Mike Johnson is no fool and intends to win if they try to impeach Biden. We can not lose a vote so important...let us see what happens in the next two weeks.
And….. The house oversight committee just issued new subpoena’s this week. Maybe he wants irrefutable evidence before impeachment proceedings start? One and Done?
MTG is living her best moment in the spotlight trying to stay in the headlines.
Update to post: MTG “IS” Fake News
“ and now the new guy you are told is way better doesn’t want to impeach”
She gave up who she was for power. Left her hubby and kids to be famous. Sold out who she was to be accepted. She got in line, and now she has dumb ass written all over her Miss Piggy looking ass face.
Does she really fail to understand the goal is to bring down the cabal? The DS would actually love an expedited impeachment process. And, as soon as the Senate Dems and quite a few RINOS vote against removal the DS propaganda machine will be crowing that Biden was acquitted.
It’s better to hold effective hearings that dribble information out at a rate the normies can absorb. It’s also better if they take the time to uncover how Biden’s corruption is connected to other DS players. It does us no good if the DS can hang all the blame on Biden and pretend dumping Biden absolves the Dems.
So either Joe Biden wasn't lawfully elected as President and must be removed by any other means, or he is the lawful winner of 2020 and can be impeached
I stil belive there is a reason Biden isnt being impeached that isnt discussed publicly. She is clearly on the outside looking in and given her staunch support of McCarthy, I really dont trust her at all.Especially since she is now one of the biggest inside traders in DC on the R side
The reason is that we have the evidence needed, however the mainstream normies need more than evidence to change their view. If the impeachment happened today, normies would view it as a political attack, and claim the evidence is fake right-wing _____(fill in the blank). We need to subena them, and make them admit it somehow. I think this is the goal.
there is no point to impeaching unless republicans have the senate anyway. impeachment proceedings are a waste of time unless you can convict in the senate. we already know joe biden is corrupt
If the evidence is irrefutable and Dems vote to protect Biden, it severely damages them in the 2024 election. People have the attention of goldfish. So it has to happen closer to the election.
it only helps if the media covers it favorably, but they wont. instead they'll just say waah waah the republicans are playing partisan politics. nobody new would wake up during that. if you can actually convict in the Senate, sure go for it. but without that it would be another "symbolic victory"
It will fail in the Dem/RINO Senate anyhow, so why waste the time? Instead start defunding 3 letter agencies and cut the budget of most non-essentials in government.
I think there's something to be said for not impeaching Biden, as much he definitely should be. The Senate would never convict anyway, but impeaching him gives the democrats an excuse to replace him, although I'm not sure they would do that. He's their problem going into an election year, maybe it's best to keep it that way? It doesn't seem like impeaching Biden is part of the overall 'Plan,' especially going into an election year in which things should get really spicy.
The sooner that Biden is impeached, the more time to prep some other Democrat for the Presidential Election. So, what if the plan is to delay, delay, delay? Barring massive election fraud, neither Biden nor Harris can win. So, the Democrats want both gone and replaced with a new, fresh face who might have a chance. The longer this goes, the more remote the chance of prepping that fresh face. I think the new SOTH is fully aware. This is a real problem for the Dems, why solve it for them?
I’m sure it’s been said already but..impeachment would be right down the Left plan. They want Joe out NOW! Letting the R’s do it for them just helps them. I think Mike knows what he’s doing. Plus, let the charges and indictments and corruption happen while he’s the pResident.
Should he be impeached? Yes. Do I want that to happen? No. I want his ass tied to the tail of the Democrats so tight that no matter how hard they wag that dog, they are stuck with him and the utter shit show that came to fruition under his watch.
They want to bring in a Gavin (heaven forbid!). No. Just no.
As much as I dislike the actor, impeaching everyone is a bad precedent to roll with. Not only that, we dont have the senate. Here's looking at you speaker Gingrich
Everything that Mike Johnson says and does at this point is scripted, and I'm thinking we have something more appropriate in mind for the person in the Biden suit.
Mike Johnson is no fool and intends to win if they try to impeach Biden. We can not lose a vote so important...let us see what happens in the next two weeks.
"two weeks". Kek
To slow the spread.
They may slow the spread of your cheeks, but they’re still gonna fuck you.
Kamala says nothing can stop her from spreading...
They are running out of time should the 2024 elections fail to the rigged system.
They are running out of time to switch the batter...Big Mike in bullpen
Big Mike swings a mean bat.
MOHAP......michelle obama has a penis reeeeeeeeeeee
And….. The house oversight committee just issued new subpoena’s this week. Maybe he wants irrefutable evidence before impeachment proceedings start? One and Done? MTG is living her best moment in the spotlight trying to stay in the headlines.
Update to post: MTG “IS” Fake News
MTG “ and now the new guy you are told is way better doesn’t want to impeach”
The new guy https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2023/10/27/new-house-speaker-mike-johnson-lays-out-plans-to-impeach-biden-n2630484
She gave up who she was for power. Left her hubby and kids to be famous. Sold out who she was to be accepted. She got in line, and now she has dumb ass written all over her Miss Piggy looking ass face.
Mtg gave up her kids? You sure?
Dee Snyder with tits
They probably snorted coke together...
Does she really fail to understand the goal is to bring down the cabal? The DS would actually love an expedited impeachment process. And, as soon as the Senate Dems and quite a few RINOS vote against removal the DS propaganda machine will be crowing that Biden was acquitted.
It’s better to hold effective hearings that dribble information out at a rate the normies can absorb. It’s also better if they take the time to uncover how Biden’s corruption is connected to other DS players. It does us no good if the DS can hang all the blame on Biden and pretend dumping Biden absolves the Dems.
This, impeachment does nothing.
You cant impeach him if hes not president.
Sure you can. They inaugurated him when he wasn't president; what's the difference?
So either Joe Biden wasn't lawfully elected as President and must be removed by any other means, or he is the lawful winner of 2020 and can be impeached
I stil belive there is a reason Biden isnt being impeached that isnt discussed publicly. She is clearly on the outside looking in and given her staunch support of McCarthy, I really dont trust her at all.Especially since she is now one of the biggest inside traders in DC on the R side
The reason is that we have the evidence needed, however the mainstream normies need more than evidence to change their view. If the impeachment happened today, normies would view it as a political attack, and claim the evidence is fake right-wing _____(fill in the blank). We need to subena them, and make them admit it somehow. I think this is the goal.
there is no point to impeaching unless republicans have the senate anyway. impeachment proceedings are a waste of time unless you can convict in the senate. we already know joe biden is corrupt
If the evidence is irrefutable and Dems vote to protect Biden, it severely damages them in the 2024 election. People have the attention of goldfish. So it has to happen closer to the election.
it only helps if the media covers it favorably, but they wont. instead they'll just say waah waah the republicans are playing partisan politics. nobody new would wake up during that. if you can actually convict in the Senate, sure go for it. but without that it would be another "symbolic victory"
Tucker and Rogan would be good for 100 million views. That’s a lot of normies. Not sure who is reaching the Boomers.
Meanwhile on Social media:
Dem: the senate voted and found him not guilty.
Normie: Did you see the checks and wire transfers and emails?
everything the republicans would impeach him over tucker can already talk about.
Joe is great for getting to the precipice.
I’d leave him there.
He’s a great wake up call.
It will fail in the Dem/RINO Senate anyhow, so why waste the time? Instead start defunding 3 letter agencies and cut the budget of most non-essentials in government.
I think there's something to be said for not impeaching Biden, as much he definitely should be. The Senate would never convict anyway, but impeaching him gives the democrats an excuse to replace him, although I'm not sure they would do that. He's their problem going into an election year, maybe it's best to keep it that way? It doesn't seem like impeaching Biden is part of the overall 'Plan,' especially going into an election year in which things should get really spicy.
mtg acting pretending mccarthy was good. fuck her. I have no idea if Johnson is good, but Mccarthy proved he was not.
I really don't give a shit about impeachment which would simply die in the senate.
Priority #1 is to release all of the J6 tapes. I will judge johnson based on this action and this action only.
Any Anon that trusts anything coming from DC is not paying attention.
At the moment. Let it play out ffs
The sooner that Biden is impeached, the more time to prep some other Democrat for the Presidential Election. So, what if the plan is to delay, delay, delay? Barring massive election fraud, neither Biden nor Harris can win. So, the Democrats want both gone and replaced with a new, fresh face who might have a chance. The longer this goes, the more remote the chance of prepping that fresh face. I think the new SOTH is fully aware. This is a real problem for the Dems, why solve it for them?
I’m sure it’s been said already but..impeachment would be right down the Left plan. They want Joe out NOW! Letting the R’s do it for them just helps them. I think Mike knows what he’s doing. Plus, let the charges and indictments and corruption happen while he’s the pResident.
He didn't say he didn't want to. Looks to me like he's got more evidence he wants to introduce first. The guy seems alright to me so far.
Or maybe the Dems 25th-ing him is part of the plan vs impeaching Xiden.
I remember Trump saying they would use the 25th amendment on Biden, so no, impeachment will not work with the democrat senate.
Mike Johnson came out of left field. Let's say this is the one our Lord & Savior chose for this time.
Should he be impeached? Yes. Do I want that to happen? No. I want his ass tied to the tail of the Democrats so tight that no matter how hard they wag that dog, they are stuck with him and the utter shit show that came to fruition under his watch.
They want to bring in a Gavin (heaven forbid!). No. Just no.
As much as I dislike the actor, impeaching everyone is a bad precedent to roll with. Not only that, we dont have the senate. Here's looking at you speaker Gingrich
Everything that Mike Johnson says and does at this point is scripted, and I'm thinking we have something more appropriate in mind for the person in the Biden suit.
An impeachment of Joe Biden at this point would DIE IN THE SENATE.
Doesn't this trigger double-jeopardy, essentially IMMUNIZING HIM from future prosecution.
We want a guilty verdict in whichever court Biden appears in, not a symbolic vote in the House.
it's a show! MJ rightfully waiting until the evidence is so alarming that even the RINOs and certain dems can't not vote to impeach and convict
make the democrats deal with their own trash.
Waaa.. they didn't do what I wanted right now, waaa..😤 Sick of this pussy ass bitchin by the like of cernovich.
And what happens if they impeach him now, a year before the next election? There is a bigger picture here.
This plan B might be better for the RinoNC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxHQJiqYqeM