Just posted on here about the same time as you. I heard that too. Heard him say "this other lunatic they have in custody." Any idea who he's referring to ?
The left seems to be pushing the idea that the assassination attempt was a fake through their subchannels. They're not stupid enough to mainstream it, but there are a LOT of people out there pushing the idea. This is why you are going to hear a lot of stupid questions along the lines of "ear scars".
Just listen to the whole thing. He makes so much sense. I so wish that everyone, particularly the democrat voters, would at least hear the man tell us what he is for, what he will do, and the logic and reasons for doing so! He doesn't dance. He doesn't lie... although he is accused of doing so daily. He tells the truth as he understands it. Okay, sometimes he may offend people. But a person only gets offended when the truth is revealed about them.
He is a very sane, straight-forward, logical, rational man with a great business/economic acumen. Leaders around the world always respect someone like this. I truly believe the majority of people in America are smart, sane, and logical. I say this because I don't think the democratic platform they are running on will be supported here and if the democratic ticket wins the election then it will have to be a rigged election. No way people in my country are that stupid. I pray, someone, some org (space force?) is monitoring this election and not allow any rigging to occur.
I look forward to the day when the American public (including all demographics), stop hating each other and get along. United, we can build something here the likes of which would be the envy of the entire universe. Allow the best of us to come out instead of provoking the worst of us. All human beings have both demeanors. It is time our focus is on uniting... not dividing, peace... not conflict, rational thought... not politics.
I look forward to the day when the American public (including all demographics), stop hating each other and get along. United, we can build something here the likes of which would be the envy of the entire universe. Allow the best of us to come out instead of provoking the worst of us. All human beings have both demeanors. It is time our focus is on uniting... not dividing, peace... not conflict, rational thought... not politics.
Don't let it bother you, but i'm just letting you know to trigger the beta NPC's who lurk here, because they love to hate me for that, being scared af that Trump is on the road to win 2024, and i love that they hate me :D One of my accounts is a qult hq member, and this will trigger them even more. salt it out qultists - that's right i know how to tal
I'm not hearing the questions very well on my feed. But somebody asked a question about the assassination and the FBI/SS response. Trump said something like "I'm OK, pleased with the FBI response, and (something like) this other lunatic they have in custody"
Interesting. Thx for the info. I don't know if that guy is relevant or just another patsy/excuse. I was hoping he meant the "real" assassin. I'll never believe Crooks was capable. thx again
However, a law enforcement official said investigators so far haven't uncovered evidence linking Merchant to the Pennsylvania attack by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks.
Yeah, that's because he (Merchant) met with someone in the Fblie and they took care of the rest.
Trump said he has 3 dates set aside for debates. She most likely won't debate him. Here is my idea:
Since Kamala will probably refuse the 3 debates Trump scheduled, he ought to represent her opinion by playing videos of her past comments and showing screenshots of her voting record, the bills Biden signed, and the executive orders Biden wrote.
After he shows those for each topic, he can explain his policy and even show screenshots of his bills and executive orders.
I would love to see this! If he did this on the first debate night, she might change her mind and show up for the other two. Haha.
Why did he say he didn't want to arrest Hillary? It seemed so random which probably means it wasn't at all random. Is he distancing himself from some future arrest?
Setting three debates before he has KZARs acceptance really toses it back in her face...and now we'll see who's chicken. Then holding an hour long, off the cuff, interview was another shot across the bow. But I'll bet the main story from the MSM is that Trump is old and hard of hearing.
President Trump is awesome in Q and A,
Putin is similar.
Not many politicians could do this.
What?! He just said the FBI talked to him and they have another person in custody regarding the ass*anation attempt.
Just posted on here about the same time as you. I heard that too. Heard him say "this other lunatic they have in custody." Any idea who he's referring to ?
It must be the Iranian guy. But he wasn't involved in the attempt on Trump. Which was the context of the question.
Just coming to say this also! What other person do they have in custody, they aren't telling us about?
I think it's the Pakistani Asif Merchant
My thoughts also...
As if it could be Asif.
Is it the Pak ISI guy??
Must be even though the context of the question was the assassination attempt in Butler.
Politico posted about a Pakistani man charged with murder-for-hire plot yesterday. It states it may have targeted Trump.
Maybe this?
Talked about Hillary in the past tense. 🤔
Came here to say this. And he did it multiple times, so much so that the reporterette that followed the presser was doing it too!
Who the fuck asks that lol. And she asked 2 times, she really wants to know if there is a scar on his ear guys. It's important.
Trump: "I'm a fast healer" kek
The left seems to be pushing the idea that the assassination attempt was a fake through their subchannels. They're not stupid enough to mainstream it, but there are a LOT of people out there pushing the idea. This is why you are going to hear a lot of stupid questions along the lines of "ear scars".
He even showed his ear, I did not see a scar, but maybe he put makeup on over it?
He said it was at the top of his ear...probably not very visible from the angle the cameras were filming.
He turned his head to show
Yes, I saw that he did, but still hard to see the top of his ear.
Boss is always in control...
To be fair, I didn't see any sort of scar and there are a ton of photos from literally the next day and there wasn't even a scratch.
Something is going on.
I'm with you 100% but I won't speak about it.
Why not? I found it's a great talking point.
got sauce on that? I didn't see any pics of his ear the next day
they are literally everywhere
117 people were shot and 17 died.
It was actually 13 people died. Trump is always confirming to us the plan is still in place. Thank you Trump!
my bad I posted on another thread that it was actually 19
Anyway, it's definitely not 17 nor 117 shot
OMG kek, he just called Gavin Newsome "Newscum" casually
I heard that too.
Regarding Biden, Trump says
He has one?
From Abby somebody (Young Frankenstein reference)
He’s noticeably referring to Hillary in past tense, as if she’s no longer with us.
And he calls her "Beautiful Hilary" now. Meaning, the body double, imo.
Yes....Killery got GITMO'D when she was tossed in the van like a side of beef on 9/11
I never get tired of that reference. "Tossed in the van like a side of beef." Thanks for the mental picture and smile it caused.
I love reading it, too AND on 9/11.
I think that means Hillary still has a role in the finale, but wont be what the DS expects.
Just listen to the whole thing. He makes so much sense. I so wish that everyone, particularly the democrat voters, would at least hear the man tell us what he is for, what he will do, and the logic and reasons for doing so! He doesn't dance. He doesn't lie... although he is accused of doing so daily. He tells the truth as he understands it. Okay, sometimes he may offend people. But a person only gets offended when the truth is revealed about them.
He is a very sane, straight-forward, logical, rational man with a great business/economic acumen. Leaders around the world always respect someone like this. I truly believe the majority of people in America are smart, sane, and logical. I say this because I don't think the democratic platform they are running on will be supported here and if the democratic ticket wins the election then it will have to be a rigged election. No way people in my country are that stupid. I pray, someone, some org (space force?) is monitoring this election and not allow any rigging to occur.
I look forward to the day when the American public (including all demographics), stop hating each other and get along. United, we can build something here the likes of which would be the envy of the entire universe. Allow the best of us to come out instead of provoking the worst of us. All human beings have both demeanors. It is time our focus is on uniting... not dividing, peace... not conflict, rational thought... not politics.
Beautifully said!!! And the best part is; Trump has been 100% consistent in almost all of his views / beliefs / opinions, pretty much his entire life.
Look up interviews he did back in the 80's / 90's; he thought & spoke pretty much exactly the same about our country being taken advantage of, etc.
It has to be this way for now, we are on the threshing floor and the grain is being separated from the chaff, it can be heartbreaking though.
Very. … Very.
This triggered the predditors over on qult hq
Don't let it bother you, but i'm just letting you know to trigger the beta NPC's who lurk here, because they love to hate me for that, being scared af that Trump is on the road to win 2024, and i love that they hate me :D One of my accounts is a qult hq member, and this will trigger them even more. salt it out qultists - that's right i know how to tal
I'm not hearing the questions very well on my feed. But somebody asked a question about the assassination and the FBI/SS response. Trump said something like "I'm OK, pleased with the FBI response, and (something like) this other lunatic they have in custody"
Anybody know who he's referring to in custody?
Must be this guy
Interesting. Thx for the info. I don't know if that guy is relevant or just another patsy/excuse. I was hoping he meant the "real" assassin. I'll never believe Crooks was capable. thx again
Or this gal
Yeah, that's because he (Merchant) met with someone in the Fblie and they took care of the rest.
I think it's the Pakistani Asif Merchant
Interesting his last name is "Merchant"
Thanks /mods
Trump said he has 3 dates set aside for debates. She most likely won't debate him. Here is my idea:
Since Kamala will probably refuse the 3 debates Trump scheduled, he ought to represent her opinion by playing videos of her past comments and showing screenshots of her voting record, the bills Biden signed, and the executive orders Biden wrote.
After he shows those for each topic, he can explain his policy and even show screenshots of his bills and executive orders.
I would love to see this! If he did this on the first debate night, she might change her mind and show up for the other two. Haha.
i think Rumble is down many rumble shows are black screen?
thanks fern
Are you calling me a plant?! / just kidding
lol nope
I'm watching on Rumble, would like to be able to hear the question.
rumble hasnt been working for me today tried to pull up a couple podcasts nothing coming through...might be the servers here
Worked for me though I had to refresh and rewind to catch the whole thing.
I am watching on X Spaces.
I had to stop watching toward the end of questioning and got in the work elevator and holy shit, msnbc was covering it live on the commie elevator TV.
Why did he say he didn't want to arrest Hillary? It seemed so random which probably means it wasn't at all random. Is he distancing himself from some future arrest?
That was my thought. Let the military tribunals do the arrests and trials. He doesn’t need to be connected to it.
I wish things like the misspelled "Confrence" didn't jump out at me
Setting three debates before he has KZARs acceptance really toses it back in her face...and now we'll see who's chicken. Then holding an hour long, off the cuff, interview was another shot across the bow. But I'll bet the main story from the MSM is that Trump is old and hard of hearing.