Wish I could, but $10 a month is unbeatable for price, and there’s nowhere else close. Not about to stop working out which would be disastrous for my health.
Agreed, work outside. Do something that's not redundant, restrictive movements you can do without weights. Body weight exercise. Pitiful mentality. FIGHT don't roll over by convenience and unbeatable deals. God gave you an unbeatable deal, FREE body weight exercises. Smh. If Facists are fighting us, within some form of Capitlism, FIGHT BACK ACCORDINGLY. By choosing not to participate.
Exactly. Fill up some empty milk jugs and lift them...
Body weight exercises are very effective ...when you do them right and SLOOOOOWW down your reps up and down.
Also writing them an email and mailing them it also about the gross display in NYC.
Ps. I no longer have a planet fitness membership. ;)
I quit Planet Fitness after paying for a year and going only like twice. Last time the Tree Huggers were set up outside. I told them my wife's family just planed new coconut trees on their coconut farm. I was fibbing, coconut copra is used for palm oil and its hard work and dangerous. WEF has squeezed the price down so low the owners have very small amount after paying the workers, and they won't climb the trees themselves.
We need to reverse infiltrate. That's what they did to us after all. Fuck this running away stuff. TAKE IT ALL BACK. That includes California. I am sick of these people taking the good stuff.
PS: I am done swearing now for the rest of the year.
I'm really not sure we should place any blame for this on Planet Fitness. This is the work of the network, not them. Sure, one could hold them accountable as the main sponsor (for many years) of the event... But. I don't know.
There is a faggot amongst us that keeps down voting. You didn't even use any slurs. Hello there, faggot. Jesus will forgive you, but you must repent, as we all must for our sins.
What adults do in private I don't care, but this is disgusting. Well so is thinking the rectum which is where the body excretes all kinds of toxins is a warm place to stick your stick in. It boggles the mind that is what the F these creeples desire.
Yeah, pretty much the same kind of guys that you’ll see at any Planet Fitness. Lots on nice looking women, but not enough to make up for all the gays guys. I had heard stories, so I kind of had an idea going in what it might be like. The only reason I even went was that I had won a 6 month free membership in a raffle at work.
I was just at Barns and Noble last week. In their young readers section this is what the covers of the books in that section look like. Disturbing to say the least. Grooming, Grooming, Grooming. I believe one of the books had a sex act between men. I cannot believe this is acceptable in today's society.
They do it in front of everybody just because they want us to get used to the idea that degenerated demons are normal in our society. I remember an old movie and there was a marine and a woman kissing; that was normal.
Heh, at the gym where I go, we call that place "Planet Fatness." From what I've heard of it (no 'grunting,' no macho behavior, no heavy weights, "no judgement") it seems like a place for people who aren't really serious about their fitness.
I noticed that as well. Wouldn't it be the camera man for the news channel that chose this as the first shot? Not that I agree with it, it was quite disturbing
I was hoping nobody would actually post this here. I managed to not see it before because I didn’t waste my time watching anything on TV. Thanks now I need I bleach. 😂🤣
Bye bye planet fitness
No it is Planet Gayness now!
Guess they're...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Fitness dick in their mouths
Literally LOLd at this one. Thanks for the morning giggle
But also "yuck!"
Good Lord! I pray that the trauma of seeing this, won't scar the baby! It is enough to make one puke!
my wife says there slipping this shit into her Hallmark movies
I don't blame her either. Part of Society had really degenerated. It's a reliving of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Shit. I have Planet Fitness. Not too many other places available in a small town. Wish there were.
Don't worry! 99.99% of all Corporations are WEF and therefore queer adjacent or queer. Just don't drop the soap in their showers. Kek
I wish we can boycott them all but really couldn't. Thanks.
You can boycott, if you really want to
Wish I could, but $10 a month is unbeatable for price, and there’s nowhere else close. Not about to stop working out which would be disastrous for my health.
Go climb a tree or walk a mile backwards. Do 3 sets of 30 pushups, do pullups and 30 degree calf raises.
Sorry, but you guys sound like the people that "had no choice" but to get the jabs.
Agreed, work outside. Do something that's not redundant, restrictive movements you can do without weights. Body weight exercise. Pitiful mentality. FIGHT don't roll over by convenience and unbeatable deals. God gave you an unbeatable deal, FREE body weight exercises. Smh. If Facists are fighting us, within some form of Capitlism, FIGHT BACK ACCORDINGLY. By choosing not to participate.
Exactly. Fill up some empty milk jugs and lift them... Body weight exercises are very effective ...when you do them right and SLOOOOOWW down your reps up and down.
Also writing them an email and mailing them it also about the gross display in NYC.
Ps. I no longer have a planet fitness membership. ;)
Yep. I got a treadmill, been growing my pushup game and jumping jacks. Need to get back into working on abs with planks and situps.
Wish I had a bench but beats wasting time at a gym.
I am considering it right now.
Yeah, I hope corporations as a way of doing business goes away. Partnerships and Proprietors only.
It's a con game that appeals to people's laziness. Open your own business, don't trust somebody with your money... Er Politics is bad too!
How do you prevent government from going rogue?
I have no idea...
Me three. Otherwise, we run for office.
I quit Planet Fitness after paying for a year and going only like twice. Last time the Tree Huggers were set up outside. I told them my wife's family just planed new coconut trees on their coconut farm. I was fibbing, coconut copra is used for palm oil and its hard work and dangerous. WEF has squeezed the price down so low the owners have very small amount after paying the workers, and they won't climb the trees themselves.
We need to reverse infiltrate. That's what they did to us after all. Fuck this running away stuff. TAKE IT ALL BACK. That includes California. I am sick of these people taking the good stuff.
PS: I am done swearing now for the rest of the year.
P.S. buull...sshhit. it's not even noon and I've had to use 🖕 3 times already.
I'm gonna try. It's not like when I tried to give up sarcasm for Lent.
Oh howls. I swear all the time. No big deal.
Same here. Cheap and convenient.
I'm really not sure we should place any blame for this on Planet Fitness. This is the work of the network, not them. Sure, one could hold them accountable as the main sponsor (for many years) of the event... But. I don't know.
It's true. I can sponsor an event put up by Humane Society but if they do something stupid. I can quit sponsoring next year but not now.
Same. Ugh…
Yes. I know the inconvenience of trying to drive a lot longer to a gym.
I thought I'd imagined that. I said something to my wife about it and when I looked back it was different people kissing. F'ing deviants.
I saw it and immediately changed the channel, Nashville is blue anyway, I would blame the production company that filmed this event.
My favorite comment from /r/conspiracy about this was along the lines of:
"30 years ago, the camera man would have panned away..."
So true and pithy.
ABC, NBC, and CBS all aired gay people kissing right when the ball dropped ...
There is a faggot amongst us that keeps down voting. You didn't even use any slurs. Hello there, faggot. Jesus will forgive you, but you must repent, as we all must for our sins.
What adults do in private I don't care, but this is disgusting. Well so is thinking the rectum which is where the body excretes all kinds of toxins is a warm place to stick your stick in. It boggles the mind that is what the F these creeples desire.
Yeah, pretty much the same kind of guys that you’ll see at any Planet Fitness. Lots on nice looking women, but not enough to make up for all the gays guys. I had heard stories, so I kind of had an idea going in what it might be like. The only reason I even went was that I had won a 6 month free membership in a raffle at work.
More like Planet Fagness.
Planet faggot
I was just at Barns and Noble last week. In their young readers section this is what the covers of the books in that section look like. Disturbing to say the least. Grooming, Grooming, Grooming. I believe one of the books had a sex act between men. I cannot believe this is acceptable in today's society.
BN used to be one of my fav places to shop and browse. Now it's like walking into an adult/commie bookstore.
They do it in front of everybody just because they want us to get used to the idea that degenerated demons are normal in our society. I remember an old movie and there was a marine and a woman kissing; that was normal.
If your gym routine wouldn't get you kicked out of Planet Fitness, it's not worth doing.
Still trying to normalize something that is and always will be abnormal.
This was deliberate. No warning or anything.
OOOO my goodness. Get me some bleach please and tag this filth as filth
Planet Fatness.
Pizza Fridays.
Bye bye Plant-it In-ass.
Planet Fitness is a hotbed for gay sex meet-ups. Why is anyone surprised?
Because New York Blows.
Literally. These guys probably walk around with hands and dongs smelling like shit lol.
Heh, at the gym where I go, we call that place "Planet Fatness." From what I've heard of it (no 'grunting,' no macho behavior, no heavy weights, "no judgement") it seems like a place for people who aren't really serious about their fitness.
Go woke...
We shut the TV off & went to bed. We realized that we’d stayed up for nothing. Gross.
I noticed that as well. Wouldn't it be the camera man for the news channel that chose this as the first shot? Not that I agree with it, it was quite disturbing
I was hoping nobody would actually post this here. I managed to not see it before because I didn’t waste my time watching anything on TV. Thanks now I need I bleach. 😂🤣
We're reaching levels of tiresome that shouldn't be possible.
So disgusting.
Planet Unfitness. Or Planet Ugh-fitness