A downvote on your post doesn't make it not true. Putin is definitely not playing around. Unlike the Clowns, Jokers and their Globalist Pals who will reap the whirlwind via their evil.
Ya know, this is primarily a flex by RU. They don't have to really relocate these bigger missiles. They have a very long range. Moving them a 1,000 miles doesn't really make them more effective or increase their range capabilities really for effective targets. Not to mention, not much has been seen nor heard from their sub fleet. 🤔
Fair enough, i have a good friend i went to school with who joined the UK Submarine Service. None of us ever knew his movements when he was on duty. No friends No family. His Wife could send short messages that he may or may not get.
It's basic math. If they are already close enough to strike anywhere in Europe, moving them a distance that still isn't far enough to hit the US, doesn't actually allow them to hit anything more except a larger piece of ocean.
Putin gets lambasted for statements that dissolving the Soviet Union would weaken Russia, and he was correct. We've done nothing but sanction and exploit them ever since.
We tried to back them into a corner, and continued to push past their red line. They have little choice but to show force, even nuclear -- I would expect nothing less if our country were in the same position.
Nagasaki and Hiroshima would both beg to disagree with Akio Nakatani, and the residents in Chernobyl would probably have an opinion on this as well. You do not heat, or use chemistry to make Uranium "explosive", and only certainly very pure forms of the isotope are applicable to a weapons grade. At it's most basic concept, you are converting a very small amount of matter, directly into energy (E=mc^2) So if you take 1 gram (about the size of one half of pea) x (speed of light)x(speed of light) and you get a very big number, that is released instantaneously. The amount of energy converted, is measured in Megatons (or millions of tons equivalent to dynamite)
His "Hoax" powers our subs, aircraft carriers, ~90% of France, much of the USSR and is located on many US college campuses where they are run and have been running for over 50 years to understand and teach these principles. A bomb releases the energy instantaneously; a power plant releases the same type of energy - but slowly and in a controlled process. A rocket releases energy slowly, a pipe bomb does a similar process, but releases it instantaneously.
I guess I will try to forget my college classes in advanced physics, nuclear propulsion, semiconductors and radioactive shielding, Nuclear Fission and Fusion. Perhaps you should move our of the fiction center, and into the non-fiction areas. Science is hard, math is hard; crap is easy. Screaming hoax at math, physics, chemistry, nuclear reactions and quantum computing theories you don't understand is insanely easy.
Nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons use some of the same principles. One is contained, slow and the reaction is constrained; the other is not contained, fast and without constraint.
Mitch McConnell just announced he's stepping down.
Only as the Senate Minority Leader (or Majority Leader, depending on whatever happens in the November 2024 elections)
The Turtle Head MF#%*er is running for reelection in November and only “Stepping Down” after he assumes he wins his seat again.
I hope Trump goes after him so hard he frickin’ looses to a MAGA challenger for his Senate seat.
Another big problem that could prevent him from being defeated is if they don’t replace Rona (McDaniel) Romney as head of the RNC… even though she, herself, just announced that she is “Stepping Down” on March 8th, 2024.
Too little too late for someone new to turn the RNC completely around before the November election AND defeat Mitch McConnell in his bid for his Senate seat at the same time? 🤔
Another media push for nuclear war? Funny how the Clowns In America have come under the spotlight recently...many of us have known for quite some time the Clowns of Langley were NEVER to be trusted....
Now the next issue is.. exactly WHERE was this video taken. I cannot imagine Russia is different than the U.S. anytime a nuke is moved, there is always a huge contingency of security vehicles rolling with items. Where's the security forces?
Missile truck driver: "I'm not paying a dime and if you try to collect I'm going to blow everything within 2.3 miles of our current position into the afterlife!"
As if putting them 400 miles away from Moscow into Ukraine makes any difference at all except making them more likely to fall into the wrong hands or have an accident caused. This is merely posturing and if the morons in NATO would stop their blustering about NATO intervention and actually honestly follow through on the Minsk accords we wouldn't be in this situation.
Elites building bunkers for them and their families. Deep State already has access to bunkers. Kinda makes you think they might want a nuclear war that will kill all their opposition and then they can come out when the smoke clears and still be in power!
This news would terrify me if I wasn't Awake. Instead, I look on the news with curiosity of just how close we come to the precipice, before a pullback or launch occurs. I'm old, and hopefully wise, enough to know that this level of warfare isn't something I can change, so why waste energy worrying about it when that energy can be better directed elsewhere?
As I said yesterday, Putin isn't fucking around...He's telling NATO/West what WILL happen...No ifs and buts...
A downvote on your post doesn't make it not true. Putin is definitely not playing around. Unlike the Clowns, Jokers and their Globalist Pals who will reap the whirlwind via their evil.
Yeah, downvotes, instead of engaging, its easier for 'them'👍👊🙏🏻
Weve all been there, over the target and such.
Ya know, this is primarily a flex by RU. They don't have to really relocate these bigger missiles. They have a very long range. Moving them a 1,000 miles doesn't really make them more effective or increase their range capabilities really for effective targets. Not to mention, not much has been seen nor heard from their sub fleet. 🤔
I always found the Cuban missile crisis funny. Like who cares if you could shoot a missed from a submarine...
In 1963 could the Russians ?
Of course because as we all know those Nuclear Sub fleets like nothing better than letting us all know what they are up to.
Well, the US MSM sure does broadcast our own fleet's movements with regularity.
Outside of potshot drone attacks in Crimea, there's been little to no coverage, mainstream or otherwise regarding the RU fleet.
I know what you were inferring, my point was more about lambasting moving nukes publicly and pointing out how insignificant it is outside of optics.
Fair enough, i have a good friend i went to school with who joined the UK Submarine Service. None of us ever knew his movements when he was on duty. No friends No family. His Wife could send short messages that he may or may not get.
That's not true; please stop posting misinformation.
It's basic physics, just like the fact of making them pointy increases both range, yield, and lethality.
It's basic math. If they are already close enough to strike anywhere in Europe, moving them a distance that still isn't far enough to hit the US, doesn't actually allow them to hit anything more except a larger piece of ocean.
We don't want it to be, but also it has to be.
Putin gets lambasted for statements that dissolving the Soviet Union would weaken Russia, and he was correct. We've done nothing but sanction and exploit them ever since.
We tried to back them into a corner, and continued to push past their red line. They have little choice but to show force, even nuclear -- I would expect nothing less if our country were in the same position.
They have had submarines on station and locked and loaded, for months, land based movements are more psychological moves, IMHO
Sounds plausible. Didn't some submarines "go missing" or something around Alaska?
Da. Red October...be vewwy vewwwy quiet...
One ping...
Is that like a seismic anomaly?
Well played!
Conn, sonar!
Crazy Ivan!!
Won't he hear you?
I agree. Russia could launch a missile at any time. This is dick waving
CIA has been poking the bear for far too long.
Yup. The Clowns are dumb ass idiots. Just like the idiot who downvoted your post. ;-)
glowies gonna downvote!
Some butthurt cia-trained azov clown.
There are Nukes you see. Those are the warnings.
The ones you should fear, are the nukes you cannot see.
Nagasaki and Hiroshima would both beg to disagree with Akio Nakatani, and the residents in Chernobyl would probably have an opinion on this as well. You do not heat, or use chemistry to make Uranium "explosive", and only certainly very pure forms of the isotope are applicable to a weapons grade. At it's most basic concept, you are converting a very small amount of matter, directly into energy (E=mc^2) So if you take 1 gram (about the size of one half of pea) x (speed of light)x(speed of light) and you get a very big number, that is released instantaneously. The amount of energy converted, is measured in Megatons (or millions of tons equivalent to dynamite)
His "Hoax" powers our subs, aircraft carriers, ~90% of France, much of the USSR and is located on many US college campuses where they are run and have been running for over 50 years to understand and teach these principles. A bomb releases the energy instantaneously; a power plant releases the same type of energy - but slowly and in a controlled process. A rocket releases energy slowly, a pipe bomb does a similar process, but releases it instantaneously.
I guess I will try to forget my college classes in advanced physics, nuclear propulsion, semiconductors and radioactive shielding, Nuclear Fission and Fusion. Perhaps you should move our of the fiction center, and into the non-fiction areas. Science is hard, math is hard; crap is easy. Screaming hoax at math, physics, chemistry, nuclear reactions and quantum computing theories you don't understand is insanely easy.
Nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons use some of the same principles. One is contained, slow and the reaction is constrained; the other is not contained, fast and without constraint.
Did not see he is stepping down. BOOM
Only as the Senate Minority Leader (or Majority Leader, depending on whatever happens in the November 2024 elections)
The Turtle Head MF#%*er is running for reelection in November and only “Stepping Down” after he assumes he wins his seat again.
I hope Trump goes after him so hard he frickin’ looses to a MAGA challenger for his Senate seat.
Another big problem that could prevent him from being defeated is if they don’t replace Rona (McDaniel) Romney as head of the RNC… even though she, herself, just announced that she is “Stepping Down” on March 8th, 2024.
Too little too late for someone new to turn the RNC completely around before the November election AND defeat Mitch McConnell in his bid for his Senate seat at the same time? 🤔
No kidding!!! It's about damn time
Another media push for nuclear war? Funny how the Clowns In America have come under the spotlight recently...many of us have known for quite some time the Clowns of Langley were NEVER to be trusted....
Now the next issue is.. exactly WHERE was this video taken. I cannot imagine Russia is different than the U.S. anytime a nuke is moved, there is always a huge contingency of security vehicles rolling with items. Where's the security forces?
I totally agree...the photo may not tell the whole story. Looks like a Clown or Joker downvoted you. NCSWIC, Bitches.
The convoy IS the security, if you get my drift...
R-36 SS-18 SATAN
SATAN II can totally wipe out country like france.
Parade coming up?
The Bear is bringing in the big stuff.
The big stuff lives in silos.
Dayum... Tire rotation must be a nightmare on these
Toll roads too..8 axles...that is a $120 toll here in Texas
Missile truck driver: "I'm not paying a dime and if you try to collect I'm going to blow everything within 2.3 miles of our current position into the afterlife!"
As if putting them 400 miles away from Moscow into Ukraine makes any difference at all except making them more likely to fall into the wrong hands or have an accident caused. This is merely posturing and if the morons in NATO would stop their blustering about NATO intervention and actually honestly follow through on the Minsk accords we wouldn't be in this situation.
Hmmm, why do they need to move them? They could be fired from almost anywhere In Russia. This is flexing for the precipice.
Maybe try reading the French community note? Here is everything in English:
The video presented in this post is actually 2 years old.
Original videos from the YouTube channel of the Russian Ministry of Defense
They are moving nukes to the precipice?
We have a downvote crazy lurking!
Elites building bunkers for them and their families. Deep State already has access to bunkers. Kinda makes you think they might want a nuclear war that will kill all their opposition and then they can come out when the smoke clears and still be in power!
Is the reader context relevant to the point? 2 years is a difference but may be they mean it was a cover? Idk
Not friend shaped… do not touch!!!
This news would terrify me if I wasn't Awake. Instead, I look on the news with curiosity of just how close we come to the precipice, before a pullback or launch occurs. I'm old, and hopefully wise, enough to know that this level of warfare isn't something I can change, so why waste energy worrying about it when that energy can be better directed elsewhere?
Watch out for Lex Luther.
Me thinks this is not nukes.
Moving nukes is a much bigger deal than what this shows.
... and I would expect a little more secrecy.
Yeah, sure.....nice post OP. You're just trying to get eyes on that hottie.....!!!
"If I see a nuke coming my way I'm gonna catch it like a football" -Sam Tripoli, Tin Foil Hat