I'm sick and tired of seeing the revulsive visage of this grotesquely corpulent, egg-headed, ophidian-eyed, child raping torturing and drinking the blood of then eating DEMON.
Totally agree! They scheme and plot to craft new ways to control us and to destroy all that is good and moral in this world. Definitely satan's children.
He has two children who are high ranking members of the WEF. Like Soros and Gates, their cancers will metastasize through their spawn after they're gone.
Here’s the important point for anyone who thinks “nuh uh!”
What have you, or anyone who isn’t controlled, personally done to physically and functionally prevent this?
Is he looking to force this by stopping manufacture of cars?
By stopping refinement of their fuel?
By stopping drilling of their fuel?
By making car ownership illegal?
By making car operation illegal?
By preventing the sale of cars?
Do I or you or we own gasoline production?
Car production?
The only two we can say “nuh uh” on are the illegal ownership and operation, and even for that we should have some sort of plan.
Mind you, I suspect this Nazi buckethead is currently an exposure actor, but that doesn’t let us off the hook on having enactable plans of action. These were their plans!
Why do we only boycott Gillette? Just because they made it obvious?
Is Chevrolet more loyal to us than Gillette?
How do we move beyond “patriot soap”?
Who elected this oxygen thief to decide anything for anybody anywhere? Who has decided that any of us give a flying fuck what he has to say in the first place?
We’re past the point of caring about the whimsical fantasies of self important eunuchs with a microphone
Anyone who has driven in LA traffic is thinking hey not a bad idea...
But srsly, when he says they will turn highways into parks what he actually means is they will turn highways - and everywhere else - into prisons for the useless eaters.
By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy, CT, must be the same one that talks about CBDC’s. Never going the happen, KEK When these people talk, u better listen. They put out event 201 and no one listened.
Thankfully, there are many in the UK who have heard Blowschwab and responded with "Foxtrot Oscar". The PM announced the plan to scrap petrol car will be delayed. The Brits will not give up their cars without a fight.
How many Southern Rednecks, who roll coal just for kicks and grins, even knows who this guy is? I say that if he wants the Rednecks to let loose of their jacked up 4x4's then he needs to go and ask them to give him the keys. How do you think that conversation will go?
You're going to be in your pod apartment, in your 15 minute city, and everything you want or need (except low crime, low blue light, good neighbors, a starry peaceful night sky, the ability to travel...) will be delivered to your region by electric rail systems.
Uber costs $30+, one way, and is cheaper than other options. That's $60 per day, just to commute. Self-driving cars, if they make a breakthrough on the AI (just adding data isn't quite doing it) will not likely be much cheaper, but will be less useful and convenient. Plus, you know that they're going to be like rental places, and show up with a Leaf, when you asked for a F150, and now how are you getting that 300lb of sheets and lumber home?
People like him wouldn't last 2 days in the world most of us live in.
I'm sick and tired of seeing the revulsive visage of this grotesquely corpulent, egg-headed, ophidian-eyed, child raping torturing and drinking the blood of then eating DEMON.
Excellent depiction M42D !!!
Don't turn the cameras off....interesting idea
Totally agree! They scheme and plot to craft new ways to control us and to destroy all that is good and moral in this world. Definitely satan's children.
He has a face only a mother could love.
That thing didn't come out of a mother. It came out of Satan's unwiped arse.
Came here to say that..
Why is Klaus Schwab spreading conspiracy theories?
I think WEF are a bunch of actors and a few wealthy elitists own them.
Probably tell them to go out and spread fear porn. If we all unite they lose.
Time to stop letting media and these fuckers decide our fate.
Look at his skin in the video. Does this look like the skin of an 85 year old man? Compare to other pictures with skin wrinkles.
In his world, they are truths, not conspiracy theories😎
And he is desperately trying to make them facts in all worlds (if he has that reach).
By 2030 there will be no more Klaus Schwab.
He has two children who are high ranking members of the WEF. Like Soros and Gates, their cancers will metastasize through their spawn after they're gone.
Here’s the important point for anyone who thinks “nuh uh!”
What have you, or anyone who isn’t controlled, personally done to physically and functionally prevent this?
Is he looking to force this by stopping manufacture of cars? By stopping refinement of their fuel? By stopping drilling of their fuel? By making car ownership illegal? By making car operation illegal? By preventing the sale of cars?
Do I or you or we own gasoline production? Car production?
The only two we can say “nuh uh” on are the illegal ownership and operation, and even for that we should have some sort of plan.
Mind you, I suspect this Nazi buckethead is currently an exposure actor, but that doesn’t let us off the hook on having enactable plans of action. These were their plans!
Why do we only boycott Gillette? Just because they made it obvious?
Is Chevrolet more loyal to us than Gillette? How do we move beyond “patriot soap”?
Somebody please publicly flog this Nazi until he permanently shuts his Teutonic cock holster!
Dr Demento speaks. I think cars will outlast him.
Especially Toyotas
I'm so sick of these fucking unelected people with money who think they can tell the rest of us what to do.
Who elected this oxygen thief to decide anything for anybody anywhere? Who has decided that any of us give a flying fuck what he has to say in the first place?
We’re past the point of caring about the whimsical fantasies of self important eunuchs with a microphone
Ah, but this dwarf will still be driven around in chauffeur-driven limos, you can bet that. It's "for the greater good" doncha know?
Anyone who has driven in LA traffic is thinking hey not a bad idea...
But srsly, when he says they will turn highways into parks what he actually means is they will turn highways - and everywhere else - into prisons for the useless eaters.
Homeless parks no doubt.
One way to get rid of drunk drivers.
I swear I am going to piss on this man's grave.
By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy, CT, must be the same one that talks about CBDC’s. Never going the happen, KEK When these people talk, u better listen. They put out event 201 and no one listened.
Thankfully, there are many in the UK who have heard Blowschwab and responded with "Foxtrot Oscar". The PM announced the plan to scrap petrol car will be delayed. The Brits will not give up their cars without a fight.
Heck, I consider it my patriotic duty now to make sure my next car is a Hummer. #0MPG all the way, baby!
Correct….Diesel trucks for life baby. 💯😂
How many Southern Rednecks, who roll coal just for kicks and grins, even knows who this guy is? I say that if he wants the Rednecks to let loose of their jacked up 4x4's then he needs to go and ask them to give him the keys. How do you think that conversation will go?
Saying no cars by 2030 is like Back to the Future thinking we would be riding hoverboards by 2015.
Even as a little kid I thought it was improbable and stupid.
He lost his jabber jowls and wrinkles.
He can have mine right after I run him over with it. Actuality I guess he wouldn’t need it then…
Shut up bald Hitler
You're going to jail, then to the gallows, then to hell
You mean Shitler.
Nobody is listening to him, a LOT of his power is gone. Soon he will be gone as well.
Car owners announce the end of Klaus Schwab….
NAZI cocksucker, in my humble opinion, of course.
I suppose we should assume those cars will all be electric?
Either he’s trying to take the piss or he’s totally deluded
Ok, sure... Klauwn.
This idiot, KS, needs to be connected to the end of a hose that is connected to a tailpipe!!!!!!!....Just sayin'!!!
Even without car ownership. How would highways become parks. Still need to travel. I can’t really see this happening.
You're going to be in your pod apartment, in your 15 minute city, and everything you want or need (except low crime, low blue light, good neighbors, a starry peaceful night sky, the ability to travel...) will be delivered to your region by electric rail systems.
Right, that’s 6 years 2 months- C’mon man!
This MFer needs to have an accidental plane crash...
Illinois certainly doesn't seem to have any problem building new highways and adding lanes from what I see every time I have to traverse I-294.
Think what this means to moms with small children!
They will pick me up at my hotel... Great...
it's not so much Schwab, because he's just a puppet, it's what he is saying.
he dies, someone else takes his spot & its their turn to spew the same garbage.
the problem is that people, on a large enough scale, still have not figured how to really unite against this enemy.
the enemy is global, so therefore the resistance must be global.
the patriot mentality is something like music. people share it no matter color of skin, homeland or language.
we just need better & more efficient ways to communicate with our brothers & sisters.
Fear? Don’t see how they can or will accomplish this in 6 years!
So where are the self-driving cars going to operate? Not on the highway, but through the new park?
Can I turn mine in after this weekend?
Uber costs $30+, one way, and is cheaper than other options. That's $60 per day, just to commute. Self-driving cars, if they make a breakthrough on the AI (just adding data isn't quite doing it) will not likely be much cheaper, but will be less useful and convenient. Plus, you know that they're going to be like rental places, and show up with a Leaf, when you asked for a F150, and now how are you getting that 300lb of sheets and lumber home?
People like him wouldn't last 2 days in the world most of us live in.
Think I will go buy a car this week just to piss him off.