What is the value of an illiterate, violent and utterly alien third-worlder to any advanced civilization? No one has ever needed them, now or at any other time.
Whimsical fictions about free market labor arbitrage has no answers to why people with no way to even migrate have arrived with drivers licenses (that have never driven), 'work authority' that has never been issued, money and benefits that they have never earned including what appear to be free cars (!), housing that they have never paid for, no applicable skills, no local language, and an apparent permanent police-stand-down and media in full denial and obstruction mode for any crime they commit.
The fake-news pravdas are gonna pravda. The latest spins are 'the brave haitians are rescuing the poor geese', and 'the community of Springfield is facing untold hardship and terror due to the wild and unfounded theories of Donald Trump - thankfully they have thousands of hero haitians to help in this time of dire need.'
I think the township has to arrest their mayor and whoever constitutes the rest of the town council, thats the first step in rolling this insanity back.
I'd like to see a return to tar and feathers. How does a whole town council sell out its own? Must be millions of dollars flowing in. Enough so when the town parasites ruin their own surroundings they can move on to Beverly Hills or something.
President Trump signs the Farm Bill making dog and cat meat illegal in the United States
Friday, December 21, 2018
On Thursday, in a groundbreaking victory for animals in the United States and across the world, the “Dog and Cat Meat Prohibition Act” was signed into law by President Trump as a provision of the Farm Bill. The bill was spearheaded and sponsored by the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation (AHWF), a nonprofit that rescues dogs and cats from the dog and cat meat trade abroad. The Act makes it a federal offense to slaughter, trade and import/export dogs and cats for human consumption, a practice that was previously legal in 44 states.
While the practice is uncommon in America, a number of recent cases were discovered in Hawaii, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and New York. Many of these dogs and cats were taken from shelters, some found as strays, others were stolen pets from families. While the ban on dog and cat meat consumption only applies to the practice within the United States, it will also serve to strengthen the position of activists fighting against the dog and cat meat trade around the world.
Exactly! There is a reason liberal news sources open up on a story. Once the story become to big to hid, they have orders to control the narrative by releasing a sideways version of the truth.
This is also why, on certain stories, whistleblowers come forward. It's all about controlling the narrative.
Votes for sale maybe, but mysteriously crates of automatic weapons, and machetes (terror affect) will be dropped dead in the center of these Haitian hordes.
Why are they there? MONEY! Think of all the millions taxpayers are paying for their rent and EBT cards. I read the Mayor has multiple properties he is renting to the GOV. to house these people. Vote Blue and get screwed!
Why should I give a shit? They are a conservative town which was part of the same people who were too pussy to do anything about the 2020 election theft. If they are too weak to do anything about their town being invaded then they deserve the consequences.
If the shoe were on the other foot the Haitians would be killing, and probably eating, the invaders.
Is that adequate, and if not what EXACTLY do you suggest citizens do? In your statement about them being weak, you don’t offer any solution. What would you do?
Tell me exact what overt actions you have been taking in light of the 2020 election theft. Surely you not going to excuse that you see no need to act until your very own door is stove in.
Disclaimer: None of the words I commented above should be construed as supporting any violent action against any person, group, or entity.
A philosophical expression: (Nothing I type below should be construed as supporting proactive violence against any person, group, or entity)
When one understands that death is a surety, that none of us get out of here alive, it can be a comforting thing.
We are already dead. The only reason those who understand this fear death is because we don't want to leave our loved ones without our aid, we don't want to have our chance to fight back, to make the enemy pay taken from us.
They finally admitted it. Americans should have taken things into their own hands when the democrat, subhuman, retards were saying there’s no Haitians, no pet eating, etc. Since there were no Haitians then and no issues caused by them, Americans should have started going hunting Haitians like they hunt our pets. It’s not a problem because there is no problem. 🤷♂️
Agreed with you, we should hunt all these illegals destroying our country and honestly the only one we have left for freedom, the other countries are in trouble.
What is the value of an illiterate, violent and utterly alien third-worlder to any advanced civilization? No one has ever needed them, now or at any other time.
Whimsical fictions about free market labor arbitrage has no answers to why people with no way to even migrate have arrived with drivers licenses (that have never driven), 'work authority' that has never been issued, money and benefits that they have never earned including what appear to be free cars (!), housing that they have never paid for, no applicable skills, no local language, and an apparent permanent police-stand-down and media in full denial and obstruction mode for any crime they commit.
define treason
Well said IMHO, and quite accurate. I wish normies and fence sitters could read stuff like this in the NYT instead of the slop they publish now.
The fake-news pravdas are gonna pravda. The latest spins are 'the brave haitians are rescuing the poor geese', and 'the community of Springfield is facing untold hardship and terror due to the wild and unfounded theories of Donald Trump - thankfully they have thousands of hero haitians to help in this time of dire need.'
I think the township has to arrest their mayor and whoever constitutes the rest of the town council, thats the first step in rolling this insanity back.
I'd like to see a return to tar and feathers. How does a whole town council sell out its own? Must be millions of dollars flowing in. Enough so when the town parasites ruin their own surroundings they can move on to Beverly Hills or something.
Donald Trump????
2018!!! 👀
President Trump signs the Farm Bill making dog and cat meat illegal in the United States
Friday, December 21, 2018
On Thursday, in a groundbreaking victory for animals in the United States and across the world, the “Dog and Cat Meat Prohibition Act” was signed into law by President Trump as a provision of the Farm Bill. The bill was spearheaded and sponsored by the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation (AHWF), a nonprofit that rescues dogs and cats from the dog and cat meat trade abroad. The Act makes it a federal offense to slaughter, trade and import/export dogs and cats for human consumption, a practice that was previously legal in 44 states.
While the practice is uncommon in America, a number of recent cases were discovered in Hawaii, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and New York. Many of these dogs and cats were taken from shelters, some found as strays, others were stolen pets from families. While the ban on dog and cat meat consumption only applies to the practice within the United States, it will also serve to strengthen the position of activists fighting against the dog and cat meat trade around the world.
Exactly! There is a reason liberal news sources open up on a story. Once the story become to big to hid, they have orders to control the narrative by releasing a sideways version of the truth.
This is also why, on certain stories, whistleblowers come forward. It's all about controlling the narrative.
Votes for sale.
Votes for sale maybe, but mysteriously crates of automatic weapons, and machetes (terror affect) will be dropped dead in the center of these Haitian hordes.
Why do you think the foreign hostile aberrant populations of fighting age men are being deposited in conservative rural areas?
We need a Deportation Czar.
I know just the guy.
Stephen Miller.✔️
The so-called war on anything turned into a loser, and the Czar of anything turned into an asshat.
Why are they there? MONEY! Think of all the millions taxpayers are paying for their rent and EBT cards. I read the Mayor has multiple properties he is renting to the GOV. to house these people. Vote Blue and get screwed!
He really needs to suffer some devestating losses so he learns a valuable lesson…
Tens of thousands.
20,000 Haitians In a town of 60,000 Americans.
And these 3rd worlders are causing massive problems for the local residents.
Why should I give a shit? They are a conservative town which was part of the same people who were too pussy to do anything about the 2020 election theft. If they are too weak to do anything about their town being invaded then they deserve the consequences.
If the shoe were on the other foot the Haitians would be killing, and probably eating, the invaders.
What is your suggestion?
Citizens are petitioning to have the entire city council removed. See here… https://countylocalnews.com/article1/2024/09/12/springfield-ohio-residents-demand-recall-of-city-council-amid-haitian-migrant-crisis/
Is that adequate, and if not what EXACTLY do you suggest citizens do? In your statement about them being weak, you don’t offer any solution. What would you do?
Tell me exact what overt actions you have been taking in light of the 2020 election theft. Surely you not going to excuse that you see no need to act until your very own door is stove in.
Disclaimer: None of the words I commented above should be construed as supporting any violent action against any person, group, or entity.
Irrelevant. Trying to shift and avoid blame is a coward's tactic
If they are indeed trying to avoid any blame, then I totally agree with you.
This week thousands. Next month a million. Yada, yada...
Are we really gonna have to wait another freaking week for step 3 in their narrative collapse?
I'm enjoying the show and my blood pressure's low.
A philosophical expression: (Nothing I type below should be construed as supporting proactive violence against any person, group, or entity)
When one understands that death is a surety, that none of us get out of here alive, it can be a comforting thing.
We are already dead. The only reason those who understand this fear death is because we don't want to leave our loved ones without our aid, we don't want to have our chance to fight back, to make the enemy pay taken from us.
I have no doubt that DeWiener campaigned on this and thoroughly explained his plan to his voters who in turn elected him.
Huh? That's not how it works?
No, but close. Unless by 'his voters' you mean 'the Deep State'.
Move the Haitians to Detroit. Give them all a currently abandoned house and let them live there.
Haitians could only improve Detroit.
You're getting slammed for this comment, but not far from the truth pal.
You win the most ignorant comment of the day.
They finally admitted it. Americans should have taken things into their own hands when the democrat, subhuman, retards were saying there’s no Haitians, no pet eating, etc. Since there were no Haitians then and no issues caused by them, Americans should have started going hunting Haitians like they hunt our pets. It’s not a problem because there is no problem. 🤷♂️
Agreed with you, we should hunt all these illegals destroying our country and honestly the only one we have left for freedom, the other countries are in trouble.
Ahh, the most dangerous prey! (Immigrants)
Definitely they are.
Wrong. They were PLACED there. Why the fuck would haitians come to cold ass ohio when their native weather is tropic
How weird, they show a picture of them “working”.
The New York Crimes is written by bird brains for bird brains.
Someone needs to do a Baghdad Bob AI of "There are no haitians, anywhere!"
LOL we are already getting the Tokyo Rose, the Hanoi Hannah' version of propaganda from the leftist media.