Earlier today my wife asked me how I would react/feel when Trump doesn't win in November (bear in mind we're in the UK 😁 )
For a minute I was totally lost for words or thoughts - it was literally inconceivable to me. Obviously it isn't, because the DS could cheat again and we would have a whole other scenario than the one we wanted on our hands, but it did get me thinking.
How would we feel if it happened?
When the result didn't go Trumps' way in 2020 I was devastated at first, but eventually came to realise that it fitted in with the information decoded from the Q drops.
However, this time I think it's different. As far as I can tell, Trump is scripted to win, and there are no Q drops that even hint that the cheating will be allowed this time around - unless I've missed something.
So, all that being said, how I would feel if they called the election for someone other than Trump (assuming that would be Kamalama at this point) I would feel completely cut adrift and worried about what was going to happen next.
My personal opinion is that things will get very ugly before the election (war, stock mkt, riots, etc) and everyone will hate KH, but White Hats will script her to win, which will be a final componet and red pill of the Precipice, triggering the military to final intervene (publicly) and launch the public investigation, trials, declas, and hangings.
That's my hope, anyways. A "normal" election that Trump wins does not win over the 30 million brainwashed democrats.
I would tend to agree with your scenario, though I suspect there would be a substantial gap between Harris' election and the intervention. An even more obvious election steal followed by economic collapse under the umbrella of full fledged revolt by those who recognize the obvious steal would certainly qualify as "Pushed to the brink".
But in general, I would agree with you. I have never been able to envision DJT simply winning this election. I'm not entirely sure we will have an election.
And I would implore my fellow GAW members to prepare themselves for what I view as a very strong possibility that DJT will not win this election.
January 20th, 2021 is burned into my mind and I have little doubt that is true for all of you. But think of the lessons we've learned since that dark day. We MUST be prepared for the strong possibility that this election either won't happen or that it will be stolen. Remember again: Pushed to the brink.
Things are very bad right now. Millions of families are indeed pushed to the brink. Many patriots on this very board are pushed to the brink. This is why my stomach churns whenever I see a "comfy" post around here. But regardless, the country has NOT been collectively pushed to the brink.
Prepare yourselves, remember the lessons from the past.
I could not agree more. Almost like I wrote this comment.
Nailed it.
Be ready anons. Its not improbable.
Agreed. I feel like I wrote that lol.
Sounds like a plan let’s goooooooo
I've heard Trump say a dozen times in his speeches that they cheated last time but we're not going to let them cheat this time, or words to that effect. Not an exact quote, but what I got from it is that they won't be able to cheat enough to win, because of course there will be at least some cheating.
Other than that I'll cross the bridge when I come to it and in the meantime prayers up and powder dry.
They MUST cheat and then get caught and exposed publicly. However, they are being forced to cheat in less sneaky ways as curbs get put in on many of the “traditional” cheating methods. Also, keep in mind that the “cheat” could be done by Dems to help Trump win huuugely and then blame him for it to distract from the downballot race theft.
Trump’s comms meaning: “Cheat harder, bitches!”
This assumption presupposes that there will be an election. There are several scenarios where this doesn't happen. It might be the catalyst for the military to intervene.
Of course you're going to get down voted. We still have altruists here that think they know the plan and even mentioning that knowing the plan is not the goal will make them shit fire about it. The entire motive has always been to break the 2D conditioning of thought processing, but we are constantly missing the forest for the trees. Sorry if I seem agitated, I just know the feels.
I’ve quoted Q in opposition to what they determined they know the plan to be and got downvoted multiple times. So that’s just where we are with some of these people.
No fren … you are among good company.
I would be so angry, because I don’t wanna vote this time but I have to. I’m from Arizona and I’ve already had my vote stolen twice, and that’s just the ones that I know about. Voting for me I’m doing it under duress.
I hate to break the news to everyone… They are going to steal it again 😿
Vote anyway. Expect to see 230M+ “votes” in the tally. There are only ~165M registered voters total. MSM broadcasts these numbers, but declares Dem candidate the winner. Even retarded normies say “wuuuuut?”.
I am - I am. 👍
Voting under duress? What a snowflake
Sure pal. Sure…
Buckle up then because 💯 they gonna steal it.
The world has endured far worse evils than anything we are experiencing today. They used to feed Christians to lions. Pol Pot murdered millions of his own people.
Keep things in perspective. Our faith is in Christ, not anything in the world. He has overcome the world, and through him, we too shall overcome the world.
This to me has always been a thing that we have to keep in check within ourselves.
This time next year will be here before we know it. Whatever that is, will be.
If we are no longer this time next year, so be it.
I truly hope there is real Americans that will not bend the knee like they did for masks and the mRNA. Why? Because this time next year they might be taking away the constitution altogether and we might finally see what will be the consequences of weak minded people.
There will always be those who will prosper in a communist state and those who do prosper will be paying the highest consequences in the next reality of time. I find comfort in Jesus and His people. Just knowing the salt of the world is what the enemy is really after to extinguish and USA has the most salt. Yet much of the salt has no comprehension of what evil really is.
Maybe this is inevitable? Many do not understand how being weak in the Lord is precious. The evil unveiled is very scary and these woke will not understand until they are the first to be removed by the evil. They are not even considered a pawn to the evil that is salivating -
That is a possibility because we know this is going to go down to the wire. And there is a plan beyond President Trump's presidency.
Military is the only way as a saying because whether it happens out in the public or behind the scenes that is very true.
Well let me make this clear, you have faith correct? If so, we know where all of this leads. There is no stopping the path we are on because it is going to get horrible. If you believe in God and what the Bible says then we are in the end times and there is no stopping it. Regardless of who is placed in leadership things have to get horrible worldwide and the antichrist has to take control. There will be choices that we all will have to make. Just be prepared regardless because you don't ever want to be on the side that refuses God. I know where my life is headed and I will take the bullet to protect my loved ones and the innocent around me, but I will take some of them (the evils ones) with me, at least to the best of my ability. After all even God's angles are always depicted with weapons and shields. Once it is over I will never deny my God and will accept what comes. Prayers for you and all here. Just keep your faith even when it seems all is lost.
Trump is broadcasting in several ways he will be in office by March 4, 2025 (however it happens). We are in ENDGAME now. Dems will not get 2025-2029 to complete their destruction. The “pause” is nearly over.
2013-2017 The Setup
2017-2021 The New Foundation
2021-2025 The Pause
2025-2029 The Restoration
__ 16 year counterplan
2029-2037 The Vigilance
2037-2045 The Legacy
__ 16 year rebuild with restored sovereignty
Nearly direct parallel with what Andrew Jackson and company did 1829-1845 except shifted forward 4 years from 2029 (equiv to 1829) to 2025 (equiv to 1825). Globalist Agenda 2030 counter requires Patriots publicly in control 2025-2029 to stop it. It took until 1841 to get final liquidation of Central Bank #2 despite it being killed in 1832. Looks like 2028 (Trump term) and 2037 (Trump VP term) equivalents to kill FedRes for good worst case.
In Game Theory you get something I call “inevitability convergence”. This means that all possible scenarios are mapped out and “covered” to create conditions for “high certainty of victory”. The grunt work on this is creating multiple paths to victory including some that may appear to be “temporary losses”. Trump appears to have 4 separate paths back to the White House right now, and one of those involves a Dem opponent “blowout victory” of 120M+ votes, but with Trump also getting 100M+ votes. There are only ~165M total registered voters in US.
If Trump “wins” but election rigging in 2020 is not remedied and election rigging in 2024 and future is not stopped for good, then it is not really a win. Election rigging exposure is the WHOLE GAME, set and match.
I would be shocked and in the next breath I would realize this must be part of the plan...
God bless your family and Country, Cousin... 🇺🇸🇬🇧♥️
You need to be ready for war at all times.
You are the very last backup if things ever go badly.
The responsibility of this government is on the people. Take responsibility and be willing to put your life on the line.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Quit expecting someone to come save you if you won't save yourself.
Cowards do not win wars nor do the unprepared.
If you are prepared, you don't need to be indecisive if the election is botched again and the military doesn't save you like a damsel in distress.
Faith in Christ is #1. And if you think about it logically, the movement is now in the hopes and minds of the people. Start with taking back your community at the local level. Other people are doing the same.
I will be staring a Pitchfork company and building a factory.
I'm done with dooming its 2024!
Trump will win (Next 6 years part is talking about next year, 2025) u/#q3387
I think Biden will go full dictator and cancel the election, it's the perfect storm to bring America to the Precipice.
The economic collapse to destroy the central banks HAS to happen at some point, Biden would make a great fall guy, and take down the democratic party with him.
We've got monkeypox ramping up, and the Ohio train crash is a ticking time bomb.
At any moment, they can announce that the train crash poisoned the water supply which contaminated the 250,000 farms fed by the Ohio river and is causing cancer (to cover up vax cancer), so they need to be shut down = Instant chaos, food shortages, and economic collapse.
Q posted "We're not gonna take it" which had another song on that channel about the water supply being poisoned.
23,20,23 = WTW = Watch the Water.
2/3/2023 = The Ohio train crash poisoning the water supply of 5 million people and 250,000 farms with insanely toxic cancer causing Vinyl Chloride.
I do think he will win and it will be different this time. Q told us this ends in 2025. Q said the last 2 next 6 and that was in 2019.
Quit thinking about how you would feel. This isn’t theDonald/Patriots.win
This is the friggin Greatawakening.win
This is a site for the Anons. Read all the Q posts if you are getting squeamish. They prove themselves that the Military is in 100% control.
One does not take on the Central Banker owned Industrial Military Complex without putting the evil fooks down, permanently.
Q133 asks who are the puppet masters, and points out that it is the people who own the Central Banks https://qagg.news/?read=133
Q520 says the puppet masters have been removed. Dated 1/13/2018 https://qagg.news/?read=520
Take this as tough love anon. Now quit wasting time and help guide the sheep when they awake
I'm sure they will steal it, they know they can't back out of their covenants with Satan even if they wanted to, the unknown is around how we then reclaim it.
If that happens we will pack up an leave this miserable island haha
The world as we know it will be well on the path to full destruction.
You wouldn't have to worry for long. Trump loses, it would be the END for the peons of the world that are not part of the WEF or one of the elite organizations. Reducing the population to 500 million means we are all dead men walking. What if Trump wins? People thinking we will be living in a utopia world is not likely to happen either. In the last 4 years the elite have divided the world into two classes of people, Muslim and everybody else. The men that won in the Revolutionary War certainly did not experience a utopia afterwards and I don't think we should be so dumb as to think we will either. We will have our freedom and many new inventions will finally be revealed but time it will take and for those of us in our 70s, that is something we don't have a lot of BUT I will be happy if he just wins and puts the USA back on track as a Republic!
Well, there are options that there will not be elections or there will be military controlled elections. Trump may end up running unopposed if KH anchor baby status would be brought in at some point. And mind, some states have laws restricting the name change on the ballots. We cannot go into 2024 elections without fixing 2020 elections. And we don't know how it will happen. Supreme Court? Arrests? Trump himself said recently that he should be proclaimed a winner of 2020 or we should have new elections. It's pointless to guess now. There is no guarantee that DNC would elect KH for running.
No one wants the worst case scenario to play out and I think it’s going to be ugly either way the election turns out. I’ve been ready in every way for so long I just want it to start so we can get it over with
Focus is really on God. This is His plan and Trump is His man. His David. We like to think Trump belongs to us…remember no matter the outcome God wins. He always goes before us in battle. Think of some of the “crazy or odd” methods of exposure. I think it’s God’s sense of humor. Example. Fani Willis. Attorney General GA. Name Fani, butt, large, ego large, boyfriend, not a looker, her affair caught her up in a mess and massively exposed her for a fraud. She tried to use God as cover and she was more exposed. Really quite 😁 Head up.
Cheating will happen, and it's going to be more obvious this time.
I don't believe in military intervention, this is a battle for the mind of the masses.
They won't swoop in and change everything, they will just make it obvious what's wrong and corrupt and it's up to the people to slowly change things via voting / running for office.
1 billion votes for the DNC candidate = the entire system becomes a laughingstock and the useful idiots do the revolting for us.
I am definitely in the camp of thinking either there won't be an election or it will definitely get stolen, w/ s***show stuff happening before and definitely after. How long it drags out will be the key variable.
What happens when Americans are put under a dictatorship?