Fuck ya, what this man has done is incredible and has inspired not just myself but a whole generation and I believe many generations to come. I stand by him ride or die, it’s the hill I die on. “OUR BEST DAYS ARE YET TO COME”
I believe there are many cops who would happily enforce it. Idk who is dumb enough to think they're all on our side after COVID and summer of love. This meme is fucking stupid.
If you say so. My computer can paint a better picture than me. Free will and intelligence are gifts from the Lord, as are all the things they enable us to create are as well. That's my personal view on it.
Idk to me it's pretty straightforward. If the picture has some extra fingers or something, it looks bad. If it looks good it looks good. I would argue that creativity is the biggest part of creation, and it's creativity that brought us all these things. I mean, I get what you mean to a degree. My kids art is objectively not good, but I love when they make things for me and proudly hang them. That said, if given the choice to pay someone to make a piece of art I want that I am not capable of making myself, or generate it with AI, I'm taking the AI work everytime. Why? Because Im cheap, and because I can just keep running it till it's perfect in my eyes. Some other artist will inevitably add their own flair that they think looks good in their eyes, but that may not match my vision anyways.
Not all posters are aware of it, but links to Q posts in the u/#q format don't work for users who have "Community Styling" (which also activates colorization, icons and animations that some users find unnecessary, distracting or irrirating) turned off in their "Settings".
i believe Q said there are 10 on the Q team, of those 10 only three are not military. i can't find the drop either, but that is my recollection of that drop.
Trump’s original inner Team consisted of 16+1 people made up of the highest of military and civilian Intel. Trump being the (+) himself. Juan O’Savin or pronounced One-Oh-Seven/1-oh-7, is of course thee 17. Trump himself is not 17, again being the Plus (+). But to answer your question I remember something about 12 currently being in the know after Trump removed some. But additionally the direct Q-Team is inside US Space Force. And over all in the military, 120 of the top intelligence members are “Q-Level” Intel. And then on the Civilian Level there is also a Q-Level group of people too. And I don’t know the specific numbers. The top officers of SEAL Team 6 are supposed to be Q-Level also. And other Anons are free to correct me, but that’s what I’ve gained from my research and in talking to a few Anons here.
I once had a vivid dream just like this. I was sitting across from Trump and he was smiling and having a good laugh with the people around him. I was happy too, just sitting there noticing the twinkle in his eyes, being completely giddy with the people in the room. It has always made me feel like at the very end of this whole thing we are witnessing, all will be well, evil will lose, and happiness and joy will be felt around the whole earth.
What it looks like when the world isn’t burning and everyone can share a laugh. Looking forward, not back, to a better future.
Fuck ya, what this man has done is incredible and has inspired not just myself but a whole generation and I believe many generations to come. I stand by him ride or die, it’s the hill I die on. “OUR BEST DAYS ARE YET TO COME”
What is this scene and why is it trolling?
i don't understand why you would be down voted for this question???
but i also don't understand what the scene is about either and was hoping someone would answer you.
I don't know lol!
AI pic showing Trump as a defendant in court and how everyone loves and supports him, and he is not worried in the least.
thank you LV, appreciate your time and answer. sometimes things just don't click for all of us. nice to have a kind answer.
The judge rule any which way he/she wants. Who is going to enforce it? Obviously not the guys laughing with Trump.
I believe there are many cops who would happily enforce it. Idk who is dumb enough to think they're all on our side after COVID and summer of love. This meme is fucking stupid.
They better have brought line of sight beam reader missiles to the fight!
Trump doesn’t seem worried!
Trumps got a gag order. Meaning he can't speak on the New York case.
What do pictures say?
A thousand words.
Who would enforce said violation of gag order?
New Yorks finest.
Who is Trump with?
New Yorks finest. (Compare shoulder patch to New York police officer uniforms)
What are they laughing at?
Today's news and judges comments on Trumps "violation" of a gag order and potential arrest.
Trump is saying all he needs to say without speaking a single word and without violating a gag order.
Watch the Troll King work ladies and gents.
"Watcn the Troll King Work"
Watching, pondering, learning, improving.
LOL that is some master trolling
This is a great meme ! Should make folks feel a little better about the situations going on . 👍
We are all on this ride together! Might as well raise our hands over our heads on the big drops and have some fun while we ride.
If only someone would actually paint it. AI generated art just makes me ill at ease
As it should!
Duly noted; can't disagree.
Rightly so. It is not creativity that comes from the creative flow from God. As a result, it lacks feeling and humanity.
Eh. God gave us silicon and the intelligence to develop the transistor.
Those are utilities, and though they were created, they are not art.
If you say so. My computer can paint a better picture than me. Free will and intelligence are gifts from the Lord, as are all the things they enable us to create are as well. That's my personal view on it.
They may be "better" but they still lack heart, soul and emotion which is the biggest part of creation.
Idk to me it's pretty straightforward. If the picture has some extra fingers or something, it looks bad. If it looks good it looks good. I would argue that creativity is the biggest part of creation, and it's creativity that brought us all these things. I mean, I get what you mean to a degree. My kids art is objectively not good, but I love when they make things for me and proudly hang them. That said, if given the choice to pay someone to make a piece of art I want that I am not capable of making myself, or generate it with AI, I'm taking the AI work everytime. Why? Because Im cheap, and because I can just keep running it till it's perfect in my eyes. Some other artist will inevitably add their own flair that they think looks good in their eyes, but that may not match my vision anyways.
I'm waiting to see some AI art that looks good.
Painted portraits good?
Photographed portraits bad?
No. There is creativity in good photography.
Amen to that
Master Troll 2.0: Il Donald Trumpo - WE DON'T NEED A SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE - BUT A LIST
thank u
Keks Galore!
Did not Q say that only 10 are in the know? Could not find the drop, can you help, dear fren?
Thank you, fren!!!
10-4 👍🇺🇸
Links like this just take me to a blank page every time what am I doing wrong?
Not all posters are aware of it, but links to Q posts in the u/#q format don't work for users who have "Community Styling" (which also activates colorization, icons and animations that some users find unnecessary, distracting or irrirating) turned off in their "Settings".
This link to the post should work: https://qalerts.app/?q=%2360
Appreciate it! I didn't realize I had that turned off.
Glad to help. (BTW, my CS is almost always turned off.)
Less than 10. More than five.
Less than 10 know the full scale ..
i believe Q said there are 10 on the Q team, of those 10 only three are not military. i can't find the drop either, but that is my recollection of that drop.
Less than ten. But require two hands, so more than five.
Thank you, see the drop above already provided (you were right!)
If "in the know" == "have the FULL picture" then yes less than 10 people are "in the know".
Others know just enuf to do their part but nothing .ore.
Q drop #50
and not one of those guys is michael flynn or dan scavino
"And none of these guys is...dan scavino"
Missed Qs drops about Dan, or forgot them?
Trump’s original inner Team consisted of 16+1 people made up of the highest of military and civilian Intel. Trump being the (+) himself. Juan O’Savin or pronounced One-Oh-Seven/1-oh-7, is of course thee 17. Trump himself is not 17, again being the Plus (+). But to answer your question I remember something about 12 currently being in the know after Trump removed some. But additionally the direct Q-Team is inside US Space Force. And over all in the military, 120 of the top intelligence members are “Q-Level” Intel. And then on the Civilian Level there is also a Q-Level group of people too. And I don’t know the specific numbers. The top officers of SEAL Team 6 are supposed to be Q-Level also. And other Anons are free to correct me, but that’s what I’ve gained from my research and in talking to a few Anons here.
Interesting guesses Brent75.
Hopefully one day each of us will find out how accurate our guesses were.
WOW, thank you, Brent75. That was a really rich and tasty answer, absolute great details. :-)
News paper ,, article about gag order ,, trump can’t talk and all
This is what it looks like when someone is both keen AND kin to the LAW.
I once had a vivid dream just like this. I was sitting across from Trump and he was smiling and having a good laugh with the people around him. I was happy too, just sitting there noticing the twinkle in his eyes, being completely giddy with the people in the room. It has always made me feel like at the very end of this whole thing we are witnessing, all will be well, evil will lose, and happiness and joy will be felt around the whole earth.
Vivid dreams may become reality 😊
Cheers to that!
There's really nothing quite like letting someone else (AI) create a fake reality to make you feel comfy.