So I've been gaming on Day Z for about a month on ps4 platform (x box is ghey) JK. But anyways we really dont talk politics or religion but early this morning it broke out into conversation. I play with guys from the states and across the pond. So long story short Jimmy Saville and Epstein came up along with Hawaii and the missing children. So I came to write this little post to inform those that disbelieve that crimes against the children of this whole world is going to unite everyone you've got another thing coming the Shit is going to hit the fan on all this child trafficking and when it does its about to get real as a mofo. We are definitely about to shift these timelines and the moment of precipice is about to be reached. GOD WINS. peace ✌️ hope this little post helps let others see that Q was right along with anons work is not going unrecognized.
Comments (41)
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I keep trying to tell my husband that there are more of us out there and growing every single day. If he would just turn off FNC for 5 minutes....
Stay the course. He knows you’re right.
Hardest thing for my husband to admit is I, his wife, was right. I bet that is true for many.
At least your husband will listen! Mine thinks I am a total nut job!
I hope he will have a question that burns in him that he will ask YOU for the answer to. It’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of time!😉
It shouldn't be hard for a man to admit his wife is right. Men, typically speaking, don't want to marry an idiot. While they like feeling like the smartest person in a room, their biggest decision they ever made was who they married. They should listen to their wives. They aren't always right, but they aren't always wrong, either. No one is always right.
100 %.
My woman is intelligent, has pattern recognition and is such a good writer with so voluminous a vocabulary she could write a new declaration of independence.
I seek her input, not just listen when it is offered.
You’re right. I DO have a hard time admitting you’re right, honey.
Maybe you can help him ween himself off of the FNC with some OANN?
I am sure you have asked him, but why did FNC call AZ early on election night 2020? When FNC did that, like a signal flair, ALL of the battleground states stopped counting for the night. We're talking GA, PA, MI, WI, AZ. All of them. Pipes started breaking. Windows started getting covered up. All of the republican poll watchers were kicked out of major city precincts in battleground states. It took DAYS to manufacture the votes needed to win.
All because FOX NEWS CALLED AZ early.
For many of us, it was like flipping a light switch and FNC was dead, dead, dead. Forever.
FNC settled with Dominion.
FNC pushed the Vaxx (which has killed or maimed untold numbers of people).
Why is he okay with watching FNC still?
Sorry for the rant, but FNC is the Fooking Enemy here!
p.s. This comment is not directed at you u/AmberWins, I appreciate all you do on the board. You're a fren. I just want to reiterate who the enemies are in this 5th Gen War.
I agree with you 1,000 percent!! FNC was dead to me, once they called Arizona at 2 o’clock!!!
Never forget!
Remember - has OAN, works on Roku, Android and Google TV, apps, and browsers, and the "OAN Plan" is only $2.50 a month.
Not only did Fox News call AZ early, they posted about a WEEK earlier that Lake lost! Hobbnob stole the election.
Because FNC is that 64oz big gulp from the gas station that’s being drank 5 times a week even as the scale moves past 325.
Figure out the emotion that prevents the big gulp going away no matter how much the medical bills get to be, and you can find what causes FNC to stay on the playlist.
What need is the child hiding inside that adult body that keeps demanding that big gulp trying to meet?
Yup bc being told is a lot easier than thinking for yourself just like being fed is easier than fending for yourself. The alternative scares them bc of what it demands (and has been demanding) of them.
I don't need to ask him any of that. He knows all of it. But that's where his little girl works so......
Not you, I haven’t been able to break my people of FNC, either!
It’s definitely tough.
Good work fren!
Keep in mind, that paradigm shifts immediately! Our anger ends at that point. Done! Finally! The next paradigm to shift will be a global homeostasis of highly charged positive energy. Focused entirely on building a world without them in it.
The human primer
Twinkling of any eye
Slowly at first, then suddenly.
Thanks for letting us know the mindset of players worldwide! Exciting times fren!
I lurk on a reddit board that keeps tabs on Meghan Markle (as in, people who are noticing that she is a malignant narcissist and are watching her bad behavior). There's some screaming liberals there and people who think the rest of the royal family is the bees knees, but I'd say a good two thirds of the board are people who are tired of the woke BS and are waking up to how much they've been played by celebrity PR games.
I've been watching red pills be administered in real time and it's wonderful.
I had the red pill in 2016 with the release of the Podesta emails, so over a year before Q came on the scene. Pizzagate was a huge pill for me and once I realized what it meant, I was able to accept that many of our government officials(uniparty)are pedophiles and Satanists. When you're not evil, it's hard to imagine that level of evil. I think that's where the denial comes from.
What was it in your online conversations that led you to make this statement?
Just the way that the economy is then went into the word of Yeshua and how most people don't connect the dots. Not assessing or digesting the news properly. It was mostly just a bunch of random conversations but I ultimately beleive when speaking the word of God leads to bigger things a more eye opening experience of what's going on around you.
Is PS4 Crossplat with PC i want dayz friends lol
No. Yes it would be nice
Big sad.
pc > console
I installed Starcraft 2 a few months ago. It of course requires you to install first. It has been more than 10 years since I played it last.
Every time I get into general chat, there is a conversation about Trump, Epstein, or Pedos running the world. People are definitely waking up.
Fake. You forgot fake. Fake and ghey :)
Thank you!
PC Master Race
I swear DayZ trends conservative anyway — it’s stressful and hard to do well. Libshits don’t want to work hard or endure hard things.
NY 7600 on console. Currently locking down Berezino and raiding the plague ship constantly to hold the line.
Public Mass Awakening is the key. This is the Great Awakening. Q and anything involving Q or key players in the game are just catalyst for a mass vibrational ascension process. The entire planet should eventually break out of their mental shackles after experiencing the scare event that was/is COVID-19 and Ukraine/Israel endless wars leaving them full of questions because for once nothing they’re told makes enough sense to comfort their minds. It’s simple, wake up. It’s an individual choice though.