I wouldn't know. After voting republican for my entire adult life, I no longer identify as republican. As far as I know, they are all traitors and cowards. I pray for their destruction sooner rather than later, just like the democrats.
I don't belong to a party anymore. I do not consent to be governed by traitors. The constitution was violated and in doing so, they lost any authority they thought they had.
I dont think it will be. It may not last very long but would not be clean at all. If it were organized like a military op it might be but average citizens rallying together wouldnt be clean in the slightest
The cities would be turmoil at first for sure. Rural areas like I live, we would all rally under, for example, the local Sheriff who served 2 terms in Iraq, and other vets who are trusted community figures. If the patriots in the cities let anything out, it won't make it far.
Totally get what you're saying but also gotta think about we're not just fighting the inept and unarmed left. We'd also be fighting all the military aged foreigners thatve been bussed in.
If civil war 1.0. Was the bloodiest war with muskets and organized lines of shooting, it'd likely be very bloody given the armaments and tactics of today.
I get the impression liberals aren't embarrassed about wanting ww3. I don't think they're embarrassed about supporting lockdowns, forcing vaccinations or any sort of violence they were involved with.
Plenty are, the Bill Maher types are more and more fading into the bushes like Homer Simpson. They want us to focus on the radicals and make us conflate them not changing their minds with the rest of the public not changing theirs. In the same way they want every liberal who woke up to feel like they're the only one and they can't talk to any of their family or friends who may very well be in the same boat.
they weren't embarrassed at all, they embraced their evil, wore it as a badge of honor. it's disgusting watching them try and force their obsessions on us.
but the light at the end of the tunnel is the left is beginning to eat itself. that is awesome to watch.
I feel like all this talk is the result of a second layer psyop. Nothing helps them more than getting us to go around dooming and being pessimistic about our own side. I've seen plenty of INFLUENCERS and PUNDITS shilling hard for Israel and a few libertarian types doing the same for Hamas. I am very disappointed in some of the big names I've seen get on board with this. But as far as average voters I don't think they've had the sort of success they claim to have. Most people even if they lean toward one side in this conflict are against US involvement or funding.
So far at work and out about in public I haven't overheard anyone talking about the Middle East at all. This is in the western suburbs of Chicago. Even my social media groups hardly mention it. Basically outside of the major blue cities downtown areas there's no protest and most normie don't seem to care. Unlike Ukraine I don't see any new flags suddenly flying anywhere or bumper stickers.
Nobody is talking about it west of Detroit either. I mention it and get blank stares. Even the huge Hamas circle jerk in Dearborn went unnoticed. People have turned off the news. Everyone knows its all lies.
Husband has a Dr appt with his BMT team at UofM next Thursday. Not looking forward to dealing with the Hamas supporters in A2. I live west of Detroit and not seeing any reaction here.
And on the other hand liberals are now in the camp of claiming that Israel and the Jews are staging false flags when for decades they claimed that FFs don't exist.
I keep thinking of “save Israel for last”. I mean, do we really know what that means? Is it to rally for war? Is it to actually save Israel? I feel right now it was used to bring Americans to the brink of war. It’s amazing who I’m seeing calling for the death of Hamas and anyone else whose harming children. I’m like, they are killing children here in American by the tens of thousands! Do you care about those?
I mean who wants to save Israel for last? Last for what? Have we actually ever really broke that down? Or tried to?
It would look worse for us if Hamas supporters weren't making it clear that they would have the US military attack Israel tomorrow given the chance.
Luckily for us that somewhat balances out the idiots on our side.
I don't support hamas or israel. But I would have the U.S. military attack israel right now if given the chance. Why? For a very specific reason not mentioned a single time. It would solve a lot of problems worldwide. And especially at home.
WW3 might not be so bad since white people don't enlist anymore. And it's dead easy for any white to get out of fighting. Just say the "N" word you extremist.
I wouldn't know. After voting republican for my entire adult life, I no longer identify as republican. As far as I know, they are all traitors and cowards. I pray for their destruction sooner rather than later, just like the democrats.
I don't belong to a party anymore. I do not consent to be governed by traitors. The constitution was violated and in doing so, they lost any authority they thought they had.
May they all rot in hell.
I just said this to my husband the other day.
If we get rid of secret societies, only then can we fix this country.
How do you get rid of secret societies? And how can we stop new ones from forming?
So basically every jewish synagogue
Secret societies only work when you allow them to control you.
If you don't love money, and they control money, it doesn't matter to you.
I'm not excited about the possibility of WW III, But the idea of a CW II, well that's a different story....
That'll be the cleanest, fastest sweep of all time.
I dont think it will be. It may not last very long but would not be clean at all. If it were organized like a military op it might be but average citizens rallying together wouldnt be clean in the slightest
The cities would be turmoil at first for sure. Rural areas like I live, we would all rally under, for example, the local Sheriff who served 2 terms in Iraq, and other vets who are trusted community figures. If the patriots in the cities let anything out, it won't make it far.
Totally get what you're saying but also gotta think about we're not just fighting the inept and unarmed left. We'd also be fighting all the military aged foreigners thatve been bussed in.
If civil war 1.0. Was the bloodiest war with muskets and organized lines of shooting, it'd likely be very bloody given the armaments and tactics of today.
I get the impression liberals aren't embarrassed about wanting ww3. I don't think they're embarrassed about supporting lockdowns, forcing vaccinations or any sort of violence they were involved with.
Plenty are, the Bill Maher types are more and more fading into the bushes like Homer Simpson. They want us to focus on the radicals and make us conflate them not changing their minds with the rest of the public not changing theirs. In the same way they want every liberal who woke up to feel like they're the only one and they can't talk to any of their family or friends who may very well be in the same boat.
they weren't embarrassed at all, they embraced their evil, wore it as a badge of honor. it's disgusting watching them try and force their obsessions on us.
but the light at the end of the tunnel is the left is beginning to eat itself. that is awesome to watch.
I feel like all this talk is the result of a second layer psyop. Nothing helps them more than getting us to go around dooming and being pessimistic about our own side. I've seen plenty of INFLUENCERS and PUNDITS shilling hard for Israel and a few libertarian types doing the same for Hamas. I am very disappointed in some of the big names I've seen get on board with this. But as far as average voters I don't think they've had the sort of success they claim to have. Most people even if they lean toward one side in this conflict are against US involvement or funding.
So far at work and out about in public I haven't overheard anyone talking about the Middle East at all. This is in the western suburbs of Chicago. Even my social media groups hardly mention it. Basically outside of the major blue cities downtown areas there's no protest and most normie don't seem to care. Unlike Ukraine I don't see any new flags suddenly flying anywhere or bumper stickers.
Nobody is talking about it west of Detroit either. I mention it and get blank stares. Even the huge Hamas circle jerk in Dearborn went unnoticed. People have turned off the news. Everyone knows its all lies.
Husband has a Dr appt with his BMT team at UofM next Thursday. Not looking forward to dealing with the Hamas supporters in A2. I live west of Detroit and not seeing any reaction here.
Yea the UM medical system is full of them.
It appears that all my damn neighbors are on GAW.
That is what they are trying to do.
Be careful who you follow.
I JUST posted about this exact topic in relation to the Sit-In at the Capitol this week.
Sit in? See how they do that…Every pundit should have called it an insurrection
But j6 WASNT an insurrection. So this definitely isnt an insurrection. Dont accept their bullshit narrative because all of a sudden now it suits us.
By your logic if that Sit-In was an Insurrection..... J6 was also an Insurrection.
I don't agree. Neither were.
Nope, PureKiss just saying if they called anyone protesting at the people’s house an insurrection then use their labels against them.
And on the other hand liberals are now in the camp of claiming that Israel and the Jews are staging false flags when for decades they claimed that FFs don't exist.
I keep thinking of “save Israel for last”. I mean, do we really know what that means? Is it to rally for war? Is it to actually save Israel? I feel right now it was used to bring Americans to the brink of war. It’s amazing who I’m seeing calling for the death of Hamas and anyone else whose harming children. I’m like, they are killing children here in American by the tens of thousands! Do you care about those?
I mean who wants to save Israel for last? Last for what? Have we actually ever really broke that down? Or tried to?
I Just made a post regarding this...😉😎 https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSo0G0Qa/i-think-we-need-to-be-asking-our/c/
I would agree with Pepe’s statement.
The shepherds may change but the sheep are still sheep.
My dream last night was all about snakes and me cutting their heads off. Weird.
Which republicans? The base? That don't support it. The Rinos? Of course they support it. No surprise there.
The Ukraine psy-op did work on Republicans though. At least mainstream Republicans
It worked on normie Neocons, so glad that my dad saw through it this time. Unfortunately he seems to be falling for this shit though...
It would look worse for us if Hamas supporters weren't making it clear that they would have the US military attack Israel tomorrow given the chance. Luckily for us that somewhat balances out the idiots on our side.
I don't support hamas or israel. But I would have the U.S. military attack israel right now if given the chance. Why? For a very specific reason not mentioned a single time. It would solve a lot of problems worldwide. And especially at home.
Agree. Exposes the Uniparty in its entirety
Both sides always more then willing to go send troops to die for Israel.
This is a dumb take - it took many republicans to pass Ukraine funding. Need to differentiate between the populace and elected rep's.
The only people who should go to war are politicians and their ilk.
Some anons still have much to learn. Outside and in
War is a waste of life, time, and money, and it's supporters are a waste of a perfectly good creampie.
WW3 might not be so bad since white people don't enlist anymore. And it's dead easy for any white to get out of fighting. Just say the "N" word you extremist.
Fuck I know.