Amen. give it back to all the people what they stole from all the people since the beginning. The rich got rich by stealing the wealth from all the peoples lands since the beginning. We do not have a Color Supremacy issue we have a Globalist Filthy Rich Supremacy issue.
This is the reason for all the courtroom drama Trump and his family are being dragged through. To prove in a courtroom to the country and the world that Trump won the 2020 election. How do you provide evidence?
My best guess is 4% of the extreme TDS left will go straight up suicide vest pshyco crazy as their worst feared version of reality they've been so deperately trying to convince themselves otherwise is in fact the reality they're stuck with.
We'll see Trump Supporters celebrating come under attack.
Libtards driving through crowds and shit.
I'm talking like calling out the man in a dress for having a dick but he's frothing at the mouth demanding he's really a woman x10 crazy. We've seen them. It's why the manifesto from that one shooting wasn't realeased. They are ready to burn this place down if they don't get to force their version of reality on the rest of us.
Especially when they realize it's not just gonna be 4 more years of Trump, but it's going to be a another 20 years at least of a Trump Dynasty. If its not someone with the last name Trump, its going to be someone endorsed and hand selected by him either way.
Donald Trump 2024-2028
Eric or Jr Trump 2028-2032 - 2032-2036
Then the other one! 2036-2040 - 2040-2044
Baron Trump 2044-2048 - 2048-2052
Ivanka and Jarod can sit this one out. I think Melenia is done with it but if she shows interest I'd be open to it.
They should of just let him win but now they really pissed everyone off.
Check to see who their therapists are. Check their prescription because Big Pharma plays a role and have suspected a big role in Veterans suicides. They have been programmed. God bless you for seeing this and sharing this.
There very recently a Conniticut election was declare void by a Judge and she ordered a new election because of vote fraud. Fraud vitates everything, so I don't know if Trump gets installed as Pres. or if a new election will be held. It is too late in the term to do either, so I think what will happen is the 2020 election will be voided, no further pronouncements of whether or not Trump will be installed after Joe is tossed out, so this charade will continue until the next election in 2024. This will be used as a learning event to show what should happen when an election is tainted by fraud. But the next time fraud happens in a Presidential election it will not drag out for three years. Besided, there will be one day voting on paper ballots. That will cut out a lot of the cheating pretty quick.
I listen to Dave on X-22 and the things he talks about makes me slap my forehead and say, 'duh'. Common sense ideas, yet I'm too lame brained to think about those ideas for myself. Your CIC could be correct. I have heard of Trump being Commander of the military, but always thought Biden was a place holder, with not real power as Pres. One day Q is going to write a book and let us all know how this op was done. I'm sure it will be a volume set like an Encyclopedia Britianica. And when he does show us what happened, once again I'll be slapping my forehead saying, "duh, it really was easy". I think sometimes we overthink this kind of stuff. Thinkers have the ability to reason out the answers, we just have a very hard time believing those answers are true.
DEVOLUTION was set into place Trump's first term. Now is the 'pause' as Trump has said many times. Now he's about to reveal the 2020 steal and will win in 2024.
Why should there be another election if it's proven he won the 2020? I would expect the proper procedure would be to remove the loser and install the winner. It's the only fair and correct thing to do. Lessons will be / have been learned.
this is a what if. But also take note a mayors race was overturned in Wisconsin and new elections coming. Bit more important President Trump will take the stand and wirh declassified information will prove election fraud. This is a heads up what os coming.
Of course, the Commies would want nothing to happen and just go on as it is now, but we on the other hand, would want Trump to take over and have a full four year term, with three from what the resident, Biden, has already put in. These people, the Commies, are idiots.
Nothing happens. Our institutions are irredeemable. Evidence doesn't matter, laws don't matter, nothing matters and nothing changes until people take up arms and take back their power by force.
"Return the diamonds."
Amen. give it back to all the people what they stole from all the people since the beginning. The rich got rich by stealing the wealth from all the peoples lands since the beginning. We do not have a Color Supremacy issue we have a Globalist Filthy Rich Supremacy issue.
Return the 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
This is the reason for all the courtroom drama Trump and his family are being dragged through. To prove in a courtroom to the country and the world that Trump won the 2020 election. How do you provide evidence?
Exactly, and i suspect this is a heads up with what is coming. President trump already telegraphed what he was going to prove with declassification.
You spelled WHEN wrong. Not IF.
God bless you as you are all over the target.
Your work ain't too shabby either, fren.
Been waiting for this since Nov of 2020 when the left stole a nation and started to hold its citizens hostage.
Amen, and President Trump stated he would prove election fraud with declassified information. So buckle up .
My best guess is 4% of the extreme TDS left will go straight up suicide vest pshyco crazy as their worst feared version of reality they've been so deperately trying to convince themselves otherwise is in fact the reality they're stuck with.
We'll see Trump Supporters celebrating come under attack.
Libtards driving through crowds and shit.
I'm talking like calling out the man in a dress for having a dick but he's frothing at the mouth demanding he's really a woman x10 crazy. We've seen them. It's why the manifesto from that one shooting wasn't realeased. They are ready to burn this place down if they don't get to force their version of reality on the rest of us.
Especially when they realize it's not just gonna be 4 more years of Trump, but it's going to be a another 20 years at least of a Trump Dynasty. If its not someone with the last name Trump, its going to be someone endorsed and hand selected by him either way.
Donald Trump 2024-2028 Eric or Jr Trump 2028-2032 - 2032-2036 Then the other one! 2036-2040 - 2040-2044 Baron Trump 2044-2048 - 2048-2052
Ivanka and Jarod can sit this one out. I think Melenia is done with it but if she shows interest I'd be open to it.
They should of just let him win but now they really pissed everyone off.
Check to see who their therapists are. Check their prescription because Big Pharma plays a role and have suspected a big role in Veterans suicides. They have been programmed. God bless you for seeing this and sharing this.
Lol. Melania is not eligible, but that would be a hoot.
Don, Jr. Such a matter-of-fact character - comedian! When I see his posts on Truth Social or X, he's just so common sense funny!
There very recently a Conniticut election was declare void by a Judge and she ordered a new election because of vote fraud. Fraud vitates everything, so I don't know if Trump gets installed as Pres. or if a new election will be held. It is too late in the term to do either, so I think what will happen is the 2020 election will be voided, no further pronouncements of whether or not Trump will be installed after Joe is tossed out, so this charade will continue until the next election in 2024. This will be used as a learning event to show what should happen when an election is tainted by fraud. But the next time fraud happens in a Presidential election it will not drag out for three years. Besided, there will be one day voting on paper ballots. That will cut out a lot of the cheating pretty quick.
Think of this possible angle. Trump is the CIC of the Republic and Buyden is the President of a bankrupt US Corporation.
I listen to Dave on X-22 and the things he talks about makes me slap my forehead and say, 'duh'. Common sense ideas, yet I'm too lame brained to think about those ideas for myself. Your CIC could be correct. I have heard of Trump being Commander of the military, but always thought Biden was a place holder, with not real power as Pres. One day Q is going to write a book and let us all know how this op was done. I'm sure it will be a volume set like an Encyclopedia Britianica. And when he does show us what happened, once again I'll be slapping my forehead saying, "duh, it really was easy". I think sometimes we overthink this kind of stuff. Thinkers have the ability to reason out the answers, we just have a very hard time believing those answers are true.
I can understand and have faith and keep those beautiful prayers going.
DEVOLUTION was set into place Trump's first term. Now is the 'pause' as Trump has said many times. Now he's about to reveal the 2020 steal and will win in 2024.
Agreed. But what do you think will happen in between these two events? (The reveal and 2024 election)
This what we are all waiting on with exposing the steal.
Why should there be another election if it's proven he won the 2020? I would expect the proper procedure would be to remove the loser and install the winner. It's the only fair and correct thing to do. Lessons will be / have been learned.
Simple to me:
Amen and God Bless you.
Dang you beat me to it
What court case is this clip taken from?
This is a what if. It is also a heads up with what is coming.
But which court case was this clip taken from?
This is a what if ? But also a heads up to what is coming.
But which court case was this clip taken from?
Is this AI generated?
The video? Maybe actually, I had not considered that. u/LakotaPride 's comments seem very AI generated, however.
More projection for team Biden. Take it back to the Farm and get recycled.
this is a what if. But also take note a mayors race was overturned in Wisconsin and new elections coming. Bit more important President Trump will take the stand and wirh declassified information will prove election fraud. This is a heads up what os coming.
But which court case was this clip taken from?
This is a what if. But also a preview of what is coming.
Where is the rest of this Video???
Lawyer said Three things would happen, what are the other Two???
This is a what if. If you listened to president Trump then you know this will be coming soon.
Where's this clip from?
Where's points 2 & 3??????
This is a heads up with what would happen. I suspect it is also a heads up it is coming.
Of course, the Commies would want nothing to happen and just go on as it is now, but we on the other hand, would want Trump to take over and have a full four year term, with three from what the resident, Biden, has already put in. These people, the Commies, are idiots.
This is a heads up to what is coming.
So this is AI?
Appears so.
Trump won and YOU KNOW IT
Love it. We need to keep playing this song.
The other states' lawsuits will run for the hills if Trump proves he won GA. They'll think shit what does he have on our state?
Exactly, a Domino effect.
Everyone involved does life in prison
At a minimum.
Exactly! Foreshadowing.
Amen, a heads up of upcoming attractions.
Show us President Trump won and make the indictments go away.
Show us President Trump won, and begin the indictments of the crooks that stole it.
We then get out the rope!
We get pop corn and watch the trials.
What were 2 and 3?
This was a what if ? But also a heads up with what is coming.
You two are starting to sound like two chat bots arguing with each other in a loop.
Ooh, this is getting good!
While this is a what if. I suspect a heads up for upcoming events.
I think I’ll choose door number 1, Jack.
LOL. This is a preview of coming attractions.
We drag the perps into the streets and beat them.
Eat popcorn and watch the perp walks and trials.
Nothing happens. Our institutions are irredeemable. Evidence doesn't matter, laws don't matter, nothing matters and nothing changes until people take up arms and take back their power by force.