Iirc, the history channel (or was it TLC or the Discovery channel?) aired a big report on JFK’s assassination on the 50th anniversary. This report named Johnson and his buddies as being complicit, which was stunning. They mentioned it was done in Dallas because LBJ the Texan knew everyone there and could control things. Remember the guy on the plane smiling and winking as LBJ is being sworn in? Very disturbing. The day after this show aired, the Johnson family furiously responded that none of it was true. No idea if there was ever a retraction, or if the family ever sued.
That clip with him swearing in with Jackie there, he was winking at someone very conspiratorially. He had lied to Jackie and told her that she had to be at the swearing in. She had wanted to be with her husband's body as it was flown back to DC. I think I saw the same documentary. I tried to find it again, but it has disappeared. It was very detailed.
There was also a documentary - might be the same one(?) - that talked about a man in TX who looked so much like JFK that they teased him and called him JFK. "Coincidentally", IIRC, the JFK look-alike either disappeared or was killed about the same time as JFK's assassination.
The documentary speculated that a doctor who specialized in plastic surgery may have done some quick post-mortem work on the JFK look-alike's body and that IT may have been used for the autopsy and/or been used to replace JFK's body in the casket (and cemetary).
Who knows? JFK's assassination was NEVER as it was reported in the official narrative.
Hopefully, the truth about WHAT REALLY happened and WHO was REALLY responsible will FINALLY come out in the next few years.
Yes, he was a police officer nicknamed JFK and he disappeared right after the assassination. When the CIA does an assassination, they often kill a look alike in the exact way to match their made up story, so when the autopsy is done the evidence matches their story. It was a very detailed documentary.
It was Officer Tippit who was also allegedly killed by Oswald. Some think it was Tippit's corpse that flew back to DC on AF1. Supposedly when Bobby saw the body in DC, he said, "It's not him"
I cried at the time. I was in 6th grade. I will never forget it. Saw the funeral on live TV and everyone in our family cried again when John, Jr saluted his dad’s casket. The country truly loved JFK.
I was in 7th grade, they announced it over the PA, school was dismissed in Queens, NYC, I walked home, the tv was on and my mother was watching, my gran was watching, I think we sat at that tv for 3 days. I was frightened, so frightened, the unimaginable had happened.Of course being just a kid, I had believed that the President of the United States was untouchable, almost super human, they taught us of course that Lincoln had been shot, but as a kid in the 60's, that seemed like ancient history to me.
The Cabal worships Satan and will do his bidding. Nothing is beyond their conscience to keep power and rule the world. Murder and war along with lying out their teeth about it and they don't care if you know or not. The people going up against the CIA/Mossad/Nazi world government are in grave danger and need our prayers. May God protect them as they attempt something that has never been accomplished in the history of man!
The agencies realized that they made martyrs so they turned to character assassination attempts like the Pee Pee Dossier. They tried to say MLK was having drug orgies and all type of weird stuff, but silence in Epstein.
I worked for someone in the rare book business and she had JFKs diary she was going to auction for the owner of it. I had the opportunity to read it and I'm convinced that he was not a womanizer and that he loved his wife very much.
Reading the comments on X....It's incredible to me that so many people don't realize that RFK Jr's father was also assassinated a few years after JFK. Do they not teach this in history anymore???
This is barely on-topic, but as great as it is that Elon bought Twitter/X, it still bothers me that you still have to self-censor words like "assassinated" or "killed" or the like to keep unseen forces from killing your engagement.
I imagine this was a major problem when Trump was shot at.
I wonder if it's because those words can also be used for promoting such acts? Just a thought. It doesn't seem right that we can't speak of it historically.
Anyone else thinking that RFK Jr is the most likely successor for MAGA?
Remember, Trump was a liberal years back as well. Who better than the son and nephew of the Deep State's most notable victims?
Making 'threats' against the same people that killed JFK, RFK and attempted to kill Trump is useless unless he has US. Seal teams or equal defense protecting him. Never tell the enemy what you are doing.
The only Tiny Hats I have a problem with are ones who adhere to the depraved, kid-fucking Talmud, in which its written that sex with a girl under the age of 3 years old is no different than poking her in the eye. It's a supremacist book full of hatred and disdain for anyone not in the club. Unfortunately, that seems to be most of the Tiny Hats.
The assassination was so sombre...and then Johnson was smiling! What an evil bastard!
Iirc, the history channel (or was it TLC or the Discovery channel?) aired a big report on JFK’s assassination on the 50th anniversary. This report named Johnson and his buddies as being complicit, which was stunning. They mentioned it was done in Dallas because LBJ the Texan knew everyone there and could control things. Remember the guy on the plane smiling and winking as LBJ is being sworn in? Very disturbing. The day after this show aired, the Johnson family furiously responded that none of it was true. No idea if there was ever a retraction, or if the family ever sued.
That clip with him swearing in with Jackie there, he was winking at someone very conspiratorially. He had lied to Jackie and told her that she had to be at the swearing in. She had wanted to be with her husband's body as it was flown back to DC. I think I saw the same documentary. I tried to find it again, but it has disappeared. It was very detailed.
She would not change the blood stained pink suit. She won that one against one of the biggest bastards ever born.
Evil was absolutely running amok then.
There was also a documentary - might be the same one(?) - that talked about a man in TX who looked so much like JFK that they teased him and called him JFK. "Coincidentally", IIRC, the JFK look-alike either disappeared or was killed about the same time as JFK's assassination.
The documentary speculated that a doctor who specialized in plastic surgery may have done some quick post-mortem work on the JFK look-alike's body and that IT may have been used for the autopsy and/or been used to replace JFK's body in the casket (and cemetary).
Who knows? JFK's assassination was NEVER as it was reported in the official narrative.
Hopefully, the truth about WHAT REALLY happened and WHO was REALLY responsible will FINALLY come out in the next few years.
Yes, he was a police officer nicknamed JFK and he disappeared right after the assassination. When the CIA does an assassination, they often kill a look alike in the exact way to match their made up story, so when the autopsy is done the evidence matches their story. It was a very detailed documentary.
It was Officer Tippit who was also allegedly killed by Oswald. Some think it was Tippit's corpse that flew back to DC on AF1. Supposedly when Bobby saw the body in DC, he said, "It's not him"
It was just a matter of time, for them to get rid of Bobby after that. I can't wait for the full truth to come out.
Johnson told his mistress ‘that son of a bitch is never gonna embarrass me again’
I remember that! Johnson was a Horrible Horrible person.
Yes! They were laughing in the plane back to DC when he was sworn in and that wasn't necessary, LBJ just wanted the photo op..🤬👿
Giddy with joy actually.
Imagine if God had not interviened in Butler, "they" all would be smiling ear to ear.
You're right! I do believe that President Trump is indeed blessed by God!
this brought tears-and I didn’t expect it.
I cried at the time. I was in 6th grade. I will never forget it. Saw the funeral on live TV and everyone in our family cried again when John, Jr saluted his dad’s casket. The country truly loved JFK.
I was in 7th grade, they announced it over the PA, school was dismissed in Queens, NYC, I walked home, the tv was on and my mother was watching, my gran was watching, I think we sat at that tv for 3 days. I was frightened, so frightened, the unimaginable had happened.Of course being just a kid, I had believed that the President of the United States was untouchable, almost super human, they taught us of course that Lincoln had been shot, but as a kid in the 60's, that seemed like ancient history to me.
Me, too!
Brings tears to my eyes. I wasn’t alive then but I feel the moment.
I was just a 4 year old kid but witnessed both my parents sobbing. That scares the shit out of a 4 year old. A very somber time.
They all know they're FUCKED! Their end is near and they're doing everything they can to stop it. NCSWC.
This is when they are most dangerous. We must remain vigilant.
3:39 Q drop 339 We have a very special place picked out for GS. add the numbers 15 Q drop 15 There are more good people than bad.
This is a fan made video not RFK Jr’s
The Cabal worships Satan and will do his bidding. Nothing is beyond their conscience to keep power and rule the world. Murder and war along with lying out their teeth about it and they don't care if you know or not. The people going up against the CIA/Mossad/Nazi world government are in grave danger and need our prayers. May God protect them as they attempt something that has never been accomplished in the history of man!
On JFK, with what we now know re the deep state lying about pretty much everything, was he the womanizer etc that they have made him out to be?
I tend to question everything these days.
The agencies realized that they made martyrs so they turned to character assassination attempts like the Pee Pee Dossier. They tried to say MLK was having drug orgies and all type of weird stuff, but silence in Epstein.
I worked for someone in the rare book business and she had JFKs diary she was going to auction for the owner of it. I had the opportunity to read it and I'm convinced that he was not a womanizer and that he loved his wife very much.
He was a whore. Bobby had to reign him in.
Reading the comments on X....It's incredible to me that so many people don't realize that RFK Jr's father was also assassinated a few years after JFK. Do they not teach this in history anymore???
This is barely on-topic, but as great as it is that Elon bought Twitter/X, it still bothers me that you still have to self-censor words like "assassinated" or "killed" or the like to keep unseen forces from killing your engagement.
I imagine this was a major problem when Trump was shot at.
Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.
I wonder if it's because those words can also be used for promoting such acts? Just a thought. It doesn't seem right that we can't speak of it historically.
Wow, that was chilling...
America's first revolution is almost won. Hold the line.
I love the ad..brings tears .it's shadow banned on youtube..naturally
Anyone else thinking that RFK Jr is the most likely successor for MAGA? Remember, Trump was a liberal years back as well. Who better than the son and nephew of the Deep State's most notable victims?
Making 'threats' against the same people that killed JFK, RFK and attempted to kill Trump is useless unless he has US. Seal teams or equal defense protecting him. Never tell the enemy what you are doing.
The only Tiny Hats I have a problem with are ones who adhere to the depraved, kid-fucking Talmud, in which its written that sex with a girl under the age of 3 years old is no different than poking her in the eye. It's a supremacist book full of hatred and disdain for anyone not in the club. Unfortunately, that seems to be most of the Tiny Hats.
Well, this is going to rustle some jimmies! This is more powerful than almost anything President Trump can say.😥😥😥💖💖💖
King's widow proved in court that it was US govt that killed her husband. The rest were US Govt too, no doubt
Trump needs to fire Vance and pick Kennedy as his running mate.
Kennedy said he didn't want it. I saw him in an interview saying that VP has too limited powers. And no budget.