Thanks! I do tend to forget this from time to time…..darn that logic, truth, and common sense from getting in the way of all those lies, trickery, and deceit (🤣🤣🤣).
Wheeellllll, in actuality, Jet Fuel (JP-8) does NOT "Melt Passport Paper". Pretty sure that paper does NOT melt.
What a Fu(#ing stupid Meme. Whoever made it originally and then whoever reposted it here are idiots.
Regrettably, 9/11 happened. But the reality of the chemistry and physics of what happened ARE real. I called it (buildings coming down) as I watched in real time - because I am pretty damned good at Physics.
Idiots who know nothing about Math, Physics or Chemistry come up with these idiotic theories.
If you want to discuss whether the "terrorists" were on the planes or if their passports were planted, THAT is a different discussion.
I with most of you on here who think it was an inside job, but I've been wondering what all you other frogs think. How far up does this thing go? Who was really behind the whole thing? Bush/Cheney? The Committee of 300? The Central Bankers? The Zionists? Or was it just Osama Bin Laden and a few of his Muslim buddies with box cutters? There are probably also some Libs out there who have figured out a way to blame it on President Trump, I bet. 🤣
The whole WTC complex was built by Rockefeller, who are the American Dons for the Cabal, owning pretty much the entire shebang. Building 7 was the home for Salomon Smith Barney, which was basically Blackrock before Blackrock, but was having some major legal issues. Their destruction ended the investigations.
Also tenants of Building 7 were the NY center for the IRS, CIA, Secret Service, SEC, DOD, and various big money services (like federal home loans, credit cards, etc.). An awful lot of important records were destroyed in that building collapse.
The night before the attack, Donald Rumsfeld had announced that the DOD had "lost" two trillion dollars, which at the time was the entire National Debt. The next day the "plane" that hit the Pentagon just so happened to hit the tiny area where the records of that "lost" money were kept, shutting down that investigation too.
Of course the amount of plane bits found at the Pentagon could fit in the back of a pickup truck, and somehow the most secure building in the world has zero footage of a plane hitting it, but those are unimportant pieces of information, and anyone who thinks about them is just a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Similarly, the plane that crashed in Penn. didn't actually have any plane parts. Somehow these 747s are disintegrating.
Meh, it happens.
The main buildings themselves had just been bought by some stooge (Rockefeller crony) who insured them for more than their market value (if that phrase has any meaning on this scale). As it turns out, he made a killing on his "loss."
The off targets of 911 (building 7 and the Pentagon) tell a far more interesting story than the main WTC buildings themselves. You can dig pretty far into Building 7 and it's tenants. It gets pretty crazy in there. Looking at the pics and videos of the Pentagon shows a very interesting story as well.
I think the primary purpose of the WTC attack was as a form of false flag propaganda, perpetrated by the DOD/CIA/MIC/Mossad to motivate the "war on terror," a blanket term that gave the US Govt carte blanche attack power on the entire middle east. They could go into any country and just start killing through the "war on terror," all they had to do was say that terrorists existed there. If there are none there, put some there yourself. But I don't think the "off targets" were random, and show how big this thing really is. It destroyed some of the most important records for the biggest financial institutions in the world, and there is only ONE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD.
So how high up does 911 go? All the way to the tippy top of the Pyramid.
Your second paragraph is the reason we now have "the cloud", to allegedly prevent it from happening again. I think the whole thing was thoroughly thought through to centralize data. Never let a crisis go to waste. I believe it to have it's roots in counterfeit currency (other comments of mine here have additional information)
Sounds like you would have a mind open enough for critical thinking. I believe most opposition to the official narrative is controlled opposition to discredit the movement. I believe it to be intentional, but not how it's been portrayed from either side
Im not debating that. I was on the phone with my brother who was working just across the river in Jersy City and he watched the second plane hit the building as we were speaking.
Agree and that is why they try to scrub it from memory...not mentioned in commission report, not mentioned at 9/11 museum and Crooked Joe Leibermansaid it never happened in true gaslighting fashion
I didn't my kid's pictures laminated in that stuff. Super durable... I show everyone all 96 pictures accordion laminated in that stuff...😂😂😂
I know you are just here to back Govt and MSM narratives but for those looking for truth about the fake Apollo and NASA stuff suggest visiting to start.
Yes I do, I also believe they were fly by wire and that is how they could maneuver in the way they did. I have a feeling the hi-jackers thought they could actually fly the planes.
He says the Towers had the steel beams on outside of building, that planes couldn’t have penetrated the narrow windows, and that bombs were used.
Trump came as close to saying the airframes had been assembled at the CIA boneyard using Tungsten alloy without saying it. But he knew how they did it, and they knew he knew.
I’m looking for other Trump interviews, I think there is a better one from a few days after 9-11.
Bro that was a ping pong ball through cardboard and aluminum...there is NO physics that makes aluminum cut throught the thick steel guage of the Towers....Trump said it himself
Cant tell if you are a shill being obtuse or you legit think your ping pong or water pressure examples apply to a Hollowish Alluminum structure cutting through the thickest steel possible......
Trump is a builder , he doesnt need to be an engineer or physicist to understand the reality of the situation.
I agree. When I saw the incident, I said to my coworker, "it's coming down, who is telling those firemen to go in there? Stupid fucks are going to get them killed". I've done structural construction for 47 years now (just over 20 at the time) and I know the buildings are not designed for the types of live loads the happened. I still think it was intentional and I have my own theories. I will say this now, heavy is the head that wears the crown. I think some hard decisions had to be made to cover for the Sr. Bush's evil deeds. It likely doesn't matter who the president was ot the time, same thing would have happened
Towers were built with the load-bearing steel on the perimeter, not of the core. They were built that way specifically to withstand the impact of a commercial aircraft - what happened on 9/11 was within the design parameters of the twin towers.
Just the nose and leading edge of wings and stabilizers were tungsten alloy. Rest of plane was an empty drone, remote flight control, and Stingray satellite-to-cell transmission for recorded ‘phone calls’ to loved ones. The modified airframe allowed high speed at low altitude.
My original post stated that Trump, on 9-11, comes out talking about bombs and metallurgy and structural analysis and windows; he stated that the attack was much more sophisticated than people were thinking.
Trump says this within hours of the CIA crisis actor talking about metallurgy and the clown said, paraphrasing, “I just happened to see it, and obviously the fire was so intense the buildings collapsed because of the compromised integrity of the steel beams…”
don’t think commercial planes were used, but drones might have. I know the insider trading happened.
My point was that Trump went against CIA talking points from day one.
LOL computer the propaganda film from NIST that shows how BLDG 7 had some small fires on a few floors , wasnt even hit by a plane so no magic JET FUEL.yet somehow STILL collapsed just like a controlled demolition.
Cmon man ,first ping pong balls through cardboard now the potato slicer comparison.
" But the plane's structure was not as solid as the columns of the Twin Towers, so the plane would be the one to suffer the most severe deformations and shredding."
Yeah no kidding.......but instead it cut through the steel like butter with nary a deformation or shredding in site
It damn sure isnt a plane cutting through steel as if were butter.....Newtons Law of Motion crosses that one out......please look at how easily aluminum planes are damaged in a crash, you will NEVER see anything like what happened on 9/11, just like you will NEVER find a steel tower that collapsed on itself due to fire.
NO STEEL BLDG HAS EVER COLLAPSED ON ITS OWN FOOTPRINT from fire like the towers...that Brazil fire in a rinky dink bldg, nothing like the towers and not indication there was any kind of solid thick guage steel.
For those that think fire makes heavy guage steel melt/weaken so much that it collapses into its own footprint, here are some lesser made strutctures that burned longer
Controlled demolition takes a tremendous amount of time, money and engineering to do safely. It's my opinion that this was planned and execution was started long before the planes hit the buildings. They needed the planes to hit the buildings to cover their evil deeds.
I'm just pointing out that the decision to bring building 7 down happened long before you saw it come down. Months go by for planning, preparation and finally, execution. They needed the twin towers to come down to cover bringing building 7 down and making all the evidence disappear. The twin towers were just a sacrifice (sleight of hand).
Yes, that's my belief. And as you say, it didn't even get hit by a plane. So why did it come down? If you want to understand, you need to think like an evil piece of shit
Really not that hard. It would likely take several tenant finish permits so it would be difficult to connect the dots. Tenant finish projects happen all the time in occupied buildings. One crew modifying one area wouldn't be suspicious because it happens quite often. No single company or crew would modify structural components in multiple areas of the same building at the same time. It would definitely take good coordination and oversight to pull it off.
I agree, also plastics can burn at 5,000 f and most internal finish products are petroleum based. That's not to say I don't believe the whole thing stinks, but I have my own theories about this incident
Correct. And jet fuel burns at 2,000 degrees in the hot section of a jet engine. Add a lot of air and it burns really hot. Kind of like charcoal burning in a blacksmiths forge.
Ya know some parts of those planes never burned at all. Some went straight through the building and out the other side. And it would be plausible that especially one of the terrorist “pilots” items would have been an item to go through the building.
Having done a great deal of structural fire restoration, yes, I've had to replace steel beams and only a few wood joists where the fire was hottest. The steel beam only needs to be compromised in a very small section to ruin it's integrity for the entire piece
It seems counterintuitive until knowing the science. Being a fire service instructor and having gone through the basic fire classes when first getting into the service, combined with a mech engineering background, it’s critical that FFs know the science regarding steel beam construction.
This is one of the reasons strip malls are so dangerous during fires. The fabricated steel trusses fail at surprisingly low fire intensities.
C'mon man, if you've done construction, you know someone screwed up something and wrote an RFI to get the engineer to sign off on what can't be changed and that margin is gone before the building ever sees a fire. Isn't that how the Hard rock cafe in New Orleans came down?
There's way, WAAY too much steel for such a weakening to even start being a remote possibility.
There's not NEARLY enough heat in those fires, and way too much ongoing dissipation.
Steel framed buildings stood after burning much hotter and much longer, plenty of times.
You obviously have to be quite clueless to believe any kind of office fire and some jet fuel (which was mostly gone right after the initial fireball) can cause heat that is even remotrly sufficient to weaken 1-2 inch thick steel.
What about the molten red-hot slag seen pouring out of the building in some footage? Or the fact that they found molten steel in the wreckage? Thay speaks to the steel actually melting, not just softening.
I believe the passport was planted, but I also believe he was on that flight. One day I may post my beliefs regarding this, but it would take a tremendous amount of time and homework to have receipts. Some of the Frontline episodes prior to this were scrubbed from the PBS archives, just the ones I would need to share. I don't know enough about recovering archives and really don't have the time even if I knew how. I just know TPTB are evil
Thanks! I do tend to forget this from time to time…..darn that logic, truth, and common sense from getting in the way of all those lies, trickery, and deceit (🤣🤣🤣).
It's good to bring it back sometimes.
And don't forget the loose change scattered about! Nickels, dimes and quarters don't melt either.
Not to mention that even boards like this are infiltrated by the enemy.
Not everyone has to agree with every point about 9/11, afterall the conspiracy is wide and multi faceted.
It takes a while but at some point one discerns between people who truly want to learn vs those that are sent here to propagate false information.
Wheeellllll, in actuality, Jet Fuel (JP-8) does NOT "Melt Passport Paper". Pretty sure that paper does NOT melt.
What a Fu(#ing stupid Meme. Whoever made it originally and then whoever reposted it here are idiots.
Regrettably, 9/11 happened. But the reality of the chemistry and physics of what happened ARE real. I called it (buildings coming down) as I watched in real time - because I am pretty damned good at Physics.
Idiots who know nothing about Math, Physics or Chemistry come up with these idiotic theories.
If you want to discuss whether the "terrorists" were on the planes or if their passports were planted, THAT is a different discussion.
And yeah, "brain_dead" says it all.
I with most of you on here who think it was an inside job, but I've been wondering what all you other frogs think. How far up does this thing go? Who was really behind the whole thing? Bush/Cheney? The Committee of 300? The Central Bankers? The Zionists? Or was it just Osama Bin Laden and a few of his Muslim buddies with box cutters? There are probably also some Libs out there who have figured out a way to blame it on President Trump, I bet. 🤣
The whole WTC complex was built by Rockefeller, who are the American Dons for the Cabal, owning pretty much the entire shebang. Building 7 was the home for Salomon Smith Barney, which was basically Blackrock before Blackrock, but was having some major legal issues. Their destruction ended the investigations.
Also tenants of Building 7 were the NY center for the IRS, CIA, Secret Service, SEC, DOD, and various big money services (like federal home loans, credit cards, etc.). An awful lot of important records were destroyed in that building collapse.
The night before the attack, Donald Rumsfeld had announced that the DOD had "lost" two trillion dollars, which at the time was the entire National Debt. The next day the "plane" that hit the Pentagon just so happened to hit the tiny area where the records of that "lost" money were kept, shutting down that investigation too.
Of course the amount of plane bits found at the Pentagon could fit in the back of a pickup truck, and somehow the most secure building in the world has zero footage of a plane hitting it, but those are unimportant pieces of information, and anyone who thinks about them is just a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Similarly, the plane that crashed in Penn. didn't actually have any plane parts. Somehow these 747s are disintegrating.
Meh, it happens.
The main buildings themselves had just been bought by some stooge (Rockefeller crony) who insured them for more than their market value (if that phrase has any meaning on this scale). As it turns out, he made a killing on his "loss."
The off targets of 911 (building 7 and the Pentagon) tell a far more interesting story than the main WTC buildings themselves. You can dig pretty far into Building 7 and it's tenants. It gets pretty crazy in there. Looking at the pics and videos of the Pentagon shows a very interesting story as well.
I think the primary purpose of the WTC attack was as a form of false flag propaganda, perpetrated by the DOD/CIA/MIC/Mossad to motivate the "war on terror," a blanket term that gave the US Govt carte blanche attack power on the entire middle east. They could go into any country and just start killing through the "war on terror," all they had to do was say that terrorists existed there. If there are none there, put some there yourself. But I don't think the "off targets" were random, and show how big this thing really is. It destroyed some of the most important records for the biggest financial institutions in the world, and there is only ONE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD.
So how high up does 911 go? All the way to the tippy top of the Pyramid.
You're my favorite commenter.
Your second paragraph is the reason we now have "the cloud", to allegedly prevent it from happening again. I think the whole thing was thoroughly thought through to centralize data. Never let a crisis go to waste. I believe it to have it's roots in counterfeit currency (other comments of mine here have additional information)
Pharisees and all these Devil disciples soon will see the WRATH OF GOD.
All wars are bankers wars. Cheney played a huge part.
Sounds like you would have a mind open enough for critical thinking. I believe most opposition to the official narrative is controlled opposition to discredit the movement. I believe it to be intentional, but not how it's been portrayed from either side
As high as you can imagine.
They are always blame Trump even if he wasn't born yet. All problems belong to him. LOL
No pencils, desk chairs, desks etc were found but two of the "hijackers" passports just happened to turn up.
Paper does melt into steel:
Didnt that jet engine not match the plane that hit the building?
Im not debating that. I was on the phone with my brother who was working just across the river in Jersy City and he watched the second plane hit the building as we were speaking.
building 7
In my opinion, that's the smoking gun in this whole story
Agree and that is why they try to scrub it from memory...not mentioned in commission report, not mentioned at 9/11 museum and Crooked Joe Leibermansaid it never happened in true gaslighting fashion
I didn't my kid's pictures laminated in that stuff. Super durable... I show everyone all 96 pictures accordion laminated in that stuff...😂😂😂
"Oh no, wait they're double sided!"
That was the day I woke up. I was in welding class at city college cutting some steel with an oxy-acetylene torch.
I just so happened to be cutting a piece of 2-inch thick steel I-beam at the time the two planes hit the twin towers.
The government tried telling me that steel can be cut with jet fuel.
Exactly. Even very smart people were trying to say that to me. Howls.
Steel melts at 2500F. Jet fuel burns from 800F to1500F.
Oxy-acetylene flame gets anywhere from 5600F to 6300F.
If you still believe that the fire from jet fuel brought those twin towers down to the ground, then you shouldn't be on this Q board.
This is basic common sense stuff.
Doesnt explain the ENTIRE building collapsing in its own footprint even if its true that it burned hot enough to weaken in certain areas.
Many lesser built steel bldg have faced worse without collasping
NAH,that is just NIST coverup nonsense
These people who risked their reputations and livilihoods to tell the truth are FAR more credible to me.
MOON gimme a break.
I know you are just here to back Govt and MSM narratives but for those looking for truth about the fake Apollo and NASA stuff suggest visiting to start.
Turbines are made from nimonic alloys.
Yes I do, I also believe they were fly by wire and that is how they could maneuver in the way they did. I have a feeling the hi-jackers thought they could actually fly the planes.
No planes.
For the twin towers yes, but they are irrelevant to the buildings coming down.
The aircraft were used as patsies for the normies.
Listen to Trump on 9-11
He says the Towers had the steel beams on outside of building, that planes couldn’t have penetrated the narrow windows, and that bombs were used.
Trump came as close to saying the airframes had been assembled at the CIA boneyard using Tungsten alloy without saying it. But he knew how they did it, and they knew he knew.
I’m looking for other Trump interviews, I think there is a better one from a few days after 9-11.
Trump talks windows:
Oh thank you. This is amazing.
We see you handshake trying to inject phony physics over here
It was flying so fast it literally melted THROUGH the steel. Science.
Bro that was a ping pong ball through cardboard and aluminum...there is NO physics that makes aluminum cut throught the thick steel guage of the Towers....Trump said it himself
You cant break steel with Aluminum fella.
Cant tell if you are a shill being obtuse or you legit think your ping pong or water pressure examples apply to a Hollowish Alluminum structure cutting through the thickest steel possible......
Trump is a builder , he doesnt need to be an engineer or physicist to understand the reality of the situation.
Breaking the steel connections is different than breaking the steel.
Those connections are designed for sheer strength to hold the weight, not for a tension side load.
I agree. When I saw the incident, I said to my coworker, "it's coming down, who is telling those firemen to go in there? Stupid fucks are going to get them killed". I've done structural construction for 47 years now (just over 20 at the time) and I know the buildings are not designed for the types of live loads the happened. I still think it was intentional and I have my own theories. I will say this now, heavy is the head that wears the crown. I think some hard decisions had to be made to cover for the Sr. Bush's evil deeds. It likely doesn't matter who the president was ot the time, same thing would have happened
Yes they don't have to cut steal,just break the bolts and punch it out of the way.
And I'm also sure it was done by the govt and those who we can't mention,
All tall buildings are constructed around its elevators, it makes sense to let the elevators housings carry most of the weight
Towers were built with the load-bearing steel on the perimeter, not of the core. They were built that way specifically to withstand the impact of a commercial aircraft - what happened on 9/11 was within the design parameters of the twin towers.
A plane wing hit a light pole at O'Hare and nearly cut through the wing. How's that going to cut through 2 inch thick steel beams?
Of course it won't.
It can't.
Just the nose and leading edge of wings and stabilizers were tungsten alloy. Rest of plane was an empty drone, remote flight control, and Stingray satellite-to-cell transmission for recorded ‘phone calls’ to loved ones. The modified airframe allowed high speed at low altitude.
My original post stated that Trump, on 9-11, comes out talking about bombs and metallurgy and structural analysis and windows; he stated that the attack was much more sophisticated than people were thinking. Trump says this within hours of the CIA crisis actor talking about metallurgy and the clown said, paraphrasing, “I just happened to see it, and obviously the fire was so intense the buildings collapsed because of the compromised integrity of the steel beams…”
don’t think commercial planes were used, but drones might have. I know the insider trading happened.
My point was that Trump went against CIA talking points from day one.
Why wouldnt they be friends at the time...2 of the Most well know building owners at the time......try harder pal.
LOL computer the propaganda film from NIST that shows how BLDG 7 had some small fires on a few floors , wasnt even hit by a plane so no magic JET FUEL.yet somehow STILL collapsed just like a controlled demolition.
Cmon man ,first ping pong balls through cardboard now the potato slicer comparison.
" But the plane's structure was not as solid as the columns of the Twin Towers, so the plane would be the one to suffer the most severe deformations and shredding."
Yeah no kidding.......but instead it cut through the steel like butter with nary a deformation or shredding in site
Proves that its BS when nary a single piece breaks off , contrary to ANY airplane into building crash photos that exist.
The potato thing is sooooo ridiculous. Here is a potato slicer, it works because the blades are super thin and there is nothiing to "catch" the potato
The blade provides the resistance needed to cut the potato when pushed through, the potato doesnt destroy the blades
It cant BOTH penetrate in strips AND destroy the steel at the same time.
LOL .....okay to the drag force of aluminum causing column failure.
It damn sure isnt a plane cutting through steel as if were butter.....Newtons Law of Motion crosses that one out......please look at how easily aluminum planes are damaged in a crash, you will NEVER see anything like what happened on 9/11, just like you will NEVER find a steel tower that collapsed on itself due to fire.
NO STEEL BLDG HAS EVER COLLAPSED ON ITS OWN FOOTPRINT from fire like the towers...that Brazil fire in a rinky dink bldg, nothing like the towers and not indication there was any kind of solid thick guage steel.
Not to mention that the fires were only on the upper floors and NOT engulfing the blgd......
Dam folks. If you are carrying a passport, be careful. They are made of asbestos.
NEVER FORGET...... What exactly no one really knows.
It's right after lots of missing money so no one will talk about that. Building 7 is enough for me.
For those that think fire makes heavy guage steel melt/weaken so much that it collapses into its own footprint, here are some lesser made strutctures that burned longer
Hell Bldg7 wasnt even hit by a plane and only had a fire on a few floors...that is the REAL giveaway.
Oh I know that.
Building 7 is not the same. I'm feeling very certain it was intentionally brought down
It was.
Controlled demolition takes a tremendous amount of time, money and engineering to do safely. It's my opinion that this was planned and execution was started long before the planes hit the buildings. They needed the planes to hit the buildings to cover their evil deeds.
E-team or something else was involved......maybe Im misunderstanding your premise.
I'm just pointing out that the decision to bring building 7 down happened long before you saw it come down. Months go by for planning, preparation and finally, execution. They needed the twin towers to come down to cover bringing building 7 down and making all the evidence disappear. The twin towers were just a sacrifice (sleight of hand).
So they did 9/11 just to cover for Bldg 7?
It wasnt even hit by a plane, certainly better ways to cover if your intention was to bring down only one bldg, no?
Yes, that's my belief. And as you say, it didn't even get hit by a plane. So why did it come down? If you want to understand, you need to think like an evil piece of shit
Really not that hard. It would likely take several tenant finish permits so it would be difficult to connect the dots. Tenant finish projects happen all the time in occupied buildings. One crew modifying one area wouldn't be suspicious because it happens quite often. No single company or crew would modify structural components in multiple areas of the same building at the same time. It would definitely take good coordination and oversight to pull it off.
Might be pissing in the wind here, but steel doesnt have to MELT to have its structural integrity compromised.
I agree, also plastics can burn at 5,000 f and most internal finish products are petroleum based. That's not to say I don't believe the whole thing stinks, but I have my own theories about this incident
Correct. And jet fuel burns at 2,000 degrees in the hot section of a jet engine. Add a lot of air and it burns really hot. Kind of like charcoal burning in a blacksmiths forge.
Certain types of plastics burn at 5,00 f. That's what we consider for warehouse fire sprinkler design for high pile storage
You are pissing. Building 7
Oy Vey! 😖
It"s hard to believe how many of you guys are still in the trap.
The kind of bullshit you can’t wash off your boots.
…and the fuel tanks were close to full since they were scheduled cross country flights.
paper only flow faster than jet fuel. LOL
So you're trying to say you found these in the 9/11 wreckage? Sure yep that makes sense.
Yep. I remember that coming out a little later as part of the narrative. Totally unbelievable.
This meme is stupid and works against your credibility. Does steel have to melt to get weak? At what temperature does steel degrade below spec?
What planet are you from? Passport found on street below magically appeared.
Im not saying its all as reported. Im commenting on the meme alone.
Ya know some parts of those planes never burned at all. Some went straight through the building and out the other side. And it would be plausible that especially one of the terrorist “pilots” items would have been an item to go through the building.
I don't think those of us with different opinions on some parts are denying it was planted.
Steel begins to lose structural integrity around 1000 deg.
Having done a great deal of structural fire restoration, yes, I've had to replace steel beams and only a few wood joists where the fire was hottest. The steel beam only needs to be compromised in a very small section to ruin it's integrity for the entire piece
It seems counterintuitive until knowing the science. Being a fire service instructor and having gone through the basic fire classes when first getting into the service, combined with a mech engineering background, it’s critical that FFs know the science regarding steel beam construction.
This is one of the reasons strip malls are so dangerous during fires. The fabricated steel trusses fail at surprisingly low fire intensities.
Thanks for the added info.
You have a LOT of homework to do, especially in physics.
C'mon man, if you've done construction, you know someone screwed up something and wrote an RFI to get the engineer to sign off on what can't be changed and that margin is gone before the building ever sees a fire. Isn't that how the Hard rock cafe in New Orleans came down?
BTW, thank you for being a voice of reason
There's way, WAAY too much steel for such a weakening to even start being a remote possibility. There's not NEARLY enough heat in those fires, and way too much ongoing dissipation.
Steel framed buildings stood after burning much hotter and much longer, plenty of times.
Unless youve done the math and can show us, your guess is as good as anyone elses.
You obviously have to be quite clueless to believe any kind of office fire and some jet fuel (which was mostly gone right after the initial fireball) can cause heat that is even remotrly sufficient to weaken 1-2 inch thick steel.
So how thin would the steel have to be to be weakened by jet fuel?
clueless even on the basics, not worth my time
What about the molten red-hot slag seen pouring out of the building in some footage? Or the fact that they found molten steel in the wreckage? Thay speaks to the steel actually melting, not just softening.
And thats pure aluminum. Plenty of alloys have lower melting points.
I have watch enough demolition and fire on building to know this isn't a simple fire from jet fuel.
Im sure you have TONS of jet fuel fire in skyscraper experience. How hot can jet fuel get?
I believe the passport was planted, but I also believe he was on that flight. One day I may post my beliefs regarding this, but it would take a tremendous amount of time and homework to have receipts. Some of the Frontline episodes prior to this were scrubbed from the PBS archives, just the ones I would need to share. I don't know enough about recovering archives and really don't have the time even if I knew how. I just know TPTB are evil