Is fluoride in the water bad for you? The government knows it is and has been forced to admit it in a landmark lawsuit in California. Journalist Derrick Broze has been following this acutely. He fills us in on why this case has been left out of the mainstream media and what we have learned from it. He also proves that the government has censored this knowledge and that the World Economic Forum is pushing fluoride, despite this damning evidence!
Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland and severs us from contact with higher frequencies. Majestic 12 recommends chlorella to clear it. They say it takes years. Borax can do it like a champ but it's very toxic.
I put boric acid in my water every day for over a year now. It fixed my knee pain. Didn't know it de-calcified the pineal gland. Any source for this info?
Can't remember where I saw it a long time ago, but boron binds fluorine in a way that no other atom can replace. They were meant for each other & form a tight bond. And boron will take fluorine away from whatever it is bonded with.
Berkey is being sued by the EPA bc they labeled their filters as a pesticide. They'd why you can't buy them right now. They want you drinking the contaminated water to keep you sick and zombied
Me too. Imagine that I used to buy floride rinse for my oldest because I felt guilty she wasn't getting fluoride in the water. SMH. I stopped that for her much younger brother and sister. I have three smart kids but although she is 10 & 12 years older than they, they both have out preformed her in life. Kinda makes ya go, mmmmm.
Any food product you purchase that contains water is probably from a facility in a municipality that uses fluoridated water. So even if there is a filter for drinking water, people are still getting fluoride from processed food and beverages. I read a study over 20 years ago that checked the fluoride levels in baby and toddler foods. It shocked me how much fluoride was in products that parents feed their children. The meat products were the worst. Sodas and other soft drinks are not good either unless you know it was bottled at a facility where the municipal water supply is not fluoridated. That is the case where I live that has a 7up/Dr Pepper/Snapple bottler located here. We have fought hard over the years to keep our water unfluoridated.
These people are sick. They've been poisoning the people for decades. I'm actually surprised there are still people who are not completely zombified.., like those of us here on GAW who can still think for ourselves.
Somehow I stumbled into this group 3 years ago despite the fact that my parents signed me up for weekly "Fluoride Treatments" in grade school. Fortunately we always had spring water delivered growing up, so maybe that reduced my overall consumption. 🤷♂️
All of my "town water" drinking friends are normies unfortunately.
if you use distillation, I had a countertop setup, you'll see the gunk that's in the water.. you must clean the stainless steel vessel soon after use otherwise that gunk will eat the steel.
I've been arguing with people on here or PDW for days now, that reverse osmosis cannot remove fluoride.
I even own a 7 stage RO system, but I know RO cannot remove it...
The water molecule is larger than fluoride molecule. So the RO membrane has to let the large water molecules through, meaning fluoride gets through way easier.
It's the same arguments as maskers who think it stops viruses when masks can't even stop much larger smoke particles...
Just an FYI. Companies LIE about their products removing fluoride... Only distillation can actually and fully remove it
Ooh, that I do not know. I've read that drinking distilled water isn't good because of the lack of minerals, and then other places say you get plenty from food, so I'm not sure .
I know my RO system has a final mineral finishing stage, to try and add some back
OK glad to see this. I have struggled to find something that truly removes it all, and have never been convinced that any of these solutions manage to remove the fluoride, for exactly the reason you cite. The molecule is small. So it seems I am not alone in this view. Thanks for posting.
P.S. Do you then "add back" the "trace minerals" to your water? I've heard/seen some fear pr0n that distilled water will pull minerals out of your bones. I am skeptical of that.
EDIT: I see your comments in the thread on trace minerals. Yes, I have trace minerals but the other poster that adds sea salt is probably getting what he needs from that, if it's legit sea salt.
Yeah I've never drunk distilled water, so never did my research on that, I just know my RO has a finishing stage to bring back some, but not sure if you NEED to, or not, sorry :x
I did list the system. RO. Marcor Millennium RO system. And it does remove fluoride unless the company running tests are falsifying results. I didnt say i have an RO system at home. A quality under the sink home unit should produce ultrapure water though just in much smaller amounts.
Dentistry in the US is so predatory. Focused 100% on aesthetics and shaming parents into loans so their kids have perfect smiles otherwise they get bullied and never asked to prom
IMHO, it is really weird and kind of creepy when you see a woman who is objectively like a 2/10 but she has a blinding white celebrity smile.
it's not just Dentistry that is predatory, it's the sick people who think they need all this to be accepted. it's sick. and i believe Hollyweird has a lot to do with the way people want to look.
That is the only way it should work. Not by ingesting it.
You can tell how corrupt it is by common sense thinking. Why do they have to add it? Why don't they alkalize the water if they care so much? Why not add vitamins then? Why fluoride? When is any medicine given to an infant all the way to 100 yr old, the same amount. And depending on how long you shower, how many cups of h2o you drink, etc, how much is each individual getting and why not monitored? Weird shit if you research it's history of the man who owned aluminum foil facility & Fluorosilicic acid (fluoride)is a dangerous byproduct he did not want to pay for toxic disposal. So he fought for it to be put in our water. So crazy.
I am very familiar with this story. I shudder to think about making my kids brush their teeth every day with fluoride toothpaste. Luckily, they grew up on well water. The dentist would paint sealants on my kids’ molars, right after a flouride treatment. I remember the regional dentist at the time would come out to the elementary schools and seal kids teeth. I really don’t think he thought it was anything but a valiant effort to save these candy eaters from themselves😂! Nonetheless, it happened over and over again.
did you see the one show on Joe Rogan where they talk about the different colors of tabs on the tooth paste that tells you which ones are the most toxic?
there is a little tab on the tooth paste bottle itself, not on the box. there are four different colors. green, blue, red, and black. green is no toxicity, blue is some toxicity, red more toxicity and black is mega toxic.
i use Crest, and checked the tooth paste container, it has a red block on the tooth paste container.
i've looked up different tooth paste on line, but they will not show the tube itself, just the box.
Topical fluoride has very minimal impact on the rest of the body. It's systemic fluoride like in the water that has to pass through our entire bodies to get to where it is ALLEGEDLY going, the teeth.
It's akin to a mechanic doing a tuneup starting at the tailpipe vs just changing the spark plugs in the front of the engine.
I had a bottle of them for my 5th grade class when I was teaching but I wouldn't give them out. I just threw them away. It was an old glass screw top dark brown poison looking bottle from administration. When the kids asked for their "vitamins" I just said "i don't do that."
Anybody remember Dr. Strangelove? Gen. Ripper sent planes to bomb the Soviet Union and set it up so that they could not be recalled because of fluoridation of the water supply after WWII. Again, this is an example that Kubrick was ahead of his time.
Drinking fluoride in water for your teeth doesn't explain fully how it goes through all your internal organs to get to your teeth. The truth is it is a strategic material and used in the nuclear arsenal. Back in 2004 when democrats were still concerned about human health had Democracy Now interview Christopher Bryson about his new book “The Fluoride Deception” that the post-war campaign to fluoridate drinking water was less a public health innovation than a public relations ploy sponsored by industrial users of fluoride–including the government’s nuclear weapons program. Start at 47:15.
sad. UK and Europe have largely avoided playing in the tooth olympics but globalization means other cultural norms get replaced with our corrupted ones.
Fuckin google it, RO membranes have to let water molecules through, water is larger than fluoride. ITS THAT FUKIN SIMPLE.
Check history, no "tRoLl", just educating you on facts ... Just because you fell for bullshit lies, does not make it true .if you wanna throw me a few hundred bucks for a tester, I will. But until then, I'll sit here knowing my RO system cannot remove fluoride.
Anchorage Alaska has a government own water utility. AWWU, my neighbor works in the plant that injects the fluoride into the water. It’s on going battle to remove the process. He noted to me the employees hate the stuff. They must use hazmat suits while injecting the poison into the water system.
they want us to die slow horrible deaths and blame it on dementia and other diseases. if we all keel over in a load, then they would have some splaining to do.
They have you drugged by fluoride glyphosates aluminum mercury nanytes etc.
Why is everyone (CNN, Putin, MJ12) suddenly talking about f luoride?
Because we are at a point in the awakening that we need to quickly inform the public about the dangers it poses
Fluoride in water = Reverse Osmosis
How about the water we use for bath and shower? If we use Epsom salt in the bath, does this in any way prevent the fluoride from absorbing into the skin? I know there are special filters for bath and shower, but I do wonder about the Epsom salt.
The risk showers pose are the following: Volume of water used per shower makes 5-stage RO take over 6-8 hours to refill after each shower. Impractical for normal family. Single filters can remove a vast majority of contaminates but doesn't remove all.
Hot water opens your pores.
City water + 5 Minute Hot Water Shower = Worst than drinking a glass city water.
City Water + 5 Minute Cold Shower = Less fluoride consumption than drinking a glass of water.
Cold water reduces fluoride intake.
If store bought water was processed using reverse osmosis, is it safe to consider it low in fluoride or fluoride free?
Order an independent water test to verify, if so, then the medium the water is sold in is the second contributing factor to be cautious of. Plastic contaminates water. So RO + Plastic = Still harmful.
Not sure about rain water but do not boil tap water as that will increase the level of fluoride in your water, not remove it at all, which contradicts the idea of "removing fluoride from water by boiling”
+1 for ZeroWater. Cant believe I had to scroll this far to see someone mention it. They claim it removes fluoride and the tester they provide seems to prove it.
Rain water in principle is “distilled water” which is evaporated water, an all natural process. When it hits our rooftops and water collection systems that’s where it potentially gets contaminated.
As a child we used to drink rainwater collected thru “galvanized” roofs and metal based collection system without boiling it. My grandpa would just let it rain for at least a couple of hours and letting the system clean itself before we could start drinking from the collected rain.
The irony is that I didn’t know/realize then and even recently that water of any kind stored in a plastic container is unhealthy.🤬😤😡
Yup, enjoyed eating that fluoridated toothpaste, heavily promoted at that time and even now. Been looking for “activated charcoal” toothpaste with NO additives but haven’t had any luck. Have resorted to making my own toothpaste based on coconut oil, baking soda and essential oil (non gmo and/or organic)
Also, look into "primary water", which is water the Earth produces by combining hydrogen and oxygen under pressure. Spring water is "new water" that is directly made by the Earth.
This is similar to what petroleum actually is- petroleum is not a fossil fuel- it is constantly made by the Earth, and petroleum engineering's primary focus is to manage tapping oil wells at a rate that allows the oil well to be constantly replenished. Oilmen don't talk about this in public because in order for petroleum to keep its high price, the illusion of scarcity needs to be preserved.
As a child I used to brush with just salt when we’ve run out of toothpaste before buying some more. There’s info I had seen recently that baking soda might be “gmo” so I’ll have to look into it, and if it is gmo then I’ll just make my own toothpaste without baking soda - activated charcoal, bentonite clay, etc.
GMO shortens once life span according to the link I had posted🤬😤😡
Our teeth are made of hydroxyapatite, a mineral primarily composed of calcium and phosphorus. Eating animal fats, seafood, Vitamin C, Vitamin K (animal sources- plant ones are not bioavailable), and food with plenty of minerals like magnesium, boron (big one), potassium, and iodine are essential to building and repairing your teeth properly. Teeth are bones and should heal themselves, but because fluoride converts your teeth into fluorapatite- a mineral that is not biologically active in your body, it sabotages repair, even though it is slightly harder.
The argument that "well, we have a study from the 40s in Michigan" does not reconcile the fact that turning your teeth into something that is not teeth does not make them better at being teeth.
Fluoride is a straight up poison. Not only that, but since it’s a halogen, it squats on our iodine receptors, making that iodine deficiency that EVERYONE suffers from all the more so
Drinking it straight is really bad. Using it in products not as much. Biotene toothpaste is a lifesaver to me. Literally keeps me without any pain or infections from existing decay.
But I definitely avoid tap as much as I can. Have pitcher filter and bottled water at home. The problem is the rabbit hole on water never ends. The big bad now is supposedly according to tests, bottled water of any kind is filled with dangerous levels microplastics even if the water is never exposed to heat or sunlight. So the only solution is buying glass bottled water or using a in line filter at home and storing in specific stainless steel bottles...buut not just any kind because apparently the coatings in most off the shelf bottles also have the same plastics
I regard all of this as disinfo. Drinking water has much more benefits than whatever test of the week says is horrible for you
Reverse osmosis will remove fluoride from your drinking water. Soft water home system will not. So you would still get it with showers. However, I don’t like taking hot showers. It burns my skin. So I think that helps with the amount of fluoride that we get into your body if you’re not opening your pores
Had a college class tour our water plant. I mentioned Fluoride and none of them had ever heard of it. I told them I didn’t agree with us feeding it as it does nothing to aid water treatment.
I've read about this since the early 1960s, from the John Birch Society. My whole family drank tapwater, including my grandparents. People have died from a variety of natural causes, but nothing associated with fluoride poisoning, nor any diminishment of mental function. All my high school classmates are as sharp as ever (though we are dwindling in number).
I am inclined to think the whole issue is a dead letter. I've never seen any attributable malign effect. I suspect it is all a matter of the dosages being low enough not to be significantly toxic. After all, too much salt can kill you---and too little salt can kill you. But we still need salt.
You seem inclined to not think at all. Comparing salt to fluoride based on bodily need....not sure how much more idiotic of a comparison one could make.
Actually, I am thinking. I also have life experience. I have heard this claim all my life and have seen no evidence of a problem. Not one single person coming to grief from fluoride ingestion. It is a fact that "the dose makes the poison." No idiocy in referring to this firmly established principle. No one talks about fluorine levels in the blood, or when it becomes unhealthy. I find that fact indicative of a lack of "story." We are commonly told not to consume "excess" salt (sodium chloride), but does anyone pay attention? (I don't, by preference.) This seems to be the greatest public health hazard that does not show up anywhere except in baleful warnings. So, I'm questioning the received mythology of the past 60-or-so years. You don't like questions? I should just accept the mythology and shut up?
Is fluoride in the water bad for you? The government knows it is and has been forced to admit it in a landmark lawsuit in California. Journalist Derrick Broze has been following this acutely. He fills us in on why this case has been left out of the mainstream media and what we have learned from it. He also proves that the government has censored this knowledge and that the World Economic Forum is pushing fluoride, despite this damning evidence!
Alex Jones talked about fluoride years ago.
Whoever doesn't know this is living under a rock.
no fluoride toothpaste crew
Yeah but its in the water supply, most folks don't have fluoride filters, and when they take long showers they consume more fluoride.
Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland and severs us from contact with higher frequencies. Majestic 12 recommends chlorella to clear it. They say it takes years. Borax can do it like a champ but it's very toxic.
I put boric acid in my water every day for over a year now. It fixed my knee pain. Didn't know it de-calcified the pineal gland. Any source for this info?
I didn't think you could buy boric acid any more.? I remember using it as an eye rinse. Is it back on the shelf?
I bought a 5lb bag Florida Labs. Boric Acid Granular Powder 5 Lb.
What strength/amount, please?
99.9% from Florida Labs on Amazon
Can't remember where I saw it a long time ago, but boron binds fluorine in a way that no other atom can replace. They were meant for each other & form a tight bond. And boron will take fluorine away from whatever it is bonded with.
i have well. they can buy a reverse osmosis, distillation, or something like a berkey. its worth every penny
I love my berkey for filtering out everything except floride. The filters are on backorder though .. Getting hard to find
Berkey is ok. RO the best.
Whole house RO would be expensive I would think. Plus you'd need to add minerals back to your drinking water as it removes everything.
Berkey is being sued by the EPA bc they labeled their filters as a pesticide. They'd why you can't buy them right now. They want you drinking the contaminated water to keep you sick and zombied
this. they work so EPA is going at them just like CDC/FDA goes after ivermectin
Me too. Imagine that I used to buy floride rinse for my oldest because I felt guilty she wasn't getting fluoride in the water. SMH. I stopped that for her much younger brother and sister. I have three smart kids but although she is 10 & 12 years older than they, they both have out preformed her in life. Kinda makes ya go, mmmmm.
Any food product you purchase that contains water is probably from a facility in a municipality that uses fluoridated water. So even if there is a filter for drinking water, people are still getting fluoride from processed food and beverages. I read a study over 20 years ago that checked the fluoride levels in baby and toddler foods. It shocked me how much fluoride was in products that parents feed their children. The meat products were the worst. Sodas and other soft drinks are not good either unless you know it was bottled at a facility where the municipal water supply is not fluoridated. That is the case where I live that has a 7up/Dr Pepper/Snapple bottler located here. We have fought hard over the years to keep our water unfluoridated.
Great point tbh never thought of that angle. More reason to provide for yourself.
Shower filters
Yep. Xylitol tooothpaste
These people are sick. They've been poisoning the people for decades. I'm actually surprised there are still people who are not completely zombified.., like those of us here on GAW who can still think for ourselves.
Somehow I stumbled into this group 3 years ago despite the fact that my parents signed me up for weekly "Fluoride Treatments" in grade school. Fortunately we always had spring water delivered growing up, so maybe that reduced my overall consumption. 🤷♂️
All of my "town water" drinking friends are normies unfortunately.
I recall being given fluoride "supplements" as a child. Anyone else?
Unfortunately, yes.
In addition, anyone remember a dentist showing up at school after Halloween to give fluoride treatments to all children?
Been fluoride free myself for 30+ years water, as well as fluoride free tooth products for 20+.
However, got the full load as a child, young adult.
how do you remove your flouride from water?
distillation works
if you use distillation, I had a countertop setup, you'll see the gunk that's in the water.. you must clean the stainless steel vessel soon after use otherwise that gunk will eat the steel.
Only distillation works.
I've been arguing with people on here or PDW for days now, that reverse osmosis cannot remove fluoride.
I even own a 7 stage RO system, but I know RO cannot remove it...
The water molecule is larger than fluoride molecule. So the RO membrane has to let the large water molecules through, meaning fluoride gets through way easier.
It's the same arguments as maskers who think it stops viruses when masks can't even stop much larger smoke particles...
Just an FYI. Companies LIE about their products removing fluoride... Only distillation can actually and fully remove it
Just ordered this
thank you for your advice.
Do i need to add minerals or is it true that most of our minerals come from food?
Ooh, that I do not know. I've read that drinking distilled water isn't good because of the lack of minerals, and then other places say you get plenty from food, so I'm not sure .
I know my RO system has a final mineral finishing stage, to try and add some back
Yea, i'll just add some trace minerals if i think it's affecting me
I add a pinch of grey sea salt
OK glad to see this. I have struggled to find something that truly removes it all, and have never been convinced that any of these solutions manage to remove the fluoride, for exactly the reason you cite. The molecule is small. So it seems I am not alone in this view. Thanks for posting.
P.S. Do you then "add back" the "trace minerals" to your water? I've heard/seen some fear pr0n that distilled water will pull minerals out of your bones. I am skeptical of that.
EDIT: I see your comments in the thread on trace minerals. Yes, I have trace minerals but the other poster that adds sea salt is probably getting what he needs from that, if it's legit sea salt.
Yeah I've never drunk distilled water, so never did my research on that, I just know my RO has a finishing stage to bring back some, but not sure if you NEED to, or not, sorry :x
Fluoride is removed through Reverse Osmosis. I work with RO machines and we have monthly testing done. Fluoride is undectable in the product water.
Without listing what system, that statement is useless...
And I guarantee you don't have an industrial RO system at home.
Commercial RO cannot remove fluoride. Simple as that
I did list the system. RO. Marcor Millennium RO system. And it does remove fluoride unless the company running tests are falsifying results. I didnt say i have an RO system at home. A quality under the sink home unit should produce ultrapure water though just in much smaller amounts.
well water....or you need a filtration system. Reverse Osmosis, Distillation or you can get a stand up countertop setup like a Berkey
Water filter. However, now I use well water.
Yes we swished fluoride every Wednesday in middle school.. Yes in school ! (80's)
in our schools we didn't swish, we were given pills.
Really ? Wow .. ughhh
Dentistry in the US is so predatory. Focused 100% on aesthetics and shaming parents into loans so their kids have perfect smiles otherwise they get bullied and never asked to prom
IMHO, it is really weird and kind of creepy when you see a woman who is objectively like a 2/10 but she has a blinding white celebrity smile.
it's not just Dentistry that is predatory, it's the sick people who think they need all this to be accepted. it's sick. and i believe Hollyweird has a lot to do with the way people want to look.
Yes, me as well. I used to get them at the dentist. They’d put it directly on my teeth.
That is the only way it should work. Not by ingesting it.
You can tell how corrupt it is by common sense thinking. Why do they have to add it? Why don't they alkalize the water if they care so much? Why not add vitamins then? Why fluoride? When is any medicine given to an infant all the way to 100 yr old, the same amount. And depending on how long you shower, how many cups of h2o you drink, etc, how much is each individual getting and why not monitored? Weird shit if you research it's history of the man who owned aluminum foil facility & Fluorosilicic acid (fluoride)is a dangerous byproduct he did not want to pay for toxic disposal. So he fought for it to be put in our water. So crazy.
I am very familiar with this story. I shudder to think about making my kids brush their teeth every day with fluoride toothpaste. Luckily, they grew up on well water. The dentist would paint sealants on my kids’ molars, right after a flouride treatment. I remember the regional dentist at the time would come out to the elementary schools and seal kids teeth. I really don’t think he thought it was anything but a valiant effort to save these candy eaters from themselves😂! Nonetheless, it happened over and over again.
did you see the one show on Joe Rogan where they talk about the different colors of tabs on the tooth paste that tells you which ones are the most toxic?
there is a little tab on the tooth paste bottle itself, not on the box. there are four different colors. green, blue, red, and black. green is no toxicity, blue is some toxicity, red more toxicity and black is mega toxic.
i use Crest, and checked the tooth paste container, it has a red block on the tooth paste container.
i've looked up different tooth paste on line, but they will not show the tube itself, just the box.
THAT I think worked well imo
Yes, but at what price health wise?
Topical fluoride has very minimal impact on the rest of the body. It's systemic fluoride like in the water that has to pass through our entire bodies to get to where it is ALLEGEDLY going, the teeth.
It's akin to a mechanic doing a tuneup starting at the tailpipe vs just changing the spark plugs in the front of the engine.
I had a bottle of them for my 5th grade class when I was teaching but I wouldn't give them out. I just threw them away. It was an old glass screw top dark brown poison looking bottle from administration. When the kids asked for their "vitamins" I just said "i don't do that."
Anybody remember Dr. Strangelove? Gen. Ripper sent planes to bomb the Soviet Union and set it up so that they could not be recalled because of fluoridation of the water supply after WWII. Again, this is an example that Kubrick was ahead of his time.
Drinking fluoride in water for your teeth doesn't explain fully how it goes through all your internal organs to get to your teeth. The truth is it is a strategic material and used in the nuclear arsenal. Back in 2004 when democrats were still concerned about human health had Democracy Now interview Christopher Bryson about his new book “The Fluoride Deception” that the post-war campaign to fluoridate drinking water was less a public health innovation than a public relations ploy sponsored by industrial users of fluoride–including the government’s nuclear weapons program. Start at 47:15.
Aluminum production
Rat poison:
UK government has just announced it is going to add more to the water supply
sad. UK and Europe have largely avoided playing in the tooth olympics but globalization means other cultural norms get replaced with our corrupted ones.
What I have used in my home the past few years!
Doesn't remove much fluoride. Need an RO system. I've tested and you might pull out 1.0 ppm.
I dunno why people keep pushing shitty filters. Buy a lab grade fluoride tester and see how much it removes.
Filters I tested fluoride went from 1.7 ppm to .7ppm.
RO cannot remove fluoride either, FYI. I know your company claims it can, but it's lies.
Distillation is the only sure way
Get out troll. Buy a lab grade fluoride tester or GTFO with disinfo
Fuckin google it, RO membranes have to let water molecules through, water is larger than fluoride. ITS THAT FUKIN SIMPLE. Check history, no "tRoLl", just educating you on facts ... Just because you fell for bullshit lies, does not make it true .if you wanna throw me a few hundred bucks for a tester, I will. But until then, I'll sit here knowing my RO system cannot remove fluoride.
And they’re so much cheaper than these “filtering” systems local action !
One of many reasons why anons drinking their own well water are smarter than the average bear.
Anchorage Alaska has a government own water utility. AWWU, my neighbor works in the plant that injects the fluoride into the water. It’s on going battle to remove the process. He noted to me the employees hate the stuff. They must use hazmat suits while injecting the poison into the water system.
Poisoning people is kind of what they do:
they want us to die slow horrible deaths and blame it on dementia and other diseases. if we all keel over in a load, then they would have some splaining to do.
Source unless otherwise specified
Fluoride will cloud your judgement.
They have you drugged by fluoride glyphosates aluminum mercury nanytes etc.
Why is everyone (CNN, Putin, MJ12) suddenly talking about f luoride?
Because we are at a point in the awakening that we need to quickly inform the public about the dangers it poses
Fluoride in water = Reverse Osmosis
Q: How about the water we use for bath and shower? If we use Epsom salt in the bath, does this in any way prevent the fluoride from absorbing into the skin? I know there are special filters for bath and shower, but I do wonder about the Epsom salt.
The risk showers pose are the following: Volume of water used per shower makes 5-stage RO take over 6-8 hours to refill after each shower. Impractical for normal family. Single filters can remove a vast majority of contaminates but doesn't remove all.
Hot water opens your pores.
A2: City water + 5 Minute Hot Water Shower = Worst than drinking a glass city water. City Water + 5 Minute Cold Shower = Less fluoride consumption than drinking a glass of water.
Cold water reduces fluoride intake.
If store bought water was processed using reverse osmosis, is it safe to consider it low in fluoride or fluoride free?
Order an independent water test to verify, if so, then the medium the water is sold in is the second contributing factor to be cautious of. Plastic contaminates water. So RO + Plastic = Still harmful.
Fluor and fluoridation
Yes, every way possible they’re poisonous. Through the skies through the water through the food. Yes they hate us.
Is it bad to drink rain water? If you boil and filter it?
Not sure about rain water but do not boil tap water as that will increase the level of fluoride in your water, not remove it at all, which contradicts the idea of "removing fluoride from water by boiling”
+1 for ZeroWater. Cant believe I had to scroll this far to see someone mention it. They claim it removes fluoride and the tester they provide seems to prove it.
It is not “bad” to drink rain water and no you don’t need to boil it. Filtering it is advisable. People around the world make these…
Rain water in principle is “distilled water” which is evaporated water, an all natural process. When it hits our rooftops and water collection systems that’s where it potentially gets contaminated.
As a child we used to drink rainwater collected thru “galvanized” roofs and metal based collection system without boiling it. My grandpa would just let it rain for at least a couple of hours and letting the system clean itself before we could start drinking from the collected rain.
The irony is that I didn’t know/realize then and even recently that water of any kind stored in a plastic container is unhealthy.🤬😤😡
Yup, enjoyed eating that fluoridated toothpaste, heavily promoted at that time and even now. Been looking for “activated charcoal” toothpaste with NO additives but haven’t had any luck. Have resorted to making my own toothpaste based on coconut oil, baking soda and essential oil (non gmo and/or organic)
Also, look into "primary water", which is water the Earth produces by combining hydrogen and oxygen under pressure. Spring water is "new water" that is directly made by the Earth.
This is similar to what petroleum actually is- petroleum is not a fossil fuel- it is constantly made by the Earth, and petroleum engineering's primary focus is to manage tapping oil wells at a rate that allows the oil well to be constantly replenished. Oilmen don't talk about this in public because in order for petroleum to keep its high price, the illusion of scarcity needs to be preserved.
my father would only brush his teeth with baking soda and salt. not sure if great but def no fluoride in that.
As a child I used to brush with just salt when we’ve run out of toothpaste before buying some more. There’s info I had seen recently that baking soda might be “gmo” so I’ll have to look into it, and if it is gmo then I’ll just make my own toothpaste without baking soda - activated charcoal, bentonite clay, etc.
GMO shortens once life span according to the link I had posted🤬😤😡
Cloud seeding would like to have a word with you.
Our teeth are made of hydroxyapatite, a mineral primarily composed of calcium and phosphorus. Eating animal fats, seafood, Vitamin C, Vitamin K (animal sources- plant ones are not bioavailable), and food with plenty of minerals like magnesium, boron (big one), potassium, and iodine are essential to building and repairing your teeth properly. Teeth are bones and should heal themselves, but because fluoride converts your teeth into fluorapatite- a mineral that is not biologically active in your body, it sabotages repair, even though it is slightly harder.
The argument that "well, we have a study from the 40s in Michigan" does not reconcile the fact that turning your teeth into something that is not teeth does not make them better at being teeth.
Fluoride is a straight up poison. Not only that, but since it’s a halogen, it squats on our iodine receptors, making that iodine deficiency that EVERYONE suffers from all the more so
King Filtration System Offers Flouride Removal Tank
Cool Floride Reperations! Kek!
Follow the money.
Drinking it straight is really bad. Using it in products not as much. Biotene toothpaste is a lifesaver to me. Literally keeps me without any pain or infections from existing decay.
But I definitely avoid tap as much as I can. Have pitcher filter and bottled water at home. The problem is the rabbit hole on water never ends. The big bad now is supposedly according to tests, bottled water of any kind is filled with dangerous levels microplastics even if the water is never exposed to heat or sunlight. So the only solution is buying glass bottled water or using a in line filter at home and storing in specific stainless steel bottles...buut not just any kind because apparently the coatings in most off the shelf bottles also have the same plastics
I regard all of this as disinfo. Drinking water has much more benefits than whatever test of the week says is horrible for you
before they were putting fluoride in the water, they use to make us line up in school and have the teacher hand us a fluoride pill daily.
Reverse osmosis will remove fluoride from your drinking water. Soft water home system will not. So you would still get it with showers. However, I don’t like taking hot showers. It burns my skin. So I think that helps with the amount of fluoride that we get into your body if you’re not opening your pores
Love Redacted!
Had a college class tour our water plant. I mentioned Fluoride and none of them had ever heard of it. I told them I didn’t agree with us feeding it as it does nothing to aid water treatment.
I just became awake in 2020. Even I knew about fluoride 15 years ago.
I've read about this since the early 1960s, from the John Birch Society. My whole family drank tapwater, including my grandparents. People have died from a variety of natural causes, but nothing associated with fluoride poisoning, nor any diminishment of mental function. All my high school classmates are as sharp as ever (though we are dwindling in number).
I am inclined to think the whole issue is a dead letter. I've never seen any attributable malign effect. I suspect it is all a matter of the dosages being low enough not to be significantly toxic. After all, too much salt can kill you---and too little salt can kill you. But we still need salt.
You seem inclined to not think at all. Comparing salt to fluoride based on bodily need....not sure how much more idiotic of a comparison one could make.
Actually, I am thinking. I also have life experience. I have heard this claim all my life and have seen no evidence of a problem. Not one single person coming to grief from fluoride ingestion. It is a fact that "the dose makes the poison." No idiocy in referring to this firmly established principle. No one talks about fluorine levels in the blood, or when it becomes unhealthy. I find that fact indicative of a lack of "story." We are commonly told not to consume "excess" salt (sodium chloride), but does anyone pay attention? (I don't, by preference.) This seems to be the greatest public health hazard that does not show up anywhere except in baleful warnings. So, I'm questioning the received mythology of the past 60-or-so years. You don't like questions? I should just accept the mythology and shut up?
Careful, or the mods will take this post down and tell you to take it to the "" site.
Ya this should not be here. Forum sliding much.