224 looks like this court fiasco is being used to fish for dirt, shouldn't the evidence be found BEFORE the trial? (media.greatawakening.win) 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸 posted 1 year ago by morum 1 year ago by morum +224 / -0 42 comments download share 42 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Look at that corrupt PoS's mug. Demonic eyes. Would not be surprised to see all kinds of evil deviancy in this guy's closet.
Like massive cocaine use. Look at his nose, it looks all fucked up and collapsed. His septum said bye-bye a long ass time ago. Prolly eat kids too.
Nothing would surprise me with this guy and his "lovely" cohort Letisha.
Listen to this commie talk about his power as a judge. According to him, he can just overrule any jury.
It is something learned from Stalin: find a crime to match the man... 😒
Whoa! No wonder he was picked to take down Trump illegally. What a major PoS.
That is the smile of a Kiddie Toucher... Can't wait until his first visit to the prison laundry....
Little boys
Have Billy Bob Thornton play this judge in the movie.
LOL. I think this IS the movie though.
Holy crap, maybe that IS Billy Bob Thornton! 🤯
More likely Henry Winkler
You my friend, just volunteered to be the casting director. Spot … on!!!
Honestly, Billy Bob Thornton is more handsome. I would suggest Brad Dourif after a hangover.
What a nasty piece of shit.
This guy looks like a old burned out coke head
relevant links
I've seen serial killers who looked more innocent than this.
"You have to indict before you can read whats in the indictment."
-probably Pelosi or something
Dead eyes
Looks like a Rothschild.
They always age into lizards
I swear this guy looks like Gilligan!
looks like a deviant ,I'd bet a million dollars he's a cock sucker and a butt fucker
They've fished that pond dry with tje Mueller investigation.
it's the fukkin Judge from Nothing But Trouble.
😂😂😂😂 letisha must be lil' debil. 😭😭😭😭
I know msm isn't going to cover this properly, I just hope that the angry lib demons are so mad at trump that they research what he's saying about it and find the truth.
here's a spicy OAN vid of the judge talking about overriding jury verdicts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CBGXKvZWe0
Commie scum. We the people need to start taking this into our own hands.
🤡🤡🤡 = (any 3 letter agency)
Looks very Jewish
Makes a ruling before the trial; WTF.
Demonrats each and every one of them. Scurry into the nights darkness but it can't protect you from the light of GOD.
How so? That's not the feeling I've gotten from the testimony so far. Have you heard the testimony yet.
Looks like he could Epstein's older brother.
This Futurama judge was probably based off this guy
Of course.