm" for just shoving out placebos (like glucose or chalk) for big BIG $$$ because it can play on peoples' fears.
Benadryl works. Can't sneeze if you're in a coma
Cant drive to the dr while hallucinating ;)
Maybe I am a little twisted thinking like this.
The first thing I thought of when seeing this artical is this.
Covid is back (yea, I know. Still they are going to call it covid).
Are they going to try to remove anything in the market that might provide any kind of cold symptom relief?
OK, well, first, Benadryl is not a decongestant. It's a strong antihistamine.
Second, Sudafed barely works anymore, just like cough medicines don't, because they replaced the effective ingredients with shitty ones.
All these types of OVC counter drugs do is offer relief and don't fix anything just like pain med's, so I'm not sure by "they don't work means", all they ever offered was too relive symptoms, which they do so they work.
There was a time when Sudafed was my best friend. It worked wonders for me. I don’t need it all the time anymore. There was one time when my allergist suggested I try Flonase; this was years ago. I ended up with a bleeder in my retina and went to the eye doctor. His first question was, “do you use Flonase?” Apparently bleeds in the retina are a side effect. I stopped and my eye healed. Nothing but saline mist goes up my nose now!
Something peculiar going on here, esp with all the growing predictions of MOAR COVID.
Aren’t these OTC meds what people often take for cough, cold, and flu symptoms? And maybe even Covid symptoms?
Is this some weird backhanded psyop? 🤨
This really irritates me. I’ve used it for YEARS to safely help me go to sleep and stay asleep. Will need to stock up.
Is chicken soup next?
I take this all the time. It absolutely does work. This is fishy.
The real question is- what are they going to replace it with?