Honest question (please educate me)…why is it, then, that at all the liberal universities, groups of protestors are pushing pro-Palestine? I’m so confused.
Of course, there’s the possibility of elites wanting to create more divide, but why are jews so hated by liberals now when jews are mostly liberal?
In my opinion Jews and Hamas are both totalitarian people. One side definitely worships Satan openly and the other side might have a division of worshipping God and Satan.
I am conservative but an Ashkenazi Jew (by blood DNA confirmed) - I grew up being pushed around by other races and there is something there but not like the media claims.
My Dad was conservative too. He would have been saying a lot of I told you so’s if he were still alive.
In USA we free from choice and this is for all races of people. These evil fks want to divide and if they get their way in the USA even those like me will be attacked. My kids do not look as I do.
I am not afraid though. I don’t expect glory or anything. What I do expect is the American people wake up and be what God intended us to be. Confusion is not the answer. Praying and asking could be.
These others who claim they are tolerant and now being attacked to me is called playing with fire and getting burned. We will always reap what we have sown. I will never vote for a democratic person or cause of this deception they do. To show others it is still baffling to me. They are like so entrenched in this deception they are willfully blind.
However, that doesn't mean the scapegoat-ism (is that a word? it is now... anyway) has been misplaced.
Even though you're always the scapegoat, there are still times when you're to blame.
it's like if a family member steals from you. Once you find out, you blame them for anything that goes missing. Doesn't mean they are stealing everything - but they are likely still stealing.
Ben Shapiro is a pretend conservative. When the issues actually arise, he is a leftist. He pushed Covid shots, was on the side of Ukraine and supports Big Pharma. He may speak a good conservative game but is a leftist jew and doesn't give one shit about America.
85% of Jews identify as Ashkenazim, which indicates that they would be descendants of Gomer through Japheth.
26% are conservative, you say?
Going by the Bible, every human alive is descended from Noah, from one of three branches - Ham, Shem, or Japheth.
Jews are descended from Shem.
Now supposedly, “whites” are also “Caucasian” descendants of Japheth.
So if any of this is true, and who knows if it is, why would descendants of Japheth be going around claiming to be a group they couldn’t be while continually having high levels within their group trying to kill all the other members of their same group?
I do still believe they can become grafted in to Israel just like anyone else, even if this is correct.
God said “ALL” nations.
There’s definitely some shenanigans afoot that need to be corrected, though. Criminality and evil are criminality and evil. Why should we care what group is doing it? If a certain type of criminality is endemic among a group, though, it does behoove the investigator to ask WHY?
There is a large chunk of white jews that hide behind their ethnicity and play victim. Jewish fragility is a legit problem and they think they cannot be criticized.
Here's an equivalent example, the trangender community attacking any criticism and calling people who point out their faults as bigots. See Dave Chappelle and his issues with the community.
Was the holocaust a terrible thing that happened to them nearly 90 years ago? Absolutely. But does it give them a pass to avoid all criticism? Absolutely not.
The MSM is owned by the Jews. The MSM has been pushing an anti-white agenda for many years. Any crime by a white against a minority is pushed as racist hatred and blown completely out of proportion. While a mountain of crimes against whites by minorities are just crimes at best and ignored completely at worst.
I think we can all agree both sides suck and neither has good interests for the USA or the people of it. If they want to kill each other for bombed out God forsaken desert land then let them. It's a never ending holy war over there.
Here's some more scripture to back up your assertion that "replacement theology is not biblical:"
"I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in."
~ Romans 11:25
"And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by nature, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!"
~ Romans 11:23-24
Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: 'Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved.'
~ Romans 9:27
So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.
~ Romans 11:5
In the whole land," declares the Lord, "two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it. This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'The Lord is our God.'
You are a Gentile that has been adopted into God's family.
"He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will."
~ Ephesians 1:5
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.
~ Galatians 4:4-5
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.'"
People have noticed how the first lot of people keep quiet and go along with whatever the second lot in positions of power do, speaking up only when it's too late or no longer matters. For the same reason as everyone else by the way, their lives would get destroyed using the power they wield.
It's fact for the vast majority of jews...they push the far left agenda
Honest question (please educate me)…why is it, then, that at all the liberal universities, groups of protestors are pushing pro-Palestine? I’m so confused.
Of course, there’s the possibility of elites wanting to create more divide, but why are jews so hated by liberals now when jews are mostly liberal?
In my opinion Jews and Hamas are both totalitarian people. One side definitely worships Satan openly and the other side might have a division of worshipping God and Satan.
I am conservative but an Ashkenazi Jew (by blood DNA confirmed) - I grew up being pushed around by other races and there is something there but not like the media claims.
My Dad was conservative too. He would have been saying a lot of I told you so’s if he were still alive.
In USA we free from choice and this is for all races of people. These evil fks want to divide and if they get their way in the USA even those like me will be attacked. My kids do not look as I do.
I am not afraid though. I don’t expect glory or anything. What I do expect is the American people wake up and be what God intended us to be. Confusion is not the answer. Praying and asking could be.
These others who claim they are tolerant and now being attacked to me is called playing with fire and getting burned. We will always reap what we have sown. I will never vote for a democratic person or cause of this deception they do. To show others it is still baffling to me. They are like so entrenched in this deception they are willfully blind.
Jews have always been the scapegoat.
However, that doesn't mean the scapegoat-ism (is that a word? it is now... anyway) has been misplaced.
Even though you're always the scapegoat, there are still times when you're to blame.
it's like if a family member steals from you. Once you find out, you blame them for anything that goes missing. Doesn't mean they are stealing everything - but they are likely still stealing.
30-35% of Jews identify as conservative/right.
yea this
Ben Shapiro is a pretend conservative. When the issues actually arise, he is a leftist. He pushed Covid shots, was on the side of Ukraine and supports Big Pharma. He may speak a good conservative game but is a leftist jew and doesn't give one shit about America.
I think it's more like 3-3.5%, I know only one who is conservative.
26%: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/religious-tradition/jewish/party-affiliation/
And that's pre-Oct 07.
85% of Jews identify as Ashkenazim, which indicates that they would be descendants of Gomer through Japheth.
26% are conservative, you say?
Going by the Bible, every human alive is descended from Noah, from one of three branches - Ham, Shem, or Japheth.
Jews are descended from Shem.
Now supposedly, “whites” are also “Caucasian” descendants of Japheth.
So if any of this is true, and who knows if it is, why would descendants of Japheth be going around claiming to be a group they couldn’t be while continually having high levels within their group trying to kill all the other members of their same group?
What happened to the lost 10 tribes, exactly?
they are just trickster namestealers. cue in Yiddish ( in fact jewish german )
I do still believe they can become grafted in to Israel just like anyone else, even if this is correct.
God said “ALL” nations.
There’s definitely some shenanigans afoot that need to be corrected, though. Criminality and evil are criminality and evil. Why should we care what group is doing it? If a certain type of criminality is endemic among a group, though, it does behoove the investigator to ask WHY?
I just bothered to look up what Ashkenazi means after someone pointed out that it contains “Nazi” and in light of many high ranking Nazis being “Jewish”. https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSjDuEOw/x/c/4TxkxInv3QJ
“Descended from Ashkenaz”
Who was he?
“Son of Gomer, of the line of Japheth”
Well. Interesting. Right in front of our freaking faces.
This puts a bit of a wrinkle on everything, it seems.
My suspicion is that some portion of these people are being used by Satan to try and slander and discredit God, but YHWH wins and his Word is good!
I don't say. Pew says. All of the other gobbledygook: History is Written by the Victors.
Yeah sorry, “third person ‘you’.” :-)
that would be Ortodox Jews who are not much friendly towards Khazar Zionist ones
yea but most of those are ben shapiros
It's ridiculous we get banned for saying anything against them. I got banned for 2 days because of a post I made.
There is a large chunk of white jews that hide behind their ethnicity and play victim. Jewish fragility is a legit problem and they think they cannot be criticized.
Here's an equivalent example, the trangender community attacking any criticism and calling people who point out their faults as bigots. See Dave Chappelle and his issues with the community.
Was the holocaust a terrible thing that happened to them nearly 90 years ago? Absolutely. But does it give them a pass to avoid all criticism? Absolutely not.
Stop apologizing. It's the jews. Always has been.
Fucks sakes, the cowards removed it.
The MSM is owned by the Jews. The MSM has been pushing an anti-white agenda for many years. Any crime by a white against a minority is pushed as racist hatred and blown completely out of proportion. While a mountain of crimes against whites by minorities are just crimes at best and ignored completely at worst.
They will reap what they have sown.
don't forget almost all the talking heads are Roman Catholic.
They’re not wrong.
I think we can all agree both sides suck and neither has good interests for the USA or the people of it. If they want to kill each other for bombed out God forsaken desert land then let them. It's a never ending holy war over there.
I’d love to level it all and turn it into an IKEA.
You’re name has me dead. 🤣
Over 70% of Jews voted for Biden. They are getting exactly what they voted for. https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/2023-06-26/ty-article/.premium/poll-shows-72-present-of-jewish-voters-favor-biden-over-trump/00000188-f791-d6ce-abb9-f7f765bd0000
In this article it says 77% of Jews voted for Biden. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2020-11-04/ty-article/.premium/over-three-quarters-of-u-s-jews-voted-for-biden-in-election-poll-finds/0000017f-dc52-d856-a37f-fdd2655e0000
Could anyone elaborate on this statement? It's confusing:
"those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don't exactly like them too much. "
...that (they) support flooding their country...
Methinks he left out a word. Oops...
The wind has shifted and the toxic gas cloud is now blowing towards those who deployed it. It's not a war crime to stand by and let it play out.
That zionist programming is strong.
Replacement theology does not erase God’s covenant promises to the original tree, no matter how hard Gentiles push it.
144,000 will believe, not all of Israel. Again, replacement theology is not biblical.
Here's some more scripture to back up your assertion that "replacement theology is not biblical:"
~ Romans 11:25
~ Romans 11:23-24
~ Romans 9:27
~ Romans 11:5
~ Zechariah 13:8-9****
Thank you AMEN will save this reply
Granted, many Jewish people in Israel are being added to the church currently, but the Tribulation and following is not yet.
Well said amen
Gentiles? Where does that word come from?
Scripture. Everything, existence itself, originates with God.
We are not Gentiles. I am God’s daughter. The Pharisees/Zionists/cabal/on and on invented those words.
If you’re not Jewish, you’re a Gentile. It’s not degrading or derogatory.
Jewish are the ones calling us like that. I believe God is calling us like the way it is My Sons and daughters.
You are a Gentile that has been adopted into God's family.
~ Ephesians 1:5
~ Galatians 4:4-5
~ Romans 8:15
It is way more that a small minority. It’s enough to make a generalization that is mostly correct.
Everyone with a brain can see that too.
People have noticed how the first lot of people keep quiet and go along with whatever the second lot in positions of power do, speaking up only when it's too late or no longer matters. For the same reason as everyone else by the way, their lives would get destroyed using the power they wield.
The goal is for the jews living in the west to move to Israel, to make the jewish state stronger.
Antisemitism is supposed to rise in the west for this reason.
He honestly hasnt worked that out?