Names are interesting. Like that Donald means something like "world-ruler". The other alternative meaning sometimes given is "proud chief". His second name John is said to mean, in the original Hebrew the name comes from, "Yahweh is gracious". Trump comes from a German name that means "drum", but of course it can be said to have a double meaning due to the English use of the word trump in contexts like "trump card" - the winning card, or the card that has some sort of advantage over everything else.
So I suppose you could combine those to something like "the winning world ruler by the grace of God", or, alternate, maybe something like "the proud chief whose drum is heard all over the world by the grace of God"... hm, a bit long, that version.
Musk seems to originate, as a name, from Scotland, and the first form was Montfichet, from French. Mont is some sort of hill or even a mountain, fichet seems to mean some sort of game piece, I haven't so far found any clearer explanation. Then the next form used is Muschet, after that Muskett, with two ts in the end but with one t that would of course mean either those old firearms, or, looks like, a male sparrow hawk.
Then the family dropped the ending and started to use just Musk. But from his names, he is an oak, a hawk, and a weapon.
Looking at Truth Social, Oak Tree is related to (is?) Elon? Talked about him meeting with Trump in March and used “Oak Tree” in that post. Related to Twitter/X?
So if it's infinite free energy, how would that change everything like Q says? No energy bills would be nice, I'd buy an electric car since I'd be able to charge it over and over for free. Neither of those things would really change my world all that much. How do you guys think it would change everything?
Energy prices are a tool used to keep the population in submission. They raise and lower costs at will to control people.
It's already free, or nearly so, but instead it's used as a tax, a hidden tax, to siphon wealth from the workers to their overseers and maintain their control.
This is why there will need to be a strategic scale down that happens in stages.
It will be a total cluster fook and an epic ball drop if white hats don’t have a plan for those displaced workers. But,,, I doubt WH’s have brought us this far without having a plan for this situation.
To think we would get free energy while the rest of the world’s societies sit back and watch it happen seems naive to me.
It’s one thing for societies to believe it exists and is being held back so they do very little to bring it forward. But,,, it’s a whole other thing when societies see a country like America implement it. They will demand it!
Petroleum is used in many different industries and the vast majority of our transportation system is based on it so there will be a demand in the foreseeable future. That said, if I was living off royalties from oil I would have already started looking to get out, like, YESTERDAY.
When ppl find out that free(?) energy is real and is coming the price per barrel will begin to collapse. That in itself will cause layoffs and it will only be the beginning of a sharp downward trend that will continue for the next couple of decades, but it won’t take long to have a dramatic impact.
Oak Tree is new to me. Any more info?
Edit: Elon means “oak tree.” Funnily enough Musk means “testicle.” TIL.
Names are interesting. Like that Donald means something like "world-ruler". The other alternative meaning sometimes given is "proud chief". His second name John is said to mean, in the original Hebrew the name comes from, "Yahweh is gracious". Trump comes from a German name that means "drum", but of course it can be said to have a double meaning due to the English use of the word trump in contexts like "trump card" - the winning card, or the card that has some sort of advantage over everything else.
So I suppose you could combine those to something like "the winning world ruler by the grace of God", or, alternate, maybe something like "the proud chief whose drum is heard all over the world by the grace of God"... hm, a bit long, that version.
Musk seems to originate, as a name, from Scotland, and the first form was Montfichet, from French. Mont is some sort of hill or even a mountain, fichet seems to mean some sort of game piece, I haven't so far found any clearer explanation. Then the next form used is Muschet, after that Muskett, with two ts in the end but with one t that would of course mean either those old firearms, or, looks like, a male sparrow hawk.
Then the family dropped the ending and started to use just Musk. But from his names, he is an oak, a hawk, and a weapon.
The surname Tesla, BTW, seems to mean either something like a carpenter, or maybe some type of carpenter's tool.
I suppose assuming that he was a tool for that certain Hebrew carpenter might be going a bit too far?
To quote Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction.
"I'm American, our names don't mean shit."
So his parents literally named him Oak Tree Testicles (aka Big Nuts)?
Or "acorn". Which, could near significance.
Fun fact: There is an Elon University (no relation), and its sports teams are called the Phoenix.
Elon wants to go to Mars. The first ship in Star Trek canon to go faster than light? The Phoenix.
Well, Trump and Elon show they have a pair!
Very nice.
Entheos, is one of the first I read on truth.
Yes if he's not on the Q team, he is connected to them.
One of my first as well, before I even had TS, I saw them here. I also saw this morning Enthéos posted about Dr. Royal Rife technologies.
That looks very,promising, maybe it's good for the vaxine damaged.
Definitely has me intrigued!
He predicted the overturning of roe vs Wade about 5 years in advance.
I never thought that would happen.
Yes! They certainly have access to information I do not. I also recall Trump saying something about the medical industry changing 🙏
Me too, after reading the craziness online that account is kinda of a safe harbor.
Looking at Truth Social, Oak Tree is related to (is?) Elon? Talked about him meeting with Trump in March and used “Oak Tree” in that post. Related to Twitter/X?
At least that is what the name Elon means.
Yes...'Oak Tree" is used more on Truth Social to refer to Elon than on X and only by a limited few...curious 🧐
April 29, 2018
White House mystery: Where is Macron’s gifted oak tree?
Maybe it was only 'planted' there for the photo shoot and was relocated..
Maybe Trump will respond by saying, "I cannot tell a lie…I did cut it with my hatchet.”
Oh, Honest Abe.
Refers to George Washington
Doh, that’s right!
Hehheh! Very good j! 😺
So if it's infinite free energy, how would that change everything like Q says? No energy bills would be nice, I'd buy an electric car since I'd be able to charge it over and over for free. Neither of those things would really change my world all that much. How do you guys think it would change everything?
Direct correlation between energy prices and industrial strength/economic growth. Low energy prices produces strong healthy countries
Energy prices are a tool used to keep the population in submission. They raise and lower costs at will to control people.
It's already free, or nearly so, but instead it's used as a tax, a hidden tax, to siphon wealth from the workers to their overseers and maintain their control.
Free energy would creat unlimited human potential. Innovation could not be artificially suppressed by the elites
Think of how the Petro dollar has controlled the world's economy...
Conversely wouldn't it also eliminate a bunch of energy related jobs like coal mining and oil rigs?
This is why there will need to be a strategic scale down that happens in stages.
It will be a total cluster fook and an epic ball drop if white hats don’t have a plan for those displaced workers. But,,, I doubt WH’s have brought us this far without having a plan for this situation.
Those jobs would still exist. Free energy here doesn't mean free energy for other countries. We would just mainly export it all.
To think we would get free energy while the rest of the world’s societies sit back and watch it happen seems naive to me.
It’s one thing for societies to believe it exists and is being held back so they do very little to bring it forward. But,,, it’s a whole other thing when societies see a country like America implement it. They will demand it!
Petroleum is used in many different industries and the vast majority of our transportation system is based on it so there will be a demand in the foreseeable future. That said, if I was living off royalties from oil I would have already started looking to get out, like, YESTERDAY.
When ppl find out that free(?) energy is real and is coming the price per barrel will begin to collapse. That in itself will cause layoffs and it will only be the beginning of a sharp downward trend that will continue for the next couple of decades, but it won’t take long to have a dramatic impact.
Not everything would stop at the drop of a hat. Petroleum is used in just about everything manufacturing based.
No. You're thinking 2-dimensional checkers with Oil.
Oil, in some form, is in everything...not just what relates to energy production.
Plastics, furniture, clothing, cookware, storage, building materials, makeups, etc...the list is truly vast.
It'll take a restructuring, but oil wont go away.
This thought occurred to me long ago but think these people would advance to new technologies.
It completely breaks the yoke of Big Oil.
Think about it. How many wars have been instigated over oil?? It’s the cabal’s golden calf.
So is Elon and Trump blood related? Uncle John lived in Africa?
Could be dasting...🧐
This is really intriguing after Trump weirdly mentioned his uncle in his MN rally Sat night.
Is there a comprehensive list of "entheos proofs" somewhere? I keep forgetting why I'm supposed to care what that dude posts
Here's his account on TS...where he has 62k following but ONLY follows 10 AND one of them is Dr. Jan...
That makes it even less important to me lol
I know many people follow him as if he's on the Q team or somethin I'm just trying to remember why
Here's his account on X...protected