Yup. No forgiveness or sympathy from me. Either they were vaxholes or just sat there while the rest of us lost jobs, friends, family and were treated like 2nd class citizens.
Eastern Washington is blood red. Western Washington is mixed but is blue. Same with Oregon.
Seattle is probably the most marxist city in America. Portland and San Fransisco being the others.
Seattle is home to some of the biggest corporations on the planet like Amazon, Microsoft, Costco, Starbucks and Boeing.
There are a lot of woke people here and rich tech limousine liberals.
I live in King County the largest county by population in the state. While I have seen some wake up I still see masks daily. I don’t see any sort of mass awakening here.
I still do not see how Trump is going to unite the country. I personally will not forgive or forget:
businesses, doctors, government and military who mandated the shots and masks. Those individuals who shoved the sick elderly into nursing homes, hospitals who refused visitation of loved ones when they were sick or dying and needed an advocate.
Yeah it’s bad but unfortunetly I’ve heard Spokane is getting pretty bad. Vancouver, Wa is across the river from Portland and yup…it’s rotten also. The cancer is spreading. There are good people mixed in of course, but Seattle tops the list as worst.
Generation Beta(2025-2039) will be the future and must be taught differently than their parents. The reconstruction of America will be a long and painful one for many.
I'm from SC, very red state but much more blue on the coast. I had in laws crying and begging wife and I to vax and our kids too. They would call crying.
The covid scam/vaccine bioweapon op wasnt supposed to happen under Trump. They were forced to use it because they know Trump and the Patriots have the ability to stop the digital manipulation in our elections.
In 2016 they had grown too confident in this ability and neglected the on the ground fraud. They had no other way to create the massive numbers of fake votes they needed in 2020 to stop a surging Trump from winning re-election, so they deployed covid.
But they had planned to use it during Hillarys hold on power to complete the subjugation of the people worldwide and to begin the genocide. And a lot fewer would have been wise to the game without the four years of "FAKE NEWS" and the slow drip of disclosure of the security state.
Warp speed forced the vaccine out early. They told us it would take 5 years for a vaccine. What would have happened in those 5 years? Every sniffle would be blamed on covid through a faulty test. Millions would have died through intentional malpractice and covid "guidelines". The sick and dying would have been quarantined, lockouts would have been total and resisters placed in camps.
And when they finally advanced their vaccine, one they had already completed years before, the people would have begged for it. Few would have resisted after 5 years of being broken down. Those who didnt die outright would have been chemically and genetically altered into compliant, cognitively impaired sheep.
I still wonder about the op in LA with the helicopters and the troops in hazmat. I think that may have been the real covid weapon they wanted to deploy. They were left with a weak facsimile that a ton of people were able to avoid. All because of Trump and the Patriots.
Great comments. I believe the same. I've also read, somewhere (grain of salt) that at the time that Trump prematurely forced them to release the shots, that they only had 18% (of the harmful version) produced, because they thought they still had years to produce the remainder. Meaning they had enough supply at that time to injure/kill 18% of the world population.
The Deagel projections (published in 2017) show that USA population would drop from 327m to 100m by 2025. UK projection is from 66m to 15m, and Germany from 81m to 28m, and so on. So those projections clearly show their intention to genocide the majority of the population. From what we're seeing now, two possibilities exist...
The population drop is thankfully only a fraction of the projection, because like this TS post says, Trump forced the shots out early, before they were fully prepared and stocked up on the deadly versions, and because the EUA gave us the option of not taking it.
That horrific population drop projection will be closer to accurate as turbo-cancers and fertility issues ramp up.
I hope, and believe, that #1 is the correct answer.
I think #1 scenario is more likely because early on the jabs were transported in climate controlled vehicles and storage. Once that went away I suspect the true potency of the jabs dropped substantially but still enough to do damage as we have seen with boosters.
I agree that the plandemic was to occur with Hillz in office, but they may have deployed it to also keep her in office. Imagine the damage she would have done during the 1st 4 years alone, they may have needed it for her to get a second term.
This was the 16 year plan. Read the second part under HRC. The script was there, but the WHs warped it, and made it almost comical to the point its exposing everything and people are waking up. We still are yet to see the fake nuclear false flag etc
I've been saying this for a while, but people still throw a fit that he didn't trash talk the vaccine, which I said would allow the deep state the power to call him and his followers terrorists.
And it just so happens that at the same time, Trump was promoting a "covid" treatment that happens to treat cancer too (trying to help all those who decided to take the jab
We didn't connect it at the time because we thought it was primarily for the cure of jab injuries. But now we know better as it was actually something the globalist used as an ace up their sleeve but kept everyone else in the dark. But President Trump brought that truth to the light for everyone to see.
I remember reading about vaxx efficacy as it was dependent on cold chain logistics. And that many of the get in line distribution points didnt have or could not maintain the required temps for efficacy and this lead to vast amounts of vaxx being inert. I thought I saved the post thread but can not find it. Anyways, I think warp speed created a logistics/ distribution “wrinkle” that may have saved millions of lives.
If you remember what the conspiracy network
And landscape felt like pre Q and with the emergence of YouTube/illuminati on the brink of being “mainstream”
You remember FEMA camps…. This conspiracy was poping up more than anything and it had a lot of evidence to back it up…. Before Q the conspiracy terms were FEMA, and the Vax industry, mind control and weather control, the whole domain, the Matrix OF conspiracy….
I remember back in 2016 as Trump was elected I learned about the supposed FEMA camp officer that shot himself and left a suicide note detailing the exact plan.
Ironically he mentions the use of EBS as a way of quelling unrest while the police rounds up the people who are deemed a threat. In the meantime the military will be deployed overseas engaged in a conflict(NK or Russia).
If Q is right, then there has to be a reason for heavy military presence inside the US. Otherwise it is going to look way too suspicious. So most likely we are still a black swan event away from SHTF.
All you zombies show your faces:
Seriously, people were mental. They wanted non vaxxed people locked up, fired, killed. Stated publicly for a long while. Some still wish this.
It would have happened under an RN-DNC shill.
Yup. No forgiveness or sympathy from me. Either they were vaxholes or just sat there while the rest of us lost jobs, friends, family and were treated like 2nd class citizens.
What state are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?
Damn, just how liberal is it up there? I’ve never been to Washington, but I’ve heard things about it.
Eastern Washington is blood red. Western Washington is mixed but is blue. Same with Oregon.
Seattle is probably the most marxist city in America. Portland and San Fransisco being the others.
Seattle is home to some of the biggest corporations on the planet like Amazon, Microsoft, Costco, Starbucks and Boeing.
There are a lot of woke people here and rich tech limousine liberals.
I live in King County the largest county by population in the state. While I have seen some wake up I still see masks daily. I don’t see any sort of mass awakening here.
I still do not see how Trump is going to unite the country. I personally will not forgive or forget: businesses, doctors, government and military who mandated the shots and masks. Those individuals who shoved the sick elderly into nursing homes, hospitals who refused visitation of loved ones when they were sick or dying and needed an advocate.
Right there with you. I think they miscalculated by a lot. I legitimately hate half the people in this county.
Dad's side of the family is from/lives in Yakima. Lot of red east of the mountains. They bitch all the time about Seattle.
Yeah it’s bad but unfortunetly I’ve heard Spokane is getting pretty bad. Vancouver, Wa is across the river from Portland and yup…it’s rotten also. The cancer is spreading. There are good people mixed in of course, but Seattle tops the list as worst.
Then they don't deserve the Supersonics. I'm glad OKC has them.
The NBA is the most woke league possible
Sad, I’m too hopeful and optimistic I guess.
Generation Beta(2025-2039) will be the future and must be taught differently than their parents. The reconstruction of America will be a long and painful one for many.
Yup, all the while begging for more death boosters...
Hey now didn’t you the memo? Were supposed to roll over and forgive and forget don-cha know? /s
How many were there? I’m from a fairly red place so even people who got vaxxed were against camps, I think.
I'm from SC, very red state but much more blue on the coast. I had in laws crying and begging wife and I to vax and our kids too. They would call crying.
I wouldn't let the vaxed in my home. Shunned the mask wearers also.
The covid scam/vaccine bioweapon op wasnt supposed to happen under Trump. They were forced to use it because they know Trump and the Patriots have the ability to stop the digital manipulation in our elections.
In 2016 they had grown too confident in this ability and neglected the on the ground fraud. They had no other way to create the massive numbers of fake votes they needed in 2020 to stop a surging Trump from winning re-election, so they deployed covid.
But they had planned to use it during Hillarys hold on power to complete the subjugation of the people worldwide and to begin the genocide. And a lot fewer would have been wise to the game without the four years of "FAKE NEWS" and the slow drip of disclosure of the security state.
Warp speed forced the vaccine out early. They told us it would take 5 years for a vaccine. What would have happened in those 5 years? Every sniffle would be blamed on covid through a faulty test. Millions would have died through intentional malpractice and covid "guidelines". The sick and dying would have been quarantined, lockouts would have been total and resisters placed in camps.
And when they finally advanced their vaccine, one they had already completed years before, the people would have begged for it. Few would have resisted after 5 years of being broken down. Those who didnt die outright would have been chemically and genetically altered into compliant, cognitively impaired sheep.
I still wonder about the op in LA with the helicopters and the troops in hazmat. I think that may have been the real covid weapon they wanted to deploy. They were left with a weak facsimile that a ton of people were able to avoid. All because of Trump and the Patriots.
Great comments. I believe the same. I've also read, somewhere (grain of salt) that at the time that Trump prematurely forced them to release the shots, that they only had 18% (of the harmful version) produced, because they thought they still had years to produce the remainder. Meaning they had enough supply at that time to injure/kill 18% of the world population.
The Deagel projections (published in 2017) show that USA population would drop from 327m to 100m by 2025. UK projection is from 66m to 15m, and Germany from 81m to 28m, and so on. So those projections clearly show their intention to genocide the majority of the population. From what we're seeing now, two possibilities exist...
The population drop is thankfully only a fraction of the projection, because like this TS post says, Trump forced the shots out early, before they were fully prepared and stocked up on the deadly versions, and because the EUA gave us the option of not taking it.
That horrific population drop projection will be closer to accurate as turbo-cancers and fertility issues ramp up.
I hope, and believe, that #1 is the correct answer.
I think #1 scenario is more likely because early on the jabs were transported in climate controlled vehicles and storage. Once that went away I suspect the true potency of the jabs dropped substantially but still enough to do damage as we have seen with boosters.
I agree that the plandemic was to occur with Hillz in office, but they may have deployed it to also keep her in office. Imagine the damage she would have done during the 1st 4 years alone, they may have needed it for her to get a second term.
This was the 16 year plan. Read the second part under HRC. The script was there, but the WHs warped it, and made it almost comical to the point its exposing everything and people are waking up. We still are yet to see the fake nuclear false flag etc
That’s an intense drop. Speaking in somewhat of a code but you can get the jist of it
I've been saying this for a while, but people still throw a fit that he didn't trash talk the vaccine, which I said would allow the deep state the power to call him and his followers terrorists.
Correct. I believe Trump can't/won't talk about the failure of the shots until he's safely back in office. But then it's game on...
many folks remember fema fuck-up huricane katrina & gun confiscations. many were not gonna stand for that. imo, it saved fema from getting slaughtered
i was gonna forgive fema.
And it just so happens that at the same time, Trump was promoting a "covid" treatment that happens to treat cancer too (trying to help all those who decided to take the jab
We didn't connect it at the time because we thought it was primarily for the cure of jab injuries. But now we know better as it was actually something the globalist used as an ace up their sleeve but kept everyone else in the dark. But President Trump brought that truth to the light for everyone to see.
I remember reading about vaxx efficacy as it was dependent on cold chain logistics. And that many of the get in line distribution points didnt have or could not maintain the required temps for efficacy and this lead to vast amounts of vaxx being inert. I thought I saved the post thread but can not find it. Anyways, I think warp speed created a logistics/ distribution “wrinkle” that may have saved millions of lives.
Precisely as it condensed their timeline and forced a premature release as other have pointed out as well so far in this thread.
Think Red October movie. A scene in Red October where the Russian submarine steers into a torpedo before it can arm itself.
If you remember what the conspiracy network And landscape felt like pre Q and with the emergence of YouTube/illuminati on the brink of being “mainstream”
You remember FEMA camps…. This conspiracy was poping up more than anything and it had a lot of evidence to back it up…. Before Q the conspiracy terms were FEMA, and the Vax industry, mind control and weather control, the whole domain, the Matrix OF conspiracy….
In war we have to make tough choices.
NY is still itching to put folks in those camps.
And not only NY, I'm certain.
I hate to say it, but AJ was right. He talked of FEMA camps during the Obama years.
There's a lot of food for thought here.
I remember back in 2016 as Trump was elected I learned about the supposed FEMA camp officer that shot himself and left a suicide note detailing the exact plan.
Ironically he mentions the use of EBS as a way of quelling unrest while the police rounds up the people who are deemed a threat. In the meantime the military will be deployed overseas engaged in a conflict(NK or Russia).
You can read the whole thing here.
If Q is right, then there has to be a reason for heavy military presence inside the US. Otherwise it is going to look way too suspicious. So most likely we are still a black swan event away from SHTF.