Correction, the people running Joe Biden's X account posted this. I'm not sure Joe Biden actual, or whatever body double they've got pretending to be him, is capable of logging in to an account on the internet.
Brian Tuohy, author of the book "The Fix Is In" which posits that every single pro sport is rigged (and possibly college too), was all over this tweet.
the real problem is that reddit squaredcircle really did pretty much become the center of the internet wrestling community
About a decade ago, pro wrestling torch and freakin awesome network forum had more activity. It was pretty apolitical then
The other problem is Squaredcircle has horrible taste. They circle jerk Dominic Mysterio, Bad Bunny, Logan Paul, and anything even remotely woke just to seem edgy. They hate male gaze when it comes to the womens product but give Rhea Ripley a pass even though her fanbase is largely fetishists and pervs on tiktok
I had to look up what Alt text is on X, so for anyone wondering here’s the answer:
"ALT" is the abbreviation for alternative text, which is the technical name for image description. The ALT badge on images lets you know when someone has added a description to their image. To read the image description: Select the ALT badge and the image description will appear.
No way he’s up that late.
No way he:
He does however run the record player (but plays his 45’s at 33rpm.)
They're going to try the Dork Brandon schtick again? Must be desperate.
It's so dumb. Why do I want a "dark" (evil) president?
Democrats ought to be careful do they don't cut themselves on all that "edge"
"These people are stupid"
Correction, the people running Joe Biden's X account posted this. I'm not sure Joe Biden actual, or whatever body double they've got pretending to be him, is capable of logging in to an account on the internet.
What an odd thing to say.
Brian Tuohy, author of the book "The Fix Is In" which posits that every single pro sport is rigged (and possibly college too), was all over this tweet.
Big Mike & Barry just tweakin the Ultra MAGA Patriots.
Would he had posted this if the 49ers won?
The WWE will have an event tomorrow night where the scripted athleticism will look more realistic.
Pro Wrestling is the most genuine pro athletic entertainment.
And it is sport- you weak on the mic, you get no pop or heat, you go home.
Pro wrestling is the most American sport there is. The only downside is the internet fandom are a bunch of leftist faggots
the real problem is that reddit squaredcircle really did pretty much become the center of the internet wrestling community
About a decade ago, pro wrestling torch and freakin awesome network forum had more activity. It was pretty apolitical then
The other problem is Squaredcircle has horrible taste. They circle jerk Dominic Mysterio, Bad Bunny, Logan Paul, and anything even remotely woke just to seem edgy. They hate male gaze when it comes to the womens product but give Rhea Ripley a pass even though her fanbase is largely fetishists and pervs on tiktok
this is very true. It also requires dedication physically. Analyzing work rate and the tech side of wrestling is really fun.
Of course it is great to just get worked and let the product cast its magic on you..that is the peak of the sport.
I agree 100%
White hat hackers?
White hat controllers
Thus the 47 total points.
MTG responded with her own lazer eyes and a FJB
Ahhh thanks 😂
Reference to superb owl rigging?
They passed the bill....."like we drew it up"!
All out of our control, all controlled by the devil incarnate.
We must all look to God for protection and allow more to see this evil.
I had to look up what Alt text is on X, so for anyone wondering here’s the answer:
"ALT" is the abbreviation for alternative text, which is the technical name for image description. The ALT badge on images lets you know when someone has added a description to their image. To read the image description: Select the ALT badge and the image description will appear.
LOL. His earlier posts are pathetic. He's like a parrot, that learned to recite phrases from BLM briefings.
A new mask or old photo? NOT who we have been seeing x 3 yrs.
I was going to say, looks like the original Biden. Dark Brandon because he is dead, eyeballs could indicate he is burning in hell, lol.
He goes to bed at 7:00 pm! Someone posted it for him.
A decent troll, they usually suck at it.