They consider MAGA to be "uneducated", therefore, they are the lower class.
Elite is probably the wrong word, but basically those who go to University to be intensely programmed are also adopted in the "elite" group.
They have been indoctrinated to believe in their own cultures destruction, through relentless waves of migration, and hyper social "progression" that has an endless path to utter depravity.
It may be more simple than that...a choice between good and evil and people are picking sides.
AND that is THE MOST INSIGHTFUL COMMENT that it's worth it's weight in Gold...!!!!
working class is no longer dock-workers and miners etc.
It is anyone who is not the 1%.
Well said!
always has been
Always will be, unless it all comes down like a house of cards.
It's good vs evil. No other way to put it.
yep, so why did it take them years to notice🤔
scary to think about How different they are...
She still needs to keep thinking, but it’s a good starting point.
Perhaps she is thinking and spoon feeding those who have yet to think 🤔.
FWIW, I am still seeing people stuck in the proverbial ‘starters box’. Perhaps they are the 5-6%…. 🤷
With that I am seeing people awaken more each day it’s glorious.
I am seeing more people Awaken, unfortunately it's most visible at funerals.
Saw a dude driving alone in his car wearing two masks yesterday. So there's that.
That’s rough. Stay strong!
It's not about being black or white either, but soon it may be about legal citizens vs illegal invaders.
She needs to ask herself why there's a divide in the first place.
But who is she calling the elites, the Republicans or Democrats?
She isn’t. Read slowly.
Yeah yeah… but does she think MAGA is elite or working class?
They consider MAGA to be "uneducated", therefore, they are the lower class.
Elite is probably the wrong word, but basically those who go to University to be intensely programmed are also adopted in the "elite" group.
They have been indoctrinated to believe in their own cultures destruction, through relentless waves of migration, and hyper social "progression" that has an endless path to utter depravity.
Always has been
Always thought we were headed toward Hunger Games
uh yeah!!!
Good and evil. Both working class and elites have them.
Please don't call them elites.
They don't deserve it...
Gee ya think?!
People are catching up.
Fun fact, there's nothing elite about them
The Divide is between Good and Evil.
See my comment with relevant Q drop.
If it's as plain as that, the working class just needs to understand that we have the upper hand in every way necessary.
Question is. Will they understand before they become baffled?
That is a fine point.
As fine as the tip of a needle.
Absolutely, they have just started calling the Working Class and anyone who fights for them- Far Right.
And good vs demented