Can election rigging be prevented, Q seems to say they can.
Q Post 14 Was HRC next in line? Was the election suppose to be RIGGED? Did good people prevent the rigging? Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
How do you safeguard an election? Blockchain elections
Voter ID? NFT's. 1 NFT minted per legal vote, no more no less
150 million voters = 150 million NFT's safeguarded on Blockchain
Remember Melania’s “blockchain” dress? 😁
No, do u have a link?
You can also search “Melania Trump blockchain dress” and go to images.
Nice! I forgot about those comms!
And the USPS has a patent for blockchain voting.
I like your thought on the blockchain. I'm not sure it would work in the long run though. Eventually it would get so huge it would take government or corporate intervention to store all of the data instead of how it works now. Then it would end up centralized. Maybe I'm wrong, but I could see that happening "by accident"...
Most people would not understand how blockchain works, therefore they would not trust it, me included.
False. Most people have no idea how banking and the monetary supply works, and they trust and use it.
I am sure that Trump has used something like this in 2020. He has the real results. Mike the Pillow Guy has posted the image at one time or another. This makes me really think that they used this type of technology.
On another note... I hope people will OPEN their eyes!! FASTER!!
I think it's fair not to trust anything anymore. But most people don't understand how electrical plants (blanket for all kinds) works when it gets down to the deeper levels, and we still use it.
Not that I'm really in favor of blockchain for this, but not understanding something is not necessarily grounds to reject it entirely -- in my opinion anyway.
USPS already has a blockchain voting patent.
So why weren't those good people at the helm in 2018, 2020, or 2022? Where were the good people when Q+ signed operation warp speed to the record profit of Pharma companies by allowing them to harm every citizen that trusted their doctors for medical decisions? Where are the good people at while American Citizens patriotic enough to show up in DC to protest a stolen election rot in what is essentially an American gulag? When do people that seek the truth lose their blind trust that "good people" exist in a den of evil? I no longer believe "good people" exist in any vicinity to power in the federal government or military.
Asking the real questions. The longer this goes on, it makes me consider whether anything is going to happen.
I think it will eventually become clear that nothing is going to habben soon. No fixes, corrections, repercussions, consequences, or improvements. Just a bunch of continuous roiling that everyone will get sick of worse than they already are.
I’m not dooming or negative at all. If anything, I feel pretty calm, even maybe objective—certainly emotionally neutral.
I also believe that nothing will happen until people are all but screaming for some kind of action or intervention because by we’ll get to where we’re beyond the edge of disaster and actually falling into the pit.
Then the military will activate and operate under The Law of War:—and likely under similar mandates.
The relentless accretion of incoherence everywhere reduces the odds of things turning out well. Bad guys trying to save themselves will not only compound but also ensure their own inevitable disasters—and possibly ours if we’re not careful.
Prudence, prayer, and planning are what my husband and I are doing (and recommending) to ensure that We the People are out of harm’s way when the Titans inevitably clash—which they will, and which we recognize as real by the glowering and menacing that’s going on now.
Quality thinking even if one didn't agree.
Same. It is not going to be in the way we think it is. Mainly because we are not supposed to fully know what is going on. I am starting to think that that is OUR lesson to be learned.
People had to wake up. u/#q4089 Can't really save the country if people never learn and fall into the same traps.
We have in some cases 20x inflation People are losing their homes Their cars They cant afford basic everyday items
We got absolutely destroyed on Tuesday 75% of young voters say their only real concern with voting was ABORTION.
No one is waking up, Covid created a mega-mass of absolute brainless sheep.
We've all seen by now, the utter hell of the evil running us, and the majority is voting for more of it.
Honest Question, Do you believe people have actually woken up from your personal experience? I ask because it is such a subjective metric. From my experience of the last 7 years, the same people that didn't trust government before, continue to not trust government. The people that base their worldview off Cable News headlines still base their worldview on Cable News headlines. The fox news watchers are still fox news watchers. From my honest observation, some have even gotten worse, the democrats I knew in 2016 now support more government control and support more degenerate causes than before like anti-white and pro-trans crap.
They may be awake to what’s going on, but see themselves as powerless in what to do about it. It’s easy to confuse talking with doing, especially when those in power also substitute words for action.
In my circle, people have not changed. Just as hard hearted as before. They'll die before admitting I'm right and they have been wrong for decades. Sick, degenerates.
Found the same thing. I honestly think nothing was big enough, but maybe, just maybe Biden “winning” 2024 election might make a dent in normies little safe bubble.
Quite a few have, ive seen it in my circles Others will wake when the appropriate red pill is dispensed for them. (Everyones redpill is different). And then there are those who will never wake up. And then there are those whom are complicit.
Exactly this, people I knew from 2016 are on board, and maybe 5% are open but utterly non-actionable, the other 75-85% of people are exactly the same as before, a 5% shift left or right perhaps, but their apathy is utterly embedded, even if they were awake they'd still sleepwalk through it.
Yeah unfortunately my only doubt in the plan is that if it was all an elaborate psyop to keep us from doing anything then it’s perfect. Flynn and them don’t help they just make loud noise calling for action with no general guidance.
Then again I feel like if they had completely lost control they would have called for more specific action via Q.
It always made me nervous that they said get out and vote in 2020 and that not everything was fully secured. Part of me wonders if they didn’t foresee the level of steal that happened and that’s why everything is so fucking slow and chaotic.
My only hope has been that all the loudest corrupt voices have all but disappeared and it very much seems like there are actors because Biden and others really don’t look the same.
I think 2025 shortly after inauguration is my final deadline. Either they steal it again with 50 states and it’s so blatant that military immediately steps in or Trump wins and immediately turns things around.
I also keep my eyes open because if Trump gets in and doesn’t immediately remove censorship and most importantly the federal reserve then we really are still just happier debt slaves.
If the Dem candidate manages to be inaugurated in ‘25, I’m done. No more of this movement, no reason to keep worrying about anything anymore. We just gotta focus on surviving the bullshit and protecting ourselves and our families best we can. Trump is not going to be able to run in 2028 even if they allow it. At that point, there is no saving the country without a bloody revolution, which we know won’t ever happen.
If there really is a Plan, we had better see some fucking action next year. Or else the whole Q and MAGA movements will lose all support. But if Q is a psyop like you say, then this is exactly what they want.
Question: has anything Q has said actually ever happened or come true? Because every time I see someone mentioning deltas, nothing ever happens. In fact, I see deltas and datefagging as coping with the fact nothing is happening. It’s true there’s a lot of coincidences, but I can’t help but think we only see those coincidences because we’re purposefully looking for them (I forget the term to describe this effect).
There is something called confirmation bias which is probably the term you are wanting. Also reticular activation which is basically where your brain starts picking up on things because you think about them (kind of like the law of attraction if you are a realtor you start noticing when people are talking about buying or selling houses because your brain is subconsciously tuning in which leads to opportunity).
That’s also my issue with deltas. There were some things Q did when he was active where there definitely had to have been an insider, but for years now there has been no visible movement or true deltas in my opinion. I mean literally Hillary being arrested was one of the first posts. Still hasn’t publicly happened (though I do think this has actually happened). Same with podesta I think.
Also if you read a lot of posts it honestly sounds like it was meant for military comms which would be odd but probably not unheard of.
I just have always been sketched out by the fact that he disappeared right around election time when all hell broke loose. In the darkest hour arguably in US history Q went dark and that’s kind of insane.
Thanks for your comment/comments. Your post seems to be a longer version of what I said above, in that the longer this goes on, the less I think anything will happen, and it’s troubling. I voted for Trump twice and will again. That being said, there is a part of me that thinks, “Is Trump just trying to keep us calm and placate us so we do nothing and just let the country be ruined further?”
Not an unreasonable thought. It definitely seems like there is no truly trustworthy right wing figure. Trump? Never direct enough and quite frankly says the same shit every rally for almost 4 years now. Flynn? Always saying do something with no real direction. Giuliani? No one knows? Powell? Filing lawsuits but nothing seems to be going anywhere. Trump Jr? Paid speeches and trolling online? Alex Jones? Definitely a doomer this community hates but at least he’s been consistent for 25 years and woken a lot of people up Pillow Man? Disappeared and that shit was so weird with his cyber summit and stuff that looking back I legit wonder if it was some kind of mushroom trip and I don’t even do drugs. Roger Stone? Seems alright but again idk where he is now Matt Gaetz? All over the place Cat Turd? no one knows who it is. Eric Trump? Running family business Pence? Could be full traitor or could be the greatest double agent in history working for space force. We don’t know.
I mean shit dude I couldn’t find a leadership group this unorganized if I tried if I’m being objective and honest about the situation. no wonder the democrats always destroy conservatives because they tow the line and shut up and do back door deals while we can’t figure out how to win against them because we are battling their insane ideas and have to decide to ban trannys from sports, run an infinite deficit, love or hate the Jews, stop immigration, save babies, or stop BLM/looters.
I believe the direct reason was “this phase of the plan is over” but that seems like horse poop. I also think some said that website was no longer secure to post or they couldn’t verify authenticity anymore or something like that.
IMO that’s the sketchiest part. Why go dark at a pivotal moment if it isn’t a psyop? We need guidance not “run for local office and grass roots” when we already know machines flip our votes and dems fund 10 to 1
If you objectively listen to Trump. And I mean this seriously. Remove your Q bias and truly listen. The dude wings a lot of stuff and also doesn’t seem to be clued into much of any larger plan other than his own lawsuits he is dealing with. I’ve suspected for a long time Q was a larger operation that Trump often doesn’t have any clue about other than authorizing it with occasional updates. I also think that’s why Trump and many others can come across as so lost or confused on these things. We think they are masterminds but really they are so busy doing rallies, fighting lawsuits, etc. that they don’t know much about the larger plan while hopefully mil is rounding people up.
There will always be good and evil people in this world. The claim is we have to see it to believe. I sort of understand that, however I do not need to see much to form a rational conclusion of the outcome. Biblically we are told those who are faithful in little are faithful in much and this is also the opposite—those who are unfaithful in little will be unfaithful in all.
So I 100 percent agree there is forces of good and evil and to me if one says abortion is good that has always told me that is evil and therefore all of it is evil—I do not think anyone can hold hands with devil and be good. The devil will never change to good and no one will be able to do good while be besties with the devil.
This is an outlet to help know we are not alone. In the daily lives we work, have kids, see many things and yet we are individuals. In the 60’s all the up to the 2000’s many people would see what we see but have no support. I remember many saying things and many would always yell at the news and appear as a lunatic — I would always pause and try and understand. Especially those who were Vietnam vets.
Someone said a woman helped stop the steal in 2016… I have absorbed so many possibilities and many things have and are being done—none of it will ever be as fast as a 2-hour movie… heck even a extended 4 hour movie.
My current outlook is why should we care when we see Jews being attacked by Islamics in the USA? Both vote for this in the USA so they are getting what they voted for. When I see homeless people asking for money on the corner I want to ask them who they voted for before they became homeless and if they Democratic Party I will tell them they got what they voted for and should be happy.
Those of us based ask these questions. But many have not opened their eyes and this needed to happen. My wife and I have friends who are Republicans and Trump supporters but do not see the evil in the world. They got their shot and a booster or two, but think my wife and I are nuts about why this is all happening.
Not sure how the military is supposed to save us when they are all vaxxed up.
I'd like to see it. So, lets get 'er done!
Not so far...
I’m on the fence… I see all these rats not seeking re-election and yet, no jail time/justice for the crimes they’ve committed Part of me wants to believe there IS a plan, while part of me is tired, and feeling remorse for our lost country that seems to be slipping away day by day. I hope “soon” doesn’t mean long after I’m in the ground pushing up daisies. It’s all quite perplexing and I keep faith in my Lord to get us through this in my lifetime.
Yes and they allowed it to be rigged in ‘20 so they could track the perpetrators. All these deep state maneuvers under Biden are designed to trace communications and funds traffic. We are almost to Act III.
Of course, it can. It's always been possible. The problem is much deeper than election rigging though. The problem is, corrupt people run almost everything. The elections. The courts. The financial system. The government. Remove the corruption or at least limit it, and anything is possible.
My question is if they are going to demand us all get REALID, how then won't they demand us all to use it to vote?
Remember, often, truth is stranger than fiction.
They sure pretend they can't. Or can't.
Blockchain voting is the only fool proof way.
I am still hoping for exposure by watermarks. Trump did mention it.