Let the back-peddling begin. Who's next to repudiate their anti-humanist stands? Step right up, step right up, the world is waiting. Whoever turns state evidence first will get a lighter sentence from We The People.
It's not a find, and more that i've been refreshing that fucking page several times a day for the last year to see if I'm still banned from my own country because mandates are still in place. My wife can't get an immigration visa because of the blood sucking parasites at the CDC.
They honestly believe that they have used all the loop holes to ensure they themself did not force anyone to do anything. They just let the useful idiots to their bidding. Something tells me they will be quite surprised by the ending.
Just as ITV in the UK broadcasted a 'harrowing drama' last night about how tough the 'pandemic' was for our beloved infallible NHS. They're trying difference tactics now.
I'd like him to tell us why he gave his recent speech about 'Disease X coming when not if' the DAY AFTER meeting with Killary Clunton to discuss the plandemic preparedness bullshit.
18 Apr 2020
WHO and Global Citizen co-hosted the ‘One World: Together At Home’ concert, a global on-air special to celebrate and support front line healthcare workers.
WHO recommends a simplified single-dose regime for primary immunization for most COVID-19
VERDICT: Lying sons of bastards. They knew full well their advice and directions would be imposed by corrupt leaders and useful idiots in positions of power.
Okay so now the blame for the mass formation psychosis and psychological torture is to be blamed on the governments.Nothing but a giant shell game to shift the blame. Defund the UN, WHO,WEF and all other talk shops to screw the population. Unwind all of the global agreements that are designed to enslave every man, woman and child on the planet. Start with Dustin moscovitz. Of Gooooogle
all these evil creeps are saying they were not part of the masks jabs hospital protocols and all the crap mandates they did to us? Assassins we do not forget.
Just "recommendations", right? Didn't "impose" anything. You left that up to the valid governments knowing full well WHAT they would do and the repercussions thereof.
They still act like its 1930s and we cant prove it with video of them actually threatening people who wouldnt jab and be led by them this shit show needs to end soonest.
This pernicious mind cancer of the rights of the wealthy above the individual person must be eradicated from our own thoughts first. No one has rights above any other human. Get rid of all cancerous language from education to municipal government, to state and provincial, national and international to, global. The best place to start is to hold anyone accountable for their part in the global genocide.
Let the back-peddling begin. Who's next to repudiate their anti-humanist stands? Step right up, step right up, the world is waiting. Whoever turns state evidence first will get a lighter sentence from We The People.
No excuse. He was installed by the Kenyan. Of course.
So, the phrase 'they think you are stupid' really applies here...How many people will 'defend' this?...
Bagdad Bob.
Should probably remove the active mandates before trying gaslight people: https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/vaccinations.html#covid-19-vaccination.
Oh wow. Good find. Thanks.
It's not a find, and more that i've been refreshing that fucking page several times a day for the last year to see if I'm still banned from my own country because mandates are still in place. My wife can't get an immigration visa because of the blood sucking parasites at the CDC.
I've been following your frustration RM for a while now. None of it is fair. I pray for an end to this insanity for you and your wife's sake.
The border is wide open. Ill pick you up on this side of border and deliver you wherever you need to be.
YOU are not banned from your own country.
PERMISSION TO ENTER the USA is denied to your wife, due to her being from China and this CDC nonsense.
But YOU are not banned.
I'm banned by proxy. I can't move back to the states with my kids and say, "bye honey, it was nice know you". That's fucked up dude.
So ... you are living outside the USA?
And you are also not living in China?
Ergo, you are living in a third country?
With your wife and children?
You are not banned from going to the USA. Your wife is.
We all make choices in life. Those choices include trade-offs.
Stop crying about the fact that your non-American wife -- that you chose -- cannot come to America.
It is not her country in the first place.
They honestly believe that they have used all the loop holes to ensure they themself did not force anyone to do anything. They just let the useful idiots to their bidding. Something tells me they will be quite surprised by the ending.
I have a link for one of the article. I only recommended. LOL
Sorry. The video is everywhere. Assholes.
No forgetting and forgiving
That child raping and sacrificing demon is no 'General'.
Good reminder. Thanks.
Just as ITV in the UK broadcasted a 'harrowing drama' last night about how tough the 'pandemic' was for our beloved infallible NHS. They're trying difference tactics now.
I'd like him to tell us why he gave his recent speech about 'Disease X coming when not if' the DAY AFTER meeting with Killary Clunton to discuss the plandemic preparedness bullshit.
Gaslighting and lying all ways to Sunday
VERDICT: Lying sons of bastards. They knew full well their advice and directions would be imposed by corrupt leaders and useful idiots in positions of power.
Big holes between the teeth. I know he is a lying pos.
Lying bastard installed by Kenyan.
NO, the left did not say "screw your rights", or "kill all the anti vaxers" or "lock them away for life" either!!! Kek
Okay so now the blame for the mass formation psychosis and psychological torture is to be blamed on the governments.Nothing but a giant shell game to shift the blame. Defund the UN, WHO,WEF and all other talk shops to screw the population. Unwind all of the global agreements that are designed to enslave every man, woman and child on the planet. Start with Dustin moscovitz. Of Gooooogle
Worried that there will be accountability? Worried that he will die at the gallows?
I believe he is in panic now.
Insert relevant Mel Brooks "Bullshit!" reference.
Borrowing from A Dog, "male bovine feces"
Someone is not sleeping very well
Lying sacks of utter shite
Haha. Fuck Off Turdboy. Hang Him
Good idea.
So a new narrative to soften resistance to the final takeover?
WEF conference. Build Trust
When these people say, "Let me be clear", the lie is always the next sentence.
Or “let me be honest with you”
This is important guys!
We had to get the WHO to say this on record.
Yes. Very important.
Funny, they are back pedaling, but not admitting that masks don't work, lockdowns don't work and jab is dangerous.
Why back pedal without admitting this? Can't ask for forgiveness until you repent.
No forgiveness for this one.
It will be difficult, but forgiveness in our hearts is the right thing to do. Forgiveness does not remove the need for justice.
It is hard.
Liar. Sound bites for the sheep.
Let’s be clear, Tedros is going to hang from a tree without a hood.
Second that but just give him his own medicine.
What a HUGE sigh of relief! Man for a second I thought they might have been guilty of influencing ALL CORRUPT WORLD LEADERS!
all these evil creeps are saying they were not part of the masks jabs hospital protocols and all the crap mandates they did to us? Assassins we do not forget.
Great word for those monsters. Assassins.
Uh huh.
Just "recommendations", right? Didn't "impose" anything. You left that up to the valid governments knowing full well WHAT they would do and the repercussions thereof.
Who is guilty? WHO is guilty.
All. Give him several of his own jabs.
The Shaggy Defense
Lie all the way to Sunday.
We will not forget! We will not forgive!
You want forgiveness? Ask God for forgiveness when you see him.
I strongly believe we need a thread, a book or a website that saves and chronicles all the abuses of freedom.
I believe it would be good idea.
Freedom starts with refusing to be silenced with a mask
We were born with freedom. Amen.
Wow! I half expected him to get hit by lightening while he said that.
Yes. I was hoping.
Hitler never killed anyone. He ordered others to do it and they obeyed.
Oh correct. That's right.
If you dig deep enough into any catastrophe you will find a Rothschild pulling the strings to make it happen.
During modern time. I agree.
They still act like its 1930s and we cant prove it with video of them actually threatening people who wouldnt jab and be led by them this shit show needs to end soonest.
This pernicious mind cancer of the rights of the wealthy above the individual person must be eradicated from our own thoughts first. No one has rights above any other human. Get rid of all cancerous language from education to municipal government, to state and provincial, national and international to, global. The best place to start is to hold anyone accountable for their part in the global genocide.
Oh yes. You should be a teacher.