Our son was sober for 5 years. He contracted cellulitis back in February. His leg swelled to 5+ times its normal size so the docs in the hospital had him on a cocktail of meds, including pain killers. They knew his history but had to put him on the pain meds. Well, yesterday, he was arrested. He had meth and heroin. He had lost a lot of weight with the cellulitis after his 1 month hospital stay. He comes over on Fridays when my husband always fries fish. He seemed normal but I asked him if he was on drugs because of his weight loss and he told me no and that he'd take a drug test. I should have tested him but trusted he was being truthful.
Our hearts are shattered. He called earlier wanting us to bail him out but we told him no. I told him he was the one who made the decision to start taking drugs again and that he has to face the consequences of his poor choices. He threatened to hang himself. I told him that wouldn't solve anything but if he made that choice we were not responsible and we sure as hell would not feel guilty. He hung up. He tried to call again but now, I've turned off my phone. He'll have a hearing next week and hopefully the judge will decide that he can go to rehab before his trial and whatever time he is given.
Anyway, I know firsthand from previous asks that your prayers are powerful. Asking for our son and for our family. Thanks so much!
Prayers sent for you and the family. Also asked God to guide you to the right Doctors . And to give you strength at this time.
Thank you.
No thanks needed, we have been here together for many years. We are one big family of God.
Gods will be done. Always.
Yes we are!
In God we trust always.
Prayers for healing your son and whole family fren! IJNA!
Thank you.
Absolutely! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2018%3A19-20&version=ESV
One of my favorite passages, thank you.
Yes, we do and thanks again.
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.
Thank you!
I'm sorry to hear your son's sobriety was derailed by a medical condition.
Does your local church have a Celebrate Recovery group? If so, perhaps you can get in touch with them and someone from the group can reach out to your son.
I pray that the Lord touches your son's heartt and leads him back to sobriety.
I pray that God gives you and your family the strength you need to deal with what lays ahead. May you find peace and comfort knowing that your frens here are praying for your family.
Thank you. Had never heard of Celebrate Recovery but just did a Yandex search and found there is a group. If our son is lucky, the judge will sentence him to rehab. He'll then have a trial because possession of meth and heroin are felonies. I mean we'll talk to his lawyer and tell them about the hospital and painkillers if our son hasn't. Don't know of that will mitigate the sentence he eventually gets.
Since CR is Christ centered, to open meetings we say the entire Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time,
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right
if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next.
I started reading Max Lucado's book "You'll Get Through This". Here's a quote from the book:
"You'll get through this. It won't be painless. It won't be quick. But God will use this mess for good. In the meantime don't be foolish or naive. But don't despair either. With God's help you will get through this."
Peace and love to you, fren!
Thank you for the reminder. I too am struggling with a very difficult family situation and I needed to hear this.
May God bless and keep you and yours wrapped close to His most loving heart.
You're welcome.
I, too, am struglling with family difficulty and some days I don't see how I can get through it. But I have to remember that God is there and His timeline is not man's.
You, fren, WILL get through this trial in your life. Have faith. Have courage.
Lord, I pray for my friend, DontAsk and for his family. Please grant them Your peace.
Thank you and I'll order this book!
Thanks for the Serenity prayer. I used to bring one of my friends to AA and I always liked this prayer.
You can go to Celebrate Recovery for non-addiction issues. It's for those with "hurts, hang ups, and addictions". I go for the "hurts" help. Fortunately for me the group are all parents so they can empathize with me as a heartbroken mom. Plus it helps me to find peace knowing that others are praying for my daughter.
For me, saying the Serenity Prayer as a group feels more impactful, if that makes any sense?
The Serenity Prayer as impactful makes perfect sense! Thank you!
don’t know where you’re located, but there’s also an organization called UTurn For Christ. it’s a legitimate organization.
Don't see a UTurn For Christ where we live but will share with our son, E.. He is Christian and he does pray. Will twll E that he needs to turn his whole life over to God.
Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father, please help this family. You know the present situation and history better than anyone. Break the bonds of addiction that bind this young man. You have blessed him with 5 years of sobriety; lead him back to that familiar place with fresh understanding and the new skills he needs to stay there. Provide him with the people & resources he needs going forward to make sound choices. Bless his parents with the wisdom & discernment as well as the people & resources they need to be the parents you have called them to be. Hear their grief & anger and lead them to bring it to you that they may find peace from this storm in your presence & your Word. Grant this son & his parents the wise counsel, spiritually, mentally, & legally they each need going forward. Strengthen each of them with your presence, draw them to faith in the forgiveness of sins granted to everyone who will believe in salvation through Christ Jesus, and fill them with your Spirit, love and peace. I ask this in Jesus' blessed name, Amen.
Thank you for this heartfelt prayer,MineOwnSelf.
From dealing with someone with a drug addiction I know your pain. I pray for you and your husband. A special prayer for your son but you well know a drug addict has no loyalty except to his habit. Stay strong and turn it over to God. He is the only one that can change your son. God bless you and yours!
Thank you. We have turned both our son and his addiction over to God because we are powerless. I had heard the words but never truly understood them until we tried to help our son with his addiction issues.
Dear God please help this lost soul find his way home.
Thank you GG.
Your welcome Fren.
Here is some research I went ahead and did. It's the mechanism of Action of cellulitis, it's damage, risks and ways to treat it.
Mechanism of damage
1. Bacterial Invasion:
2. Immune Response:
3. Tissue Damage:
4. Formation of Abscesses:
5. Systemic Effects:
Treatment of Cellulitis
1. Direct Methods to Treat Cellulitis:
1.1. Antibiotic Therapy
Reasoning: Antibiotics target and eliminate the bacterial pathogens responsible for cellulitis, reducing infection and preventing complications such as abscess formation and sepsis.
1.2. Wound Care
Reasoning: Proper wound care helps prevent additional bacterial entry and reduces the risk of spreading the infection.
1.3. Supportive Measures
Reasoning: These measures help alleviate symptoms such as pain and swelling, supporting the body’s overall recovery.
2. Phytochemicals to Treat Symptoms and Prevent Sepsis:
2.1. Garlic (Allicin)
Reasoning: Nano-allicin offers enhanced stability and bioavailability, potentially providing more effective antimicrobial and immune-supportive benefits.
2.2. Turmeric (Curcumin)
Reasoning: Nano-curcumin’s enhanced absorption and bioavailability help maximize its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, supporting better management of cellulitis symptoms.
2.3. Ginger (Gingerol)
Reasoning: Nano-gingerol’s improved absorption and stability can enhance its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, providing better support for managing cellulitis.
Lastly, use the nano phytochemicals both topically on the infected skin as well as orally. Doing both is important. Real honey may also help. I hope this makes it's way to you and helps him.
Bannedin, we asked the doctors and they said his pain was incredible. I think as with all illnesses, people have different experiences. Do I wish they pain meds had never started, absolutely. I have never seen anyone in as much pain as our son was in - his leg was horrific. He came thisclose to losing not only his leg but his life. The docs had to put him in a coma because the infection had spread throughout his body. They were afraid that his brain would swell more. Then, he had a reaction to the antibiotic and developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and his skin began peeling from his body. The docs had to begin treating those areas the same way 3rd degree burns are treated. It was horrible.
Medical staff will never use this but intravenous vitamin C (typically 700mg/kg of body weight) will cure cellulitis, sepsis and most other infections in a couple of days. See "Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C Infectious Diseases and Toxins" - by Thomas E Levy.
Why are you claiming that I am simply “copying information from the net” actually read what was written fully. Maybe your cellulitis wouldn’t have been as bad if you followed it. But now that you are here, instead of disparaging my research and my help, you could share what relieved your issues if you found any. If you think a thing I wrote is nonsense then address that specifically.
Copy, what I wrote into any search engine you want, you won’t find it. Instead look at my history and you will see, when it comes to medical questions I go out and research to help others.
now, for the sake of argument what specifically is false? The common bacteria associated? The common medications used? The palliative care? The phytochemicals? Nano phytochemicals having higher bioavailability? What.
I appreciate your effort, and your citation of sources. You've shown me info that may help me or mine in the future. Can't beat that.
You are very welcome, any time if you ever have clinical questions on desease or suppliments let me know and I will gladly give you what I know, and do some research for you as well.
Thank you for this information, Not_Admin!
Prayers for your son; may he receive a sentence that he can bear and that will help him. It's very painful for you as well. Praying for the whole family, ditzee58.
Thank you, Mr_A. My family and I appreciate your prayers.
May God place His hands around your family and bring you healing and peace.
Thank you!
Father God. I am lifting up this mother, father and their son to You tonight. We know we can’t heal ourselves. Healing will only come thru You. I pray that You can replace the young man’s desire for drugs with the peace of wanting You in his life. For mom and dad give them a respite from their worry and consternation and blessed peace in their souls. We pray this in Your heavenly name. Amen.
Thank you so much for the lovely prayer, pepperoni.
Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive us for our sins. Please hear our prayers for this son and family. Please bring Comfort and Healing. Please let this precious child created in your image hear Your call of Hope. Help him to receive Your gift of Salvation in the blessed Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank you Dardar
May the Lord Almighty/Jesus Christ heal and comfort your son and your family and guide his medical providers❤️❤️❤️
Thank you.
There’s two battles, one is your son’s addiction, 2nd one is for his family to realize it’s his battle, I pray for your family 🙏
This is pretty much exactly what my husband and I told him last night. If only he had come to us earlier, we would have helped. He told us he was trying to protect us and I told him BS.That was his addiction. He has to learn to fight the temptation. We're here for him but the bulk of the fight is his.
I’m 70 I have a twin, it’s been HELL for fifty years. Question do you have Fifty years to wait and see if “THEY” get it together. The words get it together has two meanings yours and his. I give zero energy into someone that is an addict. What is the definition of an addict? a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something harmful: a drug/heroin addict. a gambling addict. Excuse me THEY DON’T WANT TO STOP.
E is waiting to hear about rehab. He was sober for 5 years and we're praying he can achieve sobriety again. I agree it's hell and I'm sorry you and your family have had to experience dealing with an addict. Since my husband and I are 66yo, nope we likely don't have 50 years. That said, we have firm faith in God and know through Him all things are possible.
I'm really sorry! Keep the hope. I work in public mental health and have people in my office all the time that are sober from hard drugs. Had a client in today who had been to court ordered rehab or jail for smuggling meth into jail. Shes been sober 2.5 years after that rehab and doing well.
You are doing the right thing with your boundaries too, no matter how much it hurts and how hard it is.
Praying for all of you!
Thank you Korynne. So happy to hear your client is doing well. I appreciate your prayers.
Prayers on the way fren.
Thank you.
Prayers for your son and strength for him to heal.
Thank you so much!
Prayers for strength and guidance
Thank you!
Lifting him and your family up in prayer 🙏
Thank you - your prayers mean so much!
I am praying for you and for your son. As a recovering addict and a parent, I just want you to know Tough love is the best love. It also takes more commitment than just giving in. I did it and it broke my heart doing it.But I saved my son by forcing him into consequences. My whole heart is with you. ❤️🙏❤️🙏😥
Thank you, Nana. It is ripping out our hearts. So much easier to give in but I've learned that giving in is giving up and we just won't.
You are so correct that giving in is giving up. When we are not allowed to grow, we wither and the worst storms make the strongest trees. I wish we could save them all. I truly do. I just couldn't ever live with myself if I spent all my time interrupting another person's growth. And sadly that very much includes the consequences of their actions. It's real love that respects another enough to let them make their own path. Praying for all the prodigal sons; may they return safer and wiser to their rightful places in their families.
I had that. He should have been on anti bacterials. And I would add Ivermectin as it is also an anti bacterial.
Prayers for the drug problem.
He was on IV antibacterials. He had a reaction and developed Stevens Johnson Syndrome. His skin began peeling off.
See "Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C Infectious Diseases and Toxins" - by Thomas E Levy.
Thank you- will look this up!
Oh my, I do understand exactly where you are because it is where we have been. May God bless you with discernment, strength, lovingkindness, wisdom, and even more strength. Trust your gut feeling because you have known the feeling before. Does your court system have a "Drug Court" program? The one we have here, in Arkansas, saved our son's life. He is around now to tell you that. He is a OTR truck driver, youth church minister, now a home owner, and a newly married husband. He lives within 2 miles of us, and he talks to Dad every morning 5x week. Miracles do happen! Keep the Faith! Pray!
Thrilled to read that your son is doing so well! I do believe in miracles. Through God and with God all things are possible.
Hi Fren
May your son recover fully from all his health issues and addictions.
Thank you so much!
I will do some research for you. I will make a new comment with ny findings.
Thank you.
Prayer sent
Thank you BamaQ
Amen, Dazzy! Thank you.
Prayers said 🙏🏼
Thank you.
Prayers for God's healing and strength for you all - especially your son - during this heavy, heavy trial. I have personally known people in this situation, myself included (addiction and/or mental distress - I say that because not all desire for escape is due to physical addiction). Please keep us posted.
adding - jmo, but consider a visit with eye-to-eye contact giving him HOPE and that you LOVE him. In my darkest days, I didn't feel worthy of "love" and while parents/family "said" it, I wasn't feeling it... not sure if anything could change that at the time. And without love and hope, what is there?
Healed today but with understanding of yesterday and hope for tomorrow. God bless you all.
Thank you for these words. I will share them with my husband and will put them into practice.
I will keep y'all posted. Thank so much for your prayers, Dun. Bless you and God give you strength.
Prayers sent
Thanks so much!
Praying for you all.
Thank you, RiverWolf.
Your family will be in my prayers.
Thank you, ouvre_les_yeux!
You can still be supportive of your son without cutting him off. I had a similar situation with a family member a while back, and I regret not bailing them out and being supportive. if your son is suicidal, shutting your phone off so he can’t get a hold of you. You is a really shitty thing to do. There are consequences to actions, but having a supportive family is important. Choose wisely, because it could change the trajectory of his entire life. That being said… Regarding bailing him out, depending on the bail amount, that would be something to be considered. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this with your family member, because it really sucks big time. be praying for salvation, and for the Lord to change his life. Jesus is his only hope, but he needs to be able to hear his voice right now.
Thank you for this.
you’re welcome. I know it’s a very difficult time right now, and sometimes we feel like you were doing the right thing at the time, but later have regrets. I’m praying for you and your family to have an optimal outcome from this situation, and that Christ will change lives.
Praying now ditzee for your son and family. We know God can do the impossible. Have Faith! Pray Psalm 91 over your son and family everyday. Take care of yourself so you can face each day healthy and strong. Praying God will place the right people in his path for healing. 🙏🤍
Thank you for your kind words, Joys daughter. Hope, prayers and our firm belief in God are the only thing keeping us going.
Please update us! 🙏
FWIW, your story is almost exactly the same as a good friend of mine. It really hurt them to tell their son 'no' for bail. The son was looking to go into the big house but the court gave him another chance and go to rehab. The son did and has been on the road to recovery. He finally understands that words don't mean squat and actions are what counts. Make promises and keep them. Best of luck to you and your wife. All prayers and love.
Thank you, Pillar. As of yet, we don't know when the hearing will be held. We're thinking the judge will not grant bail but instead give him the choice of rehab or he can stay in jail. I'm the wife, lol. Thanks for your prayers and love. We appreciate them so much!
Prayers are going out to your entire family. These problems effect everyone & I am so sorry he was pulled back in this way.
I lost a friend exactly this way, went to the hospital & the doctor insisted he be given pain meds (he probably did need them) against his wishes & those of his wife. He had been sober for many years & his addiction started with pain meds from the hospital almost a decade earlier.
It ruined his parents financially. I had not heard from him for about two months when his wife called me and asked for some of the things I was storing for him until he was sober again. She asked if he had called me in the past week, and when I answered "No" she looked at a list and started balling. He died calling friends & family he needed to get right with, truly attempting to apologize for everything he had done. Apparently I was 4 down on the list. My parents were the last one he had tried to dial. He had given me hundreds of dollars over the years & told me that I needed to give it to my parents because he felt so bad for what he had done to them. He would never give me details, but my mother always hugged him & had him sit down to eat every time she saw him. She always believed he could be better, no matter how hard it was, & made sure he knew it.
Too many have been lost this way. I sincerely pray that he can find his way to lifelong recovery (sounds like he was there) again, and that Jesus will lift him up to meet all his trials.
Thank you, HonestBobbin. The fact that he had achieved sobroieity is what makes this so danged hard. I am so sorry to read about your friend. You are so right about us having lost too many good people to these drugs and the monsters who sell them.
Virtual hugs anon.
Thanks a million, Honest. I love the gif of POTUS hugging the flag!