Libs Of Tiktok taking a pulse after the verdict. The energy is extremely high in the comment section!
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I especially like this comment
And this one has a good analysis using baseball analogy.
Voting Trump at the top of the ballot, and MAGA down the rest of the ballot
I don't care if I have to write him in.
This may be the strategy if States take him off the ballot, because “a felon” …
There was a successful “write in” campaign for Lisa Mukowski in Alaska when we voted her ass out in the primary against Joe Miller. If we turn the tide to write in Trump, like Alaska did Murkowski, we have precedence set there aleady too. But there is always water leaks and ballots destroyed, etc…
I am just praying Jesus comes soon.
This trial is proving to be an excellent red-pill opportunity,
anyone else purrrrfectly comfy??
The energy on this board says it all!
It sure didn't seem like it in the minutes after the news broke, but thankfully we came to our senses.
Or we got swarmed with shills spiking the football. Seen that happen.
There has been a noticeable uptick in shills since the Israel shit popped off
Astute observation anon.
real people with bot behaaviour and 4 am talking points and undeniable support for IL
I sure am... been waiting for this precedent to be
Anyone else eating popcorn? Kek
Friend texted me the news and I just responded with First Time? Meme
I'm gonna buy some popcorn on my way home from work tonight for sure!
Lol, perfect🐸👌
Energy over 9000 for me but I am always high on hopium.
Truth is that emotionally and logically I am already there while I am just waiting for the rest of them to catch up and awaken.
closeup right now: u/#mjpopcorn
Fuck no. Go Trump!
Never expected anything less than a total exposure of the systems corruption. And then there is the awesome precedence they just set.
I haven't noticed much change in the libs i know. They are celebrating tonight.
Yeah they are bc they think they killed Trumps presidency so they won’t have their secrets exposed. Little do they know it’s gonna make him stronger and quadruple his voters.
Let they/them have their hollow victory,
It will come back to bite them once Biden lets China take over Taiwan
I wholeheartedly agree
PDJT's eventual victory will be that much more sweet, fren.
Thanks for posting. I loved the comments!!!!!!!
Just like America has the deepstate factions vs the people, same is true for Israel too. There is a reason why Israel is being saved for the last. Those who hastily jump to conclusions simply because Trump says nice things about Israel or vice versa are knee-jerk reacting.
They know it doesn’t. There must be something else in store.
Can someone explain to me how he will be allowed to run if he has been convicted as a felon or if they put him in jail? I'm confused
The United States Constitution doesn't say he cant
The constitution only has 3 requirements to be president. Be age 35+, a natural born citizen, and been a resident of the US for 14 years.