Tyrant ban hammering is not a good look here .
Got banned just for not forcing a laugh at a cringe post demanding people laugh at their "joke".
Was extremely pathetic abuse of power.
Im with you here. The entire fake moon landings conspiracy is an Intel psyop to keep us away from the real truth. If we all think that the moon landings were fake then we wont search for hidden tech, secret space programs and aliens in our midst. Because you cant have it both ways.
“This is not another 4 YEAR election…. "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC… Q”; “…for the first time in DECADES we have finally elected a COMMANDER IN CHIEF who can DRAIN THE SWAMP and open the stars to the world.”MJ12 👁👀🥺comments
Anyone saying the moon landings were faked is retarded. With a powerful enough telescope, even you can see the landers. You can also bounce lasers off of the reflectors they left behind.
So if Q was lying about the moon, what else are they lying about?
Is there a plan at all? Was that disinformation?
Was this the greatest stroke of Operation Trust ever made?
Imagine begging for your life at the end of a government rifle barrel that you never resisted before because you had faith in the Q plan, you tell them "But I thought nothing could stop what's coming!" only for the last thing you ever hear to be three words:
So if Q was lying about the moon, what else are they lying about?
Is there a plan at all?
Was this the greatest stroke of Operation Trust ever made?
Imagine begging for your life at the end of a government rifle barrel that you never resisted before because you had faith in the Q plan, you tell them "But I thought nothing could stop what's coming!" only for the last thing you ever hear to be three words:
What if i told you the moon landing were real but some of the footage was fake because they didn't want to show the public what they really found? Wouldn't that make the most sense considering the evidence and redaction or evidence? (the "oops we lost the photos" part etc)
Not the remotest chance. How do you "know" any photos are "fake"? Just saying so doesn't make it so. People commonly are too ignorant to understand what they are seeing, and interpose their "common sense" to deny truthful photography, when in fact the photography shows things that could be seen only on the Moon.
In this Hypothetical scenario. A simple solution would be cargo capacity. Can only fit so much onto a Glorified Dune Buggy or in a Trailer hauled by aforementioned buggy.
Though the establishment of a rail line would imply a necessity for one and likely the pre-existence of large and fairly well established infrastructure. And a fairly substantial crew complement in aforementioned infrastructure.
The Moon Train story actually broke a few weeks ago well before the Chinese-Russian announcement. I’d hazard a guess they’re running a story on it again because they think the Nuclear Moon Base story might drive clicks.
Though according to some alleged Whistleblowers. Highly Classified and Compartmentalized groups embedded in Defense Contractors have been working on proposed models for and logistics of the rapid manufacture and deployment of Space Based Infrastructure and Military equipment since the 50s. At least according to said Whistleblowers to finally deal permanently with hostile Alien presences in the Solar System that have been interfering in Human affairs and manipulating conflicts.
Orbital Stations. Defense Platforms, Freighters, Space Based Capital Ships of all sizes and classes. Dropships for Space Marine detachments, Fighter Craft, Ground Bases, Armored Vehicles etc. Basically The whole 9 yards and a whats what of Sci-Fi vehicle and equipment concepts.
Maybe this might be the start of early declass by the Worlds major powers?
This second part is true, this seems more of a soft disclosure of that if anything. I would think before you built a train you would need a an oxygenated HUB of sorts on the moon where you could get out and walk around.
From their necessity would build. Not the other way around?
Or the moon is made of cheese and it’s all fake and gay posturing hiding a deeper truth, as always..
Why a "magnetic levitatng" railway? There's nothing wrong with the existing model. In fact, it'd be better on the Moon, since the rails would never rust, and the crossties wouldn't be made of wood. We don't need magnetic levitation to run a railroad.
This is pie-in-the-sky bullshit, designed to extract the maximum number of dollars from our taxes.
I'm no fan of the concept, but there would be at least one legitimate reason to consider a levitated rail train, and that is the elimination of the problem of protecting rotating bearings from the highly abrasive lunar regolith. The same system that would produce levitation could also produce motion, so there would be no need for moving parts as such. I have to wonder at what their idea is that would require such elaborate surface infrastructure.
"... the elimination of the problem of protecting rotating bearings from the highly abrasive lunar regolith."
A legitimate point. But with no atmosphere to hold and carry dust to rotating parts, that should be a small concern, and easily overcome by proper seals.
Not by the Apollo astronauts, for whom it was a problem. They were trying to seal stationary surfaces. I understand some progress has been made, but sealing rotating surfaces is not an easy job.
But that would involve calling corrupt local and state Governments to account. Not to mention the Unions and Private Companies charged with preforming the Maintenance on and Running the trains and rail systems.
Totally agree. Much needs done here to improve our infrastructure and bring zero point energy into our daily lives. Do that first, then we'll talk about the moon.
I think it is now BEYOND obvious how NASA has always been about funneling money to dark projects. They are movie makers and story tellers.
Remember, if the moon can't be reached due to the firmament... think of how special and purposeful you are. Gods children. No limitless space for you to travel, but wonderous sights to see and dream about. Stars aren't there to visit, they are there to inspire. We yearn to have our pure spirits lifted into the sky and shine just as bright, watching over on the world below.
Not obvious because not substantiated. I have been a NASA-watcher all my life, and cannot recall any "dark project" being conducted by NASA. The CIA and the USAF have been the agents of classified activities.
And the Moon has been reached, repeatedly, by several nations, as can be confirmed by telescopic observation. Think more of God's injunction for humanity to be the stewards of His Creation.
One has to go to the moon first, to build train tracks. What about fake lunar landings? Fix our roads, bridges, train/subway transportation first. Clean up graffiti and roadside trash, condoms, needles, feces and street people/tents first. The state of our nation and specifically our cities is a crime.
They need to be able to go there first.
“False, moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of public domain.”;, “You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.”Q. 👀👁🥺see comments
Even Q would have taken the ban hammer from Cat.
Tyrant ban hammering is not a good look here . Got banned just for not forcing a laugh at a cringe post demanding people laugh at their "joke". Was extremely pathetic abuse of power.
Im with you here. The entire fake moon landings conspiracy is an Intel psyop to keep us away from the real truth. If we all think that the moon landings were fake then we wont search for hidden tech, secret space programs and aliens in our midst. Because you cant have it both ways.
Aliens aren’t possible.
“Q Are we alone ? Roswell ?” “No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space.”; A DEEP DARK WORLD is being exposed. The truth won't be for everyone.”, “The GreatAwakening”Q.👁👀🥺comments https://greatawakening.win/p/17si9wWv3P/q-are-we-alone--roswell--no-high/
“This is not another 4 YEAR election…. "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC… Q”; “…for the first time in DECADES we have finally elected a COMMANDER IN CHIEF who can DRAIN THE SWAMP and open the stars to the world.”MJ12 👁👀🥺comments https://greatawakening.win/p/17si9wWeGo/this-is-not-another-4-year-elect/c/
Anyone saying the moon landings were faked is retarded. With a powerful enough telescope, even you can see the landers. You can also bounce lasers off of the reflectors they left behind.
Give your head a shake. You honestly think you can shoot a laser how many thousand miles at the moon? Think about that for a second...
Q says we did, son.
"False, moon landings are real."
If you take the comma out of that sentence, it changes the meaning entirely:
"False moon landings are real."
Good thing that's not what Q said then.
Ever see the movie "Capricorn One" with OJ Simpson? It was all about the moon landing being staged. 😁
So if Q was lying about the moon, what else are they lying about?
Is there a plan at all? Was that disinformation?
Was this the greatest stroke of Operation Trust ever made?
Imagine begging for your life at the end of a government rifle barrel that you never resisted before because you had faith in the Q plan, you tell them "But I thought nothing could stop what's coming!" only for the last thing you ever hear to be three words:
"Disinformation is necessary."
I don't think Q told us point blank that astronauts landed on the moon.
Except, no. It was a supposed staging of a landing on Mars.
So if Q was lying about the moon, what else are they lying about?
Is there a plan at all?
Was this the greatest stroke of Operation Trust ever made?
Imagine begging for your life at the end of a government rifle barrel that you never resisted before because you had faith in the Q plan, you tell them "But I thought nothing could stop what's coming!" only for the last thing you ever hear to be three words:
"Disinformation is necessary."
What if i told you the moon landing were real but some of the footage was fake because they didn't want to show the public what they really found? Wouldn't that make the most sense considering the evidence and redaction or evidence? (the "oops we lost the photos" part etc)
Not the remotest chance. How do you "know" any photos are "fake"? Just saying so doesn't make it so. People commonly are too ignorant to understand what they are seeing, and interpose their "common sense" to deny truthful photography, when in fact the photography shows things that could be seen only on the Moon.
They just need to keep “working” on it to keep the bottomless money pit open.
Translation = Politician need another avenue to steal and launder tax money.
👆👆 This Anon is good at taking notes.
AOC wants to build a train to Hawaii. This is better.
They plan to run it for five years then destroy the technology, same as they claim to have done with Apollo.
Meanwhile, out in CA, roads are falling aprt, highest taxes in the country, and the super-duper train is still vaporware....
But we have new on and off ramps on the freeways 😂🤣😂
No shit. 4 billion just to talk about it. That money could go to Ukraine hahahahaha
Don't you worry Bob,
Some of it will......
some of it will.
Some . The overstatement of the century
Why need a train when in the 50s they were cruising around in seemingly perfectly functioning full sized dune buggy’s?
In this Hypothetical scenario. A simple solution would be cargo capacity. Can only fit so much onto a Glorified Dune Buggy or in a Trailer hauled by aforementioned buggy.
Though the establishment of a rail line would imply a necessity for one and likely the pre-existence of large and fairly well established infrastructure. And a fairly substantial crew complement in aforementioned infrastructure.
This is true. Heh. I think the bigger point is
Why are we hearing about this the day after China and Russia announce nuclear moon base intent.
Seems like the race FOR the moon is on, or so they want us to think!
The Moon Train story actually broke a few weeks ago well before the Chinese-Russian announcement. I’d hazard a guess they’re running a story on it again because they think the Nuclear Moon Base story might drive clicks.
Though according to some alleged Whistleblowers. Highly Classified and Compartmentalized groups embedded in Defense Contractors have been working on proposed models for and logistics of the rapid manufacture and deployment of Space Based Infrastructure and Military equipment since the 50s. At least according to said Whistleblowers to finally deal permanently with hostile Alien presences in the Solar System that have been interfering in Human affairs and manipulating conflicts.
Orbital Stations. Defense Platforms, Freighters, Space Based Capital Ships of all sizes and classes. Dropships for Space Marine detachments, Fighter Craft, Ground Bases, Armored Vehicles etc. Basically The whole 9 yards and a whats what of Sci-Fi vehicle and equipment concepts.
Maybe this might be the start of early declass by the Worlds major powers?
This second part is true, this seems more of a soft disclosure of that if anything. I would think before you built a train you would need a an oxygenated HUB of sorts on the moon where you could get out and walk around.
From their necessity would build. Not the other way around?
Or the moon is made of cheese and it’s all fake and gay posturing hiding a deeper truth, as always..
Sounds like somebody wants more funding? Same M.O. as the high speed train in California.
Even if they never do it the feasibility study (s) will steal billions.
Why a "magnetic levitatng" railway? There's nothing wrong with the existing model. In fact, it'd be better on the Moon, since the rails would never rust, and the crossties wouldn't be made of wood. We don't need magnetic levitation to run a railroad.
This is pie-in-the-sky bullshit, designed to extract the maximum number of dollars from our taxes.
And the gravity is 1/6th that of the earth…no friction on normal rails.
I'm no fan of the concept, but there would be at least one legitimate reason to consider a levitated rail train, and that is the elimination of the problem of protecting rotating bearings from the highly abrasive lunar regolith. The same system that would produce levitation could also produce motion, so there would be no need for moving parts as such. I have to wonder at what their idea is that would require such elaborate surface infrastructure.
"... the elimination of the problem of protecting rotating bearings from the highly abrasive lunar regolith."
A legitimate point. But with no atmosphere to hold and carry dust to rotating parts, that should be a small concern, and easily overcome by proper seals.
Not by the Apollo astronauts, for whom it was a problem. They were trying to seal stationary surfaces. I understand some progress has been made, but sealing rotating surfaces is not an easy job.
To be fair, it's not NASAs job to fix anything on earth.
But that would involve calling corrupt local and state Governments to account. Not to mention the Unions and Private Companies charged with preforming the Maintenance on and Running the trains and rail systems.
Easier to distract people with moon trains.
They should put the California Speed Train committee in charge of it so we can be sure the money won't be wasted.
"Throw Up Your Hands and Raise Your Voice! Monorail! Monorail! Monorail!"
The lizzid people aliens living inside the moon may not like a train being built on their mega-structure
•.¸¸.•´´¯`••..•Now get in the back of the train and eat your bug jelly
Totally agree. Much needs done here to improve our infrastructure and bring zero point energy into our daily lives. Do that first, then we'll talk about the moon.
Oil tankers. Liquid moves and keeps moving forward when the train rounds a curve. Added weight and stress lead to derailments.
Answer... pipe lines.
A bridge to nowhere comes to mind.
I think it is now BEYOND obvious how NASA has always been about funneling money to dark projects. They are movie makers and story tellers.
Remember, if the moon can't be reached due to the firmament... think of how special and purposeful you are. Gods children. No limitless space for you to travel, but wonderous sights to see and dream about. Stars aren't there to visit, they are there to inspire. We yearn to have our pure spirits lifted into the sky and shine just as bright, watching over on the world below.
Not obvious because not substantiated. I have been a NASA-watcher all my life, and cannot recall any "dark project" being conducted by NASA. The CIA and the USAF have been the agents of classified activities.
And the Moon has been reached, repeatedly, by several nations, as can be confirmed by telescopic observation. Think more of God's injunction for humanity to be the stewards of His Creation.
From what i hear these people need to figure out how to go to the moon first.
One has to go to the moon first, to build train tracks. What about fake lunar landings? Fix our roads, bridges, train/subway transportation first. Clean up graffiti and roadside trash, condoms, needles, feces and street people/tents first. The state of our nation and specifically our cities is a crime.