Come one guys … this is BIG! Now they wont be able to afford their organization day picnics at Disney, and will have to skip out on strippers at next years Christmas party. Thats pROgrEsS.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, How About 100% cut on the funding on illegal immigrants. Have their counties pay for one way ticket home
Because unlike the real world, in the world of government, a 'cut' is a REDUCTION IN THE RATE OF INCREASE.
So by default the budget of those shit agencies have a 10 or 15% rate of increase in their budget every year. A 'cut' makes the rate of increase go from 10% to 7%, but it's still an actual increase.
Is he actually talking about giving those totalitarian assholes LESS of our money than last year? Or more money than last year but less than they had originally planned?
Some people work at the CIA and "aren't corrupt" too. Doesn't mean we shouldn't defund them.
Look, these agencies are a fundamental problem to our free country and must be dismantled.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, How About 100% cut on the funding on illegal immigrants. Have there counties pay for one way ticket home
These numbers don't sound very significant, but it is baked into the cake, that all federal budgets grow each year due to base line budgeting. A cut of any size at all, is virtually unheard of. Dipping into their play money.
Dollars are fungible. Minus 6% here, minus 10% THERE...those reductions actually come out of real service to real Americans...the Shit-dealing cabal organs in those agencies experience NO LOSSES.
DJT has it figured out. Brand new Space Force.
There IS NO REFORMING institutions.
FBI? Burn it to the ground. CIA? Same. There's no other way.
Johnson's piece-meal "funding reforms" tell us 1 of 2 things:
Johnson is 100% swamp and trying to avoid real reform. Run over him.
Johnson isn't ABLE to even PROPOSE real changes at the Federal agencies...*(much worse...means we are very close to annihilation via fake reforms and unable to effect real changes anywhere).
The border deal seemed like it was ready to go and have his signature until Trump and some others made a fuss over it. A deal that built in forgiveness for many illegals and planned allowance of more over time. Illegals. I don't hate him yet, maybe he's at the mercy of realpolitik, but I don't love the compromises he's seemed willing to make.
What concerns me here is that Johnson is starting to use the quintessential Failure Theater arguments. "No, we really didn't do squat, but we had all the right thoughts and feelings and if you give us a Senate majority, a larger House majority, and the White House, by golly, we'll kick some ass." As a pro-lifer, I've heard this for about thirty years. Spoiler Alert: giving them the House, Senate, and the White House doesn't result in victory; it results in more failure.
Chip Roy - @chiproytx - Truth. This #omnibus spending bill (divided into 2 “minibus” bills to hide it) will spend $1.65TR ($30BB+ more than Pelosi), is littered with earmarks, fails to secure the border, & punts almost every GOP policy win - thus, will fund most of Biden’s lawlessness & tyranny.
Those are rookie numbers.
If there was an additional zero at the end of those numbers, Mike Johnson would have my respect.
Blood baths have boomerang effects, but I understand your sentiments. The remaining staff can be reformed and redeployed in useful ways.
i don't think anyone was calling for a bloodbath, just reduced government spending.
If they can be trustworthy, most likely not there was a way to ensure absolute loyalty.
If you did that you would have to add all gov't pensioners with their lake cabins, 50' motor homes(pulling a Lexis) endless, ect.......
Not even close to good enough.
Just enough to fire some patriots, but keep the rest of the scum.
Come one guys … this is BIG! Now they wont be able to afford their organization day picnics at Disney, and will have to skip out on strippers at next years Christmas party. Thats pROgrEsS.
3 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 0 = 17
Now. This is amazing.
Yes of course, but you cannot do everything at once. 1 small step at a time. At least he isn't sending more mullah to Ukraine.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, How About 100% cut on the funding on illegal immigrants. Have their counties pay for one way ticket home
Are those real cuts or 'government cuts'?
Because unlike the real world, in the world of government, a 'cut' is a REDUCTION IN THE RATE OF INCREASE.
So by default the budget of those shit agencies have a 10 or 15% rate of increase in their budget every year. A 'cut' makes the rate of increase go from 10% to 7%, but it's still an actual increase.
Is he actually talking about giving those totalitarian assholes LESS of our money than last year? Or more money than last year but less than they had originally planned?
I am not sure, but that's a great question.
I am more excited by the reasoning, not by the amount. US not last any more.
Damn good question!!!
87,000 agents of the IRS please!
Yes. I would like to see that.
I think some of the people still work there and not corrupt.
They will be the first laid off with these "cuts".
If they do, then the whole agency might collapsed. Those who are not corrupt tend to work and not just sucking everyone dried.
Some people work at the CIA and "aren't corrupt" too. Doesn't mean we shouldn't defund them. Look, these agencies are a fundamental problem to our free country and must be dismantled.
Oh. That's right. Cannot add up to 17 if we add them in.
I would like it also but it's a start.
True. Infinitely better than the 0 that’s been done for decades.
There might be some who could be saved. They like to go from the top down and the lower workers (those who actually do the work) are not all corrupt.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, How About 100% cut on the funding on illegal immigrants. Have there counties pay for one way ticket home
Yes. It is.
Wake me when it's 100%...Mikey!
You must like Kevin.
Yeah, not enough.
Of course not.
those cuts barely make them bleed!!! we want things to get messy!!! real messy!
Yes. It will get really messy.
These numbers don't sound very significant, but it is baked into the cake, that all federal budgets grow each year due to base line budgeting. A cut of any size at all, is virtually unheard of. Dipping into their play money.
Not significant but a shattering earth change for them because of what he said. Not the amount of decrease.
I have not heard of any politicians standing up for the people
Not good enough, shut them down
I would love to see it.
Dollars are fungible. Minus 6% here, minus 10% THERE...those reductions actually come out of real service to real Americans...the Shit-dealing cabal organs in those agencies experience NO LOSSES.
DJT has it figured out. Brand new Space Force.
There IS NO REFORMING institutions.
FBI? Burn it to the ground. CIA? Same. There's no other way.
Johnson's piece-meal "funding reforms" tell us 1 of 2 things:
Want to do the same thing to him as Kevin?
I wouldn't lift a finger to save him.
You mean Johnson? I thought he did a decent job so far.
The border deal seemed like it was ready to go and have his signature until Trump and some others made a fuss over it. A deal that built in forgiveness for many illegals and planned allowance of more over time. Illegals. I don't hate him yet, maybe he's at the mercy of realpolitik, but I don't love the compromises he's seemed willing to make.
To me, the border deal is a "controlled invasion plan" if it passed. That might be why it's like that now.
Biden could easily shut down the border without congress's help with EO. It's all politic to me. A shitshow.
Speaker Johnson didn’t kill himself
Protected by God
Smoke and mirrors:
Aaah, good observation. Thanks for the heads-up.
This is more of a horn toot then a victory. Sad.
Wake me up when there is actual accountability for those who are treasonous traitors.
Add a zero to each of those and then we're talking.
Why do we keep funding the agencies that harm the public?
I want to know also.
Add a zero to everyone of those numbers!!!
On X, you can tell him.
you could honestly cut the first about 80% and the last three 100%
I would, and get assassinated right away.
Can they do anything about the IRS?
I hope so. They are armed and dangerous thugs.
Drop in the bucket.
True, but he isn't sending more money to Ukraine.
Not enough.
It's a start, but it needs to be a lot fucking bigger.
I agree.
Sorry, Mr. Speaker, but those figures hardly even constitute a good start.
Someone add it up to 17.
Those are some low ass numbers. 6%?
Need some 1,2 or 3's in front those numbers lol
I would like that too.
Enough with the "rounding error" cuts. Let's start with taking them back to a budget from the past, like 1965.
We need clean margins speaker Johnson
Try 10 X on your percentages; that'll put you in the ballpark!
It would be superb if we can cut them 90%.
Hardly enough, considering the corruption.
Yep. It has to be gutted, but they need those agencies to go after Epstein client list right now.
One small step for Congress…one lousy inch for America. Still, at a tiny cut is better than a huge increase. Now do the IRS.
I would love to see IRS next. You express what I said poetically.
One small step for Congress…one lousy inch for America. Still, at a tiny cut is better than a huge increase.
Now put a Minus sign in front of anything going to Ukraine. Tell them to pay the monies back!
Great gesture.......waiting for some actual substance to such cuts.....
We all would like to see more. The reason why I think he is doing something is because of what he said the reason for the cut.
While I'd love to see him/them do more, I believe that their primary job is to block the left's crap and to bring as much to light as possible.