Prison is WAY too good for this B!TCH!!!! If ya' know what I mean...
She NEEDS to be sent to Gitmo and tried for Crimes Against Humanity, lying in a Federal Investigation, taking bribes for CHINNNNA and so forth...After that...
Those are some of the stories put out to make MAGA seem to be low IQ. There is NO WAY a high profile individual dies, goes to Gitmo, (insert other outlandish idea) and absolutely NO ONE spills the beans on it, even anonymously. Plus, there is no way that holding that person responsible and seeking justice wouldn't be televised for all to see.
If you think that was Hillary at the inauguration, you’re out of your mind. Several inches shorter and has known body doubles. Didn’t even look like her in the face. Many of these peoples positions are being held by doubles. Flipping look at Lurch of PA. There’s like 4 or 5 versions of him running around.
People sure throw insults around here very easily. I totally know there are doubles. I think there are four of Trump that are in the various black cars in his motorcade. But I don't believe Hillary is at Gitmo, or dead, or under arrest, yet. I think the reason for her doubles is for her to avoid capture and arrest.
I don't believe that there are ai robots filling these slots either.
There’s literally video of Hillary being arrested and thrown in a van when she was supposedly sick. Hours later a double turned up telling the press she felt much better.
Well yhats the thing. Tjose rumkrs are people spilling the beans. For the recors i dont think its happened yet either. Actually maybe they are controlled and this is her saying if we dont fight now its over
Wait a damn minute! What are you all talking about...throw her in prison, prison is way too good for that bitch, etc. I thought she was already dead? Didn't Q say she was already terminated? I am so confused?
She completely lost to a bunch of garden variety, every day Joe, deplorables in 2016.
She never thought she'd lose...and guess what?
We the People, BROKE IT OFF IN HER ASS!!!
What makes this demonic LOSER think that anyone cares what she has to say AT ALL, about anything?
Sorry bitch. It all went out the window when you started eating kids...or wait, maybe it was the Oklahoma City bombing? Who can keep track of all your sins?
Frankly, I don't understand why we don't make an ally of Russia. Great Britain's empire is done (our #1 "ally") and Russia espouses all the values that America used to. Who would stand against the 2 greatest countries on earth, militarily speaking? Not China, not pantywaist EU. Think of the energy dominance alone, and Russia has so many other natural resources. Not to mention some damn fine-looking ladies (no offense to our MAGA gals.)
Yeah, I'm a kid of the 80s. I'll never get on board with all the Russia/Putin loving stuff I see here. It sometimes makes me wonder how much truth there is to all the Russian troll farm stuff.
The longer we go down this path of allowing these criminals to get away with murder, literally, the more normies will get pulled into the morphogenetic field we are creating that is exponentially expanding with every AHA! that is generated. We can't lose unless we decide to and I feel confident, even certain, that way more than 50% of that surging population would feel the same way.
So does this mean that this is REALLY Hillary and not a clone or lookalike that the WHs put in after they put the real Hillary in prison, where she may or may not have been executed?
Throw her in prison for her crimes and forget about her.
Prison is WAY too good for this B!TCH!!!! If ya' know what I mean...
She NEEDS to be sent to Gitmo and tried for Crimes Against Humanity, lying in a Federal Investigation, taking bribes for CHINNNNA and so forth...After that... FIRING SQUAD!!!
'NOUGH SAID!!!🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡
I thought that she was already in prison or dead and this is a clone or lookalike.
Those are some of the stories put out to make MAGA seem to be low IQ. There is NO WAY a high profile individual dies, goes to Gitmo, (insert other outlandish idea) and absolutely NO ONE spills the beans on it, even anonymously. Plus, there is no way that holding that person responsible and seeking justice wouldn't be televised for all to see.
If you think that was Hillary at the inauguration, you’re out of your mind. Several inches shorter and has known body doubles. Didn’t even look like her in the face. Many of these peoples positions are being held by doubles. Flipping look at Lurch of PA. There’s like 4 or 5 versions of him running around.
People sure throw insults around here very easily. I totally know there are doubles. I think there are four of Trump that are in the various black cars in his motorcade. But I don't believe Hillary is at Gitmo, or dead, or under arrest, yet. I think the reason for her doubles is for her to avoid capture and arrest.
I don't believe that there are ai robots filling these slots either.
There’s literally video of Hillary being arrested and thrown in a van when she was supposedly sick. Hours later a double turned up telling the press she felt much better.
Those are stories that I've seen told here. Repeatedly. So.....
I need to see the body with her face lying in the dirt and a bullet hole in the head and one in the heart....
Well yhats the thing. Tjose rumkrs are people spilling the beans. For the recors i dont think its happened yet either. Actually maybe they are controlled and this is her saying if we dont fight now its over
Put her on a cold floor in a dark dungeon (naked) solitary confinement with shit food and minimal calories. She can shit in the corner.
Manila necktie.........
Like a side of beef
Wasn't that video of her being thrown, "like a side of beef", into a parked van interesting?
It's one of the best luls I've ever had!
Why even have a death penalty, if it isn't for a serial murderer and traitor who's involved in worldwide child sex trafficking?
[Contract killing is a form of murder - you don't have to pull the trigger yourself]
Wait a damn minute! What are you all talking about...throw her in prison, prison is way too good for that bitch, etc. I thought she was already dead? Didn't Q say she was already terminated? I am so confused?
Forgetting about her is bad.
She should be right up there with the Bad Boys Of History. Like Hitler.
This witch (literally) is a TOTAL loser.
She completely lost to a bunch of garden variety, every day Joe, deplorables in 2016.
She never thought she'd lose...and guess what?
We the People, BROKE IT OFF IN HER ASS!!!
What makes this demonic LOSER think that anyone cares what she has to say AT ALL, about anything?
Sorry bitch. It all went out the window when you started eating kids...or wait, maybe it was the Oklahoma City bombing? Who can keep track of all your sins?
Yeah, don't hold back TaQo! Vengence is the Lord's and she deserves everything she has coming.
We aren't putting down russia lol
Frankly, I don't understand why we don't make an ally of Russia. Great Britain's empire is done (our #1 "ally") and Russia espouses all the values that America used to. Who would stand against the 2 greatest countries on earth, militarily speaking? Not China, not pantywaist EU. Think of the energy dominance alone, and Russia has so many other natural resources. Not to mention some damn fine-looking ladies (no offense to our MAGA gals.)
Putin is a 7G chess genius worthy of working with Trump to squash globalism, islamic supremacy and child sex trafficking
But that doesn't mean I can't put down Russia all I want:
Russia sucks
Russia is a cold, desolate shithole of a country with a miserable human rights record
Russia is a country that still sends citizens to Siberian gulags to be tortured slowly to death via labor, cold, and malnutrition
Russia has shitty-ass food
Russia has a history of swallowing up other countries behind an iron curtain
Russia can lick my sweaty hairy scrotum
Now do the history of the united states
A lot of those things would look very similar.
At least Russia has clean cities. Can't say the same about America.
U.S. deep state is way worse. All the bs wars, 9/11, biolabs they have in Ukraine.
But you love America, right?
Yea but not the deep state or TPTB that have been controlling us. They almost all have been evil.
Yeah, I'm a kid of the 80s. I'll never get on board with all the Russia/Putin loving stuff I see here. It sometimes makes me wonder how much truth there is to all the Russian troll farm stuff.
The longer we go down this path of allowing these criminals to get away with murder, literally, the more normies will get pulled into the morphogenetic field we are creating that is exponentially expanding with every AHA! that is generated. We can't lose unless we decide to and I feel confident, even certain, that way more than 50% of that surging population would feel the same way.
By "deprogram", can we mean remove her ability to breathe on her own, and her ilk with her?
Get an exorcist.
gonna need a couple probably.
Yes because Catholic priests...
...they're just whom one would look to for protection from evil
Russia is not the enemy, infact neither is Iran for all we care. Let them fight Isreal.
Ending forever wars; lets start wars in china, russia and iran. What a piece of shit.
global thread?
what is the link or source where she said that?
Did he leave out Ukraine on purpose?
Clinton needs to be brought up on speech crimes!
I saw a picture of a shirt once that said,”I wish Hillary had married O.J.”. I wish she had, too.
So does this mean that this is REALLY Hillary and not a clone or lookalike that the WHs put in after they put the real Hillary in prison, where she may or may not have been executed?
My response
What difference at this point does it make?
He misspelled "delete", Arkansas Delete that is...