Luke still had quite a few whiny beta moments though. I loved the originals, but even watching them back in the day I could hear his undertones of cuck.
Considering that the whole point of Luke in the ONLY legitimate Star Wars trilogy was to be a blank slate for people to imprint themselves onto and live the movie vicariously, and that his other main gig was voicing the Joker…
With opinions like this, I guess star wars is dead. Nice legacy you HAD. now go pay for your unborn child's murder via abortion. I wonder if you were successful in stong arming her to get one?
I'm willing to wait for Mark Hamill to see the light. Once the truth is out, traitors are arrested and Trump is back as POTUS with a booming economy. If he still refuses to change his beliefs after that, it's time to recast Luke Skywalker or just move on.
Hard to believe seeing as he was pretty much blacklisted after Star Wars. If he was in the Epstein club, they would tend to make him a huge star. There are a bunch of big roles he could have played throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s. Instead nobody wanted to work with him.
To me he seems like someone who thinks if he kisses Biden’s ass, and says everything the Democrats want, no matter how crazy, they will let him back into Hollywood. Especially with Star Wars being gobbled up by Disney, the possibility of being on camera again must be intense. Sounds like he’s even willing to do gay stuff on camera as Luke Skywalker as part of the humiliation.
If he had played it the other way, and stood up to the bullshit, AND refused to milk alien cow tits in the new Star Wars, and refused to throw a lightsaber over his shoulder, and refused to turn Luke Skywalker into a bitter old asshole, he would have come off like such an amazing badass, standing up to the entire corporate machine like a Jedi standing up against the Empire. Star Wars fans would have loved him. They’d be memeing the shit out of Luke Skywalker. He could have been a legend.
These people are so fucking stupid. Trump was not “adjudicated” as a rapist lol. He was found liable (ridiculously) for defamation against that psycho E Jean Carrol. He was never and will never be charged for “rape”. The whole case was bullshit.
Every single day I ask myself how people like Mark Hamill even function out in the world? They are so completely lost.
Clearly he doesn't watch Biden speak or attend events very often, because this is how he is most of the time unless they've hooped him up with whatever amphetamines or other drugs they've giving him to better animate his corpse.
When did DEI actually start within LucasFilm? We all assume it was a Disney thing. But Mark Hammill is and always has been a Didn't Earn It kinda guy. Anyone could have played Luke in Star Wars and many would have been better than Mark Hammill
Star Wars was great in 1977 when it was popular to fight against the evil establishment.
How easily they convert to the dark side.
Well, he is Vader’s son!
Luke still had quite a few whiny beta moments though. I loved the originals, but even watching them back in the day I could hear his undertones of cuck.
Considering that the whole point of Luke in the ONLY legitimate Star Wars trilogy was to be a blank slate for people to imprint themselves onto and live the movie vicariously, and that his other main gig was voicing the Joker…
… it’s hilarious that he’s a democrat shill now.
If your defending Biden after his train wreck of a debate, you've probably diddled some kids.
They won't be able to walk down the street [soon].
Luke go sit on your light sabre
He did. That's why he's a liberal faggot
🤣🤣🤣 [good enough]
Bro, Biden wishes he could be palpy. He's more like Jar Jar.
Apparently this was the "one night" that Fluke Starbucker actually watched Joe Biden because every night is an off night for Joe!
Like father like son.
Star Wars is a massively overrated fantasy drama.
the first two were great, and even after the re-release and prequel soullessness, it still taught kids a lot about corruption in government.
too bad mark doesn't realize he peaked before 1980
Er, why has he put the guy he supports in the bad guy role in the pic?? lmao
As my grandfather used to say " ohhh forrr fuck sakes "
"adjudicated rapist" Never heard that one before.
Let me translate:
"Adjudicated rapist" = "Us lefties believe it!"
With opinions like this, I guess star wars is dead. Nice legacy you HAD. now go pay for your unborn child's murder via abortion. I wonder if you were successful in stong arming her to get one?
I'm willing to wait for Mark Hamill to see the light. Once the truth is out, traitors are arrested and Trump is back as POTUS with a booming economy. If he still refuses to change his beliefs after that, it's time to recast Luke Skywalker or just move on.
Question is if he’s on the lists.
Hard to believe seeing as he was pretty much blacklisted after Star Wars. If he was in the Epstein club, they would tend to make him a huge star. There are a bunch of big roles he could have played throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s. Instead nobody wanted to work with him.
To me he seems like someone who thinks if he kisses Biden’s ass, and says everything the Democrats want, no matter how crazy, they will let him back into Hollywood. Especially with Star Wars being gobbled up by Disney, the possibility of being on camera again must be intense. Sounds like he’s even willing to do gay stuff on camera as Luke Skywalker as part of the humiliation.
If he had played it the other way, and stood up to the bullshit, AND refused to milk alien cow tits in the new Star Wars, and refused to throw a lightsaber over his shoulder, and refused to turn Luke Skywalker into a bitter old asshole, he would have come off like such an amazing badass, standing up to the entire corporate machine like a Jedi standing up against the Empire. Star Wars fans would have loved him. They’d be memeing the shit out of Luke Skywalker. He could have been a legend.
Interesting points!
Famous for swings a flash light around like so sort of mo.
Wow Mark! I didn't know you could deep throat the dark lord...
And they say you have no talent... sheesh!
"One night off?" Where's this idiot been for the past four years?
These people are so fucking stupid. Trump was not “adjudicated” as a rapist lol. He was found liable (ridiculously) for defamation against that psycho E Jean Carrol. He was never and will never be charged for “rape”. The whole case was bullshit.
Every single day I ask myself how people like Mark Hamill even function out in the world? They are so completely lost.
Clearly he doesn't watch Biden speak or attend events very often, because this is how he is most of the time unless they've hooped him up with whatever amphetamines or other drugs they've giving him to better animate his corpse.
Well it does help having House Speakers willing to roll over and do your bidding.
How much more f-ing legislation do we need after 250 years?
I want a leader who's going to scale it back, not add more...
I consider that a net loss
Also "the former guy" in this context would point to @JoeBiden, otherwise he would have written "the latter guy"
Mark Hamill, the definition of a space cadet
Doubt idiot is the reason, fear and self protection is a much more likely reason...
Their loudest voices tend to be the ones with the most to hide and loose...........
Fuck you Hamill
Keep drinking the Flavor-Aid Mark.
When did DEI actually start within LucasFilm? We all assume it was a Disney thing. But Mark Hammill is and always has been a Didn't Earn It kinda guy. Anyone could have played Luke in Star Wars and many would have been better than Mark Hammill
If Trump did that bad would you say the same thing?
Dang, they must really be putting the screws to him that he's so entirely committed to humiliating himself.
What a faggot, my goodness.