Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Trump plane passing over Charlotte Motor Speedway. I don’t follow Nascar anymore but I do still admire the attitude of the fans and some teams. (Long story why I don’t follow & not important.)
Listen to the crowd cheer for Trump
Got my third glass 5-gal carboy from Italy finally. One more on the way. I put handles on them and then fill with distilled water that has been re-mineralized with mineral pack. Storing them for emergency water.
Working my own water distiller system and then testing water purity afterwards. Input is double-filtered tap water: RV filter attached to sink waterline and then Berkey charcoal+flouride filtration system. Testing several ways before I optimize. Glass is best for longterm water storage to avoid microplastic leaching.
If the water goes to 💩 I guess I’ll have to learn to like beer. Hopefully someone will make some rum or something.
Very true! I’ve never tried moonshine even the legal moonshines. Don’t know what I’m scared of I drank Everclear back in the day. That’s illegal in many states. I rarely drink maybe a non lime margarita on the rocks a few times a year from a Mexican restaurant. I made the comment because 100s of years ago the beer was safer than water in Europe.
I have been listening to a bunch of videos regarding the Trump rally in the Bronx. There are a lot that indicate there's something moving toward a political earthquake. This video gives a surprising picture of what's bubbling beyond the Bronx. I think it's a great piece of hopium, and don't be afraid of the titles. The video is no way beyond the pale.
https://youtube.com/@survivingthephuckery?feature=shared. (Click on the Trump video)
Great stuff! Beginning of Trump “Blue State Tour”? NJ, NY so far. IL, CA, OR, WA, and swamp backyard VA on deck? He needs a Maine visit as well, just to rub it in Bush RINO faces.
Great video, thanks for sharing.
They just put out another one. Somethings going on.
I went outside about two minutes come back in a feel something on my neck. A tiny gnat feasting on me. When I was a child gnats didn’t bite. They would worry the hell out of you and you looked like an idiot waving your hand at the air🤣 That’s a big positive for living near the coast, a good wind will keep them off you. Don’t get me started on the no see ems. Yeah that’s a real bug worse than skeeters.
I have prior year gnat bites that still flare up and itch. There are three on my thigh from just one feast that still itch periodically from three years ago. They linger whereas the mosquito bites are pretty bad for two or three days and then they’re done.
Oh wow that’s horrible. I bet an essential oil would cure them. There’s so many I don’t which one. I’ll do some research. It’s almost like they left a virus in the bites. About ten years ago after a hurricane came through the mosquitos were worse than usual. Maybe they blew in from the Caribbean. My upper arm itched for six months. I finally went to the dermatologist they said my nerves irritated. I was prescribed a very expensive itching lotion. It was worth every dollar!
Yellowstone National Park Roads Closed due to Cold Weather.
This can’t be true because the world has a terrible threat of global warming😆
Just watched President Trump at the Libertarian National Convention from last night. Fantastic speech. Nice to hear a shout out to Hung Cao, who's running in the Republican primary for US Senate in Virginia.
Couldn't figure out if there were cheers or jeers - but one thing is for sure, if Libertarians ever want to be taken seriously, they need to start acting like it, although you're not likely to find shining examples in any political party. I felt somewhat bad for Trump, but as usual he nailed them with the line regarding "if you want to keep getting 3%, then keep voting the way you do" [or something to that effect]. He could have just told them to fuck off and I don't think it would have hurt him that much.
Modern libertarians are insurgents to the original movement unfortunately, as the RNC tea party was. I'm glad he did it anyway because in reality, his most active base is OG libertarians.
True. Also like that he's very supportive of crypto and now accepting it for his campaign
East Tennessee is now in the path. About 2:30 PM here.
Thanks Mary, just got this, haven't been on for a while. We didn't get whacked as hard as others, but storms were still pretty powerful. Thanks for asking Hon.
Praying for you.
you’re welcome. I prayed right away and I’m gonna pray again right right now.
Here I am on GW for the first visit of the day. I always end up visiting a second time on Sundays looking for the Sunday Funnies. Can't resist.
Kudos to u/Uncle_Fester for doing that post each week. Good to start off the week with a chuckle or two. Meme-world is f*ing hilarious most the time.
It's a very big contribution that I enjoy myself and much appreciate
And now I'm here for the second time today and the Sunday Funnies are there! Life is good.
Do you ever wonder why our dreams are always full of people?
I've never had a dream where I was by myself for the whole dream; how about you?
Interesting thought. I’ve had such bad dreams in the past month that I won’t say the details out loud. Every dream someone in my immediate family was in. I usually dream about my grandparents that have been died ten years and some longer. I believe RX and some herbs make you dream outlandish dreams.
I’ve had one recurring dream in my life that no one was in. It was a pink sandcastle on the beach every time I got close it melted like the wicked witch in the wizard of oz. At the time I was seeing a therapist once a month. She always said you are whats happening or you are the dream. I could never wrap my head around that. One of my dreams recently there was a copperhead snake and someone was close it. I may have many faults but I’m certainly not a snake.
I had a dream two nights ago that I was with Donald and Melania Trump at special event. They were standing there getting ready to give some type of announcement. Weird.
Edit: last night, I had a dream about moving into a condo with my cousin who I swore I would never be friends with ever again. It was weird. But there was all kinds of stuff in this place ready to go. It was beautiful inside. There were all kinds of beverages, popcorn, caramel, corn, snacks, and paper cups, and plates and stuff like that. That was all in the kitchen. The rest of the home was Beautiful inside. Of course, I know that will never happen, though, cause I will never ever be friends with my cousin ever again. Never. He is A narcissistic sociopath, and it took me years to finally break free. 👏👏👏
😂😂😂 “Thank God - it’s just rando stuff”
I have. That's apparently when you reach the center of your consciousness. It's usually either due to deep depression or maximum equilibrium and peace, which unfortunately is extremely difficult to obtain the latter. It's said that's the state when you are close to crossing over or reaching a different dimension, so the dark side of it really has felt like I have left this world before. But most of the time yes there is people. Contrary to popular belief, highly active REM sleep or lucid dreaming is very exhausting, I can observe the passing of time when I'm asleep and know inside the dream what time it is approximately
I never seem to remember my dreams. They disappear from memory right as I wake up.
This is me. It’s very rare that I remember a dream.
I have dreamed about doing calculus all night.
Okay, you asked for it - if you're having dreams like that, you obviously don't know your limits - 🤣😂
The hilarity approaches infinity.
Sounds like a nightmare
Felt like a nightmare kek
Ephesians 5:11-14 - Expose what is hidden in the dark. https://www.bible.com/bible/59/EPH.5.ESV
Mark 4:39-41
In life, people often find themselves amidst a storm. And even being believers in Christ, they are frightened. What peace it is to know He is right there, quieting the wind and the waves as they buffet our tiny boat.
Just watched a documentary on Alfred Kinsey.
could use prayers
Yikes 😬
Why? Because they’re all pedophiles. if people knew how many actual pedophiles were out there, they would never make it.
Yes, I agree with you, especially about the mental breakdown of kids. Even if they’re not sexually exploited and violated, their mind is being attacked daily. Tough times ahead, however, the election is not that far away… And by God’s grace Trump will be our president again in 2025 - hopefully his presidency will turn things around for this country and for many of the children who are being abused.
Prayers on the way fern.
Thank you <3 I almost feel guilty for wanting the stuff I heard on there out of my mind, the victims have it far worse
Yes I didn't watch it for that reason.
Its been a bumpy road this year - trying to find my sobriety and get God back into my life. Went to AA again tonight (2nd time since my relapse, good to see familiar faces that welcomed me home) and setting an alarm so i dont miss Church tomorrow.
We can pray for guidance but in the end our life is the result of our actions.
I kept myself safe in early sobriety by going to meetings almost every night, and I live in a rural area, so it took up a couple of hours in the commute. I don't care what anyone says, AA worked for me. I did not trust myself to be alone or not busy, I would go to work, come home, take care of my dogs, and then head out for a meeting. I volunteered to make the coffee at one of my favorite meetings every Tuesday night for a year! I don't listen to people who say it is a cult. Alcohol was my cult. I was a functioning alcoholic but a drunk none the less. I made lifelong friends, I did not go to places that had booze, including family holidays for a few years. God was right there to help me, and I found HIM again in the rooms, 34 years ago. Yes, there were slips, it was okay, I got back in there and recommitted. The thing to strive for is to be humble, booze gives us false security and what we think is courage to get through things. It is a lie. One day at a time, sometimes it's one hour at a time. God has all the power you need in your life.
idle hands truly are the devils the devil's workshop
Praying for you fren. Sobriety is not an easy goal but it will definitely be worth it. I was addicted to meth and heroin so I can understand your struggle. I honestly think alcohol night be the toughest because it's sold everywhere and socially ok for most people. Prayer and helping others really helped me. Keep at it fren. It's a journey. It does get easier though. Feel free to reach out if you need a fren to vent to. I'm willing to be there for you however you need
yeah man every relapse ive had is because i had to go to walmart for my groceries and they put the water in the same fuckin isle as the beer. it always starts with those cans of the cheladas (beer + tomato juice) and once you let the trojan horse into the base - its war.
I'm glad you picked yourself up and got back on the wagon, fren.
It's either that or might as well just jump off a cliff. Doctor in the hospital this week basically told me "keep drinking, or die. it's up to you"
I'm glad you're choosing life. And pray. Jesus is the best friend you'll ever have and He's good to turn to in tough times.
One foot in front of the other, fren. One day at a time.
one foot in front of the other sure beats one foot in the grave
hey that said, this song is called One Foot In The Grave and I love it, listened to it on many dark days to find a little light. hope you enjoy fren <3