BIG🚨 The Wexner Foundation announces that it is cutting ties with Harvard over "the dismal failure of Harvard’s leadership to take a clear and unequivocal stand against the barbaric murders of innocent Israeli civilians by terrorists last Saturday."

Maybe 'Wexner' doesn't have anymore funds to give away due to Trump's (E.O. 13818) "Human Trafficking And Corruption"? One can always wish, but who really knows anymore.?
That EO doesn't apply to Americans.
It's in the language of the EO.
How sad, they are cutting off the flow of Mossad Pedophile money to Harvard.
eating their own
Imagine a group of people referred to as "Overseers."
At Harvard, you can.
Is this demon possessed Leslie Wexner's foundation?
And Harvard has an endowment of:
Can you imagine donating money to a billionaire? Now that I think of it, probably involves a charitable write off and probably cycles around.
Yes, more ways to launder money. I can't remember if it's the Skull & Bones Order or 322 that reside at Harvard / Yale, but I'm willing to bet that the endowment is used by them for evil controlling purposes.
Skull & Bones Order resides at Yale from my understanding, but all Ivy League schools have these types of "clubs" which I guess essentially are one in the same
Yes indeed.
Says a little about the big time Israel supporters.
... [ Kharzarian Mafia ]
All these distractions going on while Israel still fails to explain why their world class intelligence and detection system failed and why intel from other countries were ignored. Where is the MSM, why the blind following by the U.S. and Hollywood. Obvious questions need to be answered before any support is given by anyone.
There’s also a contradiction in the reporting. First they say there was a failure in counter-terrorism intelligence that allowed an attack being planned for two years to go unnoticed, then they turn around and tell us their counter-terrorism intelligence is so pinpoint advanced that they are able to bomb entire buildings without killing civilians.
This does not make sense.
When people asked about medical contradictions in the reporting during the Covid Years, they were similarly shamed and shut down. Worth noting the similarities here.
Another Zionist organization pushing its weight around.
How is a pedophile linked foundation deciding to stop giving money to a school that has too much money BIG?
Wexner sounds jewish
Most of em' are fake jews - see Revelation 2:9.
The kettle calling the pot black. These people are pathetic.
The Child Rape Foundation is cutting ties with Communist University because they don't throw their full support behind Jews. Sounds like a rift between good friends.
Did I tell you guys about the time I was passing by Harvard Divinity school? (I used to live close by woke swamp center & would pass by on occasion - I finally managed to get out of that shit hole)
But one day I was passing by & in the air I just smelled the smell of old old church pews. I looked around, there were pews in the dumpster & there was a work crew working on the building. I asked one of the workmen there what they are doing and he replied: "We are getting the Christian out" He said it like that for emphasis, I think he was cynical of that but doing his days work as he's told.
Oy vey why don't you support my child rape and war crimes?!
LOL! Is Wexner sure that this is the ISLAND he wants to die on after what..? 6 or 7 years of laying low and just hoping that all this stuff with former boy-toy Jefferey just goes away? THIS IS HIGH COMEDY
But wait... there's more...MUCH MORE!
Bye Felicia!
That's big of them. But censorship and the elimation of free speech are OK.
To sum up this over worded horseshit: " you did not buy into our propaganda for war and genocide, so fuck you very much....we're taking our jew money, gained from usury off your money, elsewhere."
Fuckin jews...