SHOCKING! German geneticist says mRNA Vaxxes degrade cognitive function, inflame the hippocampus causing the brain to overwrite past memories to save new memories, changing the person into a joyless, zombified, disaffected person with missing critical thinking skills who forgets who they were. SAD!
🚔 Crime & ClotShots 💸

"... changing the person into a joyless, zombified, disaffected person with missing critical thinking skills who forgets who they were."
In other words, a Democrat.
Remember all of those zombie apocalypse books and movies that came out in the early 2000s? Hmm...
Yes. We also want to add in the Tranq and Fentanyl zombies in Philly and elsewhere. They are terrifying. Here's a video:
Oh shit, they can spread the spike proteins through bites!
Not exactly a prototypical zombie virus, but it lines up better than I thought.
Or my ex-wife.
Night shift beat me to it!
Important Excerpt:
In time, the locus of the spike protein-injured brain is now being occupied by a new and different shallow and disaffected personality, unrelated to their prior self. Past memories, experiences and opinions will become faded, forgotten or lost.
The injured will form a new personality devoid of past life experiences, and may reject loved ones’ advice, counseling and affection that would have been welcomed previously and become a disaffected, zombified automaton.
The big question is this: Was this elaborately created bioweapon (virus and vaccine) purposefully designed to be a BRAIN TOXIN that permanently erases one’s personhood?
And, is this why we see a constant campaign of fear propaganda, pushing of CV-19 boosters, the new mRNA-enhanced FLU shots and the ‘NEW COVID’ vaccines, which will exacerbate the brain inflammation, perpetuating a permanent degradation of cognitive function, personality changes and loss of memory and personhood?
The evil PTB do love erasing one's personhood. Thats exactly what MK-Ultra does.
Great article... the last paragraph says it all...of course it was designed to be a brain toxin that permanently erases one's personhood. This is all unfolding according to plan...very tragically sad for humanity.
Remember: When questions are allowed, it is science; when they are not, it is propaganda.
I noticed the energetic effect right away, and spoke to several therapists on this. They all said: it seems like vaxxed people lose the access to their soul.
I clearly remember that within a day or two that FJB's "win" was declared, that the vax trials were deemed successful enough that the FDA "approved" them for humans. As part of that story, though, I remember reading the experience/sreactions of one of the trial participants...who described feeling as if they "lost their soul" after getting the injections. I believe 110% this was designed into the poisons somehow.
Also remember something similar, Christians being unable to hear the voice of God after the injections.
"lose the access to their soul". Bingo. I think that was/is the intention with vaccines all along. Rudolf Steiner foresaw and wrote of this over 100 years ago.
Oh man. That is a terrible thing to hear.
"Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're acceptable Respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable! Oh take it, take it, take it, yeah" 🎷🎶 Supertramp-Breakfast in America.
Amazingly prescient, isn't it. Who would have thought.
The Logical Song - Supertramp. (Allbum: Breakfast in America) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kln_bIndDJg
Supertramp gets traction on GAW
So I have a personal story. In June of 2021, husband was with a friend who was retired from HVAC work and always took care of us when we needed some work done. So he comes over and is installing a new AC and while this was going on husband had an episode of aphasia(loss of speech). I was concerned so I took him to the hospital and they worked him up for a stroke, nothing was seen on the scans. Now, he had, had some memory loss, slowly and some minor word finding difficulty prior to this. After this, within 6 weeks, he lost most of his speech and short-term memory is gone. I wondered if his friend had been jabbed as we are not. Of course, I didn't want to ask his friend. So 14 months later, in August of 2022, his friend dropped dead in his house, in front of his wife. We don't know why he died but this reinforced my belief that my husband came in contact with the spike protein, which sped up his dementia(not diagnosed until Jan 2022). Of course, I have no proof, just my gut feeling and reinforced when I read above the changes happening from the spike protein in family members. He has lost all cognitive ability and critical thinking skills, sadly.
Wow! What a very sad series of events. I am so sorry for your husband's loss of cognizance and his friend's death. I will send a prayer your way, if that is ok with you. I do believe viral shedding is a strong possibility for what you just described.
My husband (also unvaxxed) had a visit from his out-of-town sister who flew in for the day in early 2021 just a few weeks after she got her 2nd Pfizer jab. He hadn't seen her in 2 years. I begged him not to go, telling him I was fearful of 'viral shedding' from her recent vax. He agreed to see her only if they sat outside at the restaurant. It was a windy, cool, early spring day. He sat next to her and had a several hour visit and lunch. 4 days later, hubby fell ill with a fever and constant coughing that would just not quit. I gave him Ivermectin and the whole protocol too, but after 2 weeks of this and no improvement, I was forced to take him to the hospital for oxygen and cough relief as his O2 was falling below 90. Of course they said he tested positive for Covid and was put on oxygen, steroids and Remdesivir. The doctor wore a space suit to visit him. We were not allowed in to see him. I was so, so worried. I was sure that was going to be the end of him. It was touch-and-go there for a while, but that is a whole other story for another day. He finally was released and was kept on oxygen for about 6 weeks after coming home.
There definitely is proven viral shedding for some period of time following a vax or a booster. Pfizer was actually in trials to create a 'self-spreading' vaccine to do exactly that. I have a copy of the study somewhere in my giant file folder.
These crimes against humanity just cannot be left unpunished!
Thank you for the prayers, I can use them right now and always. I'm under a ton of stress. Yes, your story sounds familiar. I'm glad he is OK. ❤️🙏
You can see it in their eyes and I don’t say it to troll. Some of my family members are drastically different looking.
If you can, do you think you could describe exactly what you notice is different? I think it is important to pinpoint the actual changes you see so that the rest of us can keep an eye out for similar symptoms/ changes among our friends, co-workers and relatives.
The liberal eyes we all talk about is a real thing. They used to have warm, caring, human eyes/gaze.
Now that have those piercing, inauthentic, over-smiling, the hate is just below the surface eyes.
Click on picture above to make larger. Information gleaned from the video below:
This might explain why we see so many parents ignoring their children in public, as highlighted in:
Great article! Expressionless babies and bored lovers. On a related but not related note... I have often thought that the vasectomy craze is weird and unnatural. Thousands of men have done it, but when you stop to think about it there has got to be some sort of future effect. Just as men are attracted to fertile women I’m sure there’s a connection with women being attracted to potent men as well. We as humans can sense these things, just as the article states.
I’ve noticed that men with vasectomies (“vassed men?”) seem more likely to conform to their wives’ worldview. For example, a guy from high school, who grew up conservative and whose own father is a Trump voter, has a wife, two daughters, a vasectomy, and a bad case of TDS.
It’s hard to tell how much is cause and how much is effect. A man who lets himself get whipped or pecked is more likely to get vassed in the first place. Does the vas then make him even more of a simp?
Though this may not apply to all, I believe this is very plausible. I would be very interested in seeing a study on this. I’ve done my own observations with men I know. I’m mid 30’s so a lot of men I know are doing this already!! Crazy, men are choosing this in their prime just so they can have unrisky sex. I’m betting, even though studies show it doesn’t, it effects drive and desire. So what’s it matter anyway?
This was a great article about expressionless babies etc...you should post it again in case people missed it...she does some great work...
so basically it won't even affect the people who took it lol
So pretty much like taking benzos on the daily.
Vax- tards.
We have a few at work.
But it could have been worse!
This WILL sound horrible but...
Given that the RNA spike-mod appear to spread and does so through fluid-transfer/sex, unless there is an outright cure/fix(or at least a simple and cheap pregnancy-style spike-test) it might actually be better if all the vaxed DO die within the next 5-6 years as procreation and propagating the species currently appears downright suicidal by any means other than turkey-baster...
Pretty sure Kelly Bundy Syndrome has been around for a while.
So like... the same thing that has been happening for the past hundred plus years since Rockefeller took over schools, our food supply, all of medicine, our water, etc.?
Not the same thing.
I'd say that covers what happened to my siblings
Can you describe specifically what you've noticed has changed in them? I'm serious.
Hi sorry, just saw this a few mins ago. Precursor: I'll be 49 next week. So for almost 49 yrs I've been an empath. And I mean a true one, not the trendy stuff on reddit. So my apologies if this comes out weird but I'll do my best. Up until 2 yrs ago I worked and interacted heavily in our community, working in a hospital. I only quit when my husband became disabled. Anyway, I was there for the before/after of the jabs. In our area mostly Moderna, a handful of Pfizer and j&j. Apart from the five senses taught in school, what I felt from people before the jabs was usual markers for ranges of emotion. Anywhere from a flatline, to a medium or heavy curve, to an erratic zigzag. What I notice since time has gone by, especially as more boosters have come and gone, is that the middle notes are gone in the jabbed community. So I'm left with flatline or zigzags. Transposed and integrated with the normal five senses and what I see/hear is flat emotion or hard emotions with very little in the middle. Robots and angry brats, that's it. Anyway. My siblings are that way as well. Two of them. They're all in the angry-brat zigzag category. The third sibling and my mother are flatline. Repetitive motion, muscle memory, not alot else. And I'm not sure why the difference. But it's everywhere, even in the young who've gotten the jab.
Sorry if this is confusing, but I hope it translates. God bless.
Sauce regarding examples: https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/10218596c.jpg?crop=900:600&width=900
Look, I'm so sorry but I just can't believe this, it has to be fake news.
After listening to Christine Blasey Ford during the Kavanaugh hearing, I automatically disregard ANYTHING involving the hippocampus.
After listening to Christine Blasey Ford during the Kavanaugh hearing, I can no longer fly on planes and I cannot be in a building unless it has multiple doors for me to flee through.
In my opinion, One of the really sad things about Christine Blasey Ford is that she very likely was subjected to abuses as she described while she was being broken by her MK handlers. Then when the time came for her to be a useful pawn, the repressed (by handler) memory was resurfaced and assigned to Kavenaugh.
I despise what was done in that wrap up smear, but I also believe Christine was likely a severely abused and broken woman who was effectively shattered in personality by her handlers so she could be redirected to accusing anyone that needed to be neutralized publicly. Abused so she could become a useful and easily controllable pawn as a weaponized accuser.
Um, maybe. Although, back then, I was following the hearings and the buzz about her very closely. They reported that she had worked with Google who had a training center/base near her home. She contacted them to offer housing for their visiting interns at her guest home (you know, the extra wing she built onto her house that had the 2nd door?)
As such, she became quite friendly with the higher ups at Google. It was then said that Google techies assisted her attorney team before she came forward to clean up the myriad internet data that could be found for Blasey Ford, removing any images, articles, negative student/teacher reviews, etc., before the proceedings began.
Allegedly, she had Fakebook postings where she said that all anyone had to do to ruin a conservative male SCOTUS nominee would be to manufacture rape accusations about him. How coincidental that she attended the same High School (or nearby) to Kavanaugh, who said he didn't know her or remember her.
Anonymous 'friends' posted that the internet scrubbed all kinds of yearbook images of her that showed her being a wild child in high school, underage drinking, etc. Some of the people posting said she was quite promiscuous and had a nickname describing her sexual promiscuity that she was known for.
I do think she was a paid-for shill and a lousy actress who went along and took a big fat paycheck to ruin Kavanaugh's life and chances. I still remember his face and that of his wife and daughters when he was finally being sworn it. It was a very telling photo whereby all had expressions of sadness, disappointment and demoralization on a day that should have been joyous.
This is not a side effect, It is design.
Related video
Good ones. Thanks.
Ok, then. This makes more sense now:
Can I get an original source on this? I’m currently experiencing this with several family members
Information gleaned from the video below:
Also related: Why we see so many parents ignoring their children in public, and expressionless babies:
TY. Will watch today
I just hope these zombified don't get a lust for OUR brains! Kek
...lust? this is bringing all kinds of terrible images to mind
So, it's turning Democrats into... Democrats?
Got it.
A case could be made that’s a description of the generic Deutschlaender. Humorless, disaffected, zombified having forgotten the past….
Have you been there? Did you ever see anyone smile? For me, yes, and no.
No, not for many years. I did notice a distinct change in human behavior locally and traveling out of country after 9/11/2001. People stopped making eye contact, acted unfriendly, paranoid, suspicious.
That is what the idiot box will do.
Man! I don't doubt that this could be a possibility. This whole thing is a nightmare!