Those guys nailed up Christ after all. And I saw a bit about how Christians didn't attack the empire directly, they just won the hearts of the people. It would make sense if we're in a rematch.
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Those guys nailed up Christ after all. And I saw a bit about how Christians didn't attack the empire directly, they just won the hearts of the people. It would make sense if we're in a rematch.
If you want to get technical. They were just the tool. The Sanhedrin and Pharisees were the ones ultimately responsible.
As they had promised to stir up the people against the Roman Regime if they didn’t crucify Jesus. Because Jesus threatened their power. Which ultimately would have led to the deaths of Thousands both Roman and Jew alike.
Which is why the famous washing of hands of Pilate. A symbolic gesture indicating that his blood wasn’t on the hands of Pilate or the Garrison. They were just the tools wielded by the real culprits.
spot on Plebb!! the Romans did the nailing but the Pharisees did all the wailing. Jesus was a threat to the Pharisees, calling out all their lies and they couldn't have that.
Frankly. As long as he paid taxes and didn’t encourage rebellion against Rome. The Romans probably would have been content to leave him to preach.
As he at least in the eyes of the Empire. Was a religious preacher in a corner of the far frontier. Hardly a threat compared to their more conventional foes. Or the political intrigues of the Italian proper.
Pilate even was “Why the fuck did you bring him to me? He hasn’t broken Roman Law. Or done anything outside of offending your religious sensibilities.”
Then the Pharisees were like “If you don’t kill him. We will stir the people into rebellion.”
Suppose the real irony is the Romans were the decent people in this instance. Acting to prevent hundreds of thousands of needless deaths. Even if meant killing an innocent man.
Most Christian sources don’t really elaborate much on Pilates mindset. But I have to imagine condemning a Man you know has broken no law and harmed no one. To an excruciatingly slow fate normally reserved for Rebels, Bandits, Thieves and Murderers. Can’t have been an easy one.
Pontius Pilate simply washed his hands of the Jewish problem, (rather convenient). He knew the Jews were going to convict Jesus Christ, because the Jews had already convicted Jesus, but it was in a 'night court', and under Jewish law it would not allow 'night' time court. Jesus was tried 3 times in Roman courts and three times in Jewish courts (four if you count the night time conviction). Either way WE got our Savior as prophecy had foretold...Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is [Lord].....
Pilate was also not a big fan of his position or his constituents (the jews). He felt it was beneath him iirc and he found them quarrelsome and annoying and he regularly did things just to tick them off
This guy Catechisms
Why would letting Jesus live and threaten Pharisees, Sanhedrin power would that have lead to thousands of lives being lost? It's a curious statement, one I never heard before. So, just wondering if you could expand on it. Thanks.
Jesus was preaching he was the Messiah come. In the case of the Pharisees would have dramatically reduced the importance and power associated with their positions. Which were largely predicated on being the “Approved” conduit of dictating religious messages from on high.
In the case of the Sanhedrin. Why would the people care to bring their concerns and disputes before a group of Elders. When they had quite literally someone who was the Perfect Judge. This he would have greatly diminished if not outright destroyed their societal status and standing. Along with the power that would accompany it.
And it would have led to thousands, probably more like hundreds of thousands of Deaths. Simply from Armed Rebellion. Which the Pharisees threatened to incite if the Romans refused to kill Jesus. And the ensuing crackdowns by the Roman Legions.
Not to mention the 10s of Thousands of non-Jews and Roman Civilians in the province. Who wouldn’t easily be able to retreat into Fortresses like the Roman Garrisons and Auxiliaries. In the event of armed conflict. Leaving them easy pickings for Rebels and Bandits.
Very interesting. Again I've never really contemplated what would have happened to the social order if Jesus had been allowed to live. Thanks for the insight. The story seems to have profound indications for society today.
Will we allow our spirits to be crushed or do we rise up and live even though it could mean a disruption to the social order and lives could be lost.
They were afraid of a rebellion and Rome was not playing around given the history of problems with that area and the population.
Remember even the disciples were expecting a messiah that would remove the yoke of Rome- A new king. Not the suffering servant
Yes I suppose I forgot about all that political unrest going on at that time. Really so much like today when so many of us are waking up to our spiritual power, taking our country back and recognizing a true prophet and leader in DJT. I guess that's why we say "IT GONNA BE BIBLICAL!."
and Messiah delivered for real, Rome become Christian ... but not Jewis . Huh what a bummer...
Ask yourself why the Roman Empire fell? Barbarian invaders, degeneracy and corruption. Every empire falls sooner or later and the implication is that the US will fall, too. As it will, nothing lasts forever. The US has to collapse to a certain degree. No more world police, warmongering for profit, endless corruption so entrenched in the political system that it has to basically be burned to the ground. The question is what comes after ? Who takes over? What needs to be done so that the same situation doesn't happen again?
VDH has a great take -
Great stuff as usual from VDH.
Here is "The cult of Baal map", it's a great chart. You got some great stuff to learn from there.
They really want China to take over.
Factions within factions.
Rome was taken by coups and 'fell' into various hands throughout history.
Deals were made to keep the empire nonetheless. Marriages and trade.
Back-door deals with supposed prior enemies.
The Ptolemies did this in Egypt (See Antony and Cleopatra)....and when the people finally discovered....due to a third faction's reveal.....the 'order' broke down.
Flavians needed a 'catholic' ("universal/one world") religion to solidify and pacify an expanded empire, while co-opting the various factions' messaging/translations of earlier writings seen as messianic.
'Councils' cancelled other cultures' opposition to their manipulations, even and especially the originators of the stories. So when Rome fell that time..... who rose?
Is all rosey with the rosey cross?
The concepts of divine geometry are sound. Those who attempt to manipulate others by it are warlocks.
Apocalyptic bring the apocalypse. Proving its own prediction. Some things never change.
The Romans didn't kill Jesus. Neither did the Pharisees, the Sadducees, nor any other ruler in the region. They might have been the hands and feet that carried out the act, but Jesus had the supernatural ability to get off that cross any time he wanted.
I killed Jesus
If it weren't for my sin, Jesus would not have had to die. Jesus died because he loved me so much that he could not bear to be separated from me for all eternity after I die. Because I believe in him, and his Resurrection from the dead, I and everyone else who believes in him will spend eternity in heaven with him.
Great Answer. If he thinks it was Romans who killed Jesus makes you wonder about a lot of Christians when you ask them who killed Jesus, VERY Few will ever say I killed Jesus Most Christians never think. It was actually these words I uttered the night I got saved.
I'm hoping its about X, which is 10 in roman numerals. Look to X? Perhaps "10 days" is really October days.
Sorry, I missed this. Who is focusing on Roman Empire?
just a general meme trend
It seems like people are indicating that the Roman Empire never really fell. It just morphed into the British crown, Vatican and ultimately the USA.
Was doing research on this the other day and found this website that had great info on this:
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
The more they persecuted the church, the more it grew. You can look for persecution again soon for all Christians.
Well the Romans actually didn't care about Christ, in a neutral fashion, he wasn't breaking any laws. You may already know this though
Wouldn't say Rome but, Cabal, yes and it has been systematically attacking and persecuting Christians around the world for a while now, it is just this year, they are pushing mass propaganda on high speed here in the USA on it.
Don't forget that almost universally thru the Bible the Roman soldiers are presented as good guys - Acts for example has a number of good centurions referenced
They nailed Christ in o the cross, but ONLY AFTER the Pharisees demanded it. It was either that, or suffer another Jewish revolt in Judea.
The Jews nailed up Christ. Pilate didn't want to do it, and was basically blackmailed into doing it by Caiaphas (John 19:12).
I'd say it's more along the lines of a Great Awakening (heh) of normies to the ideas we are presenting; the fall of an empire (and the fact it is en empire).
Many people saying they think about Rome because there's a stark contrast between the Roman Empire and the American Empire.
The ideas we are presenting? Lol. This isn't some archaic truth nor some mystical teaching or some wizard apprentice nerdshit. It's taught in public schools and is as common as high school level history and then taught in detail as a concept in college, as part of a traditional historical education. People know this. It's been known.
People are taught in public school that America is a dictatorial empire that is crumbling before our very eyes?
I think you've misinterpreted my meaning, fren. It's about the parallel.
People are waking up to the fact that we are Rome and we are falling. They are starting to see the parallels. We've been sitting here for years saying that there is a shadow-cabal ruling the world and that America is dying because of it, but only now do people see it. And for normies they are comparing it to Rome.
Sure, the parallel may not have been perfect, but I think it's still valid.
The normies must be shown. Is that not why Biden is president? Is their awakening not exactly what we've wanted all this time? They may not know it's the deepstate, but they don't need to, they just need to hate whatever it is enough to not complain when Trump comes in with the military to execute the deepstate demons and reveal the truth.
I simply disagree that people are waking up to this. The fall of Rome, late stage capitalism and the arc of the American century is not secret knowledge and it is discussed in schools and articles fairly widely. I tend to bristle at self reverential talk. I don't presume people's "demonic" possession " or other supernatural qualities..Just a personal preference
It seems to me that this 'meme' of talking/thinking about Rome was an effort to draw attention to the parallels between the United States right now and the fall of the Roman Empire.
You'd think, but alas that's not it's purpose. Think of the perennial appearance of a scapegoat in times when social upheavals, or what historians refer to as " interesting times" are at a frequency in which the center cannot hold. That's the offgassing of this meme
Let's not forget the part where Jesus let them kill Him, so they could have the chance to go to Heaven the same as you and me.
It's the universal mind..more people are tapping into it
NO ABSOLUTLY NOT.....Study your Bible....didn't Q say it's going to be Biblical? The Roman Empire was part of Statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s Vision. It was originally the Legs of the Statue. At the End God gets a Stone that breaks off from a Cliff and it destroys 6 thousand years of Mans Governments and systems. The man who does it is a VERY SPECIAL Man, he is referred to as the Stone the Builders Rejected.
The last part of the Statue was the feet and the 10 toes. The toes were made of CLAY & IRON. Iron represents the Roman empire and the IRON & CLAY do not mix(Mingle) together. The Iron is Currently the U.N and the Clay is BRICS.
The Roman Empire will Fall....this is a good thing. You want it to unless your a Demarcate or a child eating Satanist.
What emphasis have you been seeing?
Im starting to smell some COINTELPRO
Could be a manifestation of humanity's awakening as our solar system's sinusoidal oscillations transit the Milky Way galactic equatorial plane, so to speak. We will receive more energy from the billions of suns near the galactic center now, unobscured by the masses of stars in the equatorial plane. Thus we move into a bronze ago for humanity in the Aquarian age, on our way to silver and golden ages yet to come.
See Cliff High and Hindu writings for more detailed info.
If Christianity were able to stop this it wouldn’t have gotten this far. Same goes for the constitution.
“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”
Lysander Spooner
I’m not saying that it shouldn’t exist, but I do think you need to shift your frame. Either Christianity allowed it or was powerless to prevent it.
Misinterpreting a value system does not make the misinterpretation the guaranteed end result of the value system.
You have to misinterpret dozens of simple words and dozens of Bible verses to end up where we are now.
That has nothing to do with some inherent and inevitable outcome as a result of Christianity itself.
Nietzsche was a fool.
-Pope Francis
The Pope is not perfect, and I am not Catholic (yet), but it's not so easy as I continuously seem to discover to discredit him.
With that said. None of the problems Nietzsche (somewhat) correctly identified are problems with Christianity. They are problems with Man, and problems that are absolutely not guaranteed end results of Christianity. Being a strong pagan would not change this. It would only expedite the decay of society, as it always has. Paganism leads to death and destruction every time it's accepted for the same reason Satan worship does: Christ is Lord.
As for pagans, they fucking love trannies, it seems. I'm sure they're not as opposed to communism as the Bible is either. Demons in the Bible are identified as "they", as well. Though it hardly matters. You're right about power and might being revered preventing all this shit. But then again, that has nothing to do with Paganism or Christianity, but is completely separate of either.
And in what world is the Church, which conducted several holy crusades to defend themselves from Muslims, the bringer of the "love" and "tolerance" crap you mention? The "love" and "tolerance" crap infiltrated the Church, at worst. It was not somehow born out of a religion that doesn't preach it in the way the people weaponizing it claim it does.
The Bible preaches love and tolerance, not "love" and "tolerance". I'd wager a guess that Nietzsche also didn't know the difference.
So no, the problem is not the guaranteed end result of Christianity. The problem is that Christians have cucked and been deceived, as all on this Earth have. But if this shit is the guaranteed end result of Christianity, then it is the guaranteed end result of every religion. Any other religion is just as open to corruption and twisting by the people who desire to do so.
The solution is strong, Christian men standing up for truth. That is what we had for 1700 years, and it is likely what delayed the decay as long as it did.
Also, honor, strength, and heroism? Displaced by the Church? Give me a break. Those 3 words describe all of Church history, save 300 years. The only thing that was displaced was the Church by dishonor, weakness, and villainy, not the other way around.
Medieval knights. Holy crusaders. Sure, it wasn't as perfect and good as the stories make it sound, but for nearly 2 thousand years we had relative moral justice, as a direct result of what was a nearly completely Christian society, dominated by the Church. Interestingly, the Protestant reformation coincides with the decay (note, I am a Protestant saying this). But "muh Church".
My conclusion remains: Nietzsche was a fool. Certainly leagues better than the modern day leftist, but, nonetheless, fell victim to an inability to assign problems to correct causes, all the same.