Yea, why would you warn those that want to kill you what you are preparing to do. Why not just release the stuff. Put it all out there and then the enemy is scrambling to do damage control instead of trying to kill you.
Well, maybe they don't have the docs they claim to have. But if they are being truthful, then it could be for safety. Think about the constant surveillance we experience digitally. If you talked privately to someone about how to go about releasing sensitive information, the government would know. They may want to interfere before you release. But if you tell the public at the same time as you tell someone privately, it's already out there. So now if something happens to you, there's gonna be public scrutiny.
Idk. They seem to kill some people outright and for others they try to defamed them, slander them, ridicule them, call them conspiracy theorists etc.
If he had the receipts re: frazzledrip he'd definitely be Clinton'd though.
Good question. I also think they should release it right away, it's infuriating. At this point, fool me once (announcement without follow-up) and you're a grifter in my book. Have no more patience for attention-seeking paytriots, especially on Twitter. They get paid a handsome sum through ad-revenue from all their sensational lies.
I only pay attention to these kind of news, after the fact. Not when they are saying "we will do this" etc. Until then, these are just yet more moves in the chess.
Probably not, because Dom Lucre has never once produced anything original or new in this space. If "Frazzledrip" really existed and was really "making the rounds" on the dark web, then just one anon from 4chan would have produced at least one screenshot. Just one. Instead, there are none.
It sure seems elusive for such a famous video, that is especially well-known among anons who routinely access the dark web.
There was a lot of chatter on 4chan that an anon did have the information first and it was released by Lucre and played off as his own research. Haven’t read any more since this morning but sounds legit.
Ok I don't understand this. Announcing that you WILL release something on the Clintons is like inviting evil doers to harm you. Head scratcher here. Why not just release it?
WTF.. Are they waiting for offers to buy the evidence for millions of dollars?
Or are they protected by the white hats and following orders. I don't get it at all.
I looked at some of the images that have been posted regarding this story and unfortunately its the kind of stuff one side will say is creepy but the libtarded left will insist is innocent and people are reading into things that aren't there. So unless Matt or Dom are going to release actual evidence of child sex trafficking this is going nowhere.
so whoever this "Dom Lucre" guy is, say he has damaging intel on the deep state actors.... THEN, he goes & tells the world WHO he sent the info to... so now this Matt Wallace guy has a target on his back?
i believe some have dug on him & claim is Freemason? that would explain all the bullshit with this guy...
what happened to shutting your fvcking mouth about what you have & just RELEASE IT? if you don't want to personally, then continue shutting up, send it to the right people & tell them to shut up & just RELEASE THE INFO.
why give a heads up to the enemy?
wtf is Dom Lucre, a person who tweets we see posted on here dozens of times daily?
I’d advise to get from “will be releasing,” to “have released,” as quickly as possible.
Yea, why would you warn those that want to kill you what you are preparing to do. Why not just release the stuff. Put it all out there and then the enemy is scrambling to do damage control instead of trying to kill you.
Yeah, why? People always do that for some reason. If it were me, I'd go and hide first and then release it without warning.
Well, maybe they don't have the docs they claim to have. But if they are being truthful, then it could be for safety. Think about the constant surveillance we experience digitally. If you talked privately to someone about how to go about releasing sensitive information, the government would know. They may want to interfere before you release. But if you tell the public at the same time as you tell someone privately, it's already out there. So now if something happens to you, there's gonna be public scrutiny.
And YOU'D still be dead
Idk. They seem to kill some people outright and for others they try to defamed them, slander them, ridicule them, call them conspiracy theorists etc. If he had the receipts re: frazzledrip he'd definitely be Clinton'd though.
I see..the safety makes sense I suppose, but why are they taking days or week to release instead of right away or a shorter period of time
Good question. I also think they should release it right away, it's infuriating. At this point, fool me once (announcement without follow-up) and you're a grifter in my book. Have no more patience for attention-seeking paytriots, especially on Twitter. They get paid a handsome sum through ad-revenue from all their sensational lies.
It's the dog that doesn't bark is the one you have to worry about.
I would not post it using my real name. I would drive to a library in a distant city and use a fake name
And park a few blocks away.
Maybe its bait to force the action . Setting a trap? For all the world to see.
I only pay attention to these kind of news, after the fact. Not when they are saying "we will do this" etc. Until then, these are just yet more moves in the chess.
Matt Wallace did not commit suicide. Calling it now.
Yesterday there were a lot of comments that Dom is a Freemason.
Anybody want to weigh in?
I wish I could care whether he's a freemason. I care about how he's always saying "EXCLUSIVE" or "BREAKING" followed by absolutely nothing.
Probably not, because Dom Lucre has never once produced anything original or new in this space. If "Frazzledrip" really existed and was really "making the rounds" on the dark web, then just one anon from 4chan would have produced at least one screenshot. Just one. Instead, there are none.
It sure seems elusive for such a famous video, that is especially well-known among anons who routinely access the dark web.
There was a lot of chatter on 4chan that an anon did have the information first and it was released by Lucre and played off as his own research. Haven’t read any more since this morning but sounds legit.
First arrest will cause a mass awakening. - Q paraphrased
What if 1st arrest was when Hillary was tossed in that van. That would be an awakening wouldnt it.
Why all this “I sent to him” “will be releasing”, enough is enough, LFG
Bullshit. He has nothing.
Definitely the case. Nothing ever follows "I have totally big info that I'll release soon."
This is nothing more than a Greggggg-style "Big info coming soon! PRAY." tweet.
"Tick-tock." -Sean Hannity
"Just subscribe and you'll find out" paytriot vibes
Yep, clear grift.
This isn’t the airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.
Ok I don't understand this. Announcing that you WILL release something on the Clintons is like inviting evil doers to harm you. Head scratcher here. Why not just release it? WTF.. Are they waiting for offers to buy the evidence for millions of dollars? Or are they protected by the white hats and following orders. I don't get it at all.
I looked at some of the images that have been posted regarding this story and unfortunately its the kind of stuff one side will say is creepy but the libtarded left will insist is innocent and people are reading into things that aren't there. So unless Matt or Dom are going to release actual evidence of child sex trafficking this is going nowhere.
probably sent some stuff off 4chan
Kid says he’s going to upload it to a YouTube channel? Ain’t happening.
This feels like a trap to me .
Enough with the threats of releasing shit. Shut your mouth,release it and see what happens when the dust settles.
Not too bright to let them know your plans! I hope he has some good insurance fro his family!
Geez….talk about calling artillery in on yourself. A notification of intent only invites Arkancide and he should know that by now.
so whoever this "Dom Lucre" guy is, say he has damaging intel on the deep state actors.... THEN, he goes & tells the world WHO he sent the info to... so now this Matt Wallace guy has a target on his back?
i believe some have dug on him & claim is Freemason? that would explain all the bullshit with this guy...
what happened to shutting your fvcking mouth about what you have & just RELEASE IT? if you don't want to personally, then continue shutting up, send it to the right people & tell them to shut up & just RELEASE THE INFO.
why give a heads up to the enemy?
wtf is Dom Lucre, a person who tweets we see posted on here dozens of times daily?
I see your point:
But to make people aware of something.
You have to do some marketing and public relations.
If you don’t. You are hoping your content goes viral organically. Which is very hard to do on a consistent basis.