All of Kubrick's movies are super comms. I bet the powers that be made him change The Shining to insert comms and this was probably when Stephen King was still a novice to that type of shit.
This is a very interesting article on Kubrick and King. 45 seconds? Page 17? 🤔
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
I always felt there was a strong autobiographical feel to Jack Torrance's character in that book. Hated his wife, hated his kid and would do anything to appease the voices in his head.
😂 Lawnmower man!
I read & owned almost all his books, starting in 1977. The gunslinger & tower series my favorites & under the dome….little bit of truth in each one, donated them in 2021…..there’s a reason he’s a ‘famous author” only one way to the top…..
Odd I find very few of his books appeal, but the Stand completely entranced me. Funny how the story of a flu-like pandemic that wiped out all the population and paved the way for the embodiment of evil to (literally) walk the world was being written in the 70s - still I guess the fuckers have to tells us to get our "permission" for their atrocities. Oddly I found the Dark Tower to be heavily contrived - I read all the way through to see if there was anything in it - but at the end I felt I could have gotten the same degree of entertainment from reading the embossing on shitter paper.
Reading the Stand got me into Stephen king. The books I tried of his after that were not as good. But at this point in my life I have discernment not to spend too much time absorbed in the mind of a sicko.
Spot-on. King peaked in the first 10-15 years of his career. Salems Lot and The Stand are my two favorites, followed by The Talisman (written with Peter Straub).
He used to be my favorite author, and until he went full libtard about 15-20 years ago, I read every one of his new books. No more...I'm not subsidizing his mind vomit, and no doubt many donations to the DNC.
Authors, pop artists, Hollyweird performers...ALL they need to do is their damn job and keep their pieholes from leaking anything relating to politics. It's impossible for most of them to follow that simple rule anymore, though.
The first TV adaptation was damn good fun too. For the record the latest one is going to be boycotted for the sole reason that Whoopi Hatemonger is in it (in an example of the most completely inappropriate mis-casting in the history of bad decisions)
ironic, a band with the name of Mastodon wrote a song called Steam breather, the video is basically a cult that breaths in the steam or life from followers, sorry for the YouTube link.
If you had a way to talk would you take it? I know we assume all these people are EVIL but what if cracks are forming in their controll? The dam will break when there are enough cracks. People might be finding personal spiritual freedom before death.
Yea, like I wrote in another comment. His tweets are not sophisticated at all, if you didn't know he was a famous writer you'd think he has a sub 100 IQ, and child like mind.
Was a bit of a fan when I was a teenager in the 70s because that's his writing style: he writes like a teenage boy.
Who knows when he lost his way?
Couple years ago I watched In the Tall Grass on Netflix, and it has a baby (newborn infant) eating scene in it. Absolutely horrific. They're not hiding that anymore, either. I think the movie Mother opened the gate for the baby-eating motif.
and there you have it. Peter Hyatt a wonderful Statement Analysis expert says that criminals give themselves away by the words they choose to use or not use as the case may be.
For Instance when he analysed The Kate McCann, little Maddie's Mother he noticed how she only ever referred to her in the past tense. ' Maddi Would' Maddie used to like looking after her brother and sister' stuff like that, Not'Does like ' therefore she knows she is already gone.
He also stays they will make all-encompassing statements that tell you what they actually did, Like this twat King.
Source for those interested
Read his book called “the Institute” that came out a few years ago. Another one about children being abducted and tortured, and their life force being used up. He seems to love that theme.
I believe horror authors in general are sketchy... it takes a special kind of fucked-in-the-head to come up with their crap (and then promote it to people as entertainment!)
Suspense and thriller are fine, it's the grotesque.
(and if you enjoy it please tell me how that works?? Not trying to deny anybody's view of it)
Just look at him in this picture.......I know someone who met Stephen King at a local event. Her impression of him was that he was "very disturbed" and he was a "weird and strange person". She said he is the type of individual you'd never want around your children. Again, just look at him.... scary.
Holy crap. Right in our faces. This man needs to be skinned and quartered. Get the word out not to buy this book. Heading to Twitter to start the campaign. Let’s harass the hell out of this guy.
Monster INC.
Symbolism will be there downfall.
Once the tribunals start, the evidence will be overwhelming for people to digest. Therein lies our chance going forward.
We're the Profits in this Biblical story.
^^^ 100%
Also, Hocus Pocus.
My first thought.
My english teacher always said, write from experience, it's much easier to document your experiences than to write other people's anecdotes.
I used to read him. Boycott.
When my Methodist church was turning into a Presbyterian, I used to bring Stephen King in there. LOL
Kubrick was the the genius behind the Shining ----- not King
King is alcoholic that wrote a book about an alcoholic ---- Kubrick made a nice movie.
I like this take. IF you've ever read King's tweets on X, you can see how simplistic and child like his mind is. There's no genius in there.
Kubrick turned it into an Easter egg for his Apollo moon landing movie.
The Shining is about cyclical child abuse, IMO. Tony the Finger is representative of disassociation caused by trauma. Goes deep.
It's been years, but Rob Ager has some roundabout proofs in his analytical videos on YT. Same with Eyes Wide Shut.
All of Kubrick's movies are super comms. I bet the powers that be made him change The Shining to insert comms and this was probably when Stephen King was still a novice to that type of shit.
I agree. I can see King typing now...
Edit: fixed link!
This is a very interesting article on Kubrick and King. 45 seconds? Page 17? 🤔
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Thanks u/PepeSee 👈🏻
My bad! 🤦♂️
All fixed! 😁
I always felt there was a strong autobiographical feel to Jack Torrance's character in that book. Hated his wife, hated his kid and would do anything to appease the voices in his head.
Could he make it any more obvious that he is proud of the cult he belongs to?
The Doctor Sleep movie had heavy adrenochrome vibes. Even got into the idea that "steam" from children was much more potent.
Wow, he's turning into Trashcan Man.
😂 Lawnmower man! I read & owned almost all his books, starting in 1977. The gunslinger & tower series my favorites & under the dome….little bit of truth in each one, donated them in 2021…..there’s a reason he’s a ‘famous author” only one way to the top…..
Odd I find very few of his books appeal, but the Stand completely entranced me. Funny how the story of a flu-like pandemic that wiped out all the population and paved the way for the embodiment of evil to (literally) walk the world was being written in the 70s - still I guess the fuckers have to tells us to get our "permission" for their atrocities. Oddly I found the Dark Tower to be heavily contrived - I read all the way through to see if there was anything in it - but at the end I felt I could have gotten the same degree of entertainment from reading the embossing on shitter paper.
Reading the Stand got me into Stephen king. The books I tried of his after that were not as good. But at this point in my life I have discernment not to spend too much time absorbed in the mind of a sicko.
Spot-on. King peaked in the first 10-15 years of his career. Salems Lot and The Stand are my two favorites, followed by The Talisman (written with Peter Straub).
He used to be my favorite author, and until he went full libtard about 15-20 years ago, I read every one of his new books. No more...I'm not subsidizing his mind vomit, and no doubt many donations to the DNC.
Authors, pop artists, Hollyweird performers...ALL they need to do is their damn job and keep their pieholes from leaking anything relating to politics. It's impossible for most of them to follow that simple rule anymore, though.
The first TV adaptation was damn good fun too. For the record the latest one is going to be boycotted for the sole reason that Whoopi Hatemonger is in it (in an example of the most completely inappropriate mis-casting in the history of bad decisions)
ironic, a band with the name of Mastodon wrote a song called Steam breather, the video is basically a cult that breaths in the steam or life from followers, sorry for the YouTube link.
I love mastodon... So If you want a real wakeup call, check out lead guitarist/vocalist Brett Hinds back tattoo
Not really hiding anything at all
IRONIC, you saying you love mastadon yet bring up his satanic tattoo.. what does that say about you?
Says I can think for myself and listen to music without becoming the musician incarnate
You should try it dipshit
*By the way, that's not ironic whatsoever
🎶pursue happiness, with diligence🎶
Looks like Stephen Colbert would when he runs out of his Adrenochrome.
This is a motif of King's. Sleepwalkers also about beasts that steal the life-force from young virgins. "It" also has abducty vibes.
If you had a way to talk would you take it? I know we assume all these people are EVIL but what if cracks are forming in their controll? The dam will break when there are enough cracks. People might be finding personal spiritual freedom before death.
that would be Biblical.
this man is annoying on twitter too.
Yea, like I wrote in another comment. His tweets are not sophisticated at all, if you didn't know he was a famous writer you'd think he has a sub 100 IQ, and child like mind.
If he’s not hiding anymore, what about presenting him with a nice tar and feathers gala suit?
Maybe he is being forced to de-cloak.
If he had any sense, he would hide.
Who reads this shit
Was a bit of a fan when I was a teenager in the 70s because that's his writing style: he writes like a teenage boy.
Who knows when he lost his way?
Couple years ago I watched In the Tall Grass on Netflix, and it has a baby (newborn infant) eating scene in it. Absolutely horrific. They're not hiding that anymore, either. I think the movie Mother opened the gate for the baby-eating motif.
Kang needs a Cleveland steamer.
From what I understand, it's one of the only effective treatments for TDS.
("Link" posted for those who don't know)
What a great rec! TY, I just subscribed to that channel!! :D
and there you have it. Peter Hyatt a wonderful Statement Analysis expert says that criminals give themselves away by the words they choose to use or not use as the case may be. For Instance when he analysed The Kate McCann, little Maddie's Mother he noticed how she only ever referred to her in the past tense. ' Maddi Would' Maddie used to like looking after her brother and sister' stuff like that, Not'Does like ' therefore she knows she is already gone. He also stays they will make all-encompassing statements that tell you what they actually did, Like this twat King. Source for those interested
Read his book called “the Institute” that came out a few years ago. Another one about children being abducted and tortured, and their life force being used up. He seems to love that theme.
I believe horror authors in general are sketchy... it takes a special kind of fucked-in-the-head to come up with their crap (and then promote it to people as entertainment!)
Suspense and thriller are fine, it's the grotesque.
(and if you enjoy it please tell me how that works?? Not trying to deny anybody's view of it)
Nothing's more horrifying than real life.
Just look at him in this picture.......I know someone who met Stephen King at a local event. Her impression of him was that he was "very disturbed" and he was a "weird and strange person". She said he is the type of individual you'd never want around your children. Again, just look at him.... scary.
What a sick MF.
The Dark Crystal did the same thing. Both 1982 and the newer one, although the newer one is a bit more disturbing:
lock him up.
I am really sad to admit that I use to enjoy his work - now I know that he is the devils spawn
Hey Cousin Stevie....know who else has no lips?
Holy crap. Right in our faces. This man needs to be skinned and quartered. Get the word out not to buy this book. Heading to Twitter to start the campaign. Let’s harass the hell out of this guy.
Yeah and we literally do the same to animals.
Lesser be judged.
Wow. Totally not the same thing.