Can affected black people get recourse against the people running the bait and switch operation that broke up their families with the welfare system?
Can military PTSD victims get restitution against the people who sent them off to war under false pretenses?
Can drug addicts get recompense and freehabilitation from the Intel narcos who imported the drugs they’re hooked on and funded distribution into communities?
Who else?
But the key item is who, specifically, was KNOWINGLY at fault in these things?
What penalties are defined for “genocide”?
Let’s gooooooooo!!!!!!
The only downside I see is that turns into crying about who’s the bigger victim, because obviously any claims of harm are going to cause them “mental harm”.
Wait... so if a US President called me "bitter" and said I "cling to my guns and religion" simply because I opposed a national health care tax and it hurt muh feels, that means he practically comitted genocide?
Hmmm they forgot to specify that the victims should only be non-whites. Let's start having some legal fun reminding them they flooded us with third-world scum which caused many of us to pack lest we'd become statistics.🥳
That's why I love this place, "WE all are victims of 'mental harm' and we make jokes about it.". WHOever come up with this shit has set their own trap, how wonderful is that.?
Does that mean the govt committed genocide by denying Christians the right to assemble and worship? Or by putting its thumb on the scales of free speech at social media companies? Inquiring minds want to know
Good. This can boomerang. Look at the mental harm the cabal has been causing our children: autism, ADHD, depression, gender dysphoria, anxiety, the list goes on and on.
This definition has been around for a decade at least. A very cursory investigation provides documents dated 2013, but there are probably ones preceding even that date.
The spirit behind it is still ridiculous, but it is not new- it is just one of a host of things that people have begun to question and notice in the past few years.
“mental harm to members of the group;” sooooo unvaxed group? Interesting thought to turn it back in them.
**People of white or Caucasian origin not included
My bad. Must pay better attention.
That’ll only work if they choose to hold themselves to the same standard (they won’t)
They can’t see it in themselves. I don’t expect that to change.
Uhhhhh. D and E are both happening now to our population at large!
By that logic we've been the victim of genocide by the DS for decades
Can affected black people get recourse against the people running the bait and switch operation that broke up their families with the welfare system?
Can military PTSD victims get restitution against the people who sent them off to war under false pretenses?
Can drug addicts get recompense and freehabilitation from the Intel narcos who imported the drugs they’re hooked on and funded distribution into communities?
Who else?
But the key item is who, specifically, was KNOWINGLY at fault in these things?
What penalties are defined for “genocide”?
Let’s gooooooooo!!!!!!
The only downside I see is that turns into crying about who’s the bigger victim, because obviously any claims of harm are going to cause them “mental harm”.
Yep normal humans have been slaves to the psychopath elites for all our known history. Typical of them to blame the victim
Wait... so if a US President called me "bitter" and said I "cling to my guns and religion" simply because I opposed a national health care tax and it hurt muh feels, that means he practically comitted genocide?
What if a candidate called me deplorable?
Muh "Hate speech"
We really need to press the issue, "hate" cannot be a crime. It's a motive and should only be used to prove guilt.
Hmmm they forgot to specify that the victims should only be non-whites. Let's start having some legal fun reminding them they flooded us with third-world scum which caused many of us to pack lest we'd become statistics.🥳
Wrong pronoun? Literally genocide you fascist war-criminal!
Obviously the people who wrote this are mentally harmed.
Well then, That would now include every person affected by the Cabal!! So I guess we can all sue or charge them with crimes now!
Then, the deep(shit)state is guilty of genocide. Got it.
That's why I love this place, "WE all are victims of 'mental harm' and we make jokes about it.". WHOever come up with this shit has set their own trap, how wonderful is that.?
When are they going to bring charges against the UN ?
Super Retardio.
Because words are weapons, and hurting someone's feelings is equal to slitting a person's throat.
Article II, d. Abortion clinics in certain neighborhoods.
Does that mean the govt committed genocide by denying Christians the right to assemble and worship? Or by putting its thumb on the scales of free speech at social media companies? Inquiring minds want to know
So schools and businesses are now considered to be committing genocide against White people.
I'm redefining UN as Chicom skin-puppets.
Direct and public incitement to commit genocide, unless one is in the IDF, or waving swastikas in the Maidans.
Good. This can boomerang. Look at the mental harm the cabal has been causing our children: autism, ADHD, depression, gender dysphoria, anxiety, the list goes on and on.
Stop genociding President Trump then
So like the mental and emotional turmoil that was unleashed on all the people of the world during COVID and their never ending wars?
So they'll be going after Planned Parenthood first because of the high rate of abortions in the black community...
Hahaha. Sure they will.
So... Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians?
They are causing mental harm... so that's genocide. 😐
The. The deep state is guilty of genocide. Every human got messed with during g covid.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh, this is so stupid I feel like I might stroke out from all the mental gymnastics they'll use to defend that.
If 2020 was BLM summer, guess what 2024 will be...
So all of MSM will be shut down and prosecuted?
This definition has been around for a decade at least. A very cursory investigation provides documents dated 2013, but there are probably ones preceding even that date.
The spirit behind it is still ridiculous, but it is not new- it is just one of a host of things that people have begun to question and notice in the past few years.
That's not new. That's the 1948 definition.