I don't like being referred to as someone who "guessed correctly". There was no guessing on my part, and I'm pretty sure there were very few of us here who were guessing. I made the decisions I made based on cold hard facts and evidence that convinced me the whole thing was political bullshit. It was scary to observe that so many people willingly believed everything their magic TV box told them.
I knew the day I saw Chinese people collapsing in the street it was all a show. I knew for certain when no one could question the virus or anything to do with what the "experts" said. Many of us recognized right away that it all had a very scripted feel; the only virus that had constant advertising with the stupid spike ball logo and a slogan to match... "We're in this together".
The Chinese people collapsing was a huge red pill. We were in a trade war with China (which we should have been). The videos from China were 100% fear porn.
I agree. There was no need to guess when they told us how and what they were going to do through things like Lockstep and Event 201. It was all out in the open if you wanted to see it.
Exactly, just because no one wanted to look at the proof we had “I don’t want to see anything you found on the internet” my father said to me. I told him and the rest of my family to stay away from these shots and now all of them are dead (except my dad but he’s slowly deteriorating) my family (wife, kids) is healthy because they trusted me
Just want to point out that right before Cuomo said he was taking ivermectin, it was revealed RFK Jr had a brain worm. How long until people put it all together?
Interesting - everything he said about the experts getting it wrong was correct, and then, his punchline - Biden good, Trump bad. That’s all his diatribe was leading up to, and that will be the takeaway by the sheep who listen to him. Clown.
is he forgetting about the med ships that Trump sent to both the East and West coasts to help with "overwhelming" hospitals? Maher needs to do more research or stop lying.
This is them just pivoting so you forget. Just like when they pivoted from "You WILL NOT get Covid if you take this vaccine" to "You might still get Covid but it WILL BE less severe" etc.
To this day I still have friends that don't believe they ever said the vaccine would do anything other than minimize symptoms.
"you won't get Covid, and you will be killing others if you don't take the shot."
You are experiencing the slow transformation of reality that ends with: "I was saying it's dangerous all along. Why didn't you speak up if you knew so much?!"
I've been at this a long time, and I'm familiar with twisted brain syndrome. All the lecherous bastards are starting the process now that their heinous actions are being brought into the light.
my dumbass sister still believes that everytime she gets covid, it's not as bad as it could've been since she's all vaxxed and boosted. She's had covid 2 or 3 times in the past 6 months.
These aren't the only Q post mentioning him, so let's not forget who this faggot really is. I get it, the post is about backtracking what they said in the past, but let's not fool ourselves into liking Bill "Kid Love Productions" Maher for being the one to say some things we like.
These dopes who now realize the experts, and charlatans, had it wrong will more than gladly follow the next crazy advice from the same experts. They can't think for themselves.
the experts and charlatans lied. they knew the plan was death. the dopes haven't recognized the plan is still to kill them. its a major function of gullibility. mr redshoes maher is a shepherd of death, he also knows the plan was and is death.
I don't like being referred to as someone who "guessed correctly". There was no guessing on my part, and I'm pretty sure there were very few of us here who were guessing. I made the decisions I made based on cold hard facts and evidence that convinced me the whole thing was political bullshit. It was scary to observe that so many people willingly believed everything their magic TV box told them.
...add NPR to the propagators of the ' covid scam ' too
Exactly. And I haven't forgotten about this demon's red shoes either.
I knew the day I saw Chinese people collapsing in the street it was all a show. I knew for certain when no one could question the virus or anything to do with what the "experts" said. Many of us recognized right away that it all had a very scripted feel; the only virus that had constant advertising with the stupid spike ball logo and a slogan to match... "We're in this together".
The Chinese people collapsing was a huge red pill. We were in a trade war with China (which we should have been). The videos from China were 100% fear porn.
I agree. There was no need to guess when they told us how and what they were going to do through things like Lockstep and Event 201. It was all out in the open if you wanted to see it.
Exactly, just because no one wanted to look at the proof we had “I don’t want to see anything you found on the internet” my father said to me. I told him and the rest of my family to stay away from these shots and now all of them are dead (except my dad but he’s slowly deteriorating) my family (wife, kids) is healthy because they trusted me
Bingo. Operation Warp Speed = force the DS to play out their hand
Ignoring covid was the right solution. Treat it like the cold or flu.
Just want to point out that right before Cuomo said he was taking ivermectin, it was revealed RFK Jr had a brain worm. How long until people put it all together?
and what kills parasites? Ivermectin. Was RFK Jr. prescribed Ivermectin? Probably.
Note however, prescribe does not mean ivermectin is a "prescription drug". It is NOT. No scrip required to get it.
Interesting - everything he said about the experts getting it wrong was correct, and then, his punchline - Biden good, Trump bad. That’s all his diatribe was leading up to, and that will be the takeaway by the sheep who listen to him. Clown.
Right. “We blew Covid out of proportion, we exaggerated its severity…so Trump is bad because he didn’t treat it like a big deal!”
Notice the photo of Toobin they used had him in front of the FX logo (close to Fox) and not the CNN logo.
is he forgetting about the med ships that Trump sent to both the East and West coasts to help with "overwhelming" hospitals? Maher needs to do more research or stop lying.
I still think these two commies up are up to something nefarious.
They are DS tools, and I will never trust them....
Maher wears red shoes and is in the red shoe club.
His father is Hugh Hefner. That’s a deep rabbit hole.
And if what we believe about the RSC is true, there is no redemption for Maher. The only thing he should pray for is a quick, painless death.
He is a piece of shit and shouldn't even be allowed on TV. prison at the least for the pedophile.
This is them just pivoting so you forget. Just like when they pivoted from "You WILL NOT get Covid if you take this vaccine" to "You might still get Covid but it WILL BE less severe" etc.
To this day I still have friends that don't believe they ever said the vaccine would do anything other than minimize symptoms.
"you won't get Covid, and you will be killing others if you don't take the shot."
You are experiencing the slow transformation of reality that ends with: "I was saying it's dangerous all along. Why didn't you speak up if you knew so much?!"
I've been at this a long time, and I'm familiar with twisted brain syndrome. All the lecherous bastards are starting the process now that their heinous actions are being brought into the light.
my dumbass sister still believes that everytime she gets covid, it's not as bad as it could've been since she's all vaxxed and boosted. She's had covid 2 or 3 times in the past 6 months.
He said we “guessed”?.. sorry bill, we’re just not government boot licking fucking retards.
“Dinno” is different from deliberate deception
Maher submitted...
These aren't the only Q post mentioning him, so let's not forget who this faggot really is. I get it, the post is about backtracking what they said in the past, but let's not fool ourselves into liking Bill "Kid Love Productions" Maher for being the one to say some things we like.
He’s part of the clean up crew. Fuck this profiteering asshat.
These dopes who now realize the experts, and charlatans, had it wrong will more than gladly follow the next crazy advice from the same experts. They can't think for themselves.
Deep truth right there !!!!
the experts and charlatans lied. they knew the plan was death. the dopes haven't recognized the plan is still to kill them. its a major function of gullibility. mr redshoes maher is a shepherd of death, he also knows the plan was and is death.
So on point ! I’m waiting with out patience lol !
This guy wears red shoes. I don’t trust him.