I raise beef cattle as my retirement job. This has been a long time coming. Processors have been screwing beef farmers for far too long. We've been doing all the hard work, and they've been making all the profits. My neighbor and I quit taking our beef to auction 5 years ago. We sell local, and have a neighborhood meat cutter we work with.
Like everything else, raising cattle is directly affected by the price of fuel, feed, fertilizer, etc, etc. Costs almost twice as much to bale hay as it did 5 years ago.
Indeed, SA. Cheap energy is the lifeblood of any economy. Probably not a coincidence that on day 1 of entering the oval office, President Mashed Potato Brains issued multiple EO's curbing domestic energy production.
Expensive energy impacts every single market and supply chain.
Don't forget to have good 24/7 security. The Globalist scum are blowing up food plants - don't care if this makes me a conspiracy theorist. I sincerely believe these PoS want the peasants to eat bugs or starve while they fly in their fancy private jets to "Climate" Conferences where they dine on Kobe beef and caviar.
Look around you for ranchers or find a local family-owned processing butcher or find a farmers market. Start talking to the people who raise the beef and then work out a quarter or half cow purchase. You may have to invest in a freezer (we did get a small box freezer and a stand-up freezer, you really have to work out your rotations strategy) to fit it but you can choose your cuts, get innards and oxtail included, etc. And once you have the freezer space, well, you can maximize those farmer market finds or orchard buys by vacuum pack freezing. And once you start doing that, you might get the urge to plant your own stuff. And then a few chickens. (We are here.) And then...? Lol
My small town has a farmers market where we have access to some local livestock farmers. They charge somewhat more than wally world but then wally never physically shook my hand. I don't mind paying more if it keeps them in business and coming back to our market. This is the way.
I follow farmers on Instagram and for them to get paid a fair wage for their time, they have to charge more. Each chicken going to a USDA butcher costs one farmer $3/chicken. She runs thru the numbers and it is mind-blowing how much it costs to commercially raise a small flock and get them to a USDA butcher 3 hours away. the country needs more butchers desperately.
Been trying to buy local. Some small time farmer that takes beef to a processor and buy a quarter or an 8th. It is actually way less expensive than what you pay at the grocery store, you just pay up front for months of food.
If you can afford it and want to help someone save a family farm, order direct from Lily Hills Farm in Georgia. Her father pulled a fast one after her husband used his inheritance to save the farm. They built infrastructure so are kind of stuck - now trying to raise money to buy land from father. She also sells tallow which is amazing!
I know 😢 it is a heart-breaking story. The comments on Insta the days that she talks about it indicate that so many families go through this. That the older, (usually) boomer generation just wants to get money out of the farm, and to hell with their kids/grandkids. Claire is basically at war with some of her family that only want to take the money and run, after she and her husband saved it, and made the land something that could be sold for profit.
And in the middle of all of this, a tornado went across their land, destroying a special cabin and a lot of fencing improvements that they had just made.
I have so much respect for farmers/ranchers after seeing their daily struggles.
I raise beef cattle as my retirement job. This has been a long time coming. Processors have been screwing beef farmers for far too long. We've been doing all the hard work, and they've been making all the profits. My neighbor and I quit taking our beef to auction 5 years ago. We sell local, and have a neighborhood meat cutter we work with.
Hello: any idea what is driving up beef prices lately ? I'm hearing insane numbers like baby beef calves worth $400-$500
Remember that guy that shut off American Oil Production?
And the sold off the strategic fuel reserves?
Then Blew up an undersea pipeline?
Ah yes kemosahbee.
Like everything else, raising cattle is directly affected by the price of fuel, feed, fertilizer, etc, etc. Costs almost twice as much to bale hay as it did 5 years ago.
Indeed, SA. Cheap energy is the lifeblood of any economy. Probably not a coincidence that on day 1 of entering the oval office, President Mashed Potato Brains issued multiple EO's curbing domestic energy production.
Expensive energy impacts every single market and supply chain.
Yep understood, what I meant is cattle buyers are paying insane money for beef cattle lately.
Probably because of supply shortages. A lot of folks have left the business.
For good reason if it's true that a significant number of them have been told to kill and otherwise destroy X amount of stock.
Don't forget to have good 24/7 security. The Globalist scum are blowing up food plants - don't care if this makes me a conspiracy theorist. I sincerely believe these PoS want the peasants to eat bugs or starve while they fly in their fancy private jets to "Climate" Conferences where they dine on Kobe beef and caviar.
Barrett M82A1.
That’s the way. Buy local and you get better quality, in most cases.
Our beef, is solid gold.
Aaaaaaand..... Where are you located? Tell us more about how the cattle are raised!
East Tennessee. Grass fed. No injections.
And if you created a Nationwide list of like minded Ranchers you would retire a happy rich man.
Isn't a retirement job something you do after retirement for a bit of extra income / something to do because you want to / etc. though?
When you don't have to do it , it's not a job. It's a calling or a service or fun. Ask Trump.
Sounds great - except I'm in Colorado. I hope your business continues to wildly succeed!!!
Do you have an online store I can buy from?
Look around you for ranchers or find a local family-owned processing butcher or find a farmers market. Start talking to the people who raise the beef and then work out a quarter or half cow purchase. You may have to invest in a freezer (we did get a small box freezer and a stand-up freezer, you really have to work out your rotations strategy) to fit it but you can choose your cuts, get innards and oxtail included, etc. And once you have the freezer space, well, you can maximize those farmer market finds or orchard buys by vacuum pack freezing. And once you start doing that, you might get the urge to plant your own stuff. And then a few chickens. (We are here.) And then...? Lol
Sounds great for your family!
Unfortunately, we are too small scale for that. Unless you live in East Tennessee, it's not going to happen.
anything to protect steak im all for lol, nothing better than some BBQ
Memphis, TN checking in. I think i speak for anywhere but Texas when I say, BBQ is pork!
kentucky agrees. BBQ is pork AND/OR chicken. Beef BBQ is not BBQ … it is a moral felony.
Meanwhile Korea over there making barbecue of all meats while we playfully banter about which is the superior meat.
The truth really is, all of them.
East Carolina enters the chat
hehe - glad you added the “but Texas” - BBQ is BRISCUIT baby :)
Legit argument. Damn. I forgot about TX brisket. Burnt ends taste like world peace.
Texas puts bbq sauce on the cooked meat. NOT BARBEQUE!!! In KC, they cook the meat in the sauce. NOW, THAT'S BARBEQUE!!!
Feel like this belongs here:
Hee Hee Hee!
lol agreed
My small town has a farmers market where we have access to some local livestock farmers. They charge somewhat more than wally world but then wally never physically shook my hand. I don't mind paying more if it keeps them in business and coming back to our market. This is the way.
I follow farmers on Instagram and for them to get paid a fair wage for their time, they have to charge more. Each chicken going to a USDA butcher costs one farmer $3/chicken. She runs thru the numbers and it is mind-blowing how much it costs to commercially raise a small flock and get them to a USDA butcher 3 hours away. the country needs more butchers desperately.
Me, too fren!
Very nice win.
They will need good security...
Yes...pray for them to have WH protection
AMERICA, Fuckya!!! P.S. corporation dicksuckers. GFY.
Great news! Even greater if they buck the FDA!
Hopefully it won't be a +1 on the food processing plant hit list.
Been trying to buy local. Some small time farmer that takes beef to a processor and buy a quarter or an 8th. It is actually way less expensive than what you pay at the grocery store, you just pay up front for months of food.
Yes, we must support our local providers!
If you can afford it and want to help someone save a family farm, order direct from Lily Hills Farm in Georgia. Her father pulled a fast one after her husband used his inheritance to save the farm. They built infrastructure so are kind of stuck - now trying to raise money to buy land from father. She also sells tallow which is amazing!
Omgoodness...your own Father! 💔
I know 😢 it is a heart-breaking story. The comments on Insta the days that she talks about it indicate that so many families go through this. That the older, (usually) boomer generation just wants to get money out of the farm, and to hell with their kids/grandkids. Claire is basically at war with some of her family that only want to take the money and run, after she and her husband saved it, and made the land something that could be sold for profit.
And in the middle of all of this, a tornado went across their land, destroying a special cabin and a lot of fencing improvements that they had just made.
I have so much respect for farmers/ranchers after seeing their daily struggles.
Oh yes, me too! It's can be back breaking & heartbreaking at the same time. They are the back bone of America!
Is it lilyhillcattle.com? West Point Ga? Just making sure I have the right farm.
Yes, that’s it.
You had me at "steak lovers!" LOL I buy from locals only.
This is the way.
Way to go, ranchers! Best of success to you!
Amen! May God Protect them!
Anyone know when they plan to be up and running?