We need to meme the shit out of this! Every time one of these asshole compromised SOBs shows themselves in public we need to remove the background and put Epstein’s Island building and an icon silhouette of a very small person with a much larger (adult) person.
How do we know the provenance of this list? It could be totally made up, we don't know for sure. Anyway, I'm surprised that Huma Abadin is not on the list too.
exactly, need this confirmed. I am guessing it is from the list of his flight logs with initials and somebody created this using initials, which would not be fact. Also that flight log was all of his flights not just the ones to the island.
Patton Oswald is an actor who posted sickening tweets about little boys way back as far as 2013, and admitted to being a pedophile and a member of NAMBLA.
"The angry tweets from my hammer toed followers opened up my eyes. Pedo-phobe shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD Pedophile!"
"My dong is super-friendly and loves getting rubbed by children."
“Let NAMBLA [North American Man/Boy Love Association] members fuck anyone they want. Am I so crazy wanting my kid to grow up in a safer world?”
How do you NOT know who Rob Reiner is? Seriously? He is the Left Crusader on Twitter and is very well known in their circles. Also, Meathead on Archie Bunker (famous character) and involved with many famous cult classics. We also make fun of the Liberal loon here all the time.....Look him up- you will recognize him from memes.
Paris Hilton is an interesting name on here. She came to Utah to tell the state legislature about how she was abused in private recovery systems/boarding schools in this state.
Now I wonder if she was playing a part, or was sincerely trying to get change made to protect young girls.
Note that the current Lt Gov, Deidre Henderson, was a state Senator at the time & helped get the Paris Hilton story out.
This has been done before. This was my gateway video into Q; a personal favorite. It is also 45:17 in length on purpose. (discussed on YouTube long ago before his channel was banned) The link below isn't from the original guy unless he has changed his name.
-This list is not confirmed. Take with a large pinch of salt.
-What we really need to know is who were the people that went more than once. Especially those who were regulars.
I say this because by all indications, Epstein's island was nothing more than an old school CIA brownstone operation. Some resist. Some get slowly worn down by slightly younger girls at each party along with drugs (that may or may not have been taken with the target's knowledge).
Some completely resist. Some are put in the horrific position of being forced to have sex with a minor on camera while guns are held to their family's head.
There's nuance here and we can't ignore that. For those who kept going back to the island, it's a safe bet they were willing participants. For those who went once, a number of outcomes are possible.
Mostly unlikeable people on that list....but GOD, I would especially love to see Reiner, DeNiro and Legend be dragged into the spotlight for WHATEVER they did on that island.
Oh, I wouldn't be surprised. Both Legend and his odious spouse continually play the race card to the extent that it benefits them. GOD, I can't stand either one of them. I always say that Legend is the most punchable face in pop music today...and it really is.
was this list created from the initials in the flight logs we have seen? Even though the people on the list are believable I would need to see the sauce to confirm the list.
Are these people that KNEW what Epstein was doing? I know most of these celebrity types are sick AF, but is there ANY possiblity that some just didn't know and stopped going once they knew?
Interesting that Rudy Gobert is on the list. Remember the Covid fiasco? Gobert and Tom Hanks were a few of the high profile celebs to get it. Once Rudy Gobert got it, the lockdown happened if memory serves. The NBA went extreme and played in Orlando with no crowd. Gobert getting Covid was a watershed moment for public perception.
Can somebody link to the actual documents? So far this looks like a guy just posting a list of celebrities? Like does anybody have actual photos of the document or screenshots or PDFs? It's really important when you post some shit like this to also post the source so that it's not just hearsay. Like actual proof.
Dolores Zorreguieta is the sister of the queen of the Netherlands: Maxima Zorreguieta. Their father is Jorge Z. an secretary of Agriculture in the regime of the dictator General Jorge Rafael Videla of Argentinia. The husband of her sister is king Willem Alexander, the grandson of former NSDAP nazi prince Bernhard "Bilderberg" von Lippe Biesterfeld. In the blackbook of Epstein there is the name of the Dutch beerbrower Freddie Heineken and his daughter. The late Freddie was a very close friend to former queen Beatrix, the daughter of Bernhard "Bilderberg"
We need to meme the shit out of this! Every time one of these asshole compromised SOBs shows themselves in public we need to remove the background and put Epstein’s Island building and an icon silhouette of a very small person with a much larger (adult) person.
How do we know the provenance of this list? It could be totally made up, we don't know for sure. Anyway, I'm surprised that Huma Abadin is not on the list too.
exactly, need this confirmed. I am guessing it is from the list of his flight logs with initials and somebody created this using initials, which would not be fact. Also that flight log was all of his flights not just the ones to the island.
Great idea. Stick their faces on a naked body would help also.
Per the Link, here's the list so far:
Here's Jeffrey Epstein's Island visitors that was confirmed on #EpsteinFlightLogs
Adam Perry Lang
Al Gore
Alan Dershowitz
Albert Pinto
Alec Baldwin
Allison Mack
Alyssa Rogers
Anderson Cooper
Andrea Mitrovich
Andres Pastrana
Angelina Jolie
Anthony Kiedis
Anthony Weiner
Barack Obama
Ben Affleck
Bernie Sanders
Bill Clinton
Bill Gates
Bob Saget (deceased)
Bruce Willis
Casey Wasserman
Callum Hudson-Odoi
Celine Dion
Charles Barkley
Charlie Sheen
Charlize Theron
Chelsea Handler
Chris Tucker
Chris Wagner
Chrissy Teigen
Cyndi Lauper
Claire Hazel
Courteney Cox
Courtney Love
Demi Moore
Dan Schneider
David Koch
David Spade
David Yarovesky
Dolores Zorreguieta
Donovan Mitchell
Doug Band
Drew Barrymore
Ed Buck
Ed Tuttle
Ehud Barak
Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen Spencer
Emmy Tayler
Fleur Perry Lang
Francis X. Suarez
Freya Wissing
Gary Roxburgh (pilot)
George Clooney
Ghislaine Maxwell
Glenn Dubin
Greg Holbert (deceased)
Gwen Stefani
Gwendolyn Beck
Hank Coller (pilot)
Heather Mann
Heidi Klum
Henry Rosovsky
Hillary Clinton
James Franco
James Gunn
Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)
Jean-Michel Gathy
Jeffrey Jones (deceased)
Jim Carrey
Jimmy Kimmel
Joe Biden
Joe Pagano
John Cusack
John Legend
John Podesta
John Travolta
Joy Behar
Juan Pablo Molyneux
Juliette Bryant
Justin Roiland
Justin Trudeau
Kathy Griffin
Katy Perry
Kelly Spam
Kevin Spacey
Kirsten Gillibrand
Kristy Rogers (deceased)
Lady Gaga
Larry Summers
Larry Visoski (pilot)
Laura Z. Wasserman
Lawrence M. Krauss
Linda Pinto
Lisa Summers
Lynn Forester de Rothchild
Mandy Ellison (assistant)
Mare Collins-Rector
Marina Abramovic
Mark Epstein
Mark Lloyd
Melinda Luntz
Meryl Streep
Michelle Obama
Michelle Wolf
Mikel Arteta
Miley Cyrus
Nadine Dorries
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Watts
Natalie Blachon de Perrier
Nicole Junkermann
Olga Kurylenko
Oliver Sacks
Orlando Bloom
Paris Hilton
Patton Oswald
Paul Mellon
Paula Epstein (deceased)
Paula Hala
Peter P. Marino
Pharrell Williams
Prince Andrew
Prince Charles
Quentin Tarantino
Rachel Maddow
Rainn Wilson
Ralph Ellison
Ray Barzana (pilot)
Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
Rita Wilson
Rob Reiner
Robert DeNiro
Robert Downey Jr.
Rodney E. Slater
Ronald Burkle
Rudy Gobert
Sander Burger
Sarah Kellen (assistant)
Sarah Silverman
Seth Green
Shelley Harrison
Shelley Lewis
Sophie Biddle-Hakim
Sophie Trudeau
Stephen Collins
Stephen Colbert
Steven Spielberg
Steven Tyler
Svetlana Glazunova
Teala Davies
Tiffany Gramza
Tom Hanks
Tom Pritzker
Tyler Grasham (deceased)
Victor Salva
Wanda Sykes
Whoopi Goldberg
Thanks for doing that. Only two I didn't recognize was Rob Reiner and Patton Oswald. All the others are well known.
Patton Oswald is an actor who posted sickening tweets about little boys way back as far as 2013, and admitted to being a pedophile and a member of NAMBLA.
Wow. This dude is in dire need for a millstone.
Is it weird that I have a millstone? Best way to sharpen knives. I would gladly use it for a pedo though
Oh you are funny. Thanks for that. We will look for you when we could use that millstone.
And his wife died in bed one night. Super sad and not suspicious at all.
No, not suspicious because bought the ME and judges and the police chief
Patton Oswald is the token taker on "King of Queens". Short, fat dumpy alleged pedo.
And small hands
Howls. What a description. Yes, I looked him up also.
Unfortunately, Patton Oswalt was also on a couple of seasons of the rebooted Mystery Science Theater 3000. I don't think he's on it now, though.
How do you NOT know who Rob Reiner is? Seriously? He is the Left Crusader on Twitter and is very well known in their circles. Also, Meathead on Archie Bunker (famous character) and involved with many famous cult classics. We also make fun of the Liberal loon here all the time.....Look him up- you will recognize him from memes.
I looked him up. I didn't know him from Jack because I hardly watch demon filled tv brain washing.
RR is Meathead from the 70's sitcom All in the family.
His actor name was dead on.
Certainly you know who he is now.
He's a huge Trump supporter....KEK
Yes. Now I know a meatball head. LOL
Rob Reiner is "meathead" on "All in the Family" with Archie & Edith Bunker.
Yes. Correct. I looked him up.
All losers. Followers of satan
Yes, they are all demons.
Important distinction, they are all wonderful as God’s creation but oh have they fallen and invited demons in.
You got it. Fallen to the bottom of the barrel.
Here's a picture of Rob Reiner. Kek
Oh, how funny. Thanks.
Waiting for the newly created trolls to chime in with their Trump rhetoric.
Don't waist our time newbies cause we already know.....
Paris Hilton is an interesting name on here. She came to Utah to tell the state legislature about how she was abused in private recovery systems/boarding schools in this state.
Now I wonder if she was playing a part, or was sincerely trying to get change made to protect young girls.
Note that the current Lt Gov, Deidre Henderson, was a state Senator at the time & helped get the Paris Hilton story out.
Right on Q. https://twitter.com/ProudElephantUS/status/1737487309077975444/photo/1
Why isn't John Roberts on that list?
Video length is 45:17. Get it?
This has been done before. This was my gateway video into Q; a personal favorite. It is also 45:17 in length on purpose. (discussed on YouTube long ago before his channel was banned) The link below isn't from the original guy unless he has changed his name.
The 2nd American Revolution
Oh, I didn't even catch the 45:17. Thanks for catching that.
45:17. That’s crazy it’s that length. That kind of give me chills just thinking about what’s going on, that some people are oblivious to.
This is an excellent red pill video
I've watched it a number of times; so much that I spotted something very interesting.
I always thought it odd that our introduction to presidential candidate Trump was that now famous golden escalator.
Hidden in plain sight behind Melania and Donald are the words "CURRENCY EXCHANGE" plain as day.
Look in the video around 3:35 for footage of that.
I actually caught it the first time. Told my family currency is the problem of this country.
What is the source of the info in the tweet?
Give you some source.
I have seen this list somewhere before but can't remember where or when.
I don't think its the list we are all waiting for. Here is what I have collected over the years, I hope it helps:
You are the best. Thanks.
Rita Wilson along with Tom Hanks would probably wake up a lot of normies.
Lots of big names there besides those two.
These people are just going to say they were partying there and not raping children.
That's a whole lot of blackmail targets.
I'm guessing Bruce Willis is pretty happy his mental state dropped before this list did, otherwise he'd have a lot of explaining to do.
Still watching his movies, though.
It's ok. We will forgive you for watching him. LOL
I pasted the link below, but highlighted some of the most noteworthy, such as:
Royals/ Heads of State/ Politicians
Newscasters / Talk Show Hosts
No Stephen Hawking or the Dalai Llama?
I think this has to be only a partial list. Where is Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Liz Cheney, etc., etc.?
A couple items:
-This list is not confirmed. Take with a large pinch of salt.
-What we really need to know is who were the people that went more than once. Especially those who were regulars.
I say this because by all indications, Epstein's island was nothing more than an old school CIA brownstone operation. Some resist. Some get slowly worn down by slightly younger girls at each party along with drugs (that may or may not have been taken with the target's knowledge).
Some completely resist. Some are put in the horrific position of being forced to have sex with a minor on camera while guns are held to their family's head.
There's nuance here and we can't ignore that. For those who kept going back to the island, it's a safe bet they were willing participants. For those who went once, a number of outcomes are possible.
Understood. We cannot confirm they all knew.
Mostly unlikeable people on that list....but GOD, I would especially love to see Reiner, DeNiro and Legend be dragged into the spotlight for WHATEVER they did on that island.
Didn't Legend try to say that Teigen and him were unmercilessly targeted by some crazed conspiracy theorists like us?
Oh, I wouldn't be surprised. Both Legend and his odious spouse continually play the race card to the extent that it benefits them. GOD, I can't stand either one of them. I always say that Legend is the most punchable face in pop music today...and it really is.
he is a good actor. She, odious.
You see a pattern? Those who speak the loudest.
None of this surprises me.
No surprised.
All the ones who are the most hateful and outspoken towards DJT, or ridicule him. Of course we always knew they had the most to hide.
Of course. qposts said those who scream the loudest.
Donavan Mitchell, like the basketball player?
Don't know this one.
Need to be said.
Epstein Flight Manifest 👇
Oh yeah. I seen these initials. Thanks.
What surprised me, Clown Schwab name not there.
He likely has his own transport
Aaah, big boss. Got it.
was this list created from the initials in the flight logs we have seen? Even though the people on the list are believable I would need to see the sauce to confirm the list.
One of the good patriots here gather all the source here.
You got it.
Are these people that KNEW what Epstein was doing? I know most of these celebrity types are sick AF, but is there ANY possiblity that some just didn't know and stopped going once they knew?
That's correct. Someone did say that about him.
I see that the pedo PM of CANADA and his wife Sophie visited the Island. No surprise there.
Only surprise I have, where is Klaus *f Schwab
According to this list, Joe Biden is there. I have never seen his name there before.
I think I saw his name on another list that had many of these same people. Will Farrell was also on it, but not on this one.
I need to dig thru the source our anon gave us.
Not surprising that Allison Mack is on there.
She is a madam
Chrissy Effin Teigen 😈
Alan Dershowitz Saw him yesterday say "Release everything, everything about me. I have nothing to hide!"
Who's next? barkaK? Meathead Stivic? anyone?
There was a list with Alan on it. If he is saying "release everything," then maybe he is innocent.
Yeah, that was the point (that Casually) kinda' missed. Let's hear Big Mike's Missus or Meathead say "Release everything!"
BTW u/brain_dead There are certain posters on here that I trust more than others, Thank You for being one of them!
Barack is on there, Rob Reiner, too.
Of course he is on there. He is as dark as they go.
Interesting that Rudy Gobert is on the list. Remember the Covid fiasco? Gobert and Tom Hanks were a few of the high profile celebs to get it. Once Rudy Gobert got it, the lockdown happened if memory serves. The NBA went extreme and played in Orlando with no crowd. Gobert getting Covid was a watershed moment for public perception.
I don't know him. Looked him up.
These are all lib to radical lib persons.
Interesting, but I doubt the socio-political right is exempt.
Not exempt either. I remember seeing a list of Democrats pedophiles and Republican pedophiles that were caught. It was a Q post.
Anyone surprised that Sean Penn's name isn't on here? or any hollywood directors/producers? Where is Harvey F?
Just one of the list.
"Illuminati coin"??? Seriously??.😂😂
LOL. They go by anything nowadays. I am just a brain dead there too.
Can somebody link to the actual documents? So far this looks like a guy just posting a list of celebrities? Like does anybody have actual photos of the document or screenshots or PDFs? It's really important when you post some shit like this to also post the source so that it's not just hearsay. Like actual proof.
Keep in mind Epstein Island saw a LOT more visitor's than is on the lists...
Oh yes, correct.
I don’t entirely trust this yet. Can we trust the source? There’s been so many fake lists circulating
No Roger Stone?
Not on this list.
Dolores Zorreguieta is the sister of the queen of the Netherlands: Maxima Zorreguieta. Their father is Jorge Z. an secretary of Agriculture in the regime of the dictator General Jorge Rafael Videla of Argentinia. The husband of her sister is king Willem Alexander, the grandson of former NSDAP nazi prince Bernhard "Bilderberg" von Lippe Biesterfeld. In the blackbook of Epstein there is the name of the Dutch beerbrower Freddie Heineken and his daughter. The late Freddie was a very close friend to former queen Beatrix, the daughter of Bernhard "Bilderberg"
Epstein doesn't exempt royalty either. All are blackmailed. Wonder by whom?
White hats in charge by then. How did Trump even get in 2016? How come he is still standing?
Interesting chart posted by "Koffee With AL" in Twitter replies:
Curious about any Anon's thoughts.
Letters too small I cannot see but I seen this pic before.
Looked down through and didn’t see an explanation for bold font names? Multi trips? Something else?
Bolded to make sure you saw them as they are significant.
Thats what I assumed. Thanks!