Ok - I have been here for three years, and collectively I really don’t understand the whole Q thing. The other day I made an off-topic comment, and I was banned for one day. The question the Mods had for me, was…
Do I belong here? OR Do I want to be here?
Now that I’m back, I have sincere questions! I would like to learn more about this, and hopefully people can answer me with integrity instead of making fun of me. I would like to better understand Q and how to decipher information!
(Also - I’m hoping this line of questioning may open up communication to other Anons, who may be too shy or embarrassed to ask. With the latest verdict on Trump, I think we may have more traffic here)
• What I “Think” I Know -
I know that there is a group of people behind the scenes, referred to as Q or the White Hats, that are working towards the betterment of society worldwide - but with a main focus on America?
I know there is Q - and there are Anons - BUT there is NO QAnon. That term was created by MSM to discredit the movement?
I know there is such a thing as a Q Post - and there’s somewhere you can go to look things up. Q has not posted for ~ 2 years now? However; I don’t know where to find this information.
I know that a Delta is a post that lines up with the same date, but was posted years ago. OR a post that aligns with a specific time - like; 8:05 pm = Q Post 805?
When I see a post with a bunch of lines and circles in different colors, I generally pass it up because I don’t understand what any of it means. I find it quite confusing.
I don’t know anything about the Q clock, or diagram that looks like some type of a timeline OR the debt Clock - that so many post about.
If there’s something else I need to know, please let me know. I want to have a better understanding of the topic. Also - if anything I posted above is incorrect please provide me an explanation.
Please and Thank You in Advance 🙏
Side-note: After typing all of this out I’ve realized that my lack of understanding has caused me to be cynical. Hopefully you all can help me remedy this.
Thanks for being honest with us - we want to welcome new folks into the Anon fold! Your post makes me realize that we need a "Newby's" folder here in GAW, stickied so new folks can find it and start their research.
I know there are anons who have put together parts and pieces of just such an introduction. If you have something to contribute, would you post it here? And mods, would you create a permanent home for this information? Thanks!
I second a "Newbie" folder or some sort of research/information sources
A more in your face resources section with a kind of primer and homework section wouldn't go amiss.
agree, and have thought many times how to make a proper Q study guide, aimed at 5th grade level. I find that's a good meeting spot for important information. make it too complicated and they shut down. And if smart people want to move on, they have an understanding they can easily share.
I think more than anything else, we need to remember what Q said, trust the plan. We know the good guys, the white hats, are in control. Nothing is happening that they aren't allowing to play out. Many days I feel discouraged by what I hear in the news, but I know at the end of the day that even if he isn't official in office, Donald J Trump will always be my president.
Thanks for the welcome. I know I’ve been here a long time, but I was challenged to learn more.
I’ve taken the challenge 👏👏👏
Did you ever check out the Q for Dummies series, or get a better handle on this?
I still don’t understand the Q Clock, or fully understand how connections are made in timestamps to posts, it seems like a lot of people play fast and loose with it, rather than there being a definite set of rules laid out by the team themselves.
Did find a clear delta comm the other day on my own, though!
How did you even find this post. Eight months old. I agree I would like more information. Crumbs aren’t enough for me.
Was looking for an old comment of mine last night and stumbled into this one.
Surprised there aren’t more comments on years old posts than there are.
Because traffic has been driven away from this forum. 🙃😔
It was never driven to here, you can’t force most major search engines to show this site. 😁
That has its pluses.
I mean I’m surprised more active users don’t do that. I search for things fairly often as part of digs.
No, I mean that there are certain people here who are driving long time users away from this site. That’s all I’m gonna say.
A manual, a glossary of GAW-speak, and a FAQ. And the whole thing written in plain language, not in a way that alienates
What a good idea. A place like this would also serve as a place for pedes who’ve been here a while to find links/resources quickly to assist in red pilling others.
Go here - https://qalerts.app/ - start from the first drop and read through all of them to the last drop. Q's drops are in descending order so you'll have to go to the first drop (#1) which was dropped Oct. 28, 2017. Don't pay any attention to the dates Q uses inside the drops. It's the dates in the timestamp that "may" matter. Keep in mind that Q does use disinformation at times ("disinformation necessary"). This is because anons aren't the only ones reading the drops, the deep state reads them tool. Also, for that same reason, keep in mind that "future proves past". That's why you can't use Q's drops to predict (date fag). You know when it happens that Q told us. That's why an anon needs to be familiar with the drops. Q told us numerous times to "reread drops". If you take the time to read them all you'll have a much better grasp of things posted here.
There is a button at the top right to change the order of the posts.
Yes I noticed that and I’ve switched it to the beginning of 2017. I already have questions… but I’m gonna wait until I get through a few posts, so I get a better understanding.
Thanks for the tip.
If you're going to go through them, feel free to ask us questions on things you don't understand. In fact, it may help others and myself to understand more, a lot of us haven't looked at the early drops in a long time.
Actually I was thinking about going through the drops, and if I find when I don’t understand, posting it here and asking questions. So thanks for the suggestion and the confirmation. it’s gonna take me a while to go through it, and I will have questions because I do my research 🧐
another good way, and I think helps get the big picture, is to search by Q catchphrases...God Wins, read the Bible, Trust the Plan, etc. it will fill in the themes & then the individual drops make more sense.
This is a great idea.
You’re welcome, fren!
Thanks. I should have mentioned that.
Thanks so much. I’m adding this to a thread off-line, so I have everything in one place. 🙏
Edit: I am keeping this tab open In my browser… this is going to take me a while. 😂😂😂
This, egg-zactly.
You may find some of your questions answered here
Thank you so much. I’ve added that to my thread. It’s gonna take me a while to get through all the stuff. I wanted to save it off-line just in case
I was also going to post this. I've been fallowing the badlands Q for dummies as a refresher and think it would be great for newbies!
I am not surprised. But we have a community here that’s even better.
They don’t like it when you criticize Alex Jones either. 😂😂😂
They are full of anger, bitterness, and resentment. I totally get it, because I used to be there. Sometimes it seeps into my comments here as well, but without Hope, that’s all you’re left with… misery!
This place has Hope! That’s the difference!
Hopefully they’ll wake up one day. we can continue to pray for them. Also, we know the community has been infiltrated with feds, so part of that angst is Propagated.
Historical note. PDW comes from the old Reddit sub that could not be controlled or stopped r/The_Donald
Q posts were frequently discussed & shared there. It was an exciting time. I only casually followed after pedes dropped Q info they saw on the chans & o would go look after the fact.
I should have gotten active at that time & learned as other original Anons did during the drops instead of lurking & learning on the side.
Yep, I left that site on Jan 6th because of all the dooming.
Username checks out 🐸
"The ship's bell of the Eye of the Wind serves as an acoustic signal during foggy weather, and it also indicates the lenght (sic) of the chain during an anchoring manoeuver (sic). In the old days the bell was also used to indicate the time of day. In one scene of the Hollywood-movie "White Squall" this bell with its engraving WHERE WE GO ONE - WE GO ALL plays an important role. In the audio file you hear the spoken words "Where we go one - we go all" and two double-chimes of the bell. Striking the bell that way means either 2 o'clock, 6 o'clock or 10 o'clock. It also indicates that the shift for the watch in command is halfway over."
Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/g662f8/bell_from_the_honey_fitz_not_so_much/ (sorry... best sauce from the dbag sector)
I see that the mods have already established a "Resources" file in the sidebar. I would work my way through the articles, videos and comments listed there as a way to start your orientation. Welcome!
I don’t use a computer. How would I find that on my cell phone?
To find resources on the sidebar:
Tap on the blue bar on the top of the site under the GAW Q logo
This will cause the sidebar to appear, you can now scroll down to the resources section
I had to click to the far left on that "blue bar" which is actually a gradient of blue and red.
(To the left of your username) is a better description of where to click.
And you have to be on the home page. (click the Q logo at the top)
Those are much better instructions, thanks fren!
Thanks I found it. Much appreciated.
ruh roh;)
No wonder you're a bit confused...a laptop or some way to read multiple images would help. but some people prefer not to use them. keep asking though, sure the technology frens will have answers.
Another Anon rep replied, and I guess it on the top right corner press on the search glass. Wow I found so much stuff 🤩
Tapping the blue bar at the far left works well.
Another way is by turning your phone sideways from portrait to panorama and then tap the looking glass icon at the top right corner.
The image of DJT will appear, so now scroll down to your heart's content.
Enjoy, fren!
Thx 🙏
Good question. I don't know the answer. Hopefully another anon can tell you.
Thanks for the support.
Sidebar on mobile: press the top right search button
Thx 🙏
Edit : WOW - I never even knew all that stuff was there. Lots of info thank you so much.
Here's my take: i don't fully understand the Q posts.. i have looked over them and consider them from time to time, and i think we'll only be able to say for certain in hindsight. But I've been more of a great awakening person, red-pilling for almost 40 years. around 2019/2020 it just so happened the Q and Great Awakening collided, and now we're together going forward because we both have same aims: The truth.
Begin with 9/11 Truth Movement - into Occupy Wall Street / Anonymous Mivements … Gamer Gate — Pizza Gate //- Chans and VOAT…. Arrive at Q…
I’m fully aware of 9/11 & pizza gate.
Overtime I’ve learned a little bit about gamer gate - but that’s because I’ve been here on GAW and I’ve seen other posts. But I don’t 100% understand it. Also I also don’t invest in the stock market, so my interest is minimal. But I still think it matters so I do read some of the posts.
I have a vague understanding of Occupy Wall Street, which I believe was the Obama era beginning of antifa and BLM being more out in the open and financed by Soros. That has snowballed into I guess what you would call the free Palestine uprising in America. I also think these movements have been brewing in the academia institutions, through the brainwashing and psychological operation over the past 20 years - but more so under Obama’s color, revolution and so-called free college.
I think VOAT is no more - well at least regarding Q. And I don’t dare to go onto the chans - for my own sanity. 😂😂😂
Gamer gate isn't related to GME or anything. In fact, I have to look it up to remember what it is now.
Here is one source. Not sure how accurate reddit is, if anyone else knows a better source please provide.
Big thing un-covered ASTRO-TURFING by M$.. (paid employees,, - promoting “games” sponsored by Microsoft. As if grass roots .. but fake & gay.. hence — ASTROTUFERS)
Thanks for the info… I just glancing over it, it just sounds like everything else in the world. Sex, and money equals power.
However; I think the gaming community is a multi billion dollar corporation. I’m not really into it, I think I play Mario kart that’s it, but it’s much bigger than I could ever imagine.
I’m not surprised that it’s corrupted every other institution in the world. 😬
Thx Mods - 🙏 I’m already finding this very helpful.
Lol - You've found the beginning of a lifelong obsession! Welcome.
You're not alone on these lol. Most anons get the same reactions. There are a few graphics with the lines that are done succinctly and can be followed - try not to skip those. But if it looks like the meme from Always Sunny in Philidelphia, yeah, skip that shit
If you wanna read the Q posts go to https://qagg.news
If you wanna see the current anon boards go to https://8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html and look for the active (not locked) thread. It should be titled "Q Research General #{number}: Blah Blah Blah Edition" and have some variant of the Iwo Jima flags meme. I sugguest you don't make any replies on there though, just lurk. For a long time. Until you know what's going on. And never type your name, email, etc.
(you will no doubt see much shilling on there...try to not get discouraged, because that's their goal)
Thanks for the information. I put it into my thread so I can go through and look at all the information and systematically do my research. Much appreciated.
u/Winn this is for you too. I ignore more than half of those circles & lines posts. Many newer Anons are trying to draw conclusions to things that may or may not be related to Q drops. Throwing a bag or darts & hoping to hit the board so to speak.
In the earlier days (still only basically understand the process) bakers (groups of truth seekers) on the chans would go over info & data looking for connections & with hundreds or thousands of individuals looking at the same problem, the cream came to the top so to speak (I broke the metaphor already. I think good data/info would rise to the top). Give it a day or so to be verified & boom you had bread with easy to follow crumbs back to what was really happening because there were so many coincidences that it was mathematically impossible to just a a coincidence.
The circles & lines were to help connect information that was found in separate data sets/pics, though proved patterns.
I believe you will find many circle/line pics in the Q Proofs PDF & maybe link on the sidebar IIRC (if I recall correctly) that will make much more sense of this.
Very few Anons on this board can do what those original diggers (& top shelf diggers of those original Anons) could do with the data sets. They simply are doing their best with the understanding they have. This isn't to say they should stop, though without Q to verify if the direction that info is directing other Anons, they really can get confusing.
fresh from the kun 😅
It looks interdasting but
When I see one of them posted without a textual narration in the comments I will try to glance over it and see what is being connected but if it seems irrelivent or seems like I'll have to dig "the dig" just to figure out what they're talking about I just keep it moving. Factor in aspects which matter not (imo) such as Gematria or "loose deltas" and it becomes less and less important to me. People take the 'tism too far just to try and make things fit, into the realm of tweeking like a crackhead lol
"take the 'tism too far"
verbal silver that will likely come in super handy:
Dude, that's taking the 'tism too far, bro!
His 'tism has just gone off the cliff....
He just stretched the 'tism like it was pair of spandex bike shorts
and so forth. Love it.
My favorite:
he's got a touch of the 'tism...
yw <3
Howdy. I'm just gonna slap a response here before reading through ALL of the comments, so there may be some overlap, but I hope my comment is helpful.
Firstly, thank you for posting and congratulations for being up front and open about your sense of not understanding. This is a good post.
Secondly, I would first like to emphasize a perspective that I think is really, really helpful when engaging with Q and the Great Awakening: There is an external great awakening, where we learn about and wake up to the reality of the mechanisms that evil has been using to enslave and suppress the people of the world, and there is a parallel internal great awakening, where we become increasingly aware of the patterns, habits, attitudes, concepts and limiting beliefs we experience internally which evil uses to keep our God-given nature suppressed and limited. The former aspect is an intellectual one, the latter is a spiritual (or 'mental' for some) one.
These two aspects develop best when they go hand in hand. The fact that you can post this post indicates that you are working on both levels, so that's a good sign (imo).
Next, to your questions. Note that on some (some) of these, there is a variation in opinion among different anons. That variation of opinion is a natural thing, as what is really important in advancing the awakening process is learning to think for ourselves and formulate our positions and views consciously. So while there may be some disagreement, ultimately, learning to think for ourselves is the prize, and our different views can enhance and advance the collective progress towards 'truth'.
What follows is my understanding. Hopefully some or all of this will resonate for you, and can aid you in your quest for a better personal understanding of Q.
"The White hats" generally refers openly to "the good guys". The reference depends on the context: in the worldwide concept, it means, yes, a collective of people working to the betterment if not liberation of society. I would not say its a specific 'group' as there will be many groups and organizations, and not all of them will know each other. So, it's a 'collective'. To me, there are the Earth bound White Hats, working in each nation and cooperating internationally, but they are essentially guided and supported by the 'heavenly' aka spiritual 'white hats', that is, those spiritual forces in pursuit of God's will for humanity.
In terms of the Great Awakening, generally, the White Hats refers to the core collective that facilitated and promoted the election of DJT and organized the Plan that DJT is part of, to recover and restore America and destroy the Cabal and Deep State.
Q is an operation of the White Hats, not the White Hats themselves. The Q team is a specific team organized by the White Hats to execute the "Q Plan", which primarily involved putting information and interaction online in order to mobilize patriots, anons and researchers to a) become aware of the reality of the Deep State and Cabal and b) form a worldwide, interactive collective of patriots, anons and researchers that could advance the information war as foot soldiers and infantry in response to the 'brass' aka the Q team representing the White Hats.
The Q team then is a sub-group of the White Hats: not all white hats are involved in the Q operation, but the Q operation is intended to bring about wide public support for the goals and efforts of the white hats.
Not all white hats are focused on the USA but the USA has THE key role to play in the overall move towards a liberated world, and so yes, there is a strong focus or concentration of White Hats moves in the US.
Opinions differ, but many will agree with me that the expression "qanon" was NOT created by the MSM. Rather, it naturally evolved out of the chans where Q was posting, where it was common practice for certain anons to be given identifiers: FBIanon, Hollywoodanon, etc. So when Q posted, Q became referred to as Qanon. For the first few years of the Q operation, "qanon" was widely used by patriots and anons to refer to Q and connect with each other.
However, as the operation progressed, ideas and assertions emerged that conflicted with or arose from something other than Q's own activities: you might call them rumors, or plain out psyops. One dude came out saying he was Q and was from the future, and gained a sizable following. Other people began asserting that JFK junior was alive and interacting with the Awakening, and would emerge to blow open the lies of the Cabal and even become Trump's VP! Neither of these sub-movements originated in Q, but rather from 'anons' that developed their own sub-movements.
These are two examples, but there are numerous others. (Some of them may even have been deep state sponsored.) The MSM propaganda machine then used these non-Q theories and ideas and nutty concepts (for example) as ways to attack Q and deceive the public into thinking that what was NOT Q was in fact Q, and they used the "Qanon" label to do this.
So, ultimately, the Deep State hijacked the expression "Qanon" and made it into something it was originally not, and has been using that to tell the public their own distorted and misleading version of what Q and the Great Awakening are.
So by the end of the Q posting period (in October 2020), it became necessary for Q to draw the clear distinction between the Q team "Q"& on one hand and "anons", who had their own ideas and thinking, on the other.
So the term was not created to discredit the movement, but rather, the term was hijacked and a false concept of Q was attached to it to discredit the movement (and Q).
They are not called "Q posts" but rather "Q drops". As in "Q dropped this information".
My favorite got-to site for checking or reading the Q drops is qanon.pub. You can see all the drops in sequence, either from the lastest down to the first, or (by clicking on an appropriate arrow) from the first down to the last. qanon.pub was created in March of 2018.
That's not actually true. A 'delta' is the numerical distance between two points, most frequently between two points in time. For example, if Q makes a drop at 2:23 pm and Potus makes a tweet at 2:26 pm the same day, that is a delta of "3 minutes".
The deltas between Q drops and Potus tweets were one of the first means that Q used to show how closely Q and potus (Q+) were cooperating. The one minute deltas (where Q posts first) became a big deal and in one case, "Dan" (who anons believe to refer to Dan Scavino) was blamed by Q for a missed "several seconds" delta. It was a fun remark and brought a lot of smiles to anons.
Later, sometimes correlations between the time or date of certain Q drops and events that happened at similar time or date were seen as 'deltas' and some anons drew significance from these things. For example, if a Q drop was posted on May 5, 2018 and then something that appears to correlate to that happened or was reported on May 5 in 2020, or 2022, etc, the 'delta' was 2 years, or 4 years, etc.
The significance between the two events - The Q drop and its contents & the event or incident that later happened - are speculative, with the level of significance that people assign to the connections varying from no connection to very big connection. But 'delta' refers to the numerical distance between two events.
When someone draws a connection between a Q post that was made at 2:16 on X day and something that happens on 16th of February, that is NOT a delta, but something completely different. It is a numerical correlation, not a delta. It is a numerical similarity that is given significance or which someone asserts is meaningful.
Another similar correlation that someone makes might be "DJT's add was 1 minute and 56 seconds long" and "Q drop number #156 talks about the exact same thing". That's also not a delta, but a numerical similarity.
Since Q stopped posting, all sorts of people assign all sorts of interpretations to these and other correlations, but personally, I think many, if not most of the correlations aren't really important or significant. However, the original "Deltas" between Q drops and Potus tweets were a very important part of creating evidence or "proofs" that showed that Q is legit and bona fide and not just some random larper.
Some one, two, three, four, five year deltas between Q drops and some very significant events seem to indicate that certain future events were predicted or planned by the White hats. But again, a LOT of the conclusions that people draw are speculative, as opposed to proven.
You are not the only one. Some people seem to love these. I generally find a good number of them unconvincing, as I have to ask "What is the purpose?" of the connections. The original connections like deltas had a very important purpose of proving that Q is legit, but I'm not sure how many of the connections people draw in the past few years have a reasonable purpose. Trump has given plenty of indicators over the past several years that he is still Q+ and that anons should hold the line.
I don't know anything either, really. I never felt drawn to it and any time I viewed it, or discussions of it, I didn't feel it resonate, so it's not part of my Q understanding.
Apologies for the length of the replies. I hope it's not too wordy. If you think it is, let me know, and I'll attempt a much briefer, streamline response of the same things.
I think this is a good post and I'm glad the mods stickied it. I'm sure it will bring out a lot of helpful info from the board both for you and for others.
This is a perfect response IMO. Thank you for laying it out in a way that educates with context & your own understanding.
Something Anons need to understand (especially new Anons) is that each of us individually are just as important as any other Anon. Each of us are just doing out best to learn & understand how best to stop the Deep State/Cabal/Secret Combinations in their tracks with information & education.
Again thank you for this response & I always appreciate your well thought out comments.
Shi shi
Thank you for taking the time to give me a reply. I really do appreciate yours. I think it was one of the best, because it cleared up a couple things that I was unsure on. I needed to wait till today to read through them all, and I wanted to get back to each one of you personally. I figured if you took the time to give me such honored reply. Reply, the least I could do was actually read it, and give you a reply as well. Thanks for the educational lesson.
Thank you How. Take your time, but your personal response is certainly also appreciated.
Seriously, it's a good post. part of the challenge of the Great Awakening - and one of its most important features - is that Q is promoting the sort of thinking that breaks down the programming of the Cabal in each of us. It's not about orthodoxy, and it isn't about accepted canon (doctrine). It's about people learning to think for themselves, and part of the process is looking at all sorts of information and views and building one's own understanding. The challenge is, there is a lot of information out there, and in here among anons and patriots, and formulating an understanding that "works for me" takes effort and sincerity.
Not everyone is actually keen to do that. Some people who consider themselves not normies (i.e. anons or awakened) still want someone else to tell them what's going on, or to find a set of beliefs that brings them comfort as a priority.
The truth should make us uncomfortable with how we are. That's the internal great awakening. I can tell you that many anons, including me, really went through the wringer in the time period Nov 3 - half way through 2021.
The period of Nov 3 to Jan 20 was nerveracking, and once Biden was inaugurated, I really had to question what the Q operation was about. It really felt like my own preconceptions of what Q was all about were challenged. In the end, I put Q stuff on the back burner for about 4 or 5 months, and refined my understanding of the plan and of Q, and came back much stronger for the challenges.
So the truth should make us uncomfortable with ourselves, but also inspire us and give us confidence about our ability to change and grow and ultimately confidence in our direction.
BTW, I'm glad I was able to clear up a few points. It's great that your humility in being open about your own sense of not understanding has inspired such a lot of great content in this thread. Also, a testimony to this community.
A blessing on your progress on this journey that we all share. Thanks for the personal reply!!!
I agree with you and I like what you say about your own personal awakening. Each one of us has to be seeking out information, sifting through it, and learning from it.
I’ve been awake for years. At least 20. I’ve gone down so many rabbit holes, and learned so much about life around us, the Cabal, and medical malfeasance.
I stumbled onto Q in 2020 - and found it fascinating, but at the same time, I really never asked questions or wanted to know a lot about it. I figure God is in control, and he’s going to do what he’s gonna do.
But I’m opening my mind up to more information now, and wanting to learn more about the movement. Ultimately… God sits on the , but that doesn’t mean that I need to be lackadaisical.
Moving onto my next journey. 🙏
Don't feel bad about being sent to your room for a day or two. It happens to the best. And although I've been with Q from nearly the start I don't know much about the Q clock. It's great to have you on board!
Thanks for the heads up. I wasn’t completely sure if the clock was actually truly affiliated with the movement - or if it was an add-on. I think I’ll just focus on the original posts at this point in time. if the clock comes up in the future, I can always ask questions here on the board. Thx Fren 🐸
As far as I know, the "Q clock" is an add-on. It's not something Q introduced, but rather, was a 'theory' and framework put forward by an anon(s) that gained some traction.
I think in the end it worked out great because it got me thinking thinking about. Why am I here? Now I know. if I’m going to be here, I need to learn more - and become a more cohesive part of the group.
Who knew 🤷♀️
I come from a rough uncensored past and I had lost sight of how visible this forum is compared to the old days. The good news is a lot of people see you the bad is you better watch what you say.
Lol, no worries, I got a ban one time for commenting back to an anon with a link to a funny Die Hard themed shirt that looked like a gun was taped to the back which I saw around Christmas & someone thought I was trying to sell it 🐸
Badlands Media has a great "Q For Dummies" series that will get you up-to-speed with the Q-posts:
Thanks I’ve added this to my thread as information I can check into. Appreciate that link to something easy clear and concise.
No problem, fren. It should provide you with a solid base for understanding how the Q-Posts work.
This post proves to me being awake is not about Q or Q research
some people are either awake or they are not, you fren are awake.
Anytime I have read your comments, replied to or interacted with you at all, not once in that time did I think "ah this person doesn't know a thing about Q"
For all I thought, you were a regular frog doing frog things...
I don't care how much about Q or whatever you know. You're an anon through and through.
Now that you are set on learning pure Q research, I don't know if we will be able to keep up with you ;)
Thanks for the compliment. I’ve been awake for years. I do a lot of research on many different topics, but a lot of them are medical related. But thanks for seeing the work I’ve put into other things. I’m gonna get on this Q train - and see where it takes me. But yes, I will be doing research. 👏👏👏
Exactly this🐸❤👌🇺🇸
keep UP with you, nest ce pas?
Great comment, btw
edited, thanks for the heads up fren
These are questions for our Highest Ranking Anon, but no one knows who that is. 🐸
There isn't, some understand more than others though due to the time they put in.
It really is as simple as just helping one another out, chipping in with ideas.
Each persons truth is different to anothers, and the lie is different at every level. .... but some day soon it will be revealed.
Thanks for saying that. It’s so funny. I was just talking to my cousin about this the other day. Sometimes you can’t tell people you just have to show them. This is the process that is frustrating, and I think causes some of my cynicism. I’m trying to grow past this - and be a more productive part of this community. 🐸
Think it is safe to say we all struggle there fren. Can't wait for the day(s) to come that all is revealed to people. Learning is the best way to become productive, soak it all up like a sponge. There are some great minds here and they shine the light on stuff that you wouldn't consider before, or help you see things from a different angle. People here are productive in all kinds of different ways, that's what makes it so great.
Learn to go with what resonates with you to. If it is new and you're not feeling comfortable with it, trust your gut and move on. Before you know it that thing will be proved correct with a bit more info, or debunked with something else. Don't expect to be told what is right and wrong, you have to consider it for yourself.
That's where we all went wrong, listening to the porkies the TV spat out at us all...we got lazy and followed those around us. ...the people here are a different breed though, they see things for what they are (probs because they have had their fingers burnt in the past by BS)...just my thoughts, I know thats my situration.
Thanks for the input. But I agree with you when leading with your gut. I’ve always had this gift of discernment, and you just know sometimes when you meet somebody, or in a situation, not right. You just know.
Thanks for the advice about not getting sucked into everything. I don’t need to know everything, I would like to learn more.
Name checks out.
Yep 👍
yep we All have to add knowledge, it's a group project, and the teacher is actually paying attention:)
there are many times I question whether I should share things, but then I remind myself that Q put the crumbs there for a reason, and we each have a niche to work from.
Hit your knees & start asking God fren. They are the highest ranking Anon 😇
For sure, fren, except God is not anonymous. Just FYI, I was referring to a post on the boards from a reporter who asked to interview the Highest Ranking Anon. /Night Shift, as I recall. We all had a field day with that one, KEK. Had to be there, I guess. 🐸
I recall at least one guy claiming to be Q & that just didn't sit right with me at all at the time.
Unfortunately our Father in Heaven is Anon to way too many of his children. They don't know how much he truly is willing & able to be an active part of their lives & eternal growth.
That said, I do concede. I still want to see his face someday though.
Wait.... I thought we voted for a HRA (highest ranking anon). Did I miss that? /s
Cue the decentralized citizen intelligence militia.
This is a great post. Sometimes if someone gets banned /vacationer nd the mods say something like, why are you here? Find yourself. We feel like everyone has a place to contribute, everyone has a role to play, everyone is called, they have talents, special things there are good at, maybe they research, maybe they decode, maybe they're great meme Lords that always seem to have the right Pepe for the perfect situation, we need all of these rules, and many more, there are many of you that don't forget the recognition that you deserve, and this mod team looks for ways to elevate you so that others can see what you are doing and maybe join you or see what you are doing and think, well I have a thing too, I'll do that, and it will be appreciated, and believe me, this mod team sees everything, I mean everything, and if you put up something high effort, if you put up something high info, if you are on the mark, on the news, putting in the effort, we will elevate you to the very top, absolutely without hesitation. So sometimes when we ban somebody, just give them a one-touch vacation, send them off for a day to touch grass, we are asking you to think about, well, what is my special gift? Then find that gift and bring it back and just be the best frog you can be. The end. That's basically the philosophy of how this win is moderated.
Thanks for the encouragement. This is exactly what I did… Asked myself why am I here? Well, I’m gonna learn more now. 👏👏👏
updoogle for the longest single sentence I have ever read on GAW.
Second updoogle (although not visible) for great exposition of "the philosophy of how this win is moderated"
SMIC, indeed
WOW - thanks so much for everyone’s replies. This is very helpful information and I’m going to start digging.
Correction to my original statement above.
It's been 1y, 6m, 3d, 17h, 48m since Q has posted.
As of: 6/1/2024 - 11:57 am.
Good to know.
u/merf has a great tool for the Q Clock. I am still learning too.
Majic Eyes Only has a phenomenal set of vids on the Law of War & Q connections
Q really encouraged logical thinking. Good chart here for critical thought stuff
u/emyrylde has a good link posted for open source Intel IIRC
u/SaveAmerica2021 has a Trump Tweet Archive they posted
I believe that a VOAT search was offered here by u/Fringe--dweller
Track US Senate Stock Trades
I was looking for the Q Proofs PDF download area & can't recall where I saved the link, or maybe it was shared by a deleted account. I hope someone else can help you find that list. It was amazing & really showed the concept of "how many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible". If I find it, I will share that too.
edit below - All in the sidebar, not easily seen on mobile devices. Q Proofs
Q Proof PDF
Law of War info (Q told us to learn)
Personally I continue to see prophecy (biblical via end day in Revelations of John & Apocrypha (some Christian religions still use it as cannon) happening. I am convinced this MAGA movement is the young lion foretold in the time of Daniel by the prophet Ezra (2nd book of Esdras) when he described a line of kings that seems to line up with starting at the President after Calvin Coolidge, one of the greatest was Coolidge IMO. Hoover is the first, who started the FBI. It accurately calls out FDR as 4 terms with none other serving as long, JFK, Nixon & then Trump being removed before they should have. Biden will be removed sooner than Trump was (might have already been removed depending on the data your believe) & then the 3 Eagle heads end up getting swallowed up by each other & then the little thorn with the eyes & mouth takes control before the young lion chases the beast away to the land of Gentiles.
Seeing what has happened & how the plan lines up with this pretty well gives me unshaken hope that we will see better days soon. I just don't know if we are nearing the end of the times of trouble, or if we are about to enter them for a short time when the Anti Christ makes war with the Saints/followers of Jesus/Christians.
No matter what, God wins & Q has a phenomenal track record. The greatest thing was teaching us to question everything & follow the data/info/truth.
Thanks for all the great links and information. I’ve added them to my thread off-line. as a Bible, believing Christian, I do understand what you mean because we just got done studying the book of Revelation. It took us an entire year to get through it.
I make sure I get back to study it in depth every few years. I am excited to see how these things turn out.
You are very welcome. I am glad my organization came in handy & now I realize I need to organize it all much better.
I prayed about my brother being a woke and on Amazon had a published Q book. Ordered it. Read up to a point to where it gave me a link and over time I am here.
For me I viewed the Q book as an instruction manual and I still have it. It gives a reference for knowing the q posts do not get changed over time to fit a narrative.
For me though I do not read user manuals. I skim them and toss them to the side.
To me God and Jesus is real. To me the USA Military is real. To me there is evil and good people and I have faith in all those to do what they do. Yes I have faith in evil people to do evil and deception as good people will stand up to evil and I have faith God will lead those who want to water and food.
Hope is very important and I knew many people in the 80’s who would yell at the tv, have back flashes, addiction, hopeless broken “good” people — because they thought they were alone.
I have faith there is good people in the military and there is hope.
Something to consider — those who grew up without faith in God struggle to have faith in people. I also believe good people will say and do things to confuse evil people.
To I see the msm and the same spirit as them mock, yell, claim to be the light, claim they are the way to be not confused and so on. It proves they are seeing something that they are worried about. All by them being the source proves something is going on.
Vengeance belongs to God and God will never fail.
Thank you for your input. Yes I grew up in a lifestyle of hopeless. that’s changed with my life in Christ now, so I focus on him. But even some days I get cranky. Thanks for sharing. I’ll keep that in mind.
I realize this is 11 hours in and 95 posts deep, so you may or may not read this. You have asked a big question and unfortunately, it requires a big answer, though I'll try to be concise. Do excuse the formatting. I've got limited tools to try and make this more readable.
Who is Q?
What is their mission/"the Plan"?
How the hell do they plan to do this?
Why has Q not posted in [x] time?
Do you belong here/want to be here?
I disagree. I think DJT is suspected to be Q+ based on the Q+ posts and the high-level (extremely close) deltas between Q drops and DJT tweets. The whole "How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?" pertains in a significant part to these deltas.
The Air Q's were seen as corroborative and confirmation, but the basis was the Q+ drops themselves and the evidence of the close cooperation between DJT and Q, imo.
3 seconds. Dan is to blame.
While I agree with a lot of your views, Moose, I think you should draw the distinction between facts and your own opinions/conclusions.
For example:
I agree, as a working hypothesis, but I think it is possible that Q might repost in some way in the next stage.
I disagree. As far as I can see, this is 100% speculation and reasoning. In my view, the Q operation had a specific purpose and time frame, essentially to lead up to the end of the Trump administration #1, and was shut down as a matter of natural process and not because of 'fear of retaliation'. You may be right, or not, but it's speculation and opinion, and you should make a note of that, as in other cases, imo.
Thanks for your detailed reply. Yes I plan on staying here, and learning more each day. But I do understand what you say about a lot of it is just noise. I have to learn how to decipher what is worth my energy. Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. Greatly appreciated.
.....I don’t know anything about the Q clock, or diagram that looks like some type of a timeline OR the debt Clock - that so many post about..... Q clock was created by Anons but never mentioned by Q so I never bothered with it..
White Hats, that are working towards the betterment of society worldwide - but with a main focus on America? YES because of our constitution, we’ve always been free and believe those rights come from God. The cable can easily take down a small country or a weak one but one where the citizens are armed and believe they are free, is much more difficult. I believe in order to subjugate the entire world, the deep state (DS) needed to infiltrate America. How would you do that? Destroy the army by allowing transgenders and dei to weaken it. Allow military age men to enter the country. Destroy the economy making people struggle to survive…. Once we are weak, the world will be easier to rule. There’s more to that whole plan but you are probably familiar with it. I know there is Q - and there are Anons - BUT there is NO QAnon. That term was created by MSM to discredit the movement? I always thought the qanon term was the an outsiders mistake. It showed who read Q and who didn’t. I know there is such a thing as a Q Post - and there’s somewhere you can go to look things up. Q has not posted for ~ 2 years now? However; I don’t know where to find this information. Qalerts.app I know that a Delta is a post that lines up with the same date, but was posted years ago. OR a post that aligns with a specific time - like; 8:05 pm = Q Post 805? This can be confusing but yes. If Dan Scavino posts a 37 second video, then look to post 37 for relevance. I always look but you still have to wait and see. When I see a post with a bunch of lines and circles in different colors, I generally pass it up because I don’t understand what any of it means. I find it quite confusing. Don’t pass them up. They often show how tweets & comments indicate certain things are happening as predetermined in Q posts. Again, I look at them to decide if I agree or not. You’re just educating yourself really so it’s worth it. I don’t know anything about the Q clock, or diagram that looks like some type of a timeline OR the debt Clock - that so many post about. I’m familiar with both but I don’t focus on them too much. An Anon created the Q clock to show how Q posts align with certain dates (as posted and then in the future- I guess highlighting deltas - definitely not sure about that.). I’m not sure anyone knows who alters the debt clock but it’s really interesting to see what they say. I’ve been following Q since the first few posts, but there’s so much there. Much of the information and lingo we take for granted BUT there still so much to learn.
Thanks for your clear and concise reply. Appreciated.
PRAYING MEDIC was one of the first ,thats who i went to to get a grasp of who and what Q is,he has written books on Q.
well posted. PM made a massive contribution early on.
yes, you will not advance if you hold onto close minded ways, so it's a good thing that you're willing to study:)
Q is also about efficiency. hence the use of memes. Q Always uses time & info for the biggest bang, so work smarter not harder; we try not to bog down the board with the basics, might be why they said something. people weren't so friendly about it on Voat...
not very efficient for us to keep reiterating the obvious, everyone has to leave ego aside & Study Moar...
would be like a teacher having to continuously repeat math facts because the students don't 'believe' in them. shows that the students haven't been paying attention...
👍 makes sense
2011—A new wave of extremely powerful anons, the first wave of full-on Netizens, reaches maturity and begins doing the internet equivalent of Hood Rat Shit. Not just torrenting but hacking. String attacks. Shell injections. Digging into companies. Asking questions. This culminates in the group LulzSec humbling and f*cking over many well-known websites. Everyone downloads LOIC for example.
2012—Benghazi happens. Clinton murders some soldiers via proxy. She blames her murders on America not liking Muslims.
2013—massive civil war begins in the Illuminati, as a massive throng of up-and-coming fledgling Satanists are mysteriously becoming spiritually awakened, and rebels begin sabotaging systems and exposing corruption.... In perfect sync, the NSA has taken this opportunity to begin operations for their complete removal, unbeknownst to us. This skirmish culminates in Edward Snowden's leaking info indicating our govt does bad things and is not as trustworthy as it seems. An eerie awareness of the massive boot of Whoever The F*ck Is In Charge ripples through the whole Internet community. Massive exodus of would-be agents discovering much of the intelligence work we do is terrifying, deadly and often dishonest. The shift is subtle but it is felt all the way down to the street gang level.
2014—Trump is approached by the military and asked to run for office. Obama is raining bombs from drones, and will continue to do so, earning him the nickname President Drone Strike....
2015-16—craziest election of our lifetime. Everyone wanted Bernie Sanders, the Republicans were completely neutered and uninteresting. Then they cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. Everyone on the Internet was arguing who will be chosen candidate. Lots of people prefer Trump. Then in The Great 7 Get on 4chan, it just said "Donald Trump will be the next President of The United States of America." This caused an absolute internet implosion as ever single person rallied behind Trump, some of them joining the meme out of boredom, some of them just very much respecting 4chan tradition, some of them ardent supporters.
I can't finish writing this right now 🤣
This was fantastic thank you
Okay I shall give you the rest.
2017—Q disclosures begin. Why? This intel is a reward for the Anons, but not just that; our work was necessary, further work from us was needed, and Q needed to keep the autistic anons from getting off track. The Q group explicitly stated that our contribution was completely invaluable, and that we do indeed yield a completely ridiculous amount of power. The Q group saw our actions in the HWNDU debacle. They saw the 4chan airstrikes. They saw us create the Nation of the Internet, choosing the name Kekistan, choosing the xenonym Kekistani, choosing the mascot and joking diety Pepe The Frog. Q thanked us for our support and told us there was a long road ahead. More than anything, Q basically deputized the entire internet, acknowledging the digital soldier and how our efforts dwarf even the most professional intelligence agencies because of our sheer size, our lack of red tape and the fact we work for free... during this time Trump is going on a world tour, being coronated as he was on 4chan, as not JUST the president of the USA, but the grandly anticipated leader of The Free World. He went all over the globe... ALL OVER THE GLOBE... he goes to the UAE and is lauded so greatly that it sends a message to the rest of the world.... Saudi Arabia representing the victory of Trump by including him in a Sword Dance in his honor which is STRICTLY reserved for a new incoming ruler over Saudi Arabia.... Trump expressed extreme domination over OPEC. Trump goes also to China, Trump goes also to the pope. Rumor has it, everywhere Trump went, he presented the breadth and scope of the globalists crimes, the local leadership's involvement in it if relevant, along with a forgiveness plan, The Plan To Save The World. Very important to bring the plan from darkness to light in all of these countries in 2017.... 17=Q.... 2017 is the year of Q.
2018—having gotten all the required friendly countries on board, Trump begins turning the heat up, cutting ties with countries where America was getting a Bad Deal. President Xi has China under control, however the CCP is determined to go to proxy war through use of Kim Jong-Un's ego.... North Korean president is successfully convinced to try and scare America... Trump relates to him as a human being, playfully batting back and forth with him on Twitter, and as Rocket Man seems more and more determined to cause chaos in the news, Trump shows North Korea exactly how scared he isn't, and at the same time gives Kim Jong-Un such a precious gift that it risks making Kim a nicer person.... he walks into North Korea WITH NO SECURITY DETAIL OF ANY KIND and just has a casual chat with who is labeled as this crazy murderous dictator, shakes his hand, talks to him like a human being. Fight OVER. The message and implications of this meeting quickly spread all over the globe and strike fear into any who oppose him.
2019—The heat continues to rise as the establishment readies itself for the fight of its life. Trump casually guts a lot of the infrastructure intended to make possible the COVID scamdemic. He eliminates a lot of unnecessary financial bracing for a "mass flu event" and fires the CDC employees we had working with China, then eliminates the post itself entirely. He is cutting a lot of other red tape too, so they did not understand that we saw all of it coming....
2020—in a screeching act of final desperation, the COVID scamdemic having been unleashed in October 2019, the very mediocre flu with a 99% survival rate begins making headlines. FROM THE VERY BEGINNING the anons are screaming ELECTION FRAUD/ MAIL-IN BALLOTS but we are dismissed as insane because "there's no way this could be stretched out all the way to November." How wrong they were.
21-24—we have been effectively watching a movie, where the evil have been forced to become cartoonishly evil, and the prices at the grocery store and fuel pump an absolute joke of a situation, and the country is overrun with foreigners, SIMPLY TO WAKE PEOPLE UP. There are truly a lot of people who cannot handle all of the truth all at once. In fact we want it to be as small a number as possible waking up forcibly. Many will not be able to accept the level of evil they accidentally supported. This entire time it has been our job just to shitpost, shitpost, talk to people in the street and the store, casually point out rising prices without any political tilt, casually point at the arrests of the traffickers and so on without introducing any political tilt. By the end of 2024 anyone with a brain in America will be what would have once been considered a hardcore conspiracy theorist.
2025—I think this is when the grander part of the show is going to kick off. I believe what is going to happen is Trump will win and we will begin stomping all the globalist scum into and beyond the ground. We may not know exact dates, and we may not know the exact events to happen or their order, but Q has told us how this movie ends.
Fun fact: the Q group has always been a matter of public knowledge, 007 has the handler Q for this explicit reason, "oooooh top secret guy how cool," it was only after the first drips of information from Q the mainstream media started denying the existence of Q, with CNN even having done a special segment on the Q group years prior....
It looks like you have more than enough to keep you busy for a while, but since you mentioned the Q clock, here's a link: https://www.q-clock.com/
There were some videos about it a few years ago, and while it's interesting to see where certain drops fall on the clock, I haven't found it terribly useful. There was at least one or two drops where Q used the phrase "on the clock" and that date fell on the same "time" as it fell on the Q clock. If you decipher something meaningful from it, please share!
Thx 🙏
Learn Our Comms: https://sleepydude.substack.com/p/comms-dictionary
His book WAS on Amazon. Can’t find it there at the moment.
The very first thing that pops to my mind when reading your post is - have you actually read all of the Q drops? You can read them at Qanon.pub . if you’ve never read them all, that would be a good place to start even if you don’t understand everything because how can you begin to understand something if you haven’t even seen the material? This isn’t meant to be a confrontational comment; it’s meant to be a genuine question.
Thanks to the people here I found the location where I can read them, and I’m getting started. I have a long way to go, but I will get through all of them. Thank you.
I don't agree with this, but yeah, that's what many here believe it seems. Even in some of the docs referenced in the sidebar refer to QAnon. Not really a big stretch to shorten Q and Anons to QAnon.
👍 Thx
Actually, many of we Q-post followers referred to ourselves as "Q-Anons" (always plural). Some outsiders assumed that this meant that we were followers of someone calling himself "QAnon" and the MsM went with that term to vilify us.
She is not a fed. I have talked with her on the phone and voice chat and had her on my podcast.
We need to circle back around on the project.
I’ve been pretty tied up.
Agreed. Been a busy couple weeks for me and not quite sure how best we can move the project forward currently
Probably best first go is to get everyone with an anonymous email on the PM software. VPN if anyone wants as well of course. Get started on the software selection so we can move on to actual topics.
This could be one of them.
If that PM software doesn’t work for some reason, I’m much less concerned about switching it.
Mostly just been waiting on having some time, myself, but it kinda keeps refusing to show up so I figure try to move ahead anyway.
Ok let me reach out to the couple people I think might be interested. Yeah I have been in a similar boat. Waiting for free time that never comes haha. Ib Gods timing it will get done though
Thx 🙏
Nuf Said!
Actually… I think I’m one of the more transparent people on this forum. 🤷♀️😂😂
https://qanon.news (?)
Books by Dave Hayes "Praying Medic":-
"Calm before the Storm" (Q Chronicles Book 1)
"The Great Awakening" (Q Chronicles Book 2)
"This is Not a Game"
There's at least one other Q book by multiple authors but I forget its title. Maybe others can add to this list. Maybe I should look at the sidebar!
Thank you for the resources. I’ve added them to my off-line thread.