Very good point. So you have heard of "sex magic" Did you know that Pauline Pierce attended some sort of sex workshop with Aleister Crowley, in the time interval when her daughter, Barbara, would have been conceived? Her daughter was later known as Barbara Bush, the wife of one & the mother of another of our most evil presidents. Crowley liked to fancy himself as "the beast" Maybe there really was something to his 'magic"
Chatting with Satanists online, yes, they are incredibly narcissistic. One of them really summed it up for me when they told me: "I don't worship Satan, Satan worships me" I would call that delusional, of course but yes, they worship themselves & sex or any of these sexual perversions (like the fruits of the illusion of transexism) are the sacraments. it could be the blood of animals which are sacrificed. (There are voodoo priests in Africa that you can hire to do a spell for you. They will tell you that they go out & kill a pigeon & with their blood they cast the spell.) Even more powerful than that are these human rituals we all know about that the cabal does. The blood of innocent humans is a very powerful magic.
There is only one magic more powerful than that of shedding the blood of innocent people. That magic is the shedding of the blood of God made flesh. Christ's blood can conquer all. This is why the cabal is constantly insulting Christianity & Christian values. They know that this is the one thing they can not subdue. I believe that this is why they got churches canceled during this "covid" nonsense.
"Nearer, my God, to thee" goes the song. These folks are wanting to be like their God. Who is not God, but is Satan, or Lucifer.
And what is "God's" chief trait, if "God" is Satan or Lucifer? Pride.
There is a reason why Pride is the worst of all of the Deadly Sins. Pride collapses everything around it, like a black hole. These people have succumbed to Pride, and narcissism is just one facet of Pride. Thinking they know more than God (not Satan or Lucifer but the actual God) is another example of their Pride.
No society can thrive, or indeed even exist, if the people running it are focused on themselves and themselves alone.
A nation grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they will never enjoy. - Greek proverb.
Except for the "aromantics" or whatever, they used to just be called celibate, assexual, etc.. and for the most part, kept out of this entire thing. It is a choice some gay people make due to to their personal morality, which is usually okay with most Christian ministers. It does not belong on the spectrum, in my opinion.
95% of our holidays are based on God and Country. What do you do if you hate those things, but know you cannot remove them? You dilute them with bullshit.
I have no proof, but I don't think this is the first time in history that they have taken things too far, and end up in the closet after people have had enough. Less than 15 years ago, they couldn't get a gay marriage bill passed in California. I think the pendulum is about to swing back.
Inversion and perversion is the way of the death cult. All roads lead to destruction. Didn't the serpent in the garden teach us that Satan has weaponized sex against God's children? They are just super blatant now. This is the end of their time so they're going all out.
delete calender
Fuck these people.
They replaced God with sex
They replaced God with themselves. Sex is just their sacrament (one of them).
I know where to put this
Very good point. So you have heard of "sex magic" Did you know that Pauline Pierce attended some sort of sex workshop with Aleister Crowley, in the time interval when her daughter, Barbara, would have been conceived? Her daughter was later known as Barbara Bush, the wife of one & the mother of another of our most evil presidents. Crowley liked to fancy himself as "the beast" Maybe there really was something to his 'magic"
Chatting with Satanists online, yes, they are incredibly narcissistic. One of them really summed it up for me when they told me: "I don't worship Satan, Satan worships me" I would call that delusional, of course but yes, they worship themselves & sex or any of these sexual perversions (like the fruits of the illusion of transexism) are the sacraments. it could be the blood of animals which are sacrificed. (There are voodoo priests in Africa that you can hire to do a spell for you. They will tell you that they go out & kill a pigeon & with their blood they cast the spell.) Even more powerful than that are these human rituals we all know about that the cabal does. The blood of innocent humans is a very powerful magic.
There is only one magic more powerful than that of shedding the blood of innocent people. That magic is the shedding of the blood of God made flesh. Christ's blood can conquer all. This is why the cabal is constantly insulting Christianity & Christian values. They know that this is the one thing they can not subdue. I believe that this is why they got churches canceled during this "covid" nonsense.
This was well said, idk why it was deleted:
"Nearer, my God, to thee" goes the song. These folks are wanting to be like their God. Who is not God, but is Satan, or Lucifer.
And what is "God's" chief trait, if "God" is Satan or Lucifer? Pride.
There is a reason why Pride is the worst of all of the Deadly Sins. Pride collapses everything around it, like a black hole. These people have succumbed to Pride, and narcissism is just one facet of Pride. Thinking they know more than God (not Satan or Lucifer but the actual God) is another example of their Pride.
No society can thrive, or indeed even exist, if the people running it are focused on themselves and themselves alone.
A nation grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they will never enjoy. - Greek proverb.
Except for the "aromantics" or whatever, they used to just be called celibate, assexual, etc.. and for the most part, kept out of this entire thing. It is a choice some gay people make due to to their personal morality, which is usually okay with most Christian ministers. It does not belong on the spectrum, in my opinion.
95% of our holidays are based on God and Country. What do you do if you hate those things, but know you cannot remove them? You dilute them with bullshit.
One hundred percent of our holidays are based on celebrating consumerism.
Now? I'd mostly agree. But it wasn't always like that.
Thanksgiving is the only one left mostly intact. Time when everyone takes off to be with family and remember what the holiday is about.
We're loosing Thanksgiving too. Let the number of cheap inflatable yard decorations be the gauge.
The instagram generation. Its always "look at me!"
Yes, two days of the year are dedicated to recognizing Jesus.
And now 120 days a year are dedicated to recognizing the LGBTQ community.
The alphabet group is so oppressed they have over 100 days a year dedicated to them.
Social Inflation
Yep. Makes me sick and angry! Luckily I’ll never celebrate any of their crap.
Not really. Holly days celebrate the same evil that Hollywood celebrates.
They're not holy days. They're holly days.
Could we expand April 14th to a full year for them?🐸
Great catch👊, u actually read it 😂
I thought the same thing. Man, that'd be a good year.
This is the way.
Can we hit them with a stone wall on June 23rd?
All I see is a bunch of made up bullshit.
Just like their gender fluidity
I have no proof, but I don't think this is the first time in history that they have taken things too far, and end up in the closet after people have had enough. Less than 15 years ago, they couldn't get a gay marriage bill passed in California. I think the pendulum is about to swing back.
The only important days on my calendar are Dec 24/25, Easter, Memorial, Independence, Veterans, Thanksgiving, and my mothers and fathers B-Day.
Oh, and of course range day which could be any day of the year.....
All those days James listed all end up in one day for me....April 1st.
I can appreciate that... Although, I do kind of enjoy Sept 19th, International Talk Like A Pirate Day🐸
Aye aye matey....
👌👌👌 edit: I ONLY recognize LGB...The Rest are forms of 'mental Illness'....
Looks like my calendar is clear and free’ed up.
I’m gonna have to alert HR that I’m all of the above and need off😂
Absolutely ridiculous
Lets encourage them to turn the “day of silence” into the “year of silence”
December 25 - Nuke Day
We should fill in the other days with even more ridiculous proclamations.
April 1 - cut off your dick day.
Nice thot but no…they’ll just use it as an excuse to line up the kids and “celebrate.”
That’s one third of the year officially celebrating sin.
No. James, I will not.
Wake me up when its Super Straight Day, please.
Sure are a lot of mental disorder days on this calendar, we should have never closed the asylums.
OK! 102 days of bliss ahead!!!
There must be federal funds involved. Establish a day, cash a tax payer funded check to hire staff to promote said day.
Funny how they skipped over January and December. ⛄❄🥶🧊
Tell me this is just satire?
Sure wish they would all go to Palestine to protest for their side. Ha! Clueless buffoons.
Inversion and perversion is the way of the death cult. All roads lead to destruction. Didn't the serpent in the garden teach us that Satan has weaponized sex against God's children? They are just super blatant now. This is the end of their time so they're going all out.
I thought June was LGBT month??
Its missing J00nt33f
All those dates are nonsense. Tomorrow is 10/22, Ruger day. Go out and do some plinking and exercise your Second Amendment RIGHT!
There's no agenda from them...