I dont know any Trump supporters who have light blue hair. Lots of these individuals also are in full black with riot helmets that they are carrying.
Add in that the police are standing by and acting like tour guides. This one clip basically confirms that this was a staged event - with some innocent MAGA supporters, unknowingly getting caught up in the deep states false flag insurrection.
I have light blue hair! Grant is… When I did go to January 6, it was dark blue, but I was going for the whole red, white and blue affect. Head. There are a few of us out here.
100% sold out to Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and I have never voted democrat in my life.
“So of course, it would be ridiculous for me to be saying that the people standing up and protesting to follow the law were somehow terrorists. I was talking about people who commit violence against cops,”
I remember the day 9/11 happened, and the feeling from watching it all unfold. It should be criminal for them to even compare 1/6 to the travesty that was 9/11. This video is supposed to be showing us an "insurrection"??
How long are they going to keep getting away with their blatant lies and propaganda?
Everything about this makes me angry. I know what happened that day. Even knowing that finally we will have the truth to show one and all, I get angry. I can hardly watch this. Anyone else feel this way?
I'd love to dig and dig. Make some connections I am aware of. But I won't because it really drags me down.
I have become emotionally numb. Maybe it’s just a psychological version of the 1000 yard stare. I just don’t get phased anymore. If tomorrow morning I woke up and Hamas and Israel simultaneously killed each other I would just go about my day even if a million died.
So many people are just so lost and just fucking dumb man. It’s not just brain washing just emotional hyper filled idiots.
Life is so precious and I have decided that my family and friends are all that really matter. Everything will have to go to complete shit for retards to wake up.
At the end of the day the average person was too emotionally charged and stupid to see through blatant propaganda. And I am done with the brainwashing excuse. Most of these people are not actually capable of taking two steps back and evaluating a situation.
Don’t get angry just prepare. Get yourself and family ready for what is coming and keep a low profile.
I feel terrible for the J6 prisoners but at the end of the day it was the dumbass populace that fucked them over.
Maybe we could get a couple to filter these Capital videos? Keep them happy. Hand them a list of shit to find so we can get those Patriots out of commie jail. They can dig scabs.. and save the country!??
Now look at footage of some real violence. Looks very much like the DC police (Capital police?) inciting violence in the crowd, by firing on peaceful protesters, with rubber bullets, flash bangs, etc.
Friday works well for the alternative media since it gives them three days to get the information out while the top propagandists in corporate media are off duty. And it’s not like releasing anything on a Monday or Tuesday is going to get it covered by the corporate media anyway.
It so hard to watch! The inhumanity! Lol
I’m going to have nightmares and wet the bed after this violence. Wish I hadn’t watched it because now I can’t unsee it. /s
I dont know any Trump supporters who have light blue hair. Lots of these individuals also are in full black with riot helmets that they are carrying.
Add in that the police are standing by and acting like tour guides. This one clip basically confirms that this was a staged event - with some innocent MAGA supporters, unknowingly getting caught up in the deep states false flag insurrection.
I have light blue hair! Grant is… When I did go to January 6, it was dark blue, but I was going for the whole red, white and blue affect. Head. There are a few of us out here.
100% sold out to Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and I have never voted democrat in my life.
wow... such violence!!! kek
Oh, the horror! Somebody stop them!!
This should be played along side ted cruz calling them terrorists
Three years later, I have not forgiven Ted for that.
“So of course, it would be ridiculous for me to be saying that the people standing up and protesting to follow the law were somehow terrorists. I was talking about people who commit violence against cops,”
Lying Ted.
Alongside BlM summer footahe and Hamas protest footage.
Is the guy playing the video having a hard time breathing or snorting lines?
I remember the day 9/11 happened, and the feeling from watching it all unfold. It should be criminal for them to even compare 1/6 to the travesty that was 9/11. This video is supposed to be showing us an "insurrection"??
How long are they going to keep getting away with their blatant lies and propaganda?
It was like 9/11 in that it was a staged event perhaps?
This shit is just out of control. Oh, the humanity!
The Horror, it think being on the deck of the Arizona or the top floor of the World Trade Center would have been a piece of cake in comparison.
Everything about this makes me angry. I know what happened that day. Even knowing that finally we will have the truth to show one and all, I get angry. I can hardly watch this. Anyone else feel this way?
I'd love to dig and dig. Make some connections I am aware of. But I won't because it really drags me down.
We knew this 3 years ago, but brainwashed newbies didn’t. First the worldwide revelation, then the justice
I have become emotionally numb. Maybe it’s just a psychological version of the 1000 yard stare. I just don’t get phased anymore. If tomorrow morning I woke up and Hamas and Israel simultaneously killed each other I would just go about my day even if a million died.
So many people are just so lost and just fucking dumb man. It’s not just brain washing just emotional hyper filled idiots.
Life is so precious and I have decided that my family and friends are all that really matter. Everything will have to go to complete shit for retards to wake up.
At the end of the day the average person was too emotionally charged and stupid to see through blatant propaganda. And I am done with the brainwashing excuse. Most of these people are not actually capable of taking two steps back and evaluating a situation.
Don’t get angry just prepare. Get yourself and family ready for what is coming and keep a low profile.
I feel terrible for the J6 prisoners but at the end of the day it was the dumbass populace that fucked them over.
So do meth addicts. You ever notice that?
Maybe we could get a couple to filter these Capital videos? Keep them happy. Hand them a list of shit to find so we can get those Patriots out of commie jail. They can dig scabs.. and save the country!??
Next up on the docket for the corrupt DOJ: They will be indicting President Trump for incitement of...sightseeing!
Sounds like someone snorting cocaine in the background.
Thanks a-fucking-lot!
Now I’ll be up all night jumping at every little creak and squeak thinking it’s one of those J6ers breaking into my house like they did in the video!
Hope you feel better now. Jerk.
What is the visual smear in the lower middle around 0:56?
Now look at footage of some real violence. Looks very much like the DC police (Capital police?) inciting violence in the crowd, by firing on peaceful protesters, with rubber bullets, flash bangs, etc.
This is the real violence of that day, it seems.
They were all carrying fully semiautomatic bolt action AK/AR-91's pray for our country.
Was that DC police, or Capitol police that was telling everyone to clear the way? Are they separate departments? I don't know.
Oh, I heard was a bunch of sniffing in the background, so that was either Biden, or his son doing coke
He did a Friday Data Dump...the usual...
Friday works well for the alternative media since it gives them three days to get the information out while the top propagandists in corporate media are off duty. And it’s not like releasing anything on a Monday or Tuesday is going to get it covered by the corporate media anyway.
That's s sound point...
This is more horrifying than seeing people jumping out of the skyrisers on 9-11 so they wouldn't burn to death.
This was worse than 9/11!