I still say follow the Constitution, the first amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”. I understand a governor made this decision vs Congress, but the idea still stands. Plus this will just segway to also bringing Judaism (and Paganism) into school setting and curriculum.
In any event there's something vaguely impossible about being COMMANDED to love anyone or anything. If I love a woman, can I ORDER her to love me back? Can anyone love on command?
Recall that it took O'Brien a long, long time of torturing Winston daily, to get him to finally love Big Brother. (Anyone not getting that reference should stop reading this crap, download Orwell's classic 1984 for free, and read that immediately. I devoured it in one sitting in high school, and it left an indelible impression.)
It's just not possible for many people to love because they were ordered to. And they shouldn't feel bad about that fact.
If the act of loving is REQUIRED or FORCED on a person, is that real love, anyway? Or does love necessarily always have to arise, organically and VOLUNTARILY, from within?
I would suggest rephrasing the first commandment as "Thou shalt remember forever that the Lord thy God loves thee with all His heart and soul."
We shouldn't plaster the entire Bible over every school in America, but I don't see why a simple poster of the 10 commandments in can't be placed in school libraries, considering they let LGBT stuff in...
But at the very least there should be optional classes about the "Abrahamic Religions" as part of "Social studies"
I don't see why a simple poster of the 10 commandments in can't be placed in school libraries, considering they let LGBT stuff in...
There should be zero sexual/homosexual/pedophilic material in any school library.
Smut is available in adult stores. In the school library ANY sexual material is child sex grooming and should be punished severely. I'd be OK with execution or life in prison without parole. (The latter would be an extremely short period of taxpayer expense anyway :)
Sex ed is grooming. We existed for hundreds of thousands of years without it and somehow figured out sex.
If you are celebrating Louisiana mandating the Ten Commandments being shown in the classroom, you are falling for the trap.
This country was founded on religious freedom. That doesn’t mean YOUR religion. It means ALL religions.
If you want to practice your faith, you are more than welcome to, and the State cannot tell you otherwise. But using the State to mandate that others MUST adhere to your religion is NOT the way to go about it.
I understand the Left have gone completely off the wagon and mandated their woke religion on everyone, but that doesn’t mean we have to replace their woke religion with another religion. There should be absolutely ZERO affiliation between church and State.
Christians can yell at me in the comments all you like, but I am correct. If you all support this, you are just as bad as the Dems, just in the opposite direction.
Just because we don’t want “wokeness” in schools, doesn’t mean we need to go full-blown Puritan Christian theocracy to counteract it.
If you want your kids to learn Christian values, send them to a Christian school, and stop forcing your religion on people. The fact that this needed to be explained is pathetic.
Yes but the 10 commandments are still the character of God, they will never become outdated. Only the need to follow for salvation/holiness had been altered by Jesus’ death. The purpose of the Law is to condemn, so having knowledge of the Law allows non believers to see where they fall short and need a savior. Without that we have a sinful society that doesn’t acknowledge sin.
That scripture is speaking of the covenant regarding Jewish ceremonial laws, not the moral laws given by God to Moses. If you read Hebrews chapter 9 it details exactly what the old covenant was and the new covenant that replaces it is. Gods moral laws are timeless and as a Christian you are still expected to obey them. Calling Christ your savior is not a free pass to willingly live in sin. The preaching of the law of the commandments is useful for convicting the lost of their wickedness and drawing them to the arms of Jesus where they can be forgiven, cleansed, reborn, and find salvation in Him. If you ask 100 people if they think they're a good person, 90 will say yes. Too many walking around thinking their own self-righteousness is good enough for God. That's a big problem because according to the Bible none are good but God, all have fallen far short of the mark of moral perfection which is the benchmark. The commandments emphasize just how far from the mark we all are and will compel us of our need to seek the righteousness of Christ as a shelter as we all get closer to the judgement throne with every passing minute.
The purpose of the 10 commandments is 1. a guideline on how to act as a Christian, as mandated by God, and 2. as the means with which we as humans can obviously see we cannot follow the commandments perfectly because we are sinful creatures as it stands rn, and subsequently need Jesus as our savior because we can't get to heaven or be perfectly righteous in God's eyes without HIM. As for all the saints and Godly people who died before Christ, I have an interesting theory about where they went as the heaven 'placeholder' till Jesus fulfilled the prophecies and reunited us with our Father and opened the pearly gates for us again. Abrahams bosom. But thats a little bit sidetracking kek
I would add that it was Israel alone, not any of the Gentile nations (including USA, sorry Christian Nationalists) that were bound in covenant with God to obey all 10 commandments perpetually so that they can maintain peace and blessings in that land God gave them. The 10 commandments include prohibition against any false religion, and strict adherence to the sign of the Sabbath which was meant to distinguish Israel as a nation granted certain privileges by God.
However a good portion of the 10 commandments (6 - 9 or 10) handily summarize the general equity of a righteous society that can function peacably and justly. Murder, theft, adultery, and so on. This portion overlaps with the Noahic code and covenant that God mad with all nations in Gen 11, a means by which societies and nations may be preserved and justice would protect the injured or vulnerable. But idolatry and false religious beliefs were not in purview for how society can continue to preserve humanity.
All that to say, the 10 commandments were really a handy pocket constitution for the nation of Israel, summarizing their responsibilities as a special nation with God as their covenant Lord. To rip it out of that covenantal context and think it applies to America or anywhere else at the nation-state level, is both wrong and dangerous to the mission of the Gospel.
I agree with your addition as well fren! Thank you for expanding on it. Thats what discussion is all about! Definitely not trying to take it out of a covenantal status by any means, but its quite interesting how, like you said better than me, TTC double as a pocket constitution on how to preserve a functioning society as well. Almost like God knows best or something kek
Madalyn Murray O'Hair made pretty much the same argument, which ended up removing God from the classrooms. And as John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Now the Ten Commandments could be SAID to represent Christian (and Judaic) values only, but do they really? Nearly all religions of man codify some version of those 10 laws. Even most governments do so too.
In the absence of ANY moral code in our schools, the most succinct and inclusive turn out to be the Ten Commandments. Understandable by all, even those of lower IQs... plain language... no caveats or exceptions or footnotes...
In addition to the Ten Commandments, I'd like to see the Pledge Of Allegiance also returned to the classroom, along with Civics and an honest American History.
The problem is half of the 10 commandments are specifically addressing the inner religious beliefs and outward practices of the people. Israel was established as a theocracy, i.e. a holy land where justified holy war maintained the purity of the land, as well as holy punishments on unholy sinners, etc. and they were explicitly marked out as a people cherished especially by God, that was supposed to be evidenced by their singular devotion to him alone. God did not covenant with any other nation in this way. Read through ALL of Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and so on to get a real grasp on both the blessings and the severity of Israel entering into covenant with God, with the 10 commandments being the pinnacle summary of their responsibilities to maintain life and peace in the land.
This does not diminish the fact that God will judge all mankind according to their deeds and knowledge of him, but the provisional standard by which nations and societies ought to function (apart from theocratic Israel) is characterized by Natural Law - i.e. the moral character of God known in nature and human conscience, which directs our sense of right and wrong towards our fellow man. A life-affirming general equity of justice and peace to allow humanity to be preserved.
He's not wrong. Government shouldn't mandate religion the same as the government shouldn't prevent individual schools from practicing religion. This is what was originally meant by separation of church and state. Not to keep the church out of the state, but to keep the state out of the church.
Initially I was more of yours and Clandestine's mindset on this. But I think I should have given LA more credit on the matter.
The decision for whether a TC display can stand is whether it has no secular legislative purpose. The secular legislative purpose here is the teaching of the history of public schooling and the fact that TC displays were once mandated. It's a somewhat slippery argument but it's an undeniable historical fact and interesting given how happy people are to dwell on slavery but unwilling to talk about the lost role of faith in our children's lives.
Secondly, there is a religious battle being fought over our schooling and we're fighting it with one hand tied behind our back. If secular individuals get their way on 100% of school processes and subject matter, then they are establishing their legally recognized religion on the school system. The very argument that they are projecting onto others.
We are seeing the results of letting them operate unchecked.
I do have some sympathy with this view, and believe me, if this signals a return to Christian values there’ll be nobody happier than me. However, I can see how this may pan out. Other religions will demand their holy scriptures be posted on school walls, the Koran, Talmud etc. Heck, the LGBTQ+ and Trans groups are pseudo-religious and could demand their slogans be erected in prime positions around our schools, indoctrinating our children’s young, fertile minds.
I’d prefer to keep public schools secular.
What purpose does putting up a copy of the 10 Commandments serve, other than giving Christians what they think of as a "win"?
It's not like looking at them is suddenly going to change anyone's behavior. We've had these Commandments for thousands of years, and people still break them all the time.
Let's look at them:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
(Will this be used as a way to get rid of the 10 Commandments in schools, because it "discriminates" against people of other faiths? Probably. Does this phrase really do anything to convert people of other faiths? Nope.)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.
(Again, could be used as a basis for people to claim they're being "discriminated" against. Just Catholics alone could argue against this.)
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.
(I think most of the population on Earth has taken God's name in vain at some point. People don't seem to care anymore. It's going to take more than hanging a copy of the 10 Commandments up to change this.)
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy.
(Not only is there a debate what day the Sabbath is, Saturday or Sunday (not all Christians are Protestants), but it seems like more and more people are going the "Personal relationship with Jesus/God" route, and ditching churches.
Honor thy father and thy mother.
(Yes, this would be nice. Kids today don't honor their parents. But then again, that "kids today" line has been used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Every generation thinks the generations younger than they are disrespectful, lazy, wasteful, etc... So obviously the 10 Commandments don't work on this, since "kids today" have always ignored this one, even when it was always displayed in schools.)
Thou shalt not kill.
(I'm pretty sure the death penalty, or life in prison, is a bigger deterrent than reading this.)
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
(Kind of awkward that President Trump, who has openly committed adultery on his wives, would advocate for posting this. What was the punishment for him committing adultery? Other than getting hotter, younger wives?)
Thou shalt not steal.
(Another nice one. But the threat of jail time is a bigger deterrent than reading this.)
Thou shalt not lie.
(Another nice one that has been ignored since this was carved into a stone tablet.)
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house.
(Same response as number 9.)
Getting the 10 Commandments displayed in a public school is not the huge "win" people think it is. Other than trying to press their belief onto others, this has no purpose.
And now that these are up, it's a certainty that the Satanic Temple will demand that a copy of the 7 Tenets of Satanism go up as well. And it's a good likelihood that Muslims will insist a copy of the 5 Pillars of Islam be displayed as well.
Religion has no place in public schools. That's something that should be taught by the parents and their religious leaders. Even among Christianity, there are huge differences of beliefs. Even more so if you include Catholics as being Christians, which people still argue over. Do you want a Catholic teacher telling a Southern Baptist that they need to say the rosary? Or a Calvinist telling them that free will doesn't exist?
If you're that concerned that your child look at a copy of the 10 Commandments, then enroll them in a private Christian school. Or take them to church. Or hang a copy of it on their bedroom wall or by your front door.
If that's not good enough for you, then that's a sure sign that your motives are to push your religion onto others. And that usually doesn't end well.
If you want to bring more people to Christianity, then be a positive example of that. Lead by example.
Nothing wrong with that. I got the large crayons in 1st grade. Only later did I see the advantage of the finer points to keep from going outside the lines.
I disagree… we all see what is going on with religion and Arch Bishop Vigano…. We need God… which we can have without religion… religion creates a power structure that breeds corruption… kind of how it is now…
Besides the first table of the 10 commandments being contrary to the Bill of Rights, there is something theological to consider with this continual war over posting bible verses in common public spaces.
The Ancient Israelites had all 10 commandments practically tattooed on their foreheads, and those commandments were delivered from God himself through Moses. They in fact saw with their own eyes and ears the miraculous signs that accompanied God visiting them to reveal his will in those commandments. How could they "go wrong?" Well, exquisitely so. They grossly violated most of the 10 commandments before Moses even got back down from that mountain.
For anyone who thinks the publication of God's perfect moral standard somehow empowers a people to actually obey and fulfill that standard, they have not carefully read their OT history. As Paul summarizes in his epistles about law and gospel, the Law came in so that transgression may increase. I.e. so it would be abundantly evident that humans are sinful and only worthy of the curses of the Law.
So publishing the 10 commandments in some other nation who is not under covenant with God, the situation won't be any better. Revealing God's holy character and righteous requirements without equally revealing the coming of the Messiah who fulfilled those righteous requirements for us will only lead to self deluded self righteousness, or despondency. But they will not clean up degeneracy. Again, read the history of OT Israel.
Trump posts things like this because he is coming at it as a Judaistic moralizer, for the Jews to this day believe they can find the key to life and godliness in the Law.
Better to find the treasures of biblical wisdom in the churches who faithfully preach both the Law and the Gospel, for the salvation of souls and bringing about godly living in context of gratitude for the Law keeping fulfilment of Christ for us law breakers.
This will cause lawsuits and eventually a Supreme Court decision, aka bumpstock ban playbook.
Trump has zero intentions of anti-constitutional church and state actions to ever occur, in fact it’s forcing the left to destroy their own ‘teaching stuff that not everyone belives in’ lol
No more grooming and pride flags. Pretty savage of him to say this during their month of pride.
4D Chess at its finest. X22 deserves a hefty thx from me for saying this yesterday! I didn’t realize it even though it was right in front of me.
If this is the play I’m all for it.
Goad the shitlibs with the 10 Commandments, until they demand they be removed, Muh! “no place for indoctrination in schools”.
Trump “gotcha - take down your pride crap then” 🤣
Let me say first that nobody may legitimately be stopped from reading the Bible or praying in school. It is a First Amendment right. On the other hand, a government entity may not force others to read the Bible or pray regardless of the religion because it violates individual's First Amendment. Trump knows this. So... I think that he is using this to goad deep state liberals into protesting it, to be used against them in the future. How? Not sure.
I still say follow the Constitution, the first amendment says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”. I understand a governor made this decision vs Congress, but the idea still stands. Plus this will just segway to also bringing Judaism (and Paganism) into school setting and curriculum.
In any event there's something vaguely impossible about being COMMANDED to love anyone or anything. If I love a woman, can I ORDER her to love me back? Can anyone love on command?
Recall that it took O'Brien a long, long time of torturing Winston daily, to get him to finally love Big Brother. (Anyone not getting that reference should stop reading this crap, download Orwell's classic 1984 for free, and read that immediately. I devoured it in one sitting in high school, and it left an indelible impression.)
It's just not possible for many people to love because they were ordered to. And they shouldn't feel bad about that fact.
If the act of loving is REQUIRED or FORCED on a person, is that real love, anyway? Or does love necessarily always have to arise, organically and VOLUNTARILY, from within?
I would suggest rephrasing the first commandment as "Thou shalt remember forever that the Lord thy God loves thee with all His heart and soul."
We shouldn't plaster the entire Bible over every school in America, but I don't see why a simple poster of the 10 commandments in can't be placed in school libraries, considering they let LGBT stuff in...
But at the very least there should be optional classes about the "Abrahamic Religions" as part of "Social studies"
There should be zero sexual/homosexual/pedophilic material in any school library.
Smut is available in adult stores. In the school library ANY sexual material is child sex grooming and should be punished severely. I'd be OK with execution or life in prison without parole. (The latter would be an extremely short period of taxpayer expense anyway :)
Sex ed is grooming. We existed for hundreds of thousands of years without it and somehow figured out sex.
Yeah, I agree we should start phasing out Sex Ed in schools
Why does it need to phase out though
We don't phase turds out of our ass - that shit is gone RIGHT NOW, never to return
This is how sane people view sexual material in the schools IMHO
As the supreme commander of all supernatural beings, thanks in advance for making that happen tomorrow morning ;)
And the Pledge of Allegiance too!
@WarClandestine on X
Conservatives and Christians…
If you are celebrating Louisiana mandating the Ten Commandments being shown in the classroom, you are falling for the trap.
This country was founded on religious freedom. That doesn’t mean YOUR religion. It means ALL religions.
If you want to practice your faith, you are more than welcome to, and the State cannot tell you otherwise. But using the State to mandate that others MUST adhere to your religion is NOT the way to go about it.
I understand the Left have gone completely off the wagon and mandated their woke religion on everyone, but that doesn’t mean we have to replace their woke religion with another religion. There should be absolutely ZERO affiliation between church and State.
Christians can yell at me in the comments all you like, but I am correct. If you all support this, you are just as bad as the Dems, just in the opposite direction.
Just because we don’t want “wokeness” in schools, doesn’t mean we need to go full-blown Puritan Christian theocracy to counteract it.
If you want your kids to learn Christian values, send them to a Christian school, and stop forcing your religion on people. The fact that this needed to be explained is pathetic.
Show me where this runs afoul of “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.
Congress did not make a law respecting the establishment of religion.
Congress did not make a law prohibiting the free exercise of religion.
It is perfectly Constitutional for Louisiana to put up the Ten Commandments.
The Ten Commandments are Moses.
The Beatitudes are Jesus.
Why aren’t Christian’s promoting Jesus over Moses?
Ten Commandments are God, not Moses. Jesus is God.
Jesus distinguished the Ten Commandments from his own commandment, which is to love God and to love one another.
Jesus and God have the same character.
The Old Testament religion is a different religion to which Jesus is the antidote.
Yes but the 10 commandments are still the character of God, they will never become outdated. Only the need to follow for salvation/holiness had been altered by Jesus’ death. The purpose of the Law is to condemn, so having knowledge of the Law allows non believers to see where they fall short and need a savior. Without that we have a sinful society that doesn’t acknowledge sin.
Hebrews 8:13 — By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.
That scripture is speaking of the covenant regarding Jewish ceremonial laws, not the moral laws given by God to Moses. If you read Hebrews chapter 9 it details exactly what the old covenant was and the new covenant that replaces it is. Gods moral laws are timeless and as a Christian you are still expected to obey them. Calling Christ your savior is not a free pass to willingly live in sin. The preaching of the law of the commandments is useful for convicting the lost of their wickedness and drawing them to the arms of Jesus where they can be forgiven, cleansed, reborn, and find salvation in Him. If you ask 100 people if they think they're a good person, 90 will say yes. Too many walking around thinking their own self-righteousness is good enough for God. That's a big problem because according to the Bible none are good but God, all have fallen far short of the mark of moral perfection which is the benchmark. The commandments emphasize just how far from the mark we all are and will compel us of our need to seek the righteousness of Christ as a shelter as we all get closer to the judgement throne with every passing minute.
The purpose of the 10 commandments is 1. a guideline on how to act as a Christian, as mandated by God, and 2. as the means with which we as humans can obviously see we cannot follow the commandments perfectly because we are sinful creatures as it stands rn, and subsequently need Jesus as our savior because we can't get to heaven or be perfectly righteous in God's eyes without HIM. As for all the saints and Godly people who died before Christ, I have an interesting theory about where they went as the heaven 'placeholder' till Jesus fulfilled the prophecies and reunited us with our Father and opened the pearly gates for us again. Abrahams bosom. But thats a little bit sidetracking kek
I would add that it was Israel alone, not any of the Gentile nations (including USA, sorry Christian Nationalists) that were bound in covenant with God to obey all 10 commandments perpetually so that they can maintain peace and blessings in that land God gave them. The 10 commandments include prohibition against any false religion, and strict adherence to the sign of the Sabbath which was meant to distinguish Israel as a nation granted certain privileges by God.
However a good portion of the 10 commandments (6 - 9 or 10) handily summarize the general equity of a righteous society that can function peacably and justly. Murder, theft, adultery, and so on. This portion overlaps with the Noahic code and covenant that God mad with all nations in Gen 11, a means by which societies and nations may be preserved and justice would protect the injured or vulnerable. But idolatry and false religious beliefs were not in purview for how society can continue to preserve humanity.
All that to say, the 10 commandments were really a handy pocket constitution for the nation of Israel, summarizing their responsibilities as a special nation with God as their covenant Lord. To rip it out of that covenantal context and think it applies to America or anywhere else at the nation-state level, is both wrong and dangerous to the mission of the Gospel.
I agree with your addition as well fren! Thank you for expanding on it. Thats what discussion is all about! Definitely not trying to take it out of a covenantal status by any means, but its quite interesting how, like you said better than me, TTC double as a pocket constitution on how to preserve a functioning society as well. Almost like God knows best or something kek
The 10 Commandments are not for Christians. Jesus gave us His commandments.
Hebrews 8:14 — By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.
As a Christian I follow BOTH the Old and New Testament.
Madalyn Murray O'Hair made pretty much the same argument, which ended up removing God from the classrooms. And as John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Now the Ten Commandments could be SAID to represent Christian (and Judaic) values only, but do they really? Nearly all religions of man codify some version of those 10 laws. Even most governments do so too.
In the absence of ANY moral code in our schools, the most succinct and inclusive turn out to be the Ten Commandments. Understandable by all, even those of lower IQs... plain language... no caveats or exceptions or footnotes...
In addition to the Ten Commandments, I'd like to see the Pledge Of Allegiance also returned to the classroom, along with Civics and an honest American History.
The problem is half of the 10 commandments are specifically addressing the inner religious beliefs and outward practices of the people. Israel was established as a theocracy, i.e. a holy land where justified holy war maintained the purity of the land, as well as holy punishments on unholy sinners, etc. and they were explicitly marked out as a people cherished especially by God, that was supposed to be evidenced by their singular devotion to him alone. God did not covenant with any other nation in this way. Read through ALL of Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and so on to get a real grasp on both the blessings and the severity of Israel entering into covenant with God, with the 10 commandments being the pinnacle summary of their responsibilities to maintain life and peace in the land.
This does not diminish the fact that God will judge all mankind according to their deeds and knowledge of him, but the provisional standard by which nations and societies ought to function (apart from theocratic Israel) is characterized by Natural Law - i.e. the moral character of God known in nature and human conscience, which directs our sense of right and wrong towards our fellow man. A life-affirming general equity of justice and peace to allow humanity to be preserved.
I love it when good people, smart people, can agree to disagree, amiably and civilly. Thank you for your response.
It's becoming a rare quality, most especially online.
He's not wrong. Government shouldn't mandate religion the same as the government shouldn't prevent individual schools from practicing religion. This is what was originally meant by separation of church and state. Not to keep the church out of the state, but to keep the state out of the church.
Initially I was more of yours and Clandestine's mindset on this. But I think I should have given LA more credit on the matter.
The decision for whether a TC display can stand is whether it has no secular legislative purpose. The secular legislative purpose here is the teaching of the history of public schooling and the fact that TC displays were once mandated. It's a somewhat slippery argument but it's an undeniable historical fact and interesting given how happy people are to dwell on slavery but unwilling to talk about the lost role of faith in our children's lives.
Secondly, there is a religious battle being fought over our schooling and we're fighting it with one hand tied behind our back. If secular individuals get their way on 100% of school processes and subject matter, then they are establishing their legally recognized religion on the school system. The very argument that they are projecting onto others.
We are seeing the results of letting them operate unchecked.
I do have some sympathy with this view, and believe me, if this signals a return to Christian values there’ll be nobody happier than me. However, I can see how this may pan out. Other religions will demand their holy scriptures be posted on school walls, the Koran, Talmud etc. Heck, the LGBTQ+ and Trans groups are pseudo-religious and could demand their slogans be erected in prime positions around our schools, indoctrinating our children’s young, fertile minds.
I’d prefer to keep public schools secular.
Where do you think the values that make this country great come from? Do you not realize that as God is removed the country goes down?
The Ten Commandments
The demons, and their libshit minions are foaming at the mouth over this.
Good, they don't know how much entertainment they provide us when they do that.
What purpose does putting up a copy of the 10 Commandments serve, other than giving Christians what they think of as a "win"?
It's not like looking at them is suddenly going to change anyone's behavior. We've had these Commandments for thousands of years, and people still break them all the time.
Let's look at them:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Will this be used as a way to get rid of the 10 Commandments in schools, because it "discriminates" against people of other faiths? Probably. Does this phrase really do anything to convert people of other faiths? Nope.)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. (Again, could be used as a basis for people to claim they're being "discriminated" against. Just Catholics alone could argue against this.)
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain. (I think most of the population on Earth has taken God's name in vain at some point. People don't seem to care anymore. It's going to take more than hanging a copy of the 10 Commandments up to change this.)
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy. (Not only is there a debate what day the Sabbath is, Saturday or Sunday (not all Christians are Protestants), but it seems like more and more people are going the "Personal relationship with Jesus/God" route, and ditching churches.
Honor thy father and thy mother. (Yes, this would be nice. Kids today don't honor their parents. But then again, that "kids today" line has been used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Every generation thinks the generations younger than they are disrespectful, lazy, wasteful, etc... So obviously the 10 Commandments don't work on this, since "kids today" have always ignored this one, even when it was always displayed in schools.)
Thou shalt not kill. (I'm pretty sure the death penalty, or life in prison, is a bigger deterrent than reading this.)
Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Kind of awkward that President Trump, who has openly committed adultery on his wives, would advocate for posting this. What was the punishment for him committing adultery? Other than getting hotter, younger wives?)
Thou shalt not steal. (Another nice one. But the threat of jail time is a bigger deterrent than reading this.)
Thou shalt not lie. (Another nice one that has been ignored since this was carved into a stone tablet.)
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. (Same response as number 9.)
Getting the 10 Commandments displayed in a public school is not the huge "win" people think it is. Other than trying to press their belief onto others, this has no purpose.
And now that these are up, it's a certainty that the Satanic Temple will demand that a copy of the 7 Tenets of Satanism go up as well. And it's a good likelihood that Muslims will insist a copy of the 5 Pillars of Islam be displayed as well.
Religion has no place in public schools. That's something that should be taught by the parents and their religious leaders. Even among Christianity, there are huge differences of beliefs. Even more so if you include Catholics as being Christians, which people still argue over. Do you want a Catholic teacher telling a Southern Baptist that they need to say the rosary? Or a Calvinist telling them that free will doesn't exist?
If you're that concerned that your child look at a copy of the 10 Commandments, then enroll them in a private Christian school. Or take them to church. Or hang a copy of it on their bedroom wall or by your front door.
If that's not good enough for you, then that's a sure sign that your motives are to push your religion onto others. And that usually doesn't end well.
If you want to bring more people to Christianity, then be a positive example of that. Lead by example.
The Constitution & Pledge of Allegiance is all that is needed in public schools. That would fix most if not all problems.
Nothing wrong with that. I got the large crayons in 1st grade. Only later did I see the advantage of the finer points to keep from going outside the lines.
I disagree… we all see what is going on with religion and Arch Bishop Vigano…. We need God… which we can have without religion… religion creates a power structure that breeds corruption… kind of how it is now…
When someone says "This is my culture".
I tend to ask.
What else is there outside of the 10 commandments. Most can't answer that question.
Because everything else is marketing and promotional influencer stuff.
Besides the first table of the 10 commandments being contrary to the Bill of Rights, there is something theological to consider with this continual war over posting bible verses in common public spaces.
The Ancient Israelites had all 10 commandments practically tattooed on their foreheads, and those commandments were delivered from God himself through Moses. They in fact saw with their own eyes and ears the miraculous signs that accompanied God visiting them to reveal his will in those commandments. How could they "go wrong?" Well, exquisitely so. They grossly violated most of the 10 commandments before Moses even got back down from that mountain.
For anyone who thinks the publication of God's perfect moral standard somehow empowers a people to actually obey and fulfill that standard, they have not carefully read their OT history. As Paul summarizes in his epistles about law and gospel, the Law came in so that transgression may increase. I.e. so it would be abundantly evident that humans are sinful and only worthy of the curses of the Law.
So publishing the 10 commandments in some other nation who is not under covenant with God, the situation won't be any better. Revealing God's holy character and righteous requirements without equally revealing the coming of the Messiah who fulfilled those righteous requirements for us will only lead to self deluded self righteousness, or despondency. But they will not clean up degeneracy. Again, read the history of OT Israel.
Trump posts things like this because he is coming at it as a Judaistic moralizer, for the Jews to this day believe they can find the key to life and godliness in the Law.
Better to find the treasures of biblical wisdom in the churches who faithfully preach both the Law and the Gospel, for the salvation of souls and bringing about godly living in context of gratitude for the Law keeping fulfilment of Christ for us law breakers.
Separation of church and state was insightful and I'm not willing to drop that for my own beliefs, it's for everyone.
How about the Beatitudes instead?
Beatudueds in addition to the Ten Commandments would be better. And best would be to include the golden rule
Yes, the Golden Rule (along with loving God) IS the commandment of God, as this pursuit of love fulfills all.
I love it. We need to add 1 more ...
"Thou shalt shitpost commies into tears"
This will cause lawsuits and eventually a Supreme Court decision, aka bumpstock ban playbook.
Trump has zero intentions of anti-constitutional church and state actions to ever occur, in fact it’s forcing the left to destroy their own ‘teaching stuff that not everyone belives in’ lol
No more grooming and pride flags. Pretty savage of him to say this during their month of pride.
4D Chess at its finest. X22 deserves a hefty thx from me for saying this yesterday! I didn’t realize it even though it was right in front of me.
If this is the play I’m all for it. Goad the shitlibs with the 10 Commandments, until they demand they be removed, Muh! “no place for indoctrination in schools”. Trump “gotcha - take down your pride crap then” 🤣
Let me say first that nobody may legitimately be stopped from reading the Bible or praying in school. It is a First Amendment right. On the other hand, a government entity may not force others to read the Bible or pray regardless of the religion because it violates individual's First Amendment. Trump knows this. So... I think that he is using this to goad deep state liberals into protesting it, to be used against them in the future. How? Not sure.
Trump broke the adultery commandment, probably way more than once. No one is without sin, but I wonder how much he follows the 10 Commandments?
When did he break the adultery commandment?
Marla Maples