55-minutes (the first 4 minutes are ads, last few minutes credits, so about 45-minutes of content)
He starts by explaining that patents can be seized by the government if they “are important for national security.”
Then he talks about a couple of inventors who invented cars that could run on literal gas vapors, making mileage like 200 miles a gallon (first one was over 100 years ago, I think the second one was sixties?). Then a guy who invented a car that ran on water (early 70s). Then some people who created machines that could generate energy out of the atmosphere, which is basically unlimited free energy (one of them in the 60s).
All these people had their patents seized, labs broken into and all their material stolen and were either financially/professionally ruined or killed (or both).
Interestingly, one guy re-patented all these things with the US military as the owner of the patents, so it appears that the military has stolen these patents and are utilizing these technologies while keeping them from the public.
He goes on to talk about the serious flaws with the current green energy “solutions” being touted.
He shows that there never was an energy shortage, it was a control tool and that the green energy “solutions” are simply measures that will ensure that powerful people stay in power.
For the record, free energy devices are real! I have personally seen working prototypes operating. The scientists involved, lost their jobs, their homes and their livelihoods. Very ugly. Investors tried to infiltrate the funding... and did. Anyone who says free energy isn't real is absolutely and completely uninformed.
Can you share more about this? Do you know what scientific principle was being used in the prototypes you saw?
I worked making pcb's for some of these inventors. They were talking about being rich and having anti gravity walls. They powered there house off a few energy things. Then suddenly they closed their business retired super early and moved. I went over to help them move and they said the government classified everything and so they weren't going to change the world after all.
I wish I knew more about how those things were made. I saw them but I've failed to recreate it.
The short answer is magnetics. Check out switched reluctance generators and pulse motors. The answers are in there. The idea (concept) that 'you can't get more out than you put in' is false. Properly done, for instance, a pulse motor can put out roughly 90% mechanical power and recover up to 91% electrical power. The machine is not particularly complex, and the principle can be found in the applications papers of Texas Instruments in modified form. I'll go no further into it. It is in fact a dangerous subject. I have known more than a half dozen people who have 'disappeared' because of their researches, either by choice or by force. Incidentally, the homopolar motor/generator was used in space applications, and is also being used by the US Navy. It does work, and the statements made by Tesla in his comments about his patent of same are telling. The disadvantages (low voltage, high amperage) of the device can easily be overcome by use of electronics that has been available since the late 1970s, to wit high power FETs etc.
I don't now what the OP is referencing, but this ZPE site has been on-line for a long time:
I think this is different technology, being cold fusion. I thought that his device was rejected as fake though a long time ago, but, knowing now how much they want to suppress any sort of free energy technology, perhaps it does work. But if that were the case, I think it would have been all disappeared by now. Note: I have not read any articles on that web site; I am only going from memory of reading about it over ten years ago.
Einstein was a dumb fraud, those that knew him knew this, he worked in the patent office and stole others patents and other ideas. He also was found to have plagiarized many others. He flunked out of science school also.
From what I am gathering, he was used as a figurehead to drive two fundamental lies into the main stream science - Ether does not exist and Nature of Gravity.
Dunno if it's safe for the answer to be posted for him and for anyone who reads it lol.
It's not.
Is this like an electricity condenser/harvester type of thing? Or other types of energy?
Zero-point pulled directly out of the atom.
Interesting. Thanks.
You have to go with something other than the fraudulent QM. ZPE touches it, but isn't complete. Read Campbell's "Phi Wave Theory of Everything" for starters.
I was thinking of devices that harvest electricity using materials that naturally are described as having static electricity, and that kinetically offload the energy, putting it into a capacitor or battery before releasing the material again to gather more ambient energy. Like a heat pump or a condenser, but for electricity. Thanks for the book reference.
There are many ways. I personally prefer stuff that is visible, stuff that generates physical power. The concepts behind much "theory" are necessarily vague (by the powers that be), such that departure from their theoretical nonsense provides means for them to be derogatory. There are many methods of generation that provide far more efficient use of input than the currently accepted methods: those include generators that go no load to full load with little or no increase in input. Those are considered 'over unity' by those of us in that line of work. While there IS input, in all cases the output can be rerouted partially to provide the input power. In one case, a 2kW generator (no moving parts) was powered by a 9v battery, the little ones used in smoke detectors and such. That particular device used tank circuits to power a fluctuating magnetic field (fields from permanent magnets, essentially switched from path to path) to generate. The output was in form unusable, since it was high voltage and about 20kHz. The power was tested using 20 100W incandescent light bulbs. Such an output can easily be transformed and rectified to provide power to charge batteries in an adulterated solar setup, using fewer batteries, no solar, and the inverters available for solar. Since the power is available 24-7, it wouldn't matter that the battery bank was much smaller. Other means of generation to charge/provide power to the inverter also. Transport is somewhat different, since the power requirements are greater, but pulse motors are the prime suspect for that moving. Since pulse motors can be made to recover much used energy (energy that is normally dumped), the generator doesn't need to be equivalent to the drive requirement.
Thanks for the detailed response.
Witts has been working on them for years but they want people to pay to get the info.
I frickin' LOVE the Why Files. My friend introduced me to the channel over a year ago, but lately I've been binge watching so many episodes. I like how he builds up the hype and then begins the debunking, in order to show both sides of a story. I forget which episode, but he even got away with stating how corporations use sickness for profiteering and Hecklefish said, "Get the jab! And another jab! And another, you human pincushions!" I loved it.
As for patents, I highly recommend a documentary called Thrive which goes into Tesla's zero point energy and how the FBI has persecuted scientists for stumbling across this amazing energy. Many don't manage to live long afterwards. It's sick.
stargate is so based that the prime alien tech is called ZPM, zero point module.
I could do without the camel side story but if that helps convince TPTB to think he's harmless and leave him alone, fine. I do point to his government schooling founded by the Rockefellers episode so people can see why it's working exactly as designed, very good for red pilling.
A couple items that may be of interest:
-I worked on a hydrogen fuel cell project many years ago. There was around 50 engineers. Important to note, this was not free/zero point energy. But it was a highly compact, energy-dense unit that would have revolutionized home power generation and energy independence. One morning we got to the doors of our office, they were locked and a note was posted that the company was purchased and we were no longer needed. Draw your own conclusions.
-My professional mentor for my entire adult life spent his entire adult life at a certain agency that has a large building in Utah. I was told in no uncertain terms that novel energy generation technologies are more highly classified than the UFO / non-terrestrial / non-human visitor subject.
While the latter would create extreme societal and economic discombobulation, novel energy generation technologies would create energy independence for individuals. Energy independence means you don't need society or the government. That simply can't be allowed when a small cabal wants to rule every soul on the planet.
However, and it's a "however" that I hate to say, some of the more exotic energy generation technologies that I have had some limited exposure to could be used for great evil and enormous destruction in the wrong hands. There are a lot of backyard mediocre Einsteins out there that could sadly wipe out a town if they get to tinkering. To say nothing of someone intending to create destruction. As much as I hate to say it, there is some wisdom to keeping some of these technologies away from the public. “I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building. I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound. I asked my assistants where did the sound come from. They did not know. I put the machine up a few more notches. There was a louder cracking sound. I knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building. I pushed the machine a little higher. “Suddenly all the heavy machinery in the place was flying around. I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building would have been about our ears in another few minutes. Outside in the street there was pandemonium. The police and ambulances arrived. I told my assistants to say nothing. We told the police it must have been an earthquake. That’s all they ever knew about it.”
Sadly this is exactly why I think the world powers all agreed to not use this tech, to act like it doesn't exist, and call it impossible on the world stage.
It's a joke though, we're slowly killing ourselves anyway!
These world powers may have started off hiding this tech with the best intentions, but with all the power they wield they have now become utter parasites on humanity.
I say let this technology OUT, goddamit. Humanity will not progress keeping it hidden.
Could not agree more, Trumpternal. Many of these technologies are perfectly safe and would be world changing.
The Great Awakening is not complete unless President Trump and the patriots behind him release some of these technologies to the world.
More reason to make sure that the crazy bad guys are neutralized first, so they don't blow a crater into the planet. They don't care about normie death, that's painfully obvious.
Free energy would free the planet.
I always wondered why those who create these kind of energies do not go rouge take some of the friends with them on some island or mountain and enjoy making free society without the limits and shackels put on us by the cabal
The history implies that some have done so. Supposedly, this began in the 1920s, and the destination was the Andes. Other indications are that both the US and Germany had very different means of travel, based on Tesla, with research being done at Los Alamos in the 1930s. An interesting point is that von Braun visited Los Alamos for two years, 1936-1938, with the narrative being he studied rocketry. The accepted (among us who have studied it) concept is that a project called P2 was the subject, not rocketry. That concept is supported by some very strange equipment recovered from pallet purchases of 'surplus' equipment from the labs there.
This is the first time I hear about that fren. What is a P2 and what kind of travel ?
Tesla's 'electric flying' machine wasn't as described by media/"scientists" of the day. One fellow who has done good research (a person who needed to understand, and subsequently earned a PhD - not that I'm convinced of the worth) has formulated the theory that the 'flying machine' was based on aether physics, which holds that there are no particles, only what QM calls "sticky energy", ZPE, 'dark matter' and/or 'dark energy'. I mentioned to another that a good read, if you can find it, is Campbell's "Phi Wave Theory of Everything". Essentially, the claim of aether is that 'particles' are tiny energy vortices, along with the aether claim of a vast sea of random energy, or ZPE. Tesla figured if that energy could be harnessed, it would provide everything we need. P2 was an iteration of Tesla's, as mentioned. The theory, while very weird, does make sense, but to understand it you need to understand his various researches, such as the parallel wound coil, which allowed him to experiment with virtually unlimited frequencies, as produced by high energy square waves (spark gaps). The idea was that two of the parallel coils placed top/bottom of a vessel and fed one with standard AC and the other with the spark type would 'disassemble' the vortices on the one side while blocking them on the other. The presumed result would be super acceleration with lack of Newton's 'laws' between. The mentioned researcher claims to have seen these ships leaving Los Alamos to take up positions above, with "timed acceleration up to 7000mph", as he said. Since Einstein has been proved to be not only wrong, but a fraud also, that sort of acceleration would mean interstellar travel is not only possible, but has likely been achieved. The researcher's narrative is partially borne out by "surplus" gear, such as navigation aids unlike anything I'm aware of (inclusive the standard navy navaids, which I used when I was in). These navaids mentioned were in two forms: one had English inscriptions, one had German inscriptions, such as the compass headings. Also, there were directional contacts for the eight major compass points. So, if P2 did actually exist in the 1930s, and if it was successful, space flight, UFOs and all that exist; as a guess, I'll say the majority of UFOs then are humanly produced. One further note: when I lived in Harbison Canyon CA, there were weekly flyovers by some triangular craft, very slow (~ 35mph), almost silent (slight electrical hum, as in transformers), with no visible means of propulsion. Unfortunately, the things went over during darkness, and it was difficult to get a good visual (at that time, I didn't have night vision - wish I had). I sort of inferred that the propulsion/lift derived from the Tesla stuff, since I knew about that in the 70s, but there's no way I can prove it.
uh thanks for this explanation . I never knew about this.
My theory is that scientists like Freud or Einstein did everything and want to keep us limited and not "in the know"
I suspect there is an outside, opposing force that fears or wants Humanity subjugated before we discover something.
IMO your theory is correct. The history re QM implies that is was installed to divert science from previous theory to something that can't be understood, since it will never be complete. One indication is that 'theoretical physics' is based on "higher math" (calculus), which itself is approximation. This form has 'i' (imaginary) numbers and such, and utilizes such a pi, which is an imaginary number (has no solution). Also, the formulae developed in the 1800s had to be modified to fit QM. Since those formulae were developed experimentally, from visible results, they were accurate; the modified forms are not. Such garbage as Einstein's relativity and such are also illogical. For instance, the claim is that nothing can exceed the speed of light, because mass increases to the point of infinity at the speed of light. Inherently, not only is that impossible (since QM itself denies particulate existence), it is in the foolish domain, simply because astronomy has recorded quasars exceeding that speed. You also have astronomers who have stated the "red shift" (expanding universe) ia ballyhoo, but their statements get modified after their deaths. QM explanations demand the 'big bang', also something denied by QM. Discussing such 'requirements' as "virtual photons" with the 'inventor' (Feynman) was an exercise in futility: a primary real law of physics is neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed but may be changed back and forth. Feynman required his virtual photons to magically appear when the math needed them, and disappear when no longer necessary (moving 'electrons' from valence ring to valence ring requires charge of energy, supposedly carried by the fake photons). Feynman said, "You just don't understand." but I did; he didn't. Time, which is used everywhere in formulae, doesn't really exist as an entity: it is merely a reference, and as such cannot influence anything. Light is claimed to be particle and wave: if space is empty, it must be particle, but virtually every test indicates wave. If wave, light can't travel through empty space, and none of this would exist in the cold vacuum.
You see anomalies everywhere.
Can't make money from free and abundant energy. Must keep it limited. That and restricting understanding of math and physics is of importance to the khazars (and the crap can be traced there). In my opinion, there is enough real physics around so anyone with an inventive mind and basic knowledge of it can develop a method of producing non-grid electric, without using the standard "off grid" junk like windmills and solar panels. Both are notoriously inefficient and terribly inefficient cost-wise.
I call this "stupid or limited science" or sometimes "jewish science".
You knew Feynman personally? Does he indeed had such a nice personality ?
From your examples it is clear we know nothing about universe and how things work.
Very interesting perspective, I'd never thought about the negative potential aspects of such tech!
Important to note, in my experience (which is admittedly limited with the more exotic energy generation techniques), this is not the case for all of these novel technologies. MANY are perfectly safe, but would bring a degree of energy independence never seen. And we certainly can't have that if you're an inbred elitist who wants to rule the planet.
There's the key.
Hecklefish... 😂🤣😂
New World Order simple means changing the control structure that rules the world from Oil (petro dollar) to "Green Electricity" (carbon-credit backed CBDC).
The Why Files is my favorite YouTube channel. I'm glad this is getting stickied. If you haven't seen their content, get ready to go on a binge.
Hes entertaining. Like watching the fish make its stupid jokes lol.
You guys know it's not illegal to build something based on a patent, you may get sued if you try to sell it. But don't try to build the gravitational wave generator, that one's marked as national security sensitive because it could collapse the planet. (says so in the patent) Look these things up, it's public record, you can find them in a Google Patent search. They are fascinating to read, we have some really smart people running loose out in the wild.
Stan Deyo telling his story was very interesting. They tried to kill that dude, and then stand him in Australia (he was working with E Teller at Pine Gap)
So don't patent these devices, release them on an open source licence.
One of these devices has just come off its patent lifetime, the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator.
Here are a few of them.
Thank you for the summary, OP ( Christine_grab ) 👍
My pleasure! I rarely have time to watch videos, so I really appreciate when people do TLDWs.
I love that show. Always fall asleep during it, oddly enough, but Hecklefish and Gertie just slay me 🤣
Q seemed to point to the patents being stolen by gov't actors. If I remember right Q said Hillary had the patent for the chips in everything so they can take control of the airplane or car.
I agree with the guy in the video at the very end, if you build something like one of these inventions don’t try to patent it, just anonymously release it to the world.
Love his channel
I like the credits "and now I'm dancing with a fish." Gertie is a camel am camels like to dance on the dance floor when the feeling is right.
Maybe Interesting. u/kekistani_prince/