There was this countdown. It's down to 3 hours. I wonder what it's counting down to:
🔍 Notable & 👀 Searching
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This is an e-commerce website powered by Fourthwall.
This website contains tracking code from both Stripe and Google Tag Manager.
The code that runs the website is not well made.
Visit the website and type the following into the console: AdminBar.verifyCreator();
It will redirect you the the OpenID authentication protocol where you are asked to log in using your social media account to log in using Fourthwall.
If you open up the source code of the website, and search for basic words typically found on a e-commerce website: shop, product, donation, cart, dashboard, etc. you will easily locate English translations for different actions you can take when the site "launches".
Not worth wasting time on.
If you want further proof of how poorly made this website is:
Run the following in the console while on the website:
cookieModule.setCookie('view_as', 'supporter');
cookieModule.setCookie('creator_access_token', 'creator', 1, 0);
Refresh the site and it will show you the administration bar at the bottom containing the logo of Fourthwall.
Nice, you both dug a lot deeper, and you are confirming my suspicions of larp.
You the real MVP!!
Thank you anon. o7
Here is my honest take:
I think at 1pm EST a paytroit store will open, based on the html script :
Next i think it's a LARP.
I'm not a datefagger, and i will give it 1 chance. I'm not excited, and i don't expect anything. If nothing happens it will prove one of my 2 suspicions above. But if things happen i'll be like "alll right here we go!"
This is exactly what this is and mods should unsticky this trash immediately.
It's been a weird morning for content, I actually received a warning for my apparently incorrect use of they inside brackets.
Round these parts, we take bracket usage pretty serious.
Pretty specific.
Yes, I had thought I used it correctly but someone did not.
Im not sure exactly but what I will say after checking with another mod on the subject they did reach out and offer to restore it. I didn't know he had "deleted " and had already done the same. I was a little suprised that wasn't more well known but its all good now.
We will be able to buy a "QAnon" hat with a special offer. Of course the ABC's won't be watching.....
with a free decoder ring
I do agree.
However, it looks like the forth wall thing is actually who the sites being hosted by, which seems like basically a CMS.
That said, would Q be using crap like this? 😂
Sounds a lot like the mcafee countdown clock. And that turned out to be nothing. Never heard of qofficial. What makes the site so official?
Final confirmation that this site will be selling stuff:
Visiting that link will display all of the items that will be sold in XML-format.
That's a lot of swag! lol
note: If you're using Firefox on desktop and it shows up as a wall of text, just right click->view source and it will be nicely formatted. Not sure how it looks on other browsers.
Wtf is Qofficial?
I got banned for saying those two words in my early stages here.
Best be careful......
"Dang ol"?
do not say those 2 words involving weeks, of which the two words were used before the comma in this reply.
Gold and silver are up a lot the past few days. Seems like financial people are moving to stable assets. Maybe some of them know something.
Mod observation for some added Eyes On. This Q-clock site counting down:
Could it be the beginning to the “scare” event, the first big DemoLib arrest, or a sudden economic collapse..
Or it could be a heavy release of positive or negative info/Intel on something that’ll spur more sheeple Awake.
It could also be a big crappy Nothing-Burger meant to screw with Anons.
If this timer is legit, or if the timer is BS, then we can call the whole site BS. This will then allow us Mods to police anyone linking it in the future.
We shall see Anons.
Thank you!!
The site just reset the clock. Anyone see that too on their end? Well okay Anons, it’s gotta be a LARP if nothing big is causing anything.
I’d assume we’ll need to wait until the news cycles through in the next few hours. Keep your eyes peeled of course, but I’m not holding my breath.
Datefags can be kinda fun but really causes more stress than it’s worth so far. Keep calm and carry on Anons.
And God bless you all.
For Readers to understand::
This is so Ingersoll Lockwood......
SCAM : Got to zero and reset to a new countdown (1 day +)
Whatever it turns out to be, it's always good to be aware.
30 hrs remaining at 12P cst? Nothing happening I know of.
It's counting down to zero
Timefagging—datefagging's little brother.
It's bbby moon time.