Nothing to see here. Paul Bunyan accidentally threw his barbell southwards from the Yukon when he and Babe (his blue ox) got to horsing around too much.
It’s amazing that so many Christians buy pre-tribulation theory. The Bible isn’t explicit on it, but it definitely doesn’t make the most sense with regard to scripture.
I recommend rereading the scriptures with an open mind.
It’s not that it’s “amazing”, it’s about faith, belief, and what has been taught generationally for near 2000 years.
As Master Yoda said, “You must unlearn what you have learned.”
It’s going to take most, not all, but most years to accept that there is more to the Biblical stories than what “the church/Vatican” allowed in its editing of the Bible before the put out the KJV. And even the NIV. This also includes the Jewish books, the Koran, and anything “Christian/God/Christ” related.
These people will need to learn the Apocryphal Texts, especially the Books of Enoch, and even the Annunaki stories, South American (Inca/Mayan/Aztec) stories, Japanese, Chinese, Pacific islands, India/Hindu, and Norse Gods stories to understand thee entire picture of what Christ, God or even Gods wanted us to actually know.
And it’s all out there to research and help complete one’s belief and faith in what they want. Not what some random fanatics tell them.
I tend to agree with that to some extent, though less than gnostics.
The reason pre-trib ideation amazes me so much is that it isn’t harmonized with even what’s currently in the Bible itself, without even getting into how correct that selection is. The whole basis for the mode of thought is from having ones’ impression of it based wholly off what pastors and movies say. They even call it by a made-up name.
I understand that a lot of scriptures can be difficult to understand, but people should have some idea of where their ideas come from…
Once you wrap your head around the small number of textbook publishing companies over the past 100 years and how much revisionist history has happened in just that short of time, it's not too big a stretch to imagine the Good Book has also received "editing" over a couple millennia. There's going to be a lot of faith items to work through to get the real truth.
Won’t happen like that. It’s not going to be a “snap the Infinity Glove and vanish” type event. Doesn’t work like that. It’s going to be more like the bad/evil people over a period vanish from the streets to hide or are arrested, as the Vaxx and wars/conflicts world-wide body count climbs. And then the Anti-Christ is to show himself, and right after Christ, Yashuah himself arrives to put down the Anti-Christ, and helps or encourages the jailing and punishments of all the evil scumbags. Then we get a nice chunk of peace and quiet.
It’s all going to happen at Yashuah’s timing, not by our interpretation of the timing or desires. So it will most likely take a few years or a decade to have the Earth completely cleaned out of Cabal scumbags. This also includes helpful re-educational encouragement of our younger generations that us conservative type people, are not the evil A-holes, the DemoLibs have made us out to be, especially the heterosexual white male haha. 😁
Bullshit!! All distractions. Why are we worried about aliens when our on ruling class is engaged in head-long, full throated effort to destroy us.
If our government had access to zero gravity tech, and stuff like this, don't you thing they would be utilizing it to dominate Russia/China and anyone else that opposed their evil plans.
Why do UFO encounters only occur in the U.S. Where is all the sighting in Africa, Middle East, Russia, China etc...
Q basically said aliens or non human intelligences are real. Maybe in this case he saw a spaceship or a reverse engineered craft, not project blue beam.
Non human =AI. Aliens are anyone not from your neck of the woods. Then there is the spiritual realm where there are also non human intelligence and alien life in the form of spiritual life forms. The evil spirits possess and they'll get you to believe they are spaceman from other galaxies.
Q was saying we are not alone. If you believe in God you already know that.
Q also said consider the vastness of space. The vastness of space does not make it more likely that we would find other life forms. It would make it less likely.
It would be like trying to find an individual drop of water in a bucket. Add vastness to that and it would be like trying to find an individual drop of water in the oceans and all bodies of water. All the while not knowing if that drop of water even existed
On the other hand there could be interdimensional beings. Interdimensional could be right here but on a different "frequency".Which would agree with the bible. (Heaven and hell)
Since Q has repeatedly refered to God and the bible I believe interdimensional is a valid assumption
That is just false reasoning.
More empty space does not equal more chances of there being other life forms.
Plus at some point the vastness of space would mean it no longer matters if there is life out there. There would be no way to make contact. Unless there was some sort of extra dimensional travel.
Then we are right back to Haven and Hell.
This isn't supposed to be complicated. Maybe stretch your thinking this way:
The bigger the universe, the more room for galaxies; the more galaxies, the more stars; the more stars, the more planets; the more planets, the more chance of there being some with the ideal conditions for, say, carbon-based intelligent life. It's rare to get the entire set of all those conditions. But there are also trillions of galaxies.
The odds of our "finding" these planets and their inhabitants are separate from and lower than the odds of their existence, which are virtually 100% IMHO.
It is they who have found us.
And, considering that some civilizations may be millions or billions of years more advanced than our own, it's not a stretch to consider that they've figured out non-linear travel by now. Maybe even how to get from A to B instantaneously. (There's no need to move at the speed of light when you're not covering linear distances. Plus, the ability to travel at the speed of light isn't even any great help when the galaxy you want to visit is 50,000 or 100,000 light years away.)
Okay, so we are talking about some kind of extra dimensional travel.
That is exactly what I was talking about.
Just because I believe there is a God does not mean I believe in religion.
Religion is just a box that has been created to control the idea of God.
If God is real as I believe and Jesus is the son of God I have no choice but to believe there is a way to instantly travel from one point to another.
If God is real as I believe and Jesus is the son of God I have no choice but to believe there is a way to instantly travel from one point to another.
I'm not labeling this 'faulty logic' just because I don't get the connection
We must be operating in two different logical paradigms
I'm not an atheist, but in the logical paradigm I'm using, an atheist could say 'Even though I don't believe in an invisible Sky Guy who grants wishes and sired a human child via a talking bird and used a virgin's womb for gestation, I could believe there is a way to instantly travel from one point to another.'
The disciples were in a locked room. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in the middle of the group.
John 20:19-19
In another verse
Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the locked cell He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up" he said and the chains fell off Peter's wrists.
Acts 12:7
The Bible suggests that there is someway to travel that is outside our 3 dimensions. That travel allows for someone to just appear in a 3 dimensional world in a locked room which should be impossible.
There is a highly likely possibility that our 3 dimensions might only be a very minor part of all creation.
Some scientist have suggested that there could be 11 or more dimensions. What we understand as all things is just the fringe of reality. That is of course just a theory but it is worth considering.
My point is this. People hear the word, "God" and assume religion. I understand God as Spirit. That is outside of our 3 dimensions.
We can know him by touching other dimensions. Evil is also within our ability to know. The bible shows the path to know God. Or if you will the path to touch other dimensions. We can seek Him or not, that is our choice.
That is not seeking some magic guy in the sky. This nonsense about granting wishes is just that, religious nonsense.
Jesus was quite clear that if we follow Him we will face persecution. All we are promised is that if we seek Him we will find Him.
Seeking the truth is something the world does not want. So the world will persecute anyone that sets his heart on seeking truth.
This persecution weeds out those that do not really want to find God. They want their wishes granted as you have so rightly pointed out. They will seek religion and then claim that religion is all there is.
Consider evil, do we believe that evil exist? If there is no God there is no evil. There is only self interest. Humans are no different than any other animal.
It is your choice and my choice to seek God. He has promised that if we do with all our hearts we will find Him. He has also let us know that it will cost everything that we have.
God offers Himself freely to any that seek Him. Still that free gift will cost you everything you are.
The Ultimate reward is to know God. That is what we were create for. That is were we find life.
Religion has twisted that truth. That does not invalidate the truth.
Dude you are doing mental gymnastics, but of course Q was vague enough because some people can't stop at the truth. Aliens are real. I've been abducted multiple times and met aliens too. They are as real as you and I.
We are not questioning if there is other life. We are only questioning where that life is coming from.
I am not sure where you are getting the "mental gymnastics" from.
Q has NEVER said there was life in "other space".
There is no way that "Consider the vastness of space" could logically lead to a greater likelyhood of finding life out there.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/20/2020 13:29:37 ID: e4ee64
8kun/qresearch: 10722036
Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.
Remember, Big Govt uses two main vectors of attack against the people under its control:
These two work flawlessly hand in hand. They are used in tandem to create a situation of GROUP PERIL where "WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER"...then govt alone gets to suggest and implement its "solutions", which always boil down to punishing the people for the situation (e.g., global warming is your fault for breathing and eating).
You deliberately create scarcity of food and/or water, or "life-saving drugs"...and the people become gripped with FEAR and will OBEY when ordered to behave a certain way—or else THEY are endangering the whole group.
The govt is the one endangering the whole group...but they are experts at instilling guilt within the populace that it's all their fault.
Same way child rapists always make it the child's fault. And the kid BELIEVES it. Just like the population in a "We're All In This Together" (WAITT) scenario.
I'm guessing if it's Project Blue Beam, then it's like what most are saying in this thread. On the other hand, maybe it's to soften the reality that we're not alone so people won't freak.
Example, When I walk my dog in the morning before the sun is up, I'm always scanning the sky. I think to myself "how cool would it be to see something like that?" then a small robin popped in front of me and I recoiled as if a tiger was in front of me lol
On the other hand, maybe it's to soften the reality that we're not alone so people won't freak.
At this point if there are still people who would "freak" at learning the mundane, common knowledge that we're not alone, then those people are freaks who need to just go ahead and freak. Everyone else already gets it.
The "no evidence of aliens or UFOs" crowd sounds no different from the "no evidence of election fraud", "no evidence of Nazi atrocities", or "no evidence we walked on the moon" crowd. No matter how much evidence you show them, the answer is always the same: no evidence. Wheeeee! ;p
Not us, just the dweebs who believe in space aliens already. Confirmation bias, likely there are humans just like us who hoarded all the tech and live somewhere we are unaware exist right here on earth enjoying a life we can only dream of. Time to expose them and take back what they've stolen.
The case of the Ariel School Encounter at Ruwa in Zimbabwe (16 September 1994) is real though.Over the years, these children didn't change a single word from their testimony.
edit: I just found a video that sums up what happened that day.
Nothing to see here. Paul Bunyan accidentally threw his barbell southwards from the Yukon when he and Babe (his blue ox) got to horsing around too much.
So, they took actual video footage and all we get is a CAD 3D rendering. 🙄
Same style as with the covid graphics.
Kamala Harris lost one of her nipple piercings.
Sure it wasn’t Cuomo?
Not gonna go there....ok, u pulled my arm. Maybe thats big mikes penis pierceing lol
170 foot long you say?
17 you say?
how'd I miss that? I like your style
Maybe these are just life forms that want to mooch off the american tax payer. I say, no illegals from the south, the north, or from zenith
Must not make Evangelion joke...must not make Evangelion joke...
I couldn't help it. I recently saw that anime for the very first time, ADV English version.
I now agree that it truly is one of the greatest series ever made, regardless of country of origin.
They need to somehow explain the disappearance of billions of Christians when they vanish in the blink of an eye
It’s amazing that so many Christians buy pre-tribulation theory. The Bible isn’t explicit on it, but it definitely doesn’t make the most sense with regard to scripture.
I recommend rereading the scriptures with an open mind.
It’s not that it’s “amazing”, it’s about faith, belief, and what has been taught generationally for near 2000 years.
As Master Yoda said, “You must unlearn what you have learned.”
It’s going to take most, not all, but most years to accept that there is more to the Biblical stories than what “the church/Vatican” allowed in its editing of the Bible before the put out the KJV. And even the NIV. This also includes the Jewish books, the Koran, and anything “Christian/God/Christ” related.
These people will need to learn the Apocryphal Texts, especially the Books of Enoch, and even the Annunaki stories, South American (Inca/Mayan/Aztec) stories, Japanese, Chinese, Pacific islands, India/Hindu, and Norse Gods stories to understand thee entire picture of what Christ, God or even Gods wanted us to actually know.
And it’s all out there to research and help complete one’s belief and faith in what they want. Not what some random fanatics tell them.
I tend to agree with that to some extent, though less than gnostics.
The reason pre-trib ideation amazes me so much is that it isn’t harmonized with even what’s currently in the Bible itself, without even getting into how correct that selection is. The whole basis for the mode of thought is from having ones’ impression of it based wholly off what pastors and movies say. They even call it by a made-up name.
I understand that a lot of scriptures can be difficult to understand, but people should have some idea of where their ideas come from…
Once you wrap your head around the small number of textbook publishing companies over the past 100 years and how much revisionist history has happened in just that short of time, it's not too big a stretch to imagine the Good Book has also received "editing" over a couple millennia. There's going to be a lot of faith items to work through to get the real truth.
Won’t happen like that. It’s not going to be a “snap the Infinity Glove and vanish” type event. Doesn’t work like that. It’s going to be more like the bad/evil people over a period vanish from the streets to hide or are arrested, as the Vaxx and wars/conflicts world-wide body count climbs. And then the Anti-Christ is to show himself, and right after Christ, Yashuah himself arrives to put down the Anti-Christ, and helps or encourages the jailing and punishments of all the evil scumbags. Then we get a nice chunk of peace and quiet.
It’s all going to happen at Yashuah’s timing, not by our interpretation of the timing or desires. So it will most likely take a few years or a decade to have the Earth completely cleaned out of Cabal scumbags. This also includes helpful re-educational encouragement of our younger generations that us conservative type people, are not the evil A-holes, the DemoLibs have made us out to be, especially the heterosexual white male haha. 😁
Bullshit!! All distractions. Why are we worried about aliens when our on ruling class is engaged in head-long, full throated effort to destroy us.
If our government had access to zero gravity tech, and stuff like this, don't you thing they would be utilizing it to dominate Russia/China and anyone else that opposed their evil plans.
Why do UFO encounters only occur in the U.S. Where is all the sighting in Africa, Middle East, Russia, China etc...
Intergalactic tube steak
Q basically said aliens or non human intelligences are real. Maybe in this case he saw a spaceship or a reverse engineered craft, not project blue beam.
Non human =AI. Aliens are anyone not from your neck of the woods. Then there is the spiritual realm where there are also non human intelligence and alien life in the form of spiritual life forms. The evil spirits possess and they'll get you to believe they are spaceman from other galaxies.
Q was saying we are not alone. If you believe in God you already know that.
Q also said consider the vastness of space. The vastness of space does not make it more likely that we would find other life forms. It would make it less likely.
It would be like trying to find an individual drop of water in a bucket. Add vastness to that and it would be like trying to find an individual drop of water in the oceans and all bodies of water. All the while not knowing if that drop of water even existed
On the other hand there could be interdimensional beings. Interdimensional could be right here but on a different "frequency".Which would agree with the bible. (Heaven and hell) Since Q has repeatedly refered to God and the bible I believe interdimensional is a valid assumption
But the vastness of space makes it much more likely that there will BE other life forms to find...or to find US.
That is just false reasoning. More empty space does not equal more chances of there being other life forms. Plus at some point the vastness of space would mean it no longer matters if there is life out there. There would be no way to make contact. Unless there was some sort of extra dimensional travel. Then we are right back to Haven and Hell.
This isn't supposed to be complicated. Maybe stretch your thinking this way:
The bigger the universe, the more room for galaxies; the more galaxies, the more stars; the more stars, the more planets; the more planets, the more chance of there being some with the ideal conditions for, say, carbon-based intelligent life. It's rare to get the entire set of all those conditions. But there are also trillions of galaxies.
The odds of our "finding" these planets and their inhabitants are separate from and lower than the odds of their existence, which are virtually 100% IMHO.
It is they who have found us.
And, considering that some civilizations may be millions or billions of years more advanced than our own, it's not a stretch to consider that they've figured out non-linear travel by now. Maybe even how to get from A to B instantaneously. (There's no need to move at the speed of light when you're not covering linear distances. Plus, the ability to travel at the speed of light isn't even any great help when the galaxy you want to visit is 50,000 or 100,000 light years away.)
Okay, so we are talking about some kind of extra dimensional travel. That is exactly what I was talking about.
Just because I believe there is a God does not mean I believe in religion. Religion is just a box that has been created to control the idea of God. If God is real as I believe and Jesus is the son of God I have no choice but to believe there is a way to instantly travel from one point to another.
I'm not labeling this 'faulty logic' just because I don't get the connection
We must be operating in two different logical paradigms
I'm not an atheist, but in the logical paradigm I'm using, an atheist could say 'Even though I don't believe in an invisible Sky Guy who grants wishes and sired a human child via a talking bird and used a virgin's womb for gestation, I could believe there is a way to instantly travel from one point to another.'
The bible suggests other dimensions. 2 examples
The disciples were in a locked room. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in the middle of the group.
John 20:19-19
In another verse
Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the locked cell He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up" he said and the chains fell off Peter's wrists.
Acts 12:7
The Bible suggests that there is someway to travel that is outside our 3 dimensions. That travel allows for someone to just appear in a 3 dimensional world in a locked room which should be impossible.
There is a highly likely possibility that our 3 dimensions might only be a very minor part of all creation.
Some scientist have suggested that there could be 11 or more dimensions. What we understand as all things is just the fringe of reality. That is of course just a theory but it is worth considering.
My point is this. People hear the word, "God" and assume religion. I understand God as Spirit. That is outside of our 3 dimensions.
We can know him by touching other dimensions. Evil is also within our ability to know. The bible shows the path to know God. Or if you will the path to touch other dimensions. We can seek Him or not, that is our choice.
That is not seeking some magic guy in the sky. This nonsense about granting wishes is just that, religious nonsense.
Jesus was quite clear that if we follow Him we will face persecution. All we are promised is that if we seek Him we will find Him.
Seeking the truth is something the world does not want. So the world will persecute anyone that sets his heart on seeking truth.
This persecution weeds out those that do not really want to find God. They want their wishes granted as you have so rightly pointed out. They will seek religion and then claim that religion is all there is.
Consider evil, do we believe that evil exist? If there is no God there is no evil. There is only self interest. Humans are no different than any other animal.
It is your choice and my choice to seek God. He has promised that if we do with all our hearts we will find Him. He has also let us know that it will cost everything that we have. God offers Himself freely to any that seek Him. Still that free gift will cost you everything you are. The Ultimate reward is to know God. That is what we were create for. That is were we find life.
Religion has twisted that truth. That does not invalidate the truth.
In a spiritually livened body.
Quickened with spirit not blood.
Dude you are doing mental gymnastics, but of course Q was vague enough because some people can't stop at the truth. Aliens are real. I've been abducted multiple times and met aliens too. They are as real as you and I.
We are not questioning if there is other life. We are only questioning where that life is coming from. I am not sure where you are getting the "mental gymnastics" from. Q has NEVER said there was life in "other space".
There is no way that "Consider the vastness of space" could logically lead to a greater likelyhood of finding life out there.
Q drop 4739 is not vague.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/20/2020 13:29:37 ID: e4ee64 8kun/qresearch: 10722036 Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.
What does everyone surmise about it? What's going to be the purpose of it?
Selling us Aliens (fear) and/or a Second Coming (World mandatory religion).
Definitely the first one.
Remember, Big Govt uses two main vectors of attack against the people under its control:
These two work flawlessly hand in hand. They are used in tandem to create a situation of GROUP PERIL where "WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER"...then govt alone gets to suggest and implement its "solutions", which always boil down to punishing the people for the situation (e.g., global warming is your fault for breathing and eating).
You deliberately create scarcity of food and/or water, or "life-saving drugs"...and the people become gripped with FEAR and will OBEY when ordered to behave a certain way—or else THEY are endangering the whole group.
The govt is the one endangering the whole group...but they are experts at instilling guilt within the populace that it's all their fault.
Same way child rapists always make it the child's fault. And the kid BELIEVES it. Just like the population in a "We're All In This Together" (WAITT) scenario.
I'm guessing if it's Project Blue Beam, then it's like what most are saying in this thread. On the other hand, maybe it's to soften the reality that we're not alone so people won't freak.
Example, When I walk my dog in the morning before the sun is up, I'm always scanning the sky. I think to myself "how cool would it be to see something like that?" then a small robin popped in front of me and I recoiled as if a tiger was in front of me lol
At this point if there are still people who would "freak" at learning the mundane, common knowledge that we're not alone, then those people are freaks who need to just go ahead and freak. Everyone else already gets it.
The "no evidence of aliens or UFOs" crowd sounds no different from the "no evidence of election fraud", "no evidence of Nazi atrocities", or "no evidence we walked on the moon" crowd. No matter how much evidence you show them, the answer is always the same: no evidence. Wheeeee! ;p
He is an engineer so he got his tape measure and double checked the length
Not us, just the dweebs who believe in space aliens already. Confirmation bias, likely there are humans just like us who hoarded all the tech and live somewhere we are unaware exist right here on earth enjoying a life we can only dream of. Time to expose them and take back what they've stolen.
Aliens abduction and all that goes with it would be a welcome break at this point.
Micro wave egg poacher
The case of the Ariel School Encounter at Ruwa in Zimbabwe (16 September 1994) is real though.Over the years, these children didn't change a single word from their testimony. edit: I just found a video that sums up what happened that day.