I will put a different twist on this. What if Kate and the kids were spirited away during the culling for their protection? If Charles, Harry and William become toast, then Kate becomes the Queen Regent. Interesting given the friend, enemy statement.
So who is actually missing here? Kate, her parent and her kids. Kate and her parents, only on the fringe of the evil and outside the bloodlines, and the kids still innocent, depending on the level theyve been programmed into the satanic cabal but obviously worth saving.
Just that evidence points me to a WH op to protect them while cabal royalty is taken down. Andrew, 8th in line for the throne and humiliated Epstein client, being in charge, has an eyebrow raised.
And Pippas ex is 'suicided'. Probably close to Kate too and maybe was going to talk or could be the Spanish reporters souece for the induced coma rumor.
And then there is Danish Royalty that is as deeply involved in the satanism as any bloodline.
Some bizarre shit going on and I think the old Guard is going down.
I have been watching this. Either Kate is dead, or she and children are in protective custody. The whole Royal family is being taken down. William seems to be the only one left. Harry and MeAgain have been labeled "toxic" and are getting kicked out of events. Even the veterans stormed a stage and Physically took Harry off the stage when he was whining and the Veterans had had it. I am not sure exactly what is going on. except it looks to me like the White Hats are winning. The Royal House of Cards is crashing down!
I read it all, which is unusual since I don't follow the royals. Something strange is certainly going on, but it's so strange and so ugly, one sort of wishes one didn't know it. Bleachbit comes to mind. Pray.
Do we really know if Camilla is a woman? She has a very distinct horse face. Very ugly as a woman. Why would Charles give Diana the boot for such an ugly woman, unless he swings the other way and Camilla is a man?
Kate is expected to return in early April. Maybe it takes 4 months to produce a lookalike mask 😂
Though I shouldn’t laugh. If they Princess Diana’d her (and potentially her parents), and MK-ultra’d her children to reprogram their memory of her, that’s no laughing matter.
And the bit about Prince Andrew assuming royal duties, and not William, something very bizarre is happening
From what I understand, HARRY becomes Regent (Good Grief!) if anything happens to William and Kate. However a Regency would only occur if Charles was completely incapacitated, and William and Kate were both dead.
Sorry, I normally don’t give a sh!t about these people, but the substack you posted was very intriguing. And it reminded me of this odd sighting around the time the Rothschild demon died:
The latest implication is that William's girlfriend is again pregnant and Kate found out and there was a confrontation in which she was harmed in some way and is either in hiding or possibly in a coma. She is "in the way" of the wishes of Wm. And his side-twat who wants to be queen. Shitty business. Hoping Kate gets to have a safe life with her kids and parents and be divorced from William. Good woman and deserves better than constant marital
From Julie Green prophecy -December 2021 (There have been 12 prophecies regarding the Royals)
Watch the Royals as they fall one by one. You will hear of atrocities that Charles and Andrew have committed against their own nation and yours. Watch the Queen. Watch William. Watch how that family will be revealed. Some are innocent with no blood on their hands. But for the ones that have their hands dripping in blood, I will expose, and I will expose it all.
i don't think she's dead. i think she's been taken by an outside group, while they continue dismantling the "old guard".
if the "old guard" was in control, there would be much better PR around this story... it wouldn't have been as half-assed as it seems to be, with so much confusion & conspiracy.
i believe its being done this way, to garner as much attention on these people as possible, drawing in all the normies they can, where they will DEMAND an answer.
hopefully that answer will be a giant RED PILL.
otherwise, it could be a "Rosemary's Baby" type of deal... as usual, they don't care about the woman, they just use her for breeding purposes. all the inbreeding reaches its cutoff point at some time or another. these people are fucking insane, literally.
Plastic surgery takes time to heal. They did a poor job on O'Biden, and the press is in the bag for him. They couldn't risk a half-assed job on Kate's replacement.
I figure Kate found out about her husband's affairs and skipped with the kids----or she is dead and the kids are in hiding---- or neither of the above!
It occurs to me that perhaps the author could shed some light on the mystery of the very unattractive and uncharming wallis Simpson. Is it as simple as she's a he?
Tempting thought but I don't think so. Poor Wallis got landed with Ed though she was sick of him and hoped he'd fancy someone else so she could return to her ex husband. He announced his abdication and her fate was sealed.
I will put a different twist on this. What if Kate and the kids were spirited away during the culling for their protection? If Charles, Harry and William become toast, then Kate becomes the Queen Regent. Interesting given the friend, enemy statement.
So who is actually missing here? Kate, her parent and her kids. Kate and her parents, only on the fringe of the evil and outside the bloodlines, and the kids still innocent, depending on the level theyve been programmed into the satanic cabal but obviously worth saving.
Just that evidence points me to a WH op to protect them while cabal royalty is taken down. Andrew, 8th in line for the throne and humiliated Epstein client, being in charge, has an eyebrow raised.
And Pippas ex is 'suicided'. Probably close to Kate too and maybe was going to talk or could be the Spanish reporters souece for the induced coma rumor.
And then there is Danish Royalty that is as deeply involved in the satanism as any bloodline.
Some bizarre shit going on and I think the old Guard is going down.
Kate doesn't automatically become Regent. At this point, if all the adult royal men fall, they may take the Crown with them.
I tend to think Kate is being hidden for her own protection, and (I hope) the children with her.
The press has now flipped the script on Harry and William.
For years the story was that Harry was violent and not Charles's son.
Now, suddenly, it's William.
Somebody wants to control William but he's not playing along - and then his wife and kids disappear and suddenly the press has knives out for him.
Probably just a coincidence.
I have been watching this. Either Kate is dead, or she and children are in protective custody. The whole Royal family is being taken down. William seems to be the only one left. Harry and MeAgain have been labeled "toxic" and are getting kicked out of events. Even the veterans stormed a stage and Physically took Harry off the stage when he was whining and the Veterans had had it. I am not sure exactly what is going on. except it looks to me like the White Hats are winning. The Royal House of Cards is crashing down!
Part 2 of his article here: https://tomsiebert.substack.com/p/katespiracy-theories-a-strange-case
Thanks - worth sharing.
I read it all, which is unusual since I don't follow the royals. Something strange is certainly going on, but it's so strange and so ugly, one sort of wishes one didn't know it. Bleachbit comes to mind. Pray.
Q post 100
I believe that is Chelsea Clinton Mary:)
Do we really know if Camilla is a woman? She has a very distinct horse face. Very ugly as a woman. Why would Charles give Diana the boot for such an ugly woman, unless he swings the other way and Camilla is a man?
Kate is expected to return in early April. Maybe it takes 4 months to produce a lookalike mask 😂
Though I shouldn’t laugh. If they Princess Diana’d her (and potentially her parents), and MK-ultra’d her children to reprogram their memory of her, that’s no laughing matter.
And the bit about Prince Andrew assuming royal duties, and not William, something very bizarre is happening
From what I understand, HARRY becomes Regent (Good Grief!) if anything happens to William and Kate. However a Regency would only occur if Charles was completely incapacitated, and William and Kate were both dead.
The sooner that you limey twats realize that royalty is imaginary the better
Do expound on your thesis my good man.
If he didn't beat her ass into a coma I'd be shocked.
I agree. It's a strong possibility. Is she like Diana? Simply a pedigreed breeder. He now has his heirs, and is tired of her.
If he did, though, that would make me very sad to know - considering what happened to his mother.
Sure seems like something is going on. I have no idea what, and don't believe a word the media in the UK has to say about any of it.
Sorry, I normally don’t give a sh!t about these people, but the substack you posted was very intriguing. And it reminded me of this odd sighting around the time the Rothschild demon died:
Also interesting to read the comments in their most recent instagram posts - a few normies are getting fitted for their tinfoil hats
The latest implication is that William's girlfriend is again pregnant and Kate found out and there was a confrontation in which she was harmed in some way and is either in hiding or possibly in a coma. She is "in the way" of the wishes of Wm. And his side-twat who wants to be queen. Shitty business. Hoping Kate gets to have a safe life with her kids and parents and be divorced from William. Good woman and deserves better than constant marital grief.
Interesting, because his mother was also “in the way” of Charles and Camilla. That didn’t turn out so well.
From Julie Green prophecy -December 2021 (There have been 12 prophecies regarding the Royals)
Watch the Royals as they fall one by one. You will hear of atrocities that Charles and Andrew have committed against their own nation and yours. Watch the Queen. Watch William. Watch how that family will be revealed. Some are innocent with no blood on their hands. But for the ones that have their hands dripping in blood, I will expose, and I will expose it all.
That’s the most interesting thing I read today. thanks!🙏🏻
Posted the sequel too - fascinating. All part of The Great Awakening?
Indeed! Thanks a lot, LQdy!🤗❤️
They are glorified scums
I'm thinking this has something to do with Thomas Kingston "suicide" and a possible affair. They took her away and are having their way.
i don't think she's dead. i think she's been taken by an outside group, while they continue dismantling the "old guard".
if the "old guard" was in control, there would be much better PR around this story... it wouldn't have been as half-assed as it seems to be, with so much confusion & conspiracy.
i believe its being done this way, to garner as much attention on these people as possible, drawing in all the normies they can, where they will DEMAND an answer.
hopefully that answer will be a giant RED PILL.
otherwise, it could be a "Rosemary's Baby" type of deal... as usual, they don't care about the woman, they just use her for breeding purposes. all the inbreeding reaches its cutoff point at some time or another. these people are fucking insane, literally.
Plastic surgery takes time to heal. They did a poor job on O'Biden, and the press is in the bag for him. They couldn't risk a half-assed job on Kate's replacement.
I figure Kate found out about her husband's affairs and skipped with the kids----or she is dead and the kids are in hiding---- or neither of the above!
I hope she is ok. Wm getting his freedom does not need to cost her life.
If she knows too much, they will give her the Diana treatment.
what ever became of andrew's ex-wife?
According to the article, she has cancer — allegedly.
Then the weird Mother Day pics https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a60159254/kate-middleton-apology-photoshop-fail/
Is there any video evidence of her over last 3 months? Instead of magazine or X posts?
It occurs to me that perhaps the author could shed some light on the mystery of the very unattractive and uncharming wallis Simpson. Is it as simple as she's a he?
Tempting thought but I don't think so. Poor Wallis got landed with Ed though she was sick of him and hoped he'd fancy someone else so she could return to her ex husband. He announced his abdication and her fate was sealed.
Hmmm. The least shocking couple. Ironic.